Octávio Pereira, Tiago Luís, Pedro António
Department of Computing, Superior School of Technology, Av. Empresario, Castelo Branco, Portugal
Eduardo Valente, Joao Caldeira, Paulo Alves, Paulo Jesus, João Cordeiro
Department of Computing, Superior School of Technology, Av. Empresario, Castelo Branco, Portugal
Keywords: Web, PHP, LAMP, MySQL, Health.
Abstract: In the beginning of this paper, a web application development context is described to an analysis laboratory
for agriculture purposes. Safety and hygiene matters are introduced as actual concerns for public health and
then defined the emotional context appealing interaction between users and web application and information
systems in general. The project implementation is then described and finally, some conclusions are taken.
Nowadays, in the information systems era, the main
goal of a company is to obtain profits from the
internal knowledge and resources. This purpose is
often poor in terms of information management and
for business processes organization and
optimisation. Considering that employees are the
technology itself as they work on the process flow,
any computer application development can be
accomplished when carrying the information flow to
optimise. So, an information system project takes
place, and can be often referred actually on a system
integration or workflow context issues (Linthicum,
The globalisation pressure creates opportunities for
web-based applications to be installed, representing
a company or a community. Social classrooms are
created, organized into groups of people, by social,
professional, occupational, ethnic or religious
characteristics or generally by common interests
with a slight knowledge of “social spaces”. A web
page is actually a natural thing to connect or relate
any company reality to a business application,
because in these days, either you are on the internet,
or you don’t, and work as so (Alin et al, 2000).
The web based application development starts, and
then the company is involved with the front office
layout content definition and customisations to
implement and satisfy the requirements. Computer
networks are also essential components of any
current information system. Through the
interconnection of systems and networks it is
possible for a huge amount of services and resources
to become available to computer system users,
transforming the individual ranks of work into true
doors accessing the Global Information Society
(Monteiro and Boavida, 2000).
Life and work conditions have evolved considerably
in Portugal along the recent years. In agriculture,
such effort of progress and development has
introduced new technologies that changed the
agriculturist way of life and related communities.
The appearance of regional laboratories for analysis
deserves special attention, together with its Internet
access. This came to modify deep and quickly the
working methods, implying an increase of
production and the quality of life. The public health
is today a concept of holistic matter and is more and
more considered to population. People want to feel
good, to live with safety, to watch on what to have
confidence, to have certified organizations and
products near by (Honoré, 2000).
Pereira O., Luís T., António P., Valente E., Caldeira J., Alves P., Jesus P. and Cordeiro J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 302-305
DOI: 10.5220/0002385403020305
However, such factors itself are generating security
and hygiene problems to professional farmers. Their
fast introduction and diffusion in agricultural paths
will be a privileged way for changing the existing
wrong processes, allowing professionals to know the
new associated risks on their own profession,
making a significant set of traditional knowledge
obsolete, which is mostly deep rooted on the
agricultural and regional culture environment. These
factors determine the motivation needs to the
agriculture intervenient for preventing risks, and also
for identifying the proper techniques to some
specific tasks. In this way, the motivation of these
professionals for prevention has to be inserted into
an information process of education that complies
with agriculture tradition (Miguel, 2006).
When looking for a reference on clinical analysis or
equivalent, we have found the Dr. Ricardo Jorge
National Health Institute (INSA, 2006) and
Lamartine Clinical Analysis (Lamartine, 2006), both
relying in Portugal as analysis laboratories national
references. For protection rights we will call the
implicit organization in study on this paper as
LABSTATEORG, for it represents a laboratory and
belongs to a state ministry organization as the called
name suggests. The LABSTATEORG purpose is to
deliver healthcare and some analysis and quality
information results in a systematic way to the public
local community, in order to contribute to public
health. The project pretends to be a web site to
manage and satisfy the requirements to a farmer’s
community, matching the local rural activity and
agriculture issues and deliver the appropriate
services. Some intent to reach by this information
system is to catch customer opinions, in order to
identify problems or lacks in service to improve the
laboratory quality of service.
LABSTATEORG possesses human resources and
material that has looked to leverage its active
participation in the economic, social and cultural
region development where it is inserted. The actual
cooperation protocols are numerous within a
significant set of enterprise structures, production
and support to the agriculturists, to cooperate and
reply on the resolution of its necessities. The
agriculturists insertion and their involving way has
been a constant concern, stimulating the inquiry in
the directly related domains with the regional
necessities, giving services to the community, in a
feedback perspective of regional development value.
Continuous technology innovations has constrained
the society way of life in being and thinking. For
instance, at school, information technologies are the
most visible face of that change. Web based
communities provide a privileged space to its virtual
environment, so that each participant can act in his
own way, to learn and interact with others,
transforming the web community into a knowledge
community. Thus, its importance and it’s
prominence is today recognized in the valuation and
setting of the human resources core competencies
and to promote a development process supported in
the different sources that constitute the agricultural
world, either the production, the alimentary products
transformation, or the environment preservation that
encircles it (Honoré, 2000).
In the rest of this paper, we discuss the subtle
relation between the user and the web application in
the context of an information system development
and then describing the options taken in the
implementation and finally some conclusions.
Science is, on thought about reality, not about
tradition, conventions or constructions. Even so,
computer science seems too centred on two
traditional constructors, the hierarchical simulation
or paper simulation. It’s a popular myth that
structure means hierarchy, and it is just a popular
concept that electronic documents can replace the
paper. These two concepts have the advantage to be
easily explained to beginners. According to this,
since the 40’s that we have simulated hierarchies to
organize computer files and since the 60’s we have
simulated the paper documents, from text edition to
text processing and web publishing. Actually,
mixing the hierarchy simulation with paper
simulation is offered to us through the Adobe
Acrobat application (Adobe, 2006) that simulates
both simultaneously and XML – Extended Markup
Language (W3C, 2006), a standard that can
transform the paper simulation into hierarchy
simulation and vice-versa. They can be seen as ideal
exercises to complete the paradigms of paper and
hierarchy, passing through on top vital matters. In
spite of mimesis the real world, we should be
correcting the lacks for paper and hierarchies. The
fact that things are easier to explain and understand
does not make them more correct. Hierarchical
organizations are wrong, and generally are
incapable. Vital forms of information structures
cannot be represented in convenience into
hierarchies – structures like parallelism, crossed
connection, inter penetration and poli-presence
meaning one item into many places. Designing the
organization of files, a set of relationships is forced
to be done, and artificially, considered essential and
central. We must choose only one hierarchy, like
time, project, importance, injuring the other
representations. This assumption can leverage some
base addresses that should be covered, then by other
conventions as pseudonyms, shortcuts and databases
(Menezes, 2005).
The LABSTATEORG processes were done all by
paper in the past, and the computers were just
isolated between them and from the internet. There
was no structured network or any privileged way for
structuring the electronic information. The paper
simulation is also wrong and, generally, it is
incapable. Vital matters and document structures are
actually ignored in the paper simulation like covers
and document parallels, of which notations and
spiral controversy are key examples. Issues like
versions administration, rights administered citation,
and original context availability and the spiral
controversy are key examples. Taking away these
traditional structures bring us many choices to take
in place, which aren’t explored yet. As a concept
proof, a web application must be tested so that users
can experience benefits on new workflow process.
Demonstrative examples of these systems already
circulate for some time. Now it is time to construct
user-guided environments to leave traditional
principles. New environments can be more sensible
and inhabitable for the common user, and more
adapted to the interests for people that the
conventional and traditional structures that we have
constructed since always. In the conventional
paradigm, users must be worried about the
nomination of filing cabinets, hierarchy and
localization and users need different applications for
its worlds of information. Fifty years of tradition on
computer science are being cured and annulled to
open possibilities that we still don’t suspect
(Menezes, 2005).
A virtual community is constructed from common
interests, knowledge, mutual projects and exchange
values, settled in a cooperation process. For the
community to have success, in contrast of what
many defend, what matters is not the rules imposed,
nor the proper technology, but the people, like the
professor still the main picture today in school,
almost always related with the owner of knowing,
the gentleman, he has to teach the way, to show the
certain missed. Only changing our way of thinking
we can modify deeply rooted politics and practices.
Only changing our interacting form we will be able
to establish shared visions and understandings, and
new capacities to coordinate action. A learning
process that modifies the mental models is highly
challenging, perplexing. It can be frightful when
collating beliefs and estimated consecrated, it cannot
be made separately. It only occurs inside of a
community of apprentices. The feeling to belong, the
notion that the individual is part of all, and that it
cooperates to a common purpose with the other
members, the territoriality, the permanence, are
essential conditions for the establishment of social
relations. The social relations between the members
of a virtual community are never distant (Lévy,
1999) (Palloff and Pratt, 1999).
The social life of a community is necessary, for it
provides the involvements for sharing knowledge
and to the community success itself. These relations
are constructed through the mutual interaction
between the individuals, in a period of time, having
the permanence understood as a continuous secular
space of relationship between its basic requirements.
