Izworski Andrzej, Koleszynska Joanna, Tadeusiewicz Ryszard
Institute of Automatics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Al. Mickiewicza 30, Krakow, Poland
Keywords: Tele-health system, Tele-education, Web tools, glucose-insulin models, simulation, diabetes therapy.
Abstract: This paper presents renewed approach to the computer-aided diabetes educations introducing GIGISim
(Glucose-Insulin and Glycemic Index Web Simulator) e-learning tool. Together with our system, selected
solutions were summarized and their functionality compliance with diabetes therapy requirements checked.
The analysis of diabetes patients needs has been established through a series of intermediate research
surveys and literature studies. The software implementation of newly proposed innovations is presented
together with effectiveness and suitability rate of a system, prior to the identified requirements.
The overall goal of computer-aided diabetes
education is to help individuals with diabetes
mellitus gain the necessary knowledge about
physiological processes, control dietetic habits and
offer support needed on daily-basis. Rules presented
below provide guidance for architects of this type of
telemedicine systems, determining a basic
functionality, which is to:
improve or maintain the quality of life for
people with diabetes,
assist decision-making enhancing the patient’s
personal sense of control,
help maintaining blood glucose and
cholesterol levels as near-normal as possible,
advice on insulin and medicaments doses,
highlight diabetes-related complications
assess the individual’s diet basing on nutrient
educate on physiological processes and human
carbohydrate metabolism.
Proper diet assessment is especially important as
it influences the insulin and glucose response in
time. Patients treated with insulin should adapt
insulin type (long lasting, short lasting) to the pattern
of their blood glucose response, while other patients
should consult their diet to modify eating habits,
loose weight or improve the body's sensitivity to
insulin. As the diet plays an integral role in the
therapy and as the dietetic guidelines have changed
recently and new strategies have been developed for
people with diabetes, new functionality must be thus
implemented in the dedicated software.
Our research on nutritional management of
diabetes follows the principles of Canadian (CDA,
1999) and the American Diabetes Association
which will be fully presented in Chapter 2. Chapter
3 outlines main guidelines for diabetes-advisory
systems, while chapter 4 presents the existing,
diabetes dedicated educational tools with their
innovations. Section 5 describes the GIGISim tool
main functionality, providing detailed information
on the application implementation and newly added
features, with the possible effects on the therapy,
conclusion and comments also detailed in Chapter 6.
Despite the importance of healthy diet in diabetes
mellitus therapy, patients often neglect nutrition
recommendations and increasing role of the
Glycemic Index (GI) - the exact effect of GI on daily
glucose variation is difficult to identify without
dedicated methods. The Glycemic Index is a scale
that ranks carbohydrate-rich foods by how much
Andrzej I., Joanna K. and Ryszard T. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 319-322
DOI: 10.5220/0002397203190322
they raise blood glucose levels compared to glucose.
Lowering the total GI of the diet may improve blood
glucose control without raising serum triglycerides,
reduce weight and normalize appetite which was
proved for non-diabetes, type I and type II diabetes
(T.M.S. Wolever, 1992; Frost G. Wilding, 1994).
Although diabetes canters and associations
recommend GI as the important diet factor (Jenkins
D.J, 2002; Ludwig DS 2002) and encourage
considering GI among other dietetic rules, patient’s
rarely take it into account when preparing their
meals. What is event more dangerous, but
unfortunately very common according to our
surveys, patients often ignore the importance of
basic nutritional meal assessment, despite the
necessity of the properly balanced diet in diabetes
therapy. Calculations of fats, proteins, carbohydrates
and calories are long and tedious and if the glycemic
index should be included, as the additional nutrition
factor, the process itself becomes even more
Although the glycemic index is a numerical
value, available for nearly every food product and
can be easily found in nutrition tables together with
fats, proteins, carbohydrates and calories estimations
it may be difficult to imagine and understand how
exactly GI affects blood glucose variations. This is
why in our previous papers we introduced a new
web tool: GIGISim which is designed to educate
patients on the GI impact on their diet and therapy.
Our system visualizes the postprandial glucose
profiles correlated to user’s diet and improves
patient’s glycemic control which was proved in
clinical research. The presented examples and
research outlined advantages of the visualization
method over numeric value estimation of a meal.
The blood glucose variation graphic simulation used
in GIGISim is far more meaningful and educative
than figures and calculations.
In this paper we demonstrate the usefulness of
GIGISim, emphasize the educational role of this
internet tool and prove whether it satisfies the
requirements of the prospective diabetes users,
pointed in Chapter 1 and following Chapter.
To improve the GIGISim tool the analysis were
carried to identify new facilities possible to
implement in web-system and to meet users’ specific
requirements. We have already pointed out the
necessity of proper nutritional diet assessment which
requires calculations of total fat, proteins,
carbohydrates and calories in patients’ diet and the
great majority of computer software dedicated for
diabetes includes simple nutritional calculators. The
role of the Glycemic Index on the daily glucose
variation is difficult to identify without specially
dedicated methods and only few systems available
on the market, including GIGISim, actually include
GI as a new factor, evaluating high-quality
carbohydrates for diabetes diet.
The additional nutritional recommendations cited
from the Canadian Diabetes Association (Guidelines
for the Nutritional Management of Diabetes Mellitus
in the New Millennium, 1999) which should be
considered to provide a sufficient meal description,
in the designed software:
Eat at regular times
Choose a variety of foods from all food
Limit sugar and sweets
Reduce the amount of fat you eat
Include foods high in fibre
Limit salt, alcohol and caffeine.
Choose heart healthy fats such as canola and
olive oil.
