Mehdi Ben Hmida
, C
eline Boutrous Saab
, Serge Haddad
erie Monfort
and Ricardo Tomaz Ferraz
e Paris-Dauphine, Place du Mar
echal de Lattre Tassigny, Paris Cedex 16, France
CRI, Universit
e Paris 1 Sorbonne, 90 rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris, France
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services (WS), Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Process
Algebra (PA), Dynamic Adaptability.
Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) aim to give methodological and technical answers to achieve interoper-
abilty and loose coupling between heterogeneous Information Systems (IS). Currently, Web Services are the
fitted technical solution to implement such architectures. However, both Web Services providers and clients
are faced to some important difficulties to dynamically change their behaviours. From one side, Web Services
providers have no mean to dynamically adapt an existing Web Service to business requirements changes. From
the other side, Web Services clients have no way to dynamically adapt themselves to the service changing in
order to avoid execution failures. In this paper, we show how to achieve a dynamic adaptable SOA by using the
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) paradigm and Process Algebra (PA) formalism. We extend our previous
works to dynamically modify BPEL processes and to handle client-server communications issues. Then, we
use a process algebra formalism to specify a change-prone BPEL process and demonstrate how to generate
a client which dynamically adapt its behaviour to the service changes. We also present the Aspect Service
Weaver (ASW) prototype which implements our approach.
Web Services (WS) are “self contained, self-
describing modular applications that can be pub-
lished, located, and invoked across the Web” (Tid-
well, 2000). They are based on a set of XML (Bray
et al., 2004) standards to make it more portable than
previous middleware technologies. SOA-based ap-
plications are usually composed of simple WSs that
are offered by different providers. The Business Pro-
cess Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL)
has been introduced for this purpose and becomes
a standard (Andrews et al., 2003). BPEL supports
two different types of business processes: Executable
processes executed on a BPEL engine and Abstract
business processes specifying the interaction protocol
with the client.
Actually, SOA applications are faced to some im-
portant limitations concerning their adaptability to
business requirements changes. These limitations af-
fect both WSs providers and consumers.
First, the services providers have no mean to dy-
namically change their WSs implementation or com-
position. They need to undeploy the service, recodify
the business logic and redeploy it again. This scenario
is deficient in an industrial context with a high Time-
to-Market constraints and strong competitiveness be-
tween companies. Second, if a change on the service
description (WSDL) or in the interaction protocol (ab-
stract BPEL) is done (without new publication), the
service consumers could not more interact with the
modified service and this will lead to execution fail-
Regarding the above limitations, we identified two
requirements that WS technology has to handle:
1. Service provider needs to dynamically change the
behaviour of an already existing service to adapt
it to the new applications requirements.
2. Service client needs to dynamically adapt itself to
the service changing to avoid execution failures.
In our previous works, we addressed dynamic ser-
Ben Hmida M., Boutrous Saab C., Haddad S., Monfort V. and Tomaz Ferraz R. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 474-479
DOI: 10.5220/0002387504740479
vice adaptability and client interaction issues. We
proposed an Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
(Kiczales et al., 1997) approach which aims to change
elementary WSs at runtime (Hmida et al., 2006;
Tomaz et al., 2006). We also proposed a Process
Algebra (PA) approach which solves the interaction
problem between BPEL processes and its clients, by
formally specifying the interaction protocol (abstract
BPEL) and automatically generating a correct client
(Haddad et al., 2006). In this paper, we extend these
works in order to reach the objectives previously dis-
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
briefly presents our previous AOP approach for el-
ementary WSs, then shows its extension to support
BPEL processes and to handle interaction issues.
We also present the architecture of our Aspect Ser-
vice Weaver (ASW) tool which integrates these con-
cepts. Section 3 presents the process algebra formal-
ism which supports change-prone BPEL processes.
This formalism leads us to generate clients that adapt
themselves to the service changes. Section 4 dis-
cusses related works. We conclude and present some
future works in section 5.
2.1 Aspect Oriented Programming
Many researches (Charfi and Mezini, 2004; Courbis
and Finkelstein, 2005; Verheecke et al., 2003) con-
sider Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) as an an-
swer to improve WS flexibility. AOP is a paradigm
that enables the modularization of crosscutting con-
cerns into single units called aspects, which are mod-
ular units of crosscutting implementation. AOP con-
cepts were formulated by Chris Maeda and Gregor
Kiczales (Kiczales et al., 1997). Aspect-oriented lan-
guages are implemented over a set of definitions:
1. Joinpoints: They denote the locations in the pro-
gram that are affected by a particular crosscutting
2. Pointcuts: They specify a collection of condi-
tional joinpoints.
3. Advices: They are codes that are executed before,
after or around a joinpoint.
In AOP, a tool named weaver takes the code specified
in a traditional (base) programming language, and the
additional code specified in an aspect language, and
merges the two together in order to generate the final
behaviour. The weaving can occur at compile time
(modifying the compiler), load time (modifying the
class loader) or runtime (modifying the interpreter).
2.2 Applying Aop to Web Services : The
Aspect Service Weaver (ASW)
In our previous approach, we developed an AOP-
based tool named Aspect Service Weaver (ASW)
(Hmida et al., 2006; Tomaz et al., 2006). The ASW
intercepts the SOAP messages between a client and an
elementary WS , then verifies during the interaction
if there is a new behaviour introduced (advice ser-
vices). We use the AOP weaving time to add the new
behaviour (before, around or after an activity execu-
tion). The advice services are elementary WSs whose
references are registered in a le called aspect ser-
vices file descriptor”. The pointcut language is based
on XPath (Clark and DeRose, 1999). XPath queries
are applied on the service description (WSDL) to se-
lect the set of methods on which the advice services
are inserted.
Figure 1: Interaction schema for the insertion of a security
We extend this approach to BPEL processes. The
ASW controls the BPEL process execution instead of
intercepting SOAP messages. It is integrated in the
BPEL engine in order to interpret the BPEL process
and apply the aspect services. It verifies before the ex-
ecution of each BPEL activity if some Aspect service
has ti be inserted. Then, it executes the corresponding
advice service. We also add a new functionality to the
ASW. The tool dynamically generates messages called
execute messages, encapsulating the identifier and the
interaction protocol of the advice service. These mes-
sages are sent to the client to advertise it about a new
behaviour inserted at runtime. This message is neces-
sary since the new behaviour can require new infor-
mation exchange involving messages not expected by
the client, leading to execution failures. At the client
implementation, the developer has to handle this type
of message: it has to extract the interaction protocol
of the advice service and integrate it in its behaviour.
This part is detailed in the next section.
Considering a scenario where a service devel-
oper wants to change dynamically a Kerberos to-
ken security policy by a digital certificate ones. He
can develop an aspect service called “authentica-
tion” and specify, in the “aspect services file descrip-
tor”, that before the invocation of the authenticated
methods in the base BPEL process, the engine must
invoke a digital-certificate authentication instead of
the Kerboros token security. For instance, The “as-
pect services file descriptor” in Figure 1 indicates
to the engine that when the methods whose names
match with the XPath expression “//invoke[starts-
with(@name,“SendResult”)]” were invoked (equiv-
alent to the invocation of methods whose names
match the regular expression “SendResult*”), the en-
gine must invoke before the advice service digital-
This way, during the normal process execution
(step 2 in Figure 1) , the ASW looks in the “aspect
services file descriptor” (step 3) for aspect services
applied to the current activity. It finds (for example)
a joinpoint matching between a “sendResult” method
invocation and the aspect “authentication”. Then, it
generates the execute message encapsulating the in-
teraction protocol of the advice service identified by
id and sends it to the client (step 4). After that, the
ASW begins the execution of the advice service (step
5). When its execution terminates, the ASW continues
the execution of the base process.
Figure 2: The extended abstract BPEL process.
The change-prone BPEL process interaction pro-
tocol is described by an extended abstract BPEL pro-
cess which integrates the sending of execute mes-
sages. The extended interaction protocol is generated
from the base BPEL process and the aspect service
file descriptor based on the defined pointcuts and the
type of advices (before, after or around) (figure 2).
The generation process performs transforma-
tions on the base BPEL process syntactic tree. It
inserts the action of sending execute messages
in the selected joinpoints depending on the kind
of the advice service. The figure 3 shows the
transformations made on the abstract base process
sequence(receive(ResReq), switch(reply(ResResp),
reply(error)) which receives a ResReq message then
replies by a ResResp or error message depending on
an internal action (the switch process). In the case of
an around service advice (figure 3.d), the specified
joinpoint is replaced by the reply(execute(id))
message because we consider that the advice service
can encapsulate the joinpoint.
Figure 3: transformations on the syntactic BPEL process
In the extended abstract BPEL process, the exe-
cute message contains only the identifier of the advice
service (id). The interaction protocol corresponding
to that id is sent to the client at runtime.
BPEL provides a set of operators describing in a mod-
ular way the observable behaviour of an abstract pro-
cess. As shown in (Staab et al., 2003), this kind
of process description is close to the process alge-
bra paradigm illustrated for instance by CCS (Milner,
However, time is explicitly present in some of the
BPEL constructors and thus the standard process al-
gebra semantics are inappropriate for the description
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of such process. Thus, we defined a new process alge-
bra semantics that associates a timed automaton (TA)
(Alur and Dill, 1994) with an abstract process (Had-
dad et al., 2006). The theorical developments follow
these steps: associating operational rules with each
abstract BPEL construct, defining an interaction rela-
tion which formalizes the concept of a correct interac-
tion between two communicating systems (the client
and the WS), and designing an algorithm that gen-
erates a client automaton which is in an interaction
relation with the WS.
The client automaton is interpreted by our generic
client interpreter (figure 4). Our client downloads the
abstract BPEL process from an UDDI registry and
generates its corresponding TA. Then, based on the
TA of the service and the interaction relation, it gen-
erates the client TA if the service is not ambiguous.
Finally, it executes the client TA and displays graphi-
cal interfaces allowing to the human user to enter the
messages parameters.
Figure 4: Generic client interpreter.
3.1 The Dynamic Client Interpreter
In order to communicate with change-prone BPEL
processes, we extend the previous client interpreter.
The new client has to achieve the following tasks:
1. When the client receives an execute(id) message,
it has to extract the advice service interaction pro-
tocol (identified by id) and generates its corre-
sponding server and client TA.
2. It simultaneously executes the client TAs of the
main process and its advices clients TA.
3. It makes synchronisation between the main client
TA and the advices clients TA on the termination
of services advices execution.
Furthermore, the generation module of the dy-
namic client interpreter also integrates new opera-
tional rules for the sending and receiving processes
in order to handle the execute(id) messages.
3.2 Formalisation Steps
In order to formalize BPEL as dense timed process
algebra, we have to define the actions (alphabet) of
the process algebra. The possible actions are message
receiving (?m) and sending (!m), internal actions (τ)
(not observable from the client side), raise of excep-
tions (e E), expiration of timeout (to) and the termi-
nation of the process (
). We distinguish three kinds
of actions: the immediate actions corresponding to a
logical transition (τ, e,
), the asynchronous actions
where an unknown amount of time elapses before the
occurrence of actions (?m, !m) and the synchronous
actions (to) which occur after a fixed delay.
Now, we present some operational rules and pre-
cisely the new rules for the sending and receiving pro-
cesses. To see all rules and in particular the handling
of clocks in TA, the reader is invited to refer to (Had-
dad et al., 2006).
For example, the empty process which represents
the process that does nothing can only terminate by
executing the
action (0 is the null process).
0 (1)
For the sending and receiving processes, we define
the following rules.
m 6= execute
empty avec {?, !} (2)
WaitAdvice(id) (3)
empty (4)
Rule 2 states that the process ?o[m] (resp. !o[m])
which corresponds to the reception of a message of
type m (resp. sending of message of type m) exe-
cutes the action ?m (resp. the action !m) which cor-
responds to the message reception action (resp. the
message sending action) and becomes the empty pro-
cess. In the case of sending an execute message,
the automaton evolves to an intermediary state named
WaitAdvice(id) (rule 3). WaitAdvice(id) waits for
the termination of the advice service identified by id.
When advice service id terminates, WaitAdvice(id)
state executes id.
and becomes empty process (rule
The sequential process P;Q (P and Q are BPEL
processes) corresponds to the execution of the pro-
cess P followed by the execution of the process Q. It
becomes the process P
;Q if the process P executes
an action a different from termination action and be-
comes P
. If P terminates and Q can execute an action
a and becomes Q
, the process P;Q executes the ac-
tion a then becomes the process Q
a 6=
and Q
Finally, the switch{P
process evaluates an in-
ternal condition represented by τ then becomes the
process P
i I, switch{P
3.3 Execution Scenario
Considering the abstract BPEL process defined in sec-
tion 2. If we want to add dynamically an authentica-
tion process before the switch process, the extended
abstract BPEL process have to integrate a sending
execute(id) message process before the switch pro-
?o[ResReq];!execute(id);switch(!o[ResResp], !o[error])
At the execution, our dynamic client interpreter
downloads the extended abstract BPEL specification.
Then, it generates the corresponding service TA based
on the operational rules previously defined. Then,
based on the service TA and the interaction relation,
our client generates the client TA and begins its inter-
pretation. Figure 5 shows the generation process.
Figure 5: Adaptable service and client automata.
When our client receives an execute(id)
message, it extracts the abstract BPEL advice
service process from the message. In our ex-
ample, the advice service is an authentication
process which abstract BPEL specification is
!o[authDataRequest] ; ?o[authDataResp] ;P1. This
process sends an authentication data request to the
client asking for authentication data, receives these
data then performs some actions to authenticate the
user. Our client generates the corresponding advice
client automaton, associates with the received id
and begins its execution (Figure 6, states in grey
represents the current execution step).
Figure 6: Receiving an execute(id, Q) message.
When the advice client id terminates, our client
makes synchronisation with the main client automa-
ton. it deletes the advice client, performs the id.
action and continues the execution of the main client
automaton (figure 7).
Figure 7: Termination of the advice client id.
In (Charfi and Mezini, 2004) and (Courbis and Finkel-
stein, 2005), the authors define specific AOP lan-
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
guages to add dynamically new behaviours to BPEL
processes. But, neither of these approaches address
the client interaction issue. The client has no mean to
handle the interactions that can be added or modified
during the process execution.
The Web Service Management Layer (WSML)
(Verheecke et al., 2003) is an AOP-based platform for
WSs that allows a more loosely coupling between the
client and the server sides. WSML handles the dy-
namic integration of new WSs in client applications
to solve client execution problems. WSML dynam-
ically discover WSs based on matching criteria such
as: method signature, interaction protocol or quality
of service (QOS) matching. In a complementary way,
our work proposes to adapt a client to a modified WS.
Some proposals have emerged recently to ab-
stractly describe WSs, most of them are grounded
on transition system models (Labelled Transition Sys-
tems, Petri nets, etc.) (Hamadi and Benatallah, 2003;
Fu et al., 2004; Ferrara, 2004). These works pro-
pose to formally specify composite WSs and handle
the verification and the automatic composition issues.
But, neither of these works propose to formalize the
dynamics of SOA architectures and to handle runtime
interaction changes.
In this paper, we proposed a solution based on AOP
and PA to handle dynamic changes in the WS context.
We extended our previous AOP approach to support
BPEL processes and to handle interaction issues. We
also use process algebra formalism to specify change-
prone BPEL processes and generate dynamic clients.
As future works, we want to extend the work to
take into account the client execution context. We
also want to formally handle the aspects interactions
issue (aspects applied at the same joinpoint). Finally,
we plane to improve the current ASW prototype as
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