The proper community is organized and auto-
regulated. All members learn reading the messages,
and helping themselves when a situation, problem or
question appears. During the interaction processes,
the members construct and express abilities, which
can be recognized and are valued immediately by
the community itself as it constructs intellectual
affinities, partnerships and alliances, feelings of
friendship and others. It is developed in the groups
of interaction, in the same way as it happens
between people who are close physically to talk. In
the virtual communities of learning, the on-line
relations are very far from being cold. They do not
exclude the emotions. The personality of each
participant finishes being expressed through the
style of writing, abilities, taking of position,
evidenced in the human beings relationships or
interactions. The leader appears naturally. Roles are
assumed clearly. Between the members of virtual
communities, it is also developed a strong concept of
social moral, a species of behaviour code, a set of
norms not written in normal relations (Lévy, 1999).
When applying technology in a software engineering
project, some boundary issues should be considered.
In this particular case was the internet or network,
the web language and the database. Some documents
were produced in order to specify clearly the
problem needs and requirements, using a proper
development process methodology for the problem
domain. There were two students working on this
project, a professor and the coordinator from the
LABSTATEORG. The development process
methodology taken was RAD (Rapid Application
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Development) and a LAMP like technology
arquitecture (Linux – Apache – MySQL - PHP).
Linux is for the operative system, Apache is for the
Web Server, MySQL is for the database and PHP is
for the web language. In spite of the server could be
other than Apache or the operating system can be
Linux or other, the structure stays the same. We
have chosen MySql database and PHP because they
are free (Alin et al, 2000). The web application was
integrated with other database and application,
which has to manage back-office information. The
front-office is the one mainly considered because of
the man-machine interfacing problem domain. The
logical model was designed with Unified Modelling
Language (Muller, 1997) (Fowler and Scott, 1997).
To the creation of web pages, PHP (Hypertext pre-
processor) is capable to generate a bigger
interactivity with users, as well as creating HTML
pages for the Web in a dynamic way. Beyond
operation in almost all the known operating systems,
it has a null cost of acquisition, which allies its
easiness of learning and use, becoming one of the
best web development languages. This tool makes
the creation of applications possible on different
types of platforms equally, due of being extremely
attractive and robust, providing implemented
functionalities, becoming the election tool for the
Web community in applications development.
Advanced programmers are able to concentrate
themselves in the most complex chapters such as
interaction with database or XML, in order to perfect
its knowledge (Serrão and Marques, 2005).
Due to the strong interaction between developers
and the organization along the project, the users
become totally pleased with the application, for all
process were negotiated together.
The LAMP arquitecture revealed to be a very easy
way to implement any web application, minimizing
the development effort. The time for problem
analysis is then bigger and thus more considered.
Usability is a very important issue to consider when
defining the user interface of any application. The
emotional context of information appearance and the
way it is revealed enforces the familiarity with users
as they perceive the information and interact better.
The community concept is also important, so that
users can feel a useful application with the
emotional context though to be present.
This work had also the contribution of Eng. Sérgio
Tavares and Eng. Maria Joao Águas.
Adobe, 2006, http://www.adobe.com
Alin, F. Et al, 2000, Os projectos Intranet, CETOP
Editions, pp 198.
Fowler M. and Scott K., 1997, UML Distilled: Applying
the Standard Object Modelling Language. Addison
Wesley Longman, Inc.
Honoré, B., 1996, A saúde em Projecto, MASSON Press,
pp 44.
INSA, 2006, http://www.insarj.pt
Lamartine, 2006, http://www.lamartine.pt/
Lévy, P., 1996 Inteligências Colectivas. Loyola Press.
Linthicum, D. , 2003, Next Generation Application
Integration, Wiley Press.
McConnell S., 1997, Software Project Survival Guide.
Microsoft Press.
Menezes, H. , 2005, Construção de Comunidades Virtuais
de Aprendizagem, In CIEFCUL conference.
Miguel, A., 2006, Manual de Higiene e Segurança do
Trabalho, Porto Editora Press.
Monteiro E., Boavida, F. , 2000, Engenharia de Redes
Informáticas, FCA Press.
Muller P., 1997, Modélisation Objet avec UML. Éditions
Eyrolles, Paris.
Nelson, T. , 2003, Structure, Tradition and Possibility.
Palloff, R., Pratt, K.1999, Building Learning Communities
in Cyberspace , Jossey-Bass Publishers, San
Serrão, C. , 2005, Marques, J., Programação com PHP
4.3, FCA Press.
W3C, 2006, http://www.w3c.org/markup