All those rules are easy to implement in the
computer algorithms, and the only information
required is the food type and the amount, which the
prospective user may provide entering consumed
products from the available database, including meal
time dependencies.
Clinical survey was carried among diabetes
patients in Krakow’s Hospital and among members
of the local Diabetes Association, to identify
additional requirements and possible application of
diabetes oriented software. Subjects were volunteers,
type I and type II diabetes, all treated with insulin.
Suggestions of patients are listed below and their
implementation in GIGISim discussed in the
following chapters. User recommendations:
All individuals would like to receive
nutritional counselling from registered
dieticians as often as possible, preferably via
Specific dietary recommendations and
medications should be individualized to
accommodate the person’s preferences and
Additional tools like diet diaries and statistical
analysis of diet for longer time periods should
be provided.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
User graphical interface should be facilitated
to improve the process of data entering.
Rarely patients are capable of weighing all
consumed food products so estimations should
be possible along with hints about possible
amount consumed.
All those functionalities were analysed, and
implemented in GIGISim Internet tool.
Although the impressive number of diabetes
dedicated software is available in WWW, there are
very few accessible solutions which would help
consumers identify the effect of the novel,
worldwide approved nutritional trend - the Glycemic
Index. Although limited number of e-lerning
diabetes tools complies with a full variety of
requirements, discussed in previous sections,
selected group of diabetes dedicated systems will be
presented in this chapter, compared to GIGISim, to
present the overview of interesting facilities and
functionalities available.
Several investigators have pointed out the
possibility of using the glucose and insulin plasma
levels simulation models, to help diabetes interpret
human carbohydrate metabolism (Lehmann E.D,
1997; Worthington DRL 1990) This approach to
diabetes education was proved to be effective and
numbers of mathematical models of the diabetes
mellitus metabolism have been previously reported
in literature.
The first presented in this section, well
known AIDA software (Lehmann E.D, 1997)
available since 1996, provides a simulation of
glucose and insulin levels in the blood based on the
glucose-insulin kinetics model. Authors have proved
educational advantage of visualization methods like
AIDA simulation over the traditional lectures in
clinical research.
The DiasNet software (Plougmann S., 2001)
have a clear clinical focus, however functional scope
has been extended from being used by clinicians as
advisory system to also being used by patients as an
educational tool. Users can experiment with their
insulin adjustment and meal sizes and analyse
simulations based on human carbohydrate
metabolism model.
Biermann and colleagues focused on the need
for computer-aided learning tool for the education of
patients and personal care of diabetes with insulin
therapy. DIABLOG (Biermann E., 1990) is able to
simulate glucose and insulin profiles of a 24 h period
and display them graphically as curves. The subjects
could vary the carbohydrate content of the meal, the
injection time and dose of short-acting and
intermediate acting insulin and observe simulation
results calculated from mathematical model of
glucose-insulin dynamics. This example is
especially interesting insulin dose adjustment is
considered the most difficult skill to develop for a
new diabetes patient. However, opposite to the
DiasNet solution this system doesn’t support
clinicians supervising so the results of the simulation
must be carefully interpreted by potential users.
In addition to educative software described we
should point out one which actually includes GI as a
new factor, evaluating high-quality carbohydrates
for diabetes diet. Home PC Editors' Choice (1995),
NutriGenie, provides the GI ratings classifying
commonly used food items into 3 categories: low,
medium and high. NutriGenie Nutrient Analysis
Tool controls saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium,
proteins, fibre, vitamins and minerals of the patient’s
diet and is equipped with additional tools like
DietTracker, Katogenic Meal Planner, Weight
Tracker to control the blood glucose, blood pressure
and serum triglycerides. Although the mentioned
software is well featured we believe that a simple
classification of GI doesn’t provide a sufficient meal
description. Graphic visualisation of blood glucose
level changes for all possible GI values is the biggest
GIGISim advantages over other software.
Figure 1: Example of the GIGISim meal simulation – plot
compares blood glucose variation after consumption of
50g glucose and user defined meal.
The main advantage of the GIGISim, emphasised in
previous chapter is that the total effect of diet on
blood glucose variations is presented on plots (Fig.
1). Graphical method illustrates metabolism reaction
more clearly and intuitively then figures in GI tables
so patients treated with insulin analogues may adapt
insulin type and doses to the pattern of blood
glucose response, which is strongly correlated to GI.
What is most important, the GIGISim will be
clinician supervised system. All assessments will be
presented to the user and also sent to the physician
or dietician to approve new insulin treatment schema
or introduce new eating habits, basing on the reports
and nutrient analysis generated by the system.
Our system is an ASP.NET 2.0 web
application and has been equipped with user friendly
interface, providing help, tips and hints about food
amount estimation, which was one of the most
common user requirements. Next feature to
implement would be a system of trackers and diaries
To control patient’s progress in weight and
blood glucose control. Also, the AI algorithms will
be used to build intelligent Meal Planner and to
individualize recommendations, to satisfy the
person’s taste preferences and lifestyle. To ensure
comfort of usage the GIGISim may be easily
migrated to the mobile devices like palmtops or
mobile phones (Fig. 2).
Figure 2: The ways of accessing the GIGISim on-line.
Nutrition management is a key component for the
health and quality of life for people with diabetes but
it is also probably one of the most complicated and
complex long-term therapy. Many factors should be
taken into account, like the individual’s micro- and
macronutrient, physical activity, lifestyle and
medical needs. A meal and insulin dose planning
requires experience from patients, their families and
physicians. We believe the computer aided-diabetes
therapy has a promising perspective if only the
designed system will be able to assure and facilitate
contact between the patient and his physician via
web application, like GIGISim.
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This paper was supported by AGH grant
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems