Towards a Research Program on Global Supply Chain Intelligence
Charles Møller
Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Fuglesangs Allé 4 DK-8210 Aarhus V, Denmark
Keywords: Enterprise Systems, Management, Business Process, Innovation.
Abstract: Industrial supply chains today are globally scattered and nearly all organizations rely on their Enterprise
Information Systems (EIS) for integration and coordination of their activities. In this context innovation in a
global supply chain must be driven by advanced information technology. This paper proposes a research
program on Global Supply Chain Intelligence. The paper argues that a conceptual framework for BPI is
required to approach innovations in a global supply chain. A research proposal based on five interrelated
topics is derived from the framework. The research program is intended to establish and to develop the
conceptual framework for BPI further and to apply this framework in a global supply chain context.
Few words are more ubiquitous in business or
society today than “innovation”. This reflects that
businesses are striving for ways to survive and thrive
in an increasingly complex and connected world
(IBM, 2006). Organizations today are required not
operate effective business processes and also to
accommodate for changing business conditions at an
increasing rate. Consequently the ability to develop
and implement new processes driven by EIS is a
central competence in most industries, and
furthermore it is a critical practice for a global
The next practice in Global Supply Chain
Management is BPI (BPI). BPI is the transformation
of a global supply chain driven by a new advanced
Enterprise Information Systems technology. This
technology holds the potential to “close the control
loop”, but until now few organizations have
managed to unleash the full potential of global
supply chain intelligence. Thus, there is an emerging
need for managing the transformation and for new
approaches that will lead to robust global supply
chains. The emergent challenge and opportunity for
an organization is to architect, design and
orchestrate adaptive global supply chain networks.
Adaptive supply chain networks exploit innovations
to improve efficiency and responsiveness and
consistently achieve these objectives. Consequently
not only sense and response, but also robustness and
resilience are emerging concerns to most enterprises
(Sheffi, 2005).
Innovation is inevitably tied into technology and
especially IT. Modern Enterprise Information
Systems (EIS) from the major vendors contain vast
amounts of new concepts and tools, but let’s face it:
quite often these wonderful tools are used (and
sometimes misused) to create trivial solutions. Why
is that? Maybe because we as users and as
organizations are not able to grasp the enormous
complexity of the task of changing inter-
organizational processes spanning global supply
chains, numerous organizational boundaries and
countless IT-systems.
This paper is fueled by the idea that there is a
huge potential contribution in using advanced EIS to
transform an organization and create a better
alignment between business and processes. This is a
practice that can be described as BPI (BPI).
Davenport, Prusak and Wilson (Davenport et al.,
2003) simplify the innovation process into four
steps: 1) scanning and identifying ideas; 2)
packaging the idea; 3) advocating the idea; and 4)
making it happen. They come up with two extreme
roles: the “guru” packagers and the creative “idea
practitioners”. This outlines a playground for an
innovator as a mediator who transforms the big ideas
into practice and makes it work. Although
innovation theories often emphasize the innovator´s
Møller C. (2007).
THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR BUSINESS PROCESS INNOVATION - Towards a Research Program on Global Supply Chain Intelligence.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 233-238
DOI: 10.5220/0002405502330238
role in the process Christensen, Anthony and Roth
(2004), others take a completely different stance.
Michael Schrage argues that the innovative
prototype creates innovations, not the innovator. His
point is simply that the process of working (and
playing) with the prototype models is more
important than the design process. His work
illustrates how leading enterprises master this
modeling process and are able to transform the
learning into innovative products on the market. His
message is simple: you need to be able to model
your ideas, play with the models and learn by doing
(Schrage, 2004).
1.1 Research Approach
The fundamental theoretical lens on this problem is
the system’s perspective, i.e. the business process is
considered as a work system and BPI is considered a
systems engineering process. System Development
and in particular IS development is a well-known
and mature perspective. This perspective is mainly
focused on software development which is not the
main issue here. However, this perspective can
inform the model architect about modeling in an
organizational context. These fields are very rich -
for more details see (Møller, 2007).
Enterprise Information Systems are the technical
and the organizational context for integrated process
development. The EIS and the process models are
the new components of an information system. The
EIS has also changed from static systems towards a
new generation of EIS driven by process models
(Møller, 2005). It is equally important to understand
the old architecture and the new architecture of the
systems. We need to consider the vendors, how they
relate and also the adoption of new technologies.
The global supply chain is the business and
organizational context for developing integrated
processes. The arena for process innovation has
changed from the internal processes towards the
external processes in the supply chain. This has
many implications, including the fact that the roles
of the information systems are becoming more
prominent. Many of the modern inter-organizational
issues are only touched upon to some extend, and
they need to be provided using various real life
The theoretical foundation for Business
Processes is rooted in the industrial engineering
tradition. Many adjacent theories, tools and
techniques like “Lean” or “Six-sigma” should be
identified in order to establish a comprehensive
framework. In the computer sciences tradition there
is an emerging process modeling community based
on mainly process model standards and workflow
systems. Today the workflow community is very
engaged into standards, general models and
modeling and design techniques.
The Process Innovation Laboratory (Π-Lab) has
been proposed as a comprehensive framework and a
collaborative workspace for experimenting with
process models. The Π-Lab is using a combination
of integrated action learning and concept
development approach to facilitate innovation. This
methodology is called innovation mediation (Møller,
This paper establishes the conceptual framework
for a new methodology for developing business
processes in a global supply chain based on
advanced Enterprise Information Systems. The
proposed research program evolves around the
conceptual framework and has five interrelated
activities: 1) to establish the theoretical foundation
for BPI in the supply chain. The objective is to
identify, capture and to categorize the general
process theory in a supply chain context. 2) to set up
the conceptual context for developing global supply
chains. The objective is to identify and enhance new
concepts and the methods for developing global
supply chain intelligence. 3) to create the conceptual
basis for managing advanced Enterprise Information
Systems. The objective is to identify and transform
the new concepts and the technology management
perspective based on new advanced Enterprise
Information Systems. 4) to develop innovation
mediation as a methodology for BPI. The Π-Lab is
proposed as a comprehensive framework and a
collaborative workspace for experimenting with
process models. The Π-Lab is using an integrated
action learning and concept development approach
to facilitate innovation. 5) to execute a number of
industry driven action research projects on BPI.
These projects serve as the shared empirical basis
and furthermore a national and international network
of researchers and industries on BPI will be
The conceptual framework is based on previous
research on operations management and information
systems, and this particular research contributes to
each of the topics with the Π-Lab and Innovation
Mediation as the main contribution. Thus the
research approach of this program is a combination
of theoretical studies, conceptual development of
methods and tools and explorative action research.
The research we embark on is based on engineering
and computer science, and it is called design
science. This study uses Design Research in
Information Systems in an emerging “lens” or set of
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
analytical techniques and perspectives
complementing the positivistic and interpretive
perspective in IS (Hevner et al., 2004). The design
research involves the analysis of the use and
performance of designed artifacts to understand,
explain and very frequently to improve the behavior
of aspects of Information Systems. Design science
ultimately is theorizing on business process design
or innovation, and the research activity framework is
elaborated in the following section.
Process Improvement (Davenport, 1992) is business-
oriented of nature and consistently focused on hard
facts and value. The first wave of process
improvement used continuous improvement (kaizen)
techniques to empower people to solve problems.
This proved to be a very successful approach and
today we see the lean movement which is based on
this thinking with tools such as the 6-sigma and
Since the beginning of the 90´s there has been an
enormous focus on business processes and business
processes as a source of innovation. This marks the
second wave and the understanding was that the
business processes were inhibited by organizational
and cultural boundaries. Consequently techniques
like Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
emerged using a clean slate approach was attempted
and new IT was applied as a silver bullet. New IT
was often embodied in the first generation ERP
systems (or more general EIS) and after the EIS
technology was widely adopted, new problems
emerged. First of all the implementation issues were
considerably but the most prominent problem was
the claimed inflexibility of the EIS (Davenport,
All together business models require processes
to be integrated across the supply chain in order to
accommodate for transparency demand, and the EIS
technology naturally is the major component in this
architecture. Consequently the information
technology has become a barrier for process
improvement. These issues are also addressed by the
major ERP vendors that compete to provide the
next-generation EIS technology as well. Recently we
have seen, how they approached these challenges
(Møller, 2005), and we conclude that we are facing
an emerging disruptive change that will allow for
future EIS to be driven by process models. This is
also called process aware IS (Dumas et al., 2005).
Process models and enterprise modeling have
been around for a while, Extended Enterprises and
integration have been a major issue for industry and
research, and here we use the concept of an
integrated business process model to frame these
enterprise models. Meanwhile the trends and
tendencies in logistics and supply chain management
have reinforced the need for process integration
leaving the supply chain scattered and distributed
from globalization and outsourcing. Most important
the need for customer driven supply chains requires
new approaches to process integration across
enterprises, and we use the concept of process
innovation to frame these approaches. Consequently,
we need to explore and understand the implications
of this new situation - there are several research
opportunities in this context.
2.1 Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management (SCM) has become one
of the most important new business concepts. Global
competition and outsourcing have caused the
fragmentation of the supply chain, and supply chain
excellence is now a prerequisite for competitive
advantage (Christopher, 2005). APS was enabled by
refining the mathematical programming models and
in particular the genetic algorithms applied to solve
the network problems of an entire supply chain. The
APS systems facilitate the central management of
the supply chain activities and processes in real time,
essentially by extending the MRP/II planning
concepts to encompass the entire supply chain, and
as a result the systems in effect are SCM systems
(Møller, 2006b).
A recent study of the perceived benefits from
implementing ERP Davenport, Harris and Cantrell,
(2004) shows that the key factors driving ERP
benefits are: (i) integration of processes; (ii)
optimization of processes; and (iii) informate, or the
transformation of the company based on EIS data.
On the other hand, Davenport and Brooks
(Davenport and Brooks, 2004) argue that early ERP
was not primarily focused on the supply chain, but
the businesses that were able to extend their
Enterprise Information Systems into the supply
chain with “bolt on” SCM systems have experienced
substantial benefits.
The challenge is to transform new ideas and
advanced technology into business value. In other
words: How can we effectively apply new advanced
Enterprise Information Systems in a global supply
chain in order to create process integration? The key
to these benefits goes through the development of
infrastructural and strategic capabilities embodied in
Global Supply Chain Intelligence
ERP combined with the SCM systems - the next
generation of ERP (Møller, 2005).
2.2 Enterprise Systems Management
Few IT innovations have had as much impact on
business organizations in the past years as Enterprise
Information Systems. EIS are a standardized
software package designed to integrate the data used
throughout an entire organization (Davenport, 1998).
Many large enterprises have implemented EIS and
have now taken their next step on the EIS journey.
This journey is often described in terms of waves
(Shanks et al., 2003). The first EIS wave includes
the acquisition, configuration and implementation
along with resulting changes in the organization
after going live with the system for the first time.
The second wave includes making continuous
improvements and maximizing the benefits from
EIS. The EIS have changed fundamentally over the
last ten years (Møller, 2005), and companies are
now taking advantage of the web-based technologies
and advanced functions in order to establish an
integrated extended enterprise (Davenport and
Brooks, 2004). First wave EIS implementations have
been explored through case studies which have
focused on for instance EIS strategic options, how to
avoid failures, how to identify issues of alignment,
and business process reengineering issues. Only
recently we have seen research aimed at EIS beyond
the cost-intensive implementation phase. However,
the work we have seen on the actual application and
impacts of EIS has a clear message: These systems
have the capability to transform a business, but only
if the organization is able to integrate the activities –
not only internally, but also across the external value
chain. This requires the enterprise system to be
managed as an independent area in the organization
to fully exploit its potential and ensure that it
continues to produce business benefits. We believe
that this calls for a new management competence or
function: Enterprise Information Systems
Management (Møller, 2006a).
Simultaneously the EIS have evolved
tremendously, driven by: the changing business
requirements, the new technologies, and software
vendors´ innovations (Markus and Tanis, 2000). In
the recent years the ERP systems evolved into what
is often summarized as ERP II systems and the
organizations are now taking advantage of new web-
based technologies and advanced functions in order
to establish an integrated extended enterprise
(Davenport and Brooks, 2004). These issues are also
addressed by the major ERP vendors who compete
to provide the next-generation EIS technology as
well. Recently we have seen how they approached
these challenges (Møller, 2005), and we conclude
that we are facing an emerging disruptive change
that will allow for future EIS to be driven by process
models (Dumas et al., 2005).
Contemporary Enterprise Information Systems
(EIS) from the major vendors such as SAP, Oracle
and Microsoft offer vast amounts of new tools and
concepts based on the best practices. However,
changing inter-organizational processes spanning
global supply chains, numerous organizational
boundaries and countless IT-systems are a complex
task challenging research and education (Møller et
al., 2006).
2.3 Innovation Mediation
The central research question is therefore: how can
we establish a methodology for BPI in a supply
chain based on new advanced Enterprise
Information Systems technology?
The relationship between a business process and
the organizational context is widely debated. This
program is leveraging on the idea of an integrated
business processes as an identifiable concrete model
represented in an enterprise system, and applied in
practice in a supply chain. Consequently, the
research tasks are narrowed down to the need to
create: 1) A method to innovate business processes;
and 2) a tool to facilitate BPI. This idea has
previously been proposed as the Process Innovation
laboratory, or the Π-Lab (Møller, 2007).
Innovation Mediation is an explorative approach
to study integrated business process modeling in a
controlled environment embodied in the Process
Innovation Laboratory. The process innovation
laboratory is a collaborative workspace for
experimenting with process models. The Π-Lab is a
comprehensive framework for studying, for teaching
and for learning practical problem solving and
system design using integrated process models. The
Π-Lab facilitates innovation by using an integrated
action learning approach to process modeling, which
includes contemporary technological, organizational
and business perspectives. Innovation Mediation in
this context consists of five central elements:
Innovation Mediation is a method to develop
integrated process models in a (1) process
innovation laboratory using based on (2) the
theoretical framework for process innovation.
Models are established in a controlled environment
using two principles: (3) conceptual modeling and
(4) experimental learning. This is assumed to lead to
(5) the process innovation.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We can distinguish between “in-vivo models”
which mean “live models” or “in-vitro models”
which means models in a controlled environment. In
an area where models are more significant and
established, the notion of a laboratory is often
central to experiment with “in-vitro” models. In
business and in particular in a supply chain context,
a laboratory is less familiar. However we have seen
cases with simulation and role playing games like
Forrester’s Beer game. They are in many aspects
examples of a process lab. The models we are
interested in are architectural concept types of
models with many aspects and the representation is
closely related to new IT and finally, the models
span organizational boundaries.
In architectural patterns have been successfully
applied as overall abstraction of designs. Patterns
were originally conceived by Christopher Alexander
(Alexander, 2003), a Berkeley Professor of
Architecture with a background within mathematics,
physics and chemistry. Alexander’s work is based
on the idea that nature is organized into a limited
number of structures which repeat themselves. He
describes architectures using fifteen properties. To
understand and to describe these repeating structures
is a new way of generalizing design knowledge that
is labeled patterns. A pattern language is just a
precise way of describing someone’s experience.
These ideas have spread to the object oriented
development world, were patterns are used as an
abstraction of a solution in a given context. Recently
patterns lead to the development of a catalogue of
processes (Malone et al., 2003). The pattern is a
reference design and the idea of reference models
has cached on in several modeling related areas,
such as enterprise modeling, information systems
architecture (Zachman, 1999). In this context a
pattern is expressed as: the issues concerning a
solution to a problem in a certain context. The use of
patterns is a learning approach. The complementary
idea to learning is the idea of conceptual modeling
or modeling in the large. Conceptual modeling is an
overall approach to develop complex systems in a
holistic organizational context. Conceptual modeling
integrates concepts and concept modeling develops
links from detailed aspect models to overall holistic
models and links from the current situation to the
future situation. Concept modeling can also be
understood in a learning perspective and the effect is
based on sharing mental models that sometimes are
referred to as boundary objects.
The pivotal point of this methodology is based
on the idea that the future systems are model driven.
Consequently there are two ways in which the
integrated models may be studied: 1) “in-vitro”, that
is in a controlled environment like in the lab, or 1)
“in-vivo” where the process is embedded in the
organizational and business context.
2.4 Practices for Global SC
Innovation Mediation and modeling is mainly about
gaining insight. A central idea to explore is the idea
of integrated action learning. Innovation means
getting new ideas, and consequently BPI needs to be
based on generating new knowledge on the process
models. Therefore we apply a learning perspective
on modeling. The ideas are often framed e.g. by
Kolb’s models on experiential learning (Kolb,
1984). Kolb’s model explains learning as a circle
with four elements: concrete experience, reflective
observations, abstract conceptualization and active
experimentation and testing in new situations. In this
framework the activities are taken as a checklist for
activities leading to learning. Consequently
Innovation Mediation needs to include: 1)
Intervention: Planning and executing test on the
models; 2) Experience: Observation of result of the
interventions; 3) Reflection: Explain deviations from
expected results; and 4) Conceptualization: Make
the experiences general.
The theory of learning is often connected to the
action research paradigm. Here we will assume that
the inclusion of many different perspectives can
emulate aspects of reality to a certain extend. The
shared empirical basis of this program will be based
on a smaller number of industry driven action
research projects on BPI. These cases provide the
program with a “live” laboratory for changing
This paper has now outlined the conceptual
framework for a research program on BPI based on
advanced EIS in a global supply chain context. The
paper has argued that most industrial supply chains
are globally scattered and nearly every business
relies on their EIS for process integration. In this
context innovation is inevitable driven by advanced
information technology. Consequently there is a
need for new approaches to BPI based on advanced
EIS. This is the central research question for the
proposed program. The program is established in an
applied research framework aiming at changing
practices towards global supply chain intelligence.
This global supply chain intelligence research
program is basically dealing with the issues of how
to design and implement effective and robust
Global Supply Chain Intelligence
(resilient) supply chains, and the program is focused
on learning and theorizing based on theoretical
concepts and practice. The main research
contribution of this program is to develop and to test
the Innovation Mediation methodology. However,
there is also a significant contribution to the supply
chain and EIS theories. This paper is an abridged
version of a working paper found at:
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems