J. Jorge Dias Jr., J. Adson O. G. da Cunha, Alexandre Álvaro
Roberto S. M. de Barros and Sílvio Meira
Informatics Center, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Keywords: Web Services Certification, Quality Model.
Abstract: Internet has made possible the development of software as services, consumed on demand and developed by
third parties. In this sense, a quality model is necessary to enable evaluation and, consequently, reuse of the
services by consumers. In this way, this paper proposes a quality model based on the ISO 9126 standard,
defining a set of attributes and metrics for an effective evaluation of Web services. A XML-based
representation model was created to support this quality model, and a security schema was proposed to
guarantee integrity and authenticity of the model.
In the last decade, Component-Based Development
(CBD) has drawn great attention due to the
development of plug-and-play, reusable software
(Bertoa et al., 2002). Traditionally, software
components have been adopted, developed and
delivered as a product. However, the Internet has
created a recent surge of interest in developing
software as services, delivered and consumed on
demand. The benefit of this approach is seen in the
looser coupling between business problems and the
associated software solutions (Elfatatry, 2004).
Several works point out that Service-Oriented
Architectures (SOA) has influenced the development
of new systems. The Gartner Institute and other
authors claim that SOA proposes to be a CBD
evolution (McCoy et al., 2003)(Szyperski, 1998).
Hence, Web Services, a SOA-based technology
that has been used in industry in the last years, had
emerged in order to construct applications that reuse
services available in the network (Stal, 2002). Web
Services allows that services developed in different
languages and platforms communicate through open
and universal standards. In this way, distributed
applications development through the reused
services of the net becomes faster, increasing the
quality and decreasing product costs and delivery
time (Elfatatry, 2004).
Just as CBD model aims the use of artifacts
developed by third parties (Szyperski, 1998), the
service-oriented development aims the use of
services developed by third parties. In this sense, a
quality model is necessary in system development
through the services integration, in order to make
possible the evaluation and, consequently, the reuse
of services by consumers (developers and
There are some difficulties that must be
considered in the elaboration of such model, such as
(i) what characteristics and quality attributes must be
considered, (ii) how can we evaluate them and (iii)
who must be responsible for such evaluation (Alvaro
et al., 2005). Moreover, there is a lack of
information on the quality attributes provided by the
vendors that publish Web services, such as
StrikeIron (StrikeIron, 2006), Xignite (Xignite,
2006) and XWebServices (XWebServices, 2006).
The international standards of software product
quality specification, such as ISO 9126 (ISO/IEC
9126, 2001) and ISO 14598 (ISO/IEC 14598, 1998)
are very general, and, thus, it is difficult to apply
them in specific domains, such as Web services.
We can define certification as a set of regulated
and standardized procedures that result in the
certification or declaration expedition of specific
conformity for products or services of one
determined area (ISO, 2006). The benefits to
certificate products are numerous. Some of them are:
demonstration of quality promise, consumer trust,
Jorge Dias Jr. J., Adson O. G. da Cunha J., Álvaro A., S. M. de Barros R. and Meira S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 288-294
DOI: 10.5220/0002389402880294
requirements conformance and to aggregate value to
the product. In this context, trust certifier entities
must analyze the Web services and emit a
certification for them with the evaluated data.
This paper proposes a quality model based on the
ISO 9126 standard (ISO/IEC 9126, 2001), defining a
set of attributes and respective metrics for an
effective evaluation of Web services. Moreover, a
XML-based representation was elaborated to support
the proposed quality model. A security schema is
also proposed in order to avoid that malicious
entities corrupt the certification data, or even that,
the same certification document is attached to
another services.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: section 2 presents related work referring to
the existing quality models. Section 3 criticizes the
ISO 9126 model, showing the suitable
characteristics to the Web services context. Section
4 proposes the use of XML for attributes
documentation, as well as a security schema to
guarantee the authenticity and integrity of it. Then,
section 5 presents some concluding remarks.
Specifications have been proposed to provide
definitions and classifications of the quality
characteristics of software products, like the ISO
9126 International Standard.
Because it has a high level of abstraction, it does
not include in the specification a detailed set of
attributes and metrics, so many studies have been
realized towards a quality model for components, in
the last few years (Bertoa et al., 2002)(Bertoa et al.,
2003)(Alvaro et al., 2005), focusing the ISO 9126
model in the characteristics of such software.
However, due to the particularities of Web services,
it is necessary a new quality approach, that takes
into account the relevant characteristics for such
kind of software.
Many proposals have emerged towards Services
Level Agreement (SLAs) to improve the Web
services reuse by consumers (Tosic, 2004).
Generally, these agreements have dynamic service
information at QoS (Quality of Service) level, like
performance, availability and reliability, facilitating
their selection at runtime. On the other hand, as in
the CBD approach, services are selected at the
project life cycle. Therefore, other static quality
characteristics, inherited from CBD, are important to
facilitate the services selection, such as
documentation, support, business model, etc.
Two works proposed to evaluate the quality of
web services. One of them is the QMWS (Quality
Model for Web Services) specification, from OASIS
(OASIS, 2005), which provides a model to manage
the Web services quality at development process and
use of them. Nevertheless, there is only a conceptual
level draft, being necessary the definition of the
quality properties to be evaluated in accordance with
the Web services characteristics. Other work was
proposed by Ran (Ran, 2003) and it describes a
discovery model of Web services based on
functional and non-functional requirements of them.
In this model, the author considers a set of non-
functional attributes to evaluate the quality of Web
Services. But, unfortunately, it does not describe the
metrics used for such evaluation, nor its real
adequacy to the industry.
In this sense, this work complements such
proposals, elaborating a quality model with its
characteristics, sub-characteristics, attributes and
metrics for Web services, evaluating not only its
dynamic characteristics, but also its static
characteristics. A XML representation model is also
elaborated for supporting the proposed model.
In accordance with (ISO/IEC 9126, 2001), a quality
characteristic is a set of software product properties
through which its quality can be described and
evaluated, being such characteristics refined in sub-
An attribute is a property which a metric can be
associated, being metric a procedure to check a
product, giving a data that characterizes it.
A quality model, in turn, is a set of
characteristics and sub-characteristics, as well as the
relation among them, in order to provide the basis
for the specification of the quality requirements, and
its evaluation.
The idea proposed in this paper is to refine the
ISO 9126 quality model in order to accommodate
particular characteristics of the Web services,
defining attributes to be used by the Web services
vendors, making possible the services evaluation and
selection by the consumers.
Although the proposed model is based on the
ISO 9126 standard, some changes have been made
in order to develop a consistent model that can be
used to evaluate Web services. The main changes
made on ISO 9126 model are explained below.
Functionality: It describes if the functions and
specific properties of the web service satisfy
the consumer necessities. The Interoperability
sub-characteristic was removed because was
considered unnecessary to the model, since the
Web services are accessed through known
Internet standards. The Compatibility sub-
characteristic was added in order to indicate if
one given version of the Web service is
compatible with its previous versions, as
considered by (Bertoa et al., 2002). The
meaning of the others sub-characteristics
remains the same.
Reliability: It indicates if the Web service is
able to keep on performance level, throughout
the time, in the established conditions. The
sub-characteristics remain the same.
Usability: It refers to the effort needed for
using the Web service by the consumers. The
meaning of the sub-characteristics remains the
Efficiency: It describes if the involved
resources and times are compatible with the
performance level required by the Web
service. Since the Web service is located in a
place of the Internet, there is no quantitative
concern of the system in relation to use
resources by the Web services. For this
reason, the Resource Utilization sub-
characteristic is dismissible. On the other
hand, the Time Behavior sub-characteristic
has its name modified to Performance because
it refers not only to the reply time of the
service processing, but also to how fast the
response is sent to the requester. The Stability
sub-characteristic, in accordance with the ISO
9126, pertaining to the Manutenability sub-
characteristic, by having its context modified,
was relocated for the Efficiency characteristic,
meaning how available is the service in a
continuous and consistent form.
Maintainability: This characteristic is not
included in the proposed model. A natural
characteristic of Web services is the fact that
they are considered black-box components,
that is, consumers are not worried about how
the service is implemented, but what the
service makes (McGovern, 2003). In this way,
the developer can not make internal
modifications, adaptations or reconfigurations
in the Web service.
Portability: Since the Web service does not
have the same characteristic that components
to be deployable, that is, the service is
available in some place of the Internet to be
accessed through the net, it is not necessary
that services be installed in different
platforms. Hence, the Portability characteristic
is unnecessary to the model.
Market: Express the market Web services
characteristics, finishing the proposed quality
model. Although this characteristic is not
important for the evaluation of service quality,
it was incorporated to the model for making
possible the analysis of some factors related to
the service organization provider in order to
improve service credibility for the consumers
(Alvaro et al., 2005b)(Carvalho et al., 2006).
Table 1 shows a summary of Web services
quality model based on ISO 9126, with its
modifications being divided into two classes:
characteristics that are observed at runtime and
characteristics that are observed during the service
life cycle (development phase).
Table 1: Quality Model for Web Services.
Characteristics Sub-characteristics
(Life Cycle)
Fault Tolerance
3.1 Attributes and Respective Metrics
Since the quality model was defined, it is necessary
to specify attributes in order to make possible the
characteristics evaluation..
Three types of metrics will be used to evaluate
the attributes: Presence, that defines if an attribute is
present or not in the Web service, consisting of a
boolean value, which indicates if an attribute is
present, and a string, which describes how the
attribute is described by the Web service; Value that
indicates the accurate value of the Web service
information, being described by an integer value and
a string to indicate the unit, and; Ratio that describes
percentages, being measured by an integer value in
the interval of 0 to 100.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.1.1 Attributes Measured at Runtime
Table 2 shows the quality attributes for Web
services, which are evaluated at runtime, grouped by
the sub-characteristics, and including the kind of
metrics used.
A description of each attribute is presented
Correctness: It evaluates the percentage of
results gotten with precision. It is calculated
dividing the number of correct results by the
total number of results gotten in one
determined series of calls to the service.
Data Encryption: It indicates if the Web
service makes use of encryption in order to
protect the data that it manipulates.
Controllability: It indicates how the access
control to the Web service is made.
Auditability: It indicates if the Web service
implements some auditory mechanism.
Error Handling: It indicates if the Web service
manipulates error situations.
Persistent: It indicates if the Web service can
store its state in a persistent way for later
Mechanism available: It indicates the
tolerance mechanism implemented by the
Web service.
Response time: It indicates the time taken to
receive a reply, from a request, including the
processing time and net traffic.
Throughput: It indicates the amount of output
that can be successfully produced during a
period of time.
Processing Capacity: It indicates the amount
of input that can be successfully produced
during a period of time.
Availability: It indicates the period of time
which a service exists or is available for use.
Successability: It is defined by the number of
received messages divided by the number of
required messages.
Accessibility: It indicates if the Web service is
accessible, through the verification if it can
return an act for each required message.
3.1.2 Attributes Measured at Life Cycle
Table 3 presents quality attributes, as well as the
kind of metrics used, referring to the sub-
characteristics evaluated during the Web services
life cycle.
Table 2: Attributes of the sub-characteristics evaluated at
Attributes Metric
Accuracy Correctness Ratio
Data Encryption Presence
Controllability Presence
Auditability Presence
Error Handling Presence
Persistent Presence
Fault Tolerance Mechanism available Presence
Response time Value
Throughput Value
Processing Capacity Value
Availability Ratio
Successability Value
Accessibility Value
Table 3: Attributes of the sub-characteristics evaluated at
life cycle.
Attributes Metric
Pre-condition and Post-
Service agreement
Certification Presence
Evolution Value
Documentation available
Time and effort to (use,
configure, admin an
expertise) the Web service
Provided Interfaces
Dependencies Value
Coverage: It indicates how much of the
required functionalities are implemented by
the Web service.
Pre-conditions and Post-conditions: It
determines the input and output conditions of
the service.
Service agreement: It indicates if the Web
service has a WS-* agreement.
Certification: It indicates if the Web service is
certified by some organization.
Compatibility: It indicates if the service is
compatible with its previous versions.
Volatility: It indicates the time between the
availability of a version and another one of the
Web service.
Evolution: It indicates the versions number of
the Web service launched in the market.
Documentation available: It indicates the
availability of documentation, demos, user
guide, APIs and tutorials.
Time and effort to (use, configure, admin and
expertise) the Web service: It measures the
necessary time and effort for accomplishment
of specific tasks, like use, configuration and
administration of the Web service.
Provided Interfaces: It indicates the amount of
provided interfaces for the Web service.
Dependencies: It indicates the amount of
services of which the service is dependent.
3.1.3 Market Attributes
The market attributes complement the model with
information about the market structure that involves
the service, such as:
Reputation: Description of the provider to
perform similar projects based on past
CMM Level: It indicates the CMM level of
the provider.
Support: It describes the support mechanism
offered by the provider.
Business model: It indicates how the service is
acquired, as well as its cost.
Target Market: It indicates the target market
for which the service was implemented.
There is no specific metric to measure such
attributes and, thus, they are described using a string
with the information.
Web Services architecture uses several standards
used in different levels to obtain interoperability
between three basic operations: publish, find and
bind. Almost all these levels depend on XML
language (Gottschalk, 2002). The main goal of XML
use in Web Services architecture is to solve the
service dynamic discovery problem (Tosic, 2004).
After the quality model is defined, a certifier
entity must test and validate the service, certifying it.
For this reason, a XML model was developed to
represent the service certification with its
characteristics, sub-characteristics and attributes
mentioned in section 3.
The proposed XML model is basically divided in
two parts (see figure 1), where the document root is
service-certification. The first part refers to
certification data, that is, the information collected in
service tests and validation. The second part
mentions the certifier identify, as well as its digital
Certifier digital
Quality model
Figure 1: XML representation model correspond to service
In its first part, the model contains certification
information, such as the certification date (element
date), and elements that represent the characteristics,
sub-characteristics and collected metrics attributes.
Attributes are represented by the same idea proposed
in (Bertoa et al., 2002), where the ODP reference
model is used (ISO 10746, 1997). In this approach,
each attribute is written using a name-value pair.
Each name has a type that determines the possible
values that it can assume. The benefits in this
approach include the fact that it is in accordance
with an international standard, and also that it is easy
to document using XML templates.
<certification-info date=“2006-05-06>
<characteristic name=Efficiency>
<sub-characteristic name=“Stability”>
<property name=Availability>
Figure 2: Part of the model that contains certification
A security schema is necessary to guarantee that
the service certification will not be corrupted by
malicious entities. In this way, the proposed solution
is based on a digital signature calculated on the
XML certification model and the WSDL description
URL, guaranteeing its integrity. Public key digital
signatures are typically, in order to provide integrity
(Stallings, 1995). For that, the XML-Signature
(W3C, 2006) standard was used. The main
characteristic of XML-Signature is the ability to sign
only specific portions of the XML tree, instead of
signing the complete original document.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This XML document serves as a service
certification stamp, that is, the service provider will
be able to attach this document to any other
document that is related to the service, for example,
a WSDL description or even to extend the tModel of
the UDDI, such as considered in (Ran, 2003). In this
way, the consumer locates the desired service, being
able to analyze the certificate information and to
verify if that certificate is signed by a trusted
certifier or not. This verification is made by the
consumer itself, since that XML document contains
the certifier public key. If any person tries to modify
any element of the certification document, then the
signature becomes invalid.
This work presented a quality model based on the
ISO 9126 international standard in order to certify
Web services. However, in contrast of existent
service contracts and SLAs, the goal of the proposed
model is not limited to services dynamic selection,
as it also aims to facilitate, in a simple way, a static
choice of the most appropriate service to be reused
by the consumer.
A XML representation model was developed to
support the proposed quality model, such as a
security schema using the XML-Signature standard
in order to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of
the certificate generated by the certifier entity.
In this way, this model could be adopted by Web
services vendors that publish Web services,
guaranteeing information standardization in these
sites, making possible the services selection by
consumers in the system development adopting the
SOA approach.
A preliminary case study was elaborated with
Web sites that sell commercial and financial Web
services were visited, namely StrikeIron (StrikeIron,
2006), Xignite (Xignite, 2006), and XWebServices
(XWebServices, 2006), that have their products
published in Xmethods, one of the most popular
sites that lists publicly available Web services. From
this survey, it is possible to have the first impression
about the sort of information available at these sites,
how it is advertised, and how difficult it is to extract
the quality information we are looking for. It was
not carried out a rigorous statistical analysis of the
Web services population, since the objective is only
to have coverage that is just enough to make a first
impression of the available information possible.
However, due to the limited pages, we could not
expose the results of this preliminary case study.
As future work, a formal case study about the
services information available in the vendor sites
will be done, in order to verify how much
information of the model is actually available in the
Web services providers.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems