P. Kroha and T. Reichel
Department of Information Systems and Software Engineering, TU Chemnitz, Strasse der Nationen, 09111 Chemnitz, Germany
Text mining, text classification, grammars, natural language, stock exchange news, market forecast.
In this contribution we present our experiments with using grammars for text classification. Approaches
usually used are based on statistical methods working with term frequency. We investigate short texts (stock
exchange news) more deeply in that we analyze the structure of sentences and context of used phrases. Results
are used for predicting market movements coming from the hypotheses that news move markets.
Currently, a growing amount of commercially valu-
able business news becomes available on the World
Wide Web in electronic form. However, the volume
of news is very large. Many of them have no impor-
tance but some of them may be very important for
predicting market trends. The question is how to fil-
ter the important news from the unimportant ones and
how much of this kind of information moves markets.
In our previous works we have been experiment-
ing with methods of text classification that are based
on frequency of terms to distinguish between positive
news and negative news in terms of long-term market
In this paper, we present how we have built a
grammar that describes templates typical for specific
groups of news stories. Each sentence in a news story
is analyzed by a parser that determines the template to
which the sentence belongs. Sentences and news are
classified according to these assignments.
The novel approach is in using grammars and tem-
plates for text classification. Papers already published
use statistical methods of classification based on term
frequency. We discuss them and their shortcomings
in Section 2.
The most crucial question is, of course, how to
preprocess the news before extraction and before in-
putting the results into the classification engine. We
investigate market news but our method of text clas-
sification presented in this paper can be used for any
other purpose, too.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Re-
lated work is recalled in Section 2. Section 3 intro-
duces concerned problems and Section 4 describes
the implementation, Section 5 introduces our exper-
imental data. Section 6 presents our experiments and
achieved results. Finally, we conclude in Section 7.
In related papers, the approach to classification of
market news is similar to the approach to document
relevance. Experts construct a set of keywords which
they think are important for moving markets. The
occurrences of such a fixed set of several hundreds
of keywords will be counted in every message. The
counts are then transformed into weights. Finally, the
weights are the input into a prediction engine (e.g. a
neural net, a rule based system, or a classifier), which
forecasts which class the analyzed message should be
assigned to.
In papers by Nahm, Mooney (Nahm, 2002) a
small number of documents was manually annotated
(we can say indexed) and the obtained index, i.e. a
set of keywords, will be induced to a large body of
text to construct a large structured database for data
mining. The authors work with documents contain-
Kroha P. and Reichel T. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 259-264
DOI: 10.5220/0002406302590264
ing job posting templates. A similar procedure can
be found in papers by Macskassy (Macsakssy and
Provost, 2001). The key to his approach is the user’s
specification to label historical documents. These
data then form a training corpus to which inductive
algorithms will be applied to build a text classifier.
In Lavrenko (Lavrenko et al., 2000) a set of news
is correlated with each trend. The goal is to learn
a language model correlated with the trend and use
it for prediction. A language model determines the
statistics of word usage patterns among the news in
the training set. Once a language model has been
learned for every trend, a stream of incoming news
can be monitored and it can be estimated which of
the known trend models is most likely to generate the
Compared to our investigation there are two dif-
ferent approaches. One difference is that Lavrenko
uses his models of trends and corresponding news
only for day trading. The weak point of this ap-
proach is that it is not clear how quickly the market re-
sponds to news releases. Lavrenko discusses this but
the problem is that it is not possible to isolate market
responses for each news story. News build a context
in which investors decide what to buy or sell. Fresh
news occur in the context of older news and may have
a different impact.
In (Kroha and Baeza-Yates, 2005), the relevance
of properties of large sets of news and long-term mar-
ket trends was investigated using bags of news for
classification. In (Kroha et al., 2006), the method was
improved so that all news stories were separated from
each other and the fine-grain classification was pro-
vided. The obtained results were of a new quality but
the problems of statistical methods of classification
still remain. In the next chapter we present our new
Some features that are important for the classification
are given by the sentence structure and not by the term
frequency. In the example bellow, the both news sto-
ries have the same term frequency but completely dif-
ferent meaning.
Example 1:
News story 1: ”XY company closed with a loss
last year but this year will be closed with a profit”.
News story 2: ”XY company closed with a profit
last year but this year will be closed with a loss.
(End of example)
There are grammatical constructions changing the
meaning of a sentence that would be derived from
Example 2:
”Lexmark’s net income rose 12 % but the com-
pany warned that an uncertain economy and price
competition could weigh on future results.
(End of example)
Example 3:
”Lexmark’s net income rose 12 % but it did not
achieved the earnings expectations.
(End of example)
To overcome the problem presented above, i.e.
two sentences may exist that have the same term fre-
quency but completely different meaning, we have
written a grammar describing grammatical construc-
tions in English that usually bring positive or negative
meaning to a sentence.
We collected news stories that can have an impor-
tant influence (at least in our opinion) on markets and
divided them accordingly to their content and struc-
ture into positive and negative ones.
Investigating the positive news we found phrases
like e.g. new contracts, cost cutting, net rose, profit
surged, jump in net profit, net doubled, earnings dou-
bled, jump in sales, huge profit, income rose, strong
sales, upgraded, swung to a profit.
In negative news we found e.g. accounting prob-
lems, decline in revenue, downgraded, drop in earn-
ings, drop in net income, expectations down, net fell,
net loss, net plunged, profile plunged, profit reduced,
earnings decline, profits drop, slashed forecast, low-
ered forecast, prices tumbled.
We also investigated the sentence structure to clas-
sify news like: ”Dell’s profit fell 11% due to a
tax charge, but operating earnings jumped 21%. or
”EBay said earnings rose 44% but narrowly missed
Wall Street expectations, sending shares down 12%
in after-hours trading. We focused the parts of sen-
tences that denote future event before last events be-
cause this is the way the investors do it.
In general, we can observe some repeating tem-
plates in news stories that can be used for association
of news into groups and estimation of their meaning.
For example, we can distinguish the following
1. New big contract
2. Acquisitions
3. Income rose
4. Income fell
5. Bad past but good future
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
6. Good past but bad future
7. .... etc.
For simplicity we can suppose that news that can-
not be assigned to our templates are not interesting
enough for forecasting. Based on templates we con-
structed our grammar.
A part of our grammar that solves the problem
given in Example 1 is given bellow for illustration.
Start = Message;
Message = (Sentence)*;
Sentence = ’.’ {c.add("empty");} | ... |
... | NotClassified ;
BadPastGoodPresent =
Company NegSubject PastWord ’but’
PresentWord PosSubject ’.’
{c.add("bPgP");} ;
// match News story 1 as positive
GoodPastBadPresent =
Company PosSubject PastWord ’but’
PresentWord NegSubject ’.’
{c.add("gPbP");} ;
// match News story 2 as negative
Company = ... | ’XY’ | ... ;
PosSubject = ... | ’profit’ | ... ;
NegSubject = ... | ’loss’ | ... ;
PastWord = ... |’last’ ’year’| ...;
PresentWord = ...|’this’ ’year’| ...;
allWord = Company | PosSubject | NegSubject
| PastWord | PresentWord;
In the implemented system, messages are classified in
three steps that will be described in next subsections.
4.1 From the Grammar to the Parser
The BNF-form of the grammar has to be transformed
into an executable version of parser. We used the tool
Bex (Franke, 2000) that produced the source code of
the corresponding ll(k)-parsers. This source code was
adapted by a classification object ClassifyObj(c) that
completed the grammar by semantic rules describing
the classification of messages.
The classification object ClassifyObj(c) includes
two associative arrays (Hashtables). One of them
(TEMP) contains the temporary classification of the
current sentence, the next one (FINAL) contains
the final classification of the message. The array
TEMP receives values during the parsing process
If the end of a sentence will be obtained (’.’) then
the temporary classification form the array TEMP
will be added to the existing FINAL classification
If the end of the sentence will not be obtained be-
cause only the first part of the sentence match a rule of
the grammar, the TEMP-classification will be deleted.
In the example given above the TEMP-classification
is not used because the classification found can be
added directly and definitely (add("x")).
4.2 Lexical Analysis
The lexical analysis has to prepare the textual mes-
sages into a form suitable for processing by the parser,
i.e. into a form that will be accepted by all means (the
case notClassified is a part of the grammar). It is
necessary for every sentence to be classified because
the parser should not interrupt the classification.
At the very beginning, each message will be de-
composed into sentences. Because of that all abbre-
viations are investigated for change (to delete the dot)
to guarantee that sentences are identified correctly.
Then all words will be removed from each sen-
tence that are not terminals of the given grammar, i.e.
not included in allWord.
This process of text message preparation can be
called a normalization. In the next step normalized
texts are processed.
Example 5:
The message
”eBay’s net profit doubled, citing better-than-
expected sales across most of its segments.
will be converted into
”eBay net profit doubled better-than-expected sales.
(End of example)
Example 6:
The message
”XY company closed with a loss last year but this year
will be closed with a profit.
will be converted into
”XY loss last year but this year profit .
(End of example)
4.3 Classification
The process of classification runs on normalized text
messages. The parser reads every message and builds
a corresponding object ClassifyObj that contains the
number of classified (event. non-classified) sentences
inclusive the corresponding arrays TEMP. For pur-
poses of the later statistical investigations the map-
ping (message; ClassifyObj) will be stored.
We used about 27.000 messages of Wall Street Jour-
nal - Electronic Edition in time interval February
2001 to November 2006 (about 400 news stories in a
month). The messages are short summaries of longer
stock reports. Most (75 %) of them contain one sen-
tence only (see examples above).
The grammar has been constructed on messages
of the year 2004 and the validation of the classifica-
tion has been done manually on messages of the year
For purposes of prediction we used stock prices of
US stock index Dow Jones in the same time interval.
We developed a grammar based on messages of 2004.
Because of the simplicity and because of the fact that
only 25 % of messages consist of more than one sen-
tence, our grammar can process only isolated sen-
tences. We did not investigate relations between sen-
tences in one message. This will be one of the topics
of our future research.
In the following example we can see that there is
not always a direct relation between more sentences
of a message. Often more one-sentence-messages are
composed into one composed message even if they
have the same meaning being separated in different
Example 7:
Techs edged higher Tuesday afternoon after the
previous session’s selloff. Cisco fell amid downbeat
analyst remarks. Microsoft and Dell rose, but AMD
At its first part, the grammar contains a filter tem-
plate that identifies sentences that cannot be classi-
fied using our grammar. There are, for example, sen-
tences consisting of less than two words or sentences
that do not contain a company name. Another filter
template identifies sentences that have—according to
our opinion—no direct influence on markets. We also
wrote filter templates to identify sentences that con-
tain data we obtain from other sources, e.g. how many
points Dow Jones declined yesterday. After using fil-
ter templates about 50 % messages were eliminated.
The next part of the grammar contains 46 rules
that represent classes of messages. They were ob-
tained from messages of 2004 that we classified man-
ually and used as a training set. We validated them
using messages of 2002 and achieved a precision in
average 92 %. The recall has not been measured be-
cause for that it would be necessary to classify all
5000 messages of 2002 manually, which would be too
time consuming. Using this part of grammar about 45
% of messages were assigned to known classes, the
rest was assigned to the class NotClassified.
Figure 1: Number of classified, filtered and not classified
sentences per week.
As mentioned above, we classified news stories
into two classes: positive messages, negative mes-
sages. After the classification we used the relation be-
tween the number of positive messages and the num-
ber of negative messages as a simple indicator for pre-
diction. Our hypotheses is that when positive mes-
sages are in a majority then the market index will go
up, when the negative messages are in a majority then
the market index will go down. We classified news
stories in week portions and determined the relation
described above. The function created in this way
we compared with Dow Jones Index because the news
are in English and are concerning the US-market. To
eliminate the dependency from the number of all mes-
sages in weeks, which is different of course, we nor-
malized using the following formula:
· c
prediction at time t,
[1, 1] weighting of class i,
0 number of classifications in class i
In the most simple case, weighting w
= 1 will
be assigned for all positive classified messages and
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
= 1 for all negative classified messages. News
stories that cannot be either positive nor negative
classified will be weighted with w
= 0. Using this
method the majority is easy to detect. For result > 0,
we have more positive then negative, for result < 0
we have more negative then positive messages. Using
the weights 1,-1, 0 the computation of the formula (1)
will be easy.
pos neg
pos + neg
pos number of positive messages,
neg number of negative messages
In Fig. 2 we can see the Dow Jones Index and the
function given by the formula (2). In this case, we
have got 22 positive, 20 negative, and 4 zero classifi-
Figure 2: positive : negative classification rate and Dow
Jones index.
The Dow Jones trend can be compared with the
trend of our prediction function. We can investigate
whether it would be possible to predict the trend of
Dow Jones using the classification described above
and how much importance such prediction would
To get a practical effect we need a prediction indi-
cator that reacts in advance, before the market index
changed its trend. To test our hypothesis we defined
two time intervals A and B.
In the time interval A the prediction curve crosses
the zero line top down at the February, 5, 2002 which
predicts a long-term down trend even if Dow Jones
was going up. The Dow Jones Index achieved its top
at the March, 20, 2002 and then it changed to the
down trend for long time. In this case the prediction
came 2 months ahead.
In the time interval B we can see that the predic-
tion curve crosses the zero line at the October, 12,
2002 from the bottom up. The Dow Jones Index
achieved its lowest point at the March, 8, 2003 and
then it changed to the up trend for long time. In this
case the prediction came 4 months ahead.
To get a homogenous prediction curve we used
smoothing so that the prediction is not as precise in
the time interval A. In time interval B we can see the
crossing having a great distance from the trend change
of the market. So, we evaluate this method as inter-
esting even if we have not more time points where the
trend changes are accompanied by enough news sto-
ries in electronic form.
In further work we will try to collect and classify
greater collections of news stories. However, to get
a large collection of news stories is difficult because
the electronic versions of news were not commonly
used in the past.
In addition we evaluate the impact of messages in
context of other economic parameters. We are just
experimenting in using a neuronal network to process
the classified news stories. In such a way we can in-
clude other economic influences like oil price, gold
price, relation between currencies, etc. We hope to
get some refinement of the prediction.
The next problem is that we also need to take into
account that some of news are not true and some of
them has been constructed with the intention to mys-
tify the investors.
Our grammar already contains a class called
GuessMessage that discover templates with verbs like
”to expect” or ”to plan”, but this modality is not suf-
ficient. We will try to improve templates identifying
such messages.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems