Sohee Jang, Insuk Park, Hoyun Cho And Soon Joo Hyun
School of Engineering, Information and Communications University
119, Munjiro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-732, Korea
Keywords: Semantic Web, Relational Database, Web Ontology Language (OWL).
Abstract: Semantic Web provides means to share well-defined meaning of terms with semantically annotated
information. In the current Web, most of the Web applications generate Web contents dynamically at the
time of user request from underlying relational databases. To represent the relational data to the Semantic
Web environment, the relational data should be transformed into the ontology form. In this paper, we
propose a Semantic Web technique to convert relational database into ontology in OWL using multi-way
semantics extraction technique. Extracted from E/R modeling components, schema descriptions and stored
data, the generated ontology will provide application developers with rich semantics so as to quickly build a
knowledge base for advanced Semantic Web services. Extracting the semantic information out of the
traditional databases will provide enterprises with more opportunities for many value-added services.
Exchanging machine-understandable data on the
Web is an important research issue. In the current
Web, contents are dynamically collected at the time
of query requests typically from underlying
databases, and the contents of the database-driven
Web sites do not have the semantics that machines
can understand. The Semantic Web framework and
ontology are intended to give a solution to the
problem (Berners-Lee et al., 2001).
Let us assume that a buying agent in e-businesses
communicates with selling agents. The buying agent
may only understand the values of merchandises by
property of <worth>, whereas some other selling
agents may use different properties, such as
<price>. To share and exchange the merchandise
information among those software agents, the
information expressed in different terms in different
databases need to be mutually understood and thus
made transparent in a way through the Semantic
Web using ontology expression. The proposed
research in this paper was motivated by the fact that
the structural model and semantic constraints, such
as type information, cardinality, and uniqueness
expressed in the ontology are closely compatible to
those of relational database schema. So that
semantics can be automatically extracted by well-
defined conversion rules.
There are several researches in this track
(Upadhyaya et al., 2005)(Buccella et al.,
2004)(Laborda et al., 2005)(Bizer, 2003)(Korotkiy
et al., 2004). Upadhyaya et al. have developed a tool
for extracting OWL ontology from the Extended E/R
models, named ERONTO (Upadhyaya et al., 2005).
Although they considered the E/R models that are
widely used for the semantic design of the databases,
they did not consider semantics extractions from the
relational schema and conversion of stored data in a
database. Therefore, the data stored in the relational
databases can not be automatically converted into
ontology individuals. The mapping rules proposed
by Buccella et al. take into account only the
relational schema, e.g. SQL/DDL, for generating
OWL ontology (Buccella et al, 2004). They also did
not convert its stored data into ontology individuals.
Laborda et al. introduced Relational.OWL ontology
for the purpose of exchanging data among remote
database systems (Laborda et al., 2005).
In this paper, we propose a multi-way semantics
extraction strategy by converting a relational schema
and its E/R components into OWL ontology and the
stored data into ontology individuals. Our proposed
strategy employs three different extraction paths:
E/R to ontology, relational schema to ontology and
Jang S., Park I., Cho H. and Joo Hyun S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 563-568
DOI: 10.5220/0002383105630568
relational data to ontology individuals as depicted in
Figure 1 of Section 2. Our approach uses pure OWL
language. OWL can represent the meaning of a term
which is machine understandable in the Semantic
Web. OWL is used to define ontology and has more
vocabularies for expressing meaning and semantics
than XML, RDF, and RDF-S (Smith et al,
2004)(Manola et al, 2004). Therefore, the resulting
ontology and ontology individuals can be used by
Semantic Web applications and inference engines. In
addition, the migration of stored data into ontology
individuals will help Semantic Web application
developers easily build the knowledge base for
Semantic Web service environments.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the details of the proposed conversion rules
and procedures. Section 3 shows how the relational
database is converted into ontology using a
relational database example. Finally, Section 4
concludes the proposed work.
Different from the existing researches on this issue,
the proposed strategy reported in this paper involves
multi-way semantics extractions from the relational
metadata, its E/R modeling components and stored
relational data as shown in Figure 1. The E/R model
implies more semantics than the relational model
does (Chen, 2002). We can extract semantics of data
from entities and relationships of E/R model. Such
semantics cannot be extracted from relational model.
The relations of the relational model are just tables
and imply little semantics. Therefore, we considered
both the relational schema and E/R model. In
addition, the stored data in a database must be
migrated to ontology individuals so that this
converting work becomes useful and practical. By
doing so, the resulting semantics in OWL ontology
will be made more expressive and useful to the
application developers during the course of service
Figure 1: Multi-way Semantics Extraction Scheme.
The semantics extraction procedure is as follows.
At first, ontology semantics are extracted from the
E/R modeling components producing an ER-to-OWL
Map. Next, some information of the relational
schema that is not represented in the E/R model,
such as the data types of attributes, is also converted
into the ontology so as to produce an RDB-to-OWL
Map. Finally, ontology individuals are generated
from the stored data in the database by using ER-to-
OWL Map and RDB-to-OWL Map. Table 1 shows
the mapping rules from both E/R model and
relational schema information to OWL ontology. In
this paper, we consider the standard E/R model, not
the Extended E/R model (Elmasri et al., 2003).
Table 1: Mapping E/R Model and Relational Schema to
E/R or Relational
OWL Ontology
Entity Class
Simple attribute Functional data property
Composite attribute Functional data properties
Non-functional data type property
Key attribute Functional data property and
inverse functional data property
1:1 relationship A pair of two functional object
1:N relationship A pair of functional object property
and non-functional object property
Weak entity A pair of functional object property
with cardinality 1 and non-
functional object property
M:N relationship A pair of two non-functional object
N-ary relationship A bridging class and N pairs of
object properties
Role Name of a property
Participation Cardinality constraint
Data type of column XML data type
The schema information of the E/R model and
the relational model are listed in the first column of
Table 1. The second column represents the
corresponding of OWL ontology descriptions. The
conversion rules indicate entity, attribute,
relationship, role and participation of the E/R model,
and data types in the relational database. There are
detailed explanations and examples in Section 3.
In this section, we demonstrate how the mapping
rules defined in the previous section generate the
corresponding OWL ontology expressions. Using a
typical COMPANY database given in Figure 2,
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Section 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 illustrate how entities and
attributes, relationships and other schema
descriptions are expressed into OWL ontology,
respectively. Section 3.4 shows how ontology
individuals are extracted from the relational data.
Figure 2. E/R Diagram of COMPANY Database.
3.1 Entities and Attributes
3.1.1 Entities
An entity is transformed into a class in OWL. The
name of the entity is assigned to an ID of the OWL
class. In the COMPANY database, Department entity
is converted a class. Figure 3 shows how
Department entity and its attributes are converted
into OWL forms.
3.1.2 Attributes
There are three types of attributes: simple attribute,
composite attribute and multi-valued attribute. First,
the simple attribute is transformed into a functional
data type property in OWL. Since an entity has a
value for its simple attribute, the data type property
of the simple attribute has to be the functional
property in OWL. DName in Figure 3 is an example
of a simple attribute. Second, each member attribute
of a composite attribute in E/R model is transformed
into a functional data type property in OWL.
Finally, a multi-valued attribute is converted into a
non-functional data type property in OWL. Since an
entity has one or more values for the multi-valued
attribute, the attribute is not the functional property
in OWL. DLocation in Figure 3 is an example of a
multi-valued attribute.
If an attribute is a key attribute of an entity, the
property of the key attribute is also inverse
functional property. The class of the entity has a
cardinality restriction of 1 on the property of the key
attribute. DNumber attribute in Figure 3 is an
example of the key attribute of the entity.
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Department">
rdf:resource="#DNumber" />
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="DNumber">
rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" />
" />
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="DName">
rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" />
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="DLocation" />
Figure 3: OWL Description of an Entity and its Attributes.
It is to be noted that not all the semantics can be
transformed into OWL ontology due to the inherent
expression gap between the languages of databases
and ontology: SQL and OWL. There are a few
mapping difficulties which have to be handled with
some ad-hoc expressions in OWL after all. First, the
scope of the uniqueness of the inverse functional
property is different from the scope of the
uniqueness of the primary key. The former is viewed
in ontology and the latter is viewed within a table.
Second, it is difficult to transform the composite
keys to OWL forms. We use several properties to
represent the attributes of the composite keys in
OWL. The properties can be defined as inverse
functional properties. However, it does not mean
that the combination of their values is unique and
not possible for the combination of all the properties
to be defined by using one inverse functional
3.2 Relationship
Relationships are divided into two categories; binary
relationships and N-ary relationships. Binary
relationships are divided again into three: 1:1, 1:N
and M:N relationships. The property of the OWL
describes directions unlike the relationships in E/R
model. Therefore, we use a pair of object properties
that are inverse to each other.
3.2.1 1:1 Relationship
This relationship is transformed into a pair of
functional object properties. One of the two classes
participating in the relationship is assigned to the
domain of a property and the other class is assigned
to range of a property. One property is an inverse of
the other property. Figure 4 shows 1:1 relationship
between Employee and Department entities.
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Employee" />
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Department" />
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="Manages">
rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Employee" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Department" />
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="Has_Manager">
<owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#Manages" />
rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Department" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Employee" />
Figure 4. OWL Description of 1:1 Relationship.
3.2.2 1:N Relationship
This relationship is the same as 1:1 relationship
except that one of two object properties is non-
functional property. The object property which has a
class of N-side entity as domain, and a class of 1-
side entity as range becomes a non-functional
property as the N-side entity can participate in the
relationship more than once.
The relationship between a weak entity and a
strong entity is the special case of the 1:N
relationship. It is the same as 1:N relationship except
that the class of a weak entity has a cardinality
restriction of 1 on the functional property. Since the
key of strong entity also plays a role of a partial key
of the weak entity, the weak entity must participate
in the relationship, exactly once. For example,
Dependent entity and Employee entity in the
COMPANY database are a weak entity and a strong
entity, respectively. Figure 5 shows an OWL
description of weak entity and strong entity.
3.2.3 M:N Relationship
M:N relationship is converted into a pair of non-
functional object properties in OWL. In relational
databases, representation of the M:N relationships is
a little tricky. A bridging table is used in order to
describe the M:N relationship. However, OWL can
represent M:N relationship like other binary
relationships. In the COMPANY database, Employee
entity and Project entity are participated in M:N
relationship, through Work_on relationship. Figure 6
shows an OWL description of the M:N relationship.
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Employee" />
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Dependent">
rdf:resource="#Dependents_Of" />
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="Has_Dependents">
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Employee" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Dependent" />
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="Dependents_Of">
rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" />
rdf:resource="#Has_Dependents" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Dependent" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Employee" />
Figure 5. OWL Description of a Relationship between
Strong Entity and Weak Entity.
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Employee" />
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Project" />
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="Works_On">
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Employee" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Project" />
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="Has_Members">
<owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#Works_On" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Project" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Employee" />
Figure 6. OWL Description of M:N Relationship.
3.2.4 N-ary Relationship
Since OWL language supports binary relationship,
the binary relationship in a relational database can
easily be represented in OWL. However, ternary or
N-ary relationships cannot be converted by the
mapping rules of the binary relationships. In order to
convert N-ary relationships, a bridging class in
OWL can be generated and then the bridging class
and all the classes participating in the relationships
are connected by OWL object properties.
3.2.5 Role
Each entity that participates in a relationship plays a
particular role in the relationship. The role name
signifies the role of participating entity in each
relationship. In the COMPANY database, both
participants in the Supervision relationship are
Employee entities. One is a Supervisor and the other
is a Supervisee. The role name is a good candidate
for the name of object properties in OWL.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.2.6 Participation constraints
There are two types of participation constraints in
the E/R model: total participation and partial
participation. If an entity has a total participation for
a relationship, the OWL class of the entity must
have a min-cardinality restriction of 1 on the object
property of the relationship. For example,
Department entity must have a manager in the
COMPANY database. Therefore, the Department
entity has the total participation for the Manages
relationship. Figure 7 shows an OWL description of
the Department entity and Manages relationship.
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Department">
rdf:resource="#Has_Manager" />
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="Has_Manager">
<owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#Manages" />
rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Department" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Employee" />
Figure 7. OWL Description of Binary Relationship with
Total Participation.
3.3 Relational Schema
In the previous section, we discussed E/R-to-
ontology conversion in an attempt to extract
semantics from the E/R model. Semantics in a
relational database can mostly be extracted through
E/R-to-ontology conversion rules. However, some
semantic information cannot be obtained from the
E/R model, such as data types of attributes in the
relational databases as they are not explicitly
modeled. Data type property in OWL has a data type
as range so that the data types of attributes of the
relational database can be directly converted into
data types of XML Schema. Table 2 shows the
mappings between built-in database data types and
XML Schema data types.
For example, SSN attribute and EName attribute
of Employee entity in the COMPANY database have
varchar and integer data types, respectively. In
OWL, data type properties can be represented as
shown in Figure 8.
Table 2. Mapping between Built-in Database Data Types
and XML Schema Data Types
Database XML Schema
bigint long
decimal decimal
char, nchar
text, ntext
varchar, nvarchar
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="SSN">
rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" />
rdf:resource="&owl;InverseFunctionalProperty" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Employee" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;integer" />
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="EName">
rdf:resource="&owl;FunctionalProperty" />
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Employee" />
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;string" />
Figure 8. OWL Description of Data Types of Attributes.
As the result of our proposed multi-way
semantics extraction scheme, the ontology of the
COMPANY database is generated as shown in Figure
9. Note that the structure of the resulting ontology in
Figure 9 is very similar to the structure of the source
E/R model in Figure 2.
Figure 9. RDF Graph of Resulting Ontology for the
Company Database.
3.4 Generating Ontology Individuals
To use the relational databases within the Semantic
Web framework, the stored data of a database as
well as schema information of the database must be
taken into description for ontology individuals. After
the ontology is produced, the process of data
migration transforms all the records in the database
into ontology individuals.
For this, the ER-to-OWL map and RDB-to-OWL
map obtained during the previous extraction
procedure (refer back to Section 2) are utilized. All
the tuples of the tables are transformed to ontology
individuals and unique IDs are assigned to the
ontology individuals. A good candidate for a unique
ID is the value of the key attribute. Figure 10 shows
an example ontology individual for Employee entity
of the COMPANY database.
Semantic information extracted from the databases
are useful to create knowledge services in addition
to the conventional database services. In this line of
effort, researches have been conducted to extract
semantic information out of existing relational
databases and the extracted semantic information is
represented in the ontology framework using OWL
standard expressions.
<Employee rdf:ID="1234567890">
<EAddress rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">Apple
Street 192</EAddress>
<Works_For rdf:resource="#0123" />
<Works_On rdf:resource="#20060732" />
rdf:resource="#1234567890_Nayoung" />
rdf:resource="#1234567890_Hoyun" />
Figure 10. An Ontology Individual for Employee Entity.
However, the semantics of data are not explicitly
expressed in the relational model. Moreover the
relational schema implies less semantic information
than the E/R model does. In this paper, therefore, we
have presented a multi-way semantics extraction
scheme which extracts semantic information from
both E/R modeling components and relational
schema descriptions and then converts them into
ontology in OWL. In addition, migrating data into
ontology individuals allows application developers
to quickly build the knowledge base in the Semantic
Web environments. Although the resulting ontology
cannot imply all semantics of the original database,
the resulting semantics in OWL ontology of our
work will be made much more expressive for the
application developers than that of existing works.
In addition, different from the existing approaches,
the resulting ontology and ontology individuals
converted by our work are fully compatible with
OWL language, so that they can be easily used by
OWL-based Semantic Web applications and
inference engines.
As one of the future works, we will explore the
ontology technique and develop various application
services to show how the extracted ontology
semantics are utilized. Using the extracted
semantics, we can develop more sophisticated
services on the Semantic Web than traditional
database services. We will further explore the
ontology techniques to be used on top of databases
in an attempt to create knowledge-based application
services for enterprises.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems