Shot Boundary Detection in Football Video
Management System
Sanparith Marukatat
Image Laboratory
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
112 Thailand Science Park, Phahon Yothin Road
Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Abstract. Today, video has become an important part in multimedia data which
is broadcasted through various networks. Shot boundary detection is a fundamen-
tal task in the video processing system. This paper presents a shot boundary de-
tection technique for football video. The detector is based on color histogram with
adaptive threshold chosen by the entropic thresholding technique. This allows de-
tecting both cut and gradual transition in the video. A special attention is taken
to identify wipes among detected gradual transitions. This system is evaluated on
more than one hour of football video. The obtained results are encouraging. An
analysis of detection errors is also presented. This can give a guideline for further
investigation of shot boundary detection.
1 Introduction
Today, video, especially sport video, has become an important part in multimedia data
which is broadcasted through various networks. With the advance in compression and
transmission techniques, user can receive more and more video data. Video manage-
ment system is then necessary to assist user in exploring their video collection. In this
paper, we are interested in football video which represent a large volume of broadcasted
sport video in many countries.
A fundamental step in every video analysis (indexing, retrieval or summarization)
is shot boundary detection. Shot is defined as a group of frames which are filmed from
the same camera. The transitions between shots can be divided in two main categories:
abrupt and gradual transition. Abrupt transition, also referred to as a cut, happens when
there is a complete change of shot over two consecutive frames. This is the common
transition used in video editing process especially in live reports and in sport events.
Gradual transition happens when the change spans over a larger number of consecutive
frames. Dissolve and wipe are two types of gradual transition which are often found in
common video. During dissolve the intensity of disappearing shot gradually decreases
from normal to zero while the intensity of appearing shot increases from zero to normal.
During wipe transition, both shots coexist in different spatial regions, and the region
occupied by the appearing shot grows until it entirely replaces the other [2]. It should
be noted that in some sport event, wipe is accompanied by the logo of that event. We
Marukatat S. (2007).
Shot Boundar y Detection in Football Video Management System.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 207-214
DOI: 10.5220/0002421902070214
will use the term logo-wipe to denote this special kind of wipe. Both wipe and logo-
wipe are usually used in transition between a normal play and a replay sequence. Hence
they can be a key indicator in event detection module. Figure 1 (a), (b), and (c) show
examples of frames during dissolve, wipe and logo-wipe respectively.
Fig.1. Examples of images during dissolve (a), wipe (b) and logo-wipe (c).
This paper deals with the detection of both cut, and gradual transition in foot-
ball video. After reviewing some related works on this subject in Section 2, Section
3 presents our shot boundary detection module. Sections 4 and 5 present our experi-
mental result and the conclusion respectively.
2 Related Works on Shot Boundary Detection
While cut can be reliably detected using some low level features (e.g. pixel, histogram,
edge, etc.) the gradual transition detection is still an open issue. Several algorithms
have been proposed to deal with gradual transition. In [12] frame differences with value
between two thresholds were accumulated and gradual transition was declared when
this accumulated score exceeded the higher threshold. In [11] the authors proposed
the so-called edge change ratio to detect cut, dissolve as well as fades transition, i.e.
dissolve toward a monochrome image (fade out) or from this monochrome image (fade
in). The authors argued that these transition effects have their characteristics in the edge
change ratio time series. In [6], the author reported that many dissolves do not show the
desired characteristics and remain undetected by this technique then proposed a similar
measure called edge based contrast. Indeed, during gradual transition, the disappearing
shot lose its contrast leading to the reduction of strong edge in favor of the weak edge.
As consequent, the authors have designed this measured to accentuate the different
between strong edge and weak edge. However, for football scene, the rare strong edges
found in the image usually correspond to the line on the field. Therefore, this measure
can not reliably detect dissolve transition in our problem.
In [4,3,10] the authors supposed that the dissolve transition follows a simple linear
transform from the disappearing shot toward the appearing shot. Under this assumption,
it can be proved that the variance curve during the dissolve will have a parabola form.
The authors proposed to analyzed this variance curve in order to identify the candidate
dissolve region. Unfortunately, in our preliminary experiment, we have found that the
variance curve on football video exhibits a parabola form event on non dissolve area.
This is mainly due to motion contained in the video.
Another approach to gradual transition detection is based on machine learning tools
like SVM [9, 7, 1,8]. In these works, the authors used SVM to combine multiple fea-
tures in order to classify if a frame is part of cut or dissolve or not. In [9] the authors
used frame difference based feature along with the likelihood of current camera motion
as feature in their system. In [7] SVM was used with the so-called variance projec-
tion function features. [1] proposed an SVM-based cut detection using color histogram,
Zernike moments, Fourier-Mellin moments, projection histograms, and phase correla-
tion method features. In [8], a dozen of SVMs were used in a 2-stage classification
system working with more than 100 features to be extracted. These techniques reached
high recalls and precisions but with large overhead on features extraction. Moreover,
for a task dependent as in our case, we believe that a more simple technique should
be adopted. In this work, we investigate the use of histogram based difference with
adaptive threshold in detecting both cut and gradual transition.
3 Proposed Shot Boundary Detection
This work is based on histogram different between frames in order to detect shot bound-
ary. Subsection 3.1 describes the features used for cut and gradual transition detection.
Subsection 3.2 describes how to choose an appropriate threshold for each video. In Sub-
section 3.3 we describe how to deal with large motion which is normally present in the
football video.
3.1 Histogram Based Frame Difference
We suppose that all transitions (both cut and gradual) happen between two shots with
different color distributions. To detect shot transition, color histogram is used to mea-
sure the difference between frames. The histogram difference between two frames F
and F
is given by:
, F
) = 1
min {Hist(F
, i), Hist(F
, i)} (1)
where W and H are width and height of each frame, n is the total number of bins in
the histogram and Hist(F
, i) is the count associated with the bin i in the histogram of
frame F
Our cut detector relies on this histogram based difference between two consecutive
frames. For gradual transition like dissolve the difference between consecutive frame
is relatively small. Hence comparison should be done between frames a certain step
apart. As consequent, for gradual transition detection, we compute the histogram dif-
ferent between frame t + w and frame t w, where w is the window size determined
experimentally. This skipped-frame difference is used as feature to determine if frame t
is part of gradual transition or not.
3.2 Entropic Thresholding
The two thresholds T
and T
will be used to detect cut and dissolve respec-
tively. Finding common thresholds for every video seems not to be realistic. However,
we believe that for a single video, we can choose appropriate thresholds for cut and for
gradual transition detection. First, we notice that shot boundaries are only a small part
in a video. Therefore a large number of frames will be concentrated on low frame differ-
ence values and only a small number of frames will have high difference values. This is
similar to document binarization problem where large number of pixels is concentrated
on white value that is the background and only a small number of pixels have black
value. Entropic thresholding has been applied with success to document binarization
[5]; hence it should be able to handle this threshold selection problem as well.
The basic idea is to select the threshold which yields maximum entropy for the two
sets namely the set of values lower than this threshold and the set of values higher than
this threshold. Let P
, P
, . . . , P
be a histogram of values we considered, e.g. frame
difference or skipped-frame difference, with m bins. For each bin i we compute
(i) =
(i) =
1 Q
1 Q
with Q
. The entropic threshold T
is chosen as the mid value of the i
bin given by
i = arg max
(i) + H
(i)} . (4)
The threshold T
is selected by applying this entropic thresholding technique on
the set of consecutive frame differences. A cut is declared whenever a consecutive frame
difference is higher than T
. In analogeous manner, the threshold T
is selected
by applying this entropic thresholding technique on the set of skipped-frame differ-
ences. A gradual transition is declared whenever a skipped-frame difference is higher
than T
3.3 Filtering High Activity Areas
The skipped-frame difference can be used to detect gradual transition area but unfortu-
nately it also yields high value for sequences containing large motion or high activity.
Not only are the gradual transitions detected in these areas not reliable but also the de-
tected cuts. It is then necessary to filter out the shot boundaries detected in these areas.
Usually, the high activity areas contain higher frame difference value than normal
but of course lower than that of cut transition. A simple heuristic to detect these large
motion areas is based on another entropic threshold on frame differences. Indeed, the
frame differences which are higher than T
are first filtered out. Then another entropic
threshold, denoted as T
, is selected using the remaining frame differences. The frame
t whose frame difference is higher than T
is considered as part of a high activity area.
High activity area is supposed to be at least 5 frames long. Cuts and gradual tran-
sitions which correspond to the change from high activity area to another high activity
area are considered as not reliable and are removed.
3.4 Wipe and Logo-transition Identification
Usually, in normal wipe, the new shot first appear on the left side of the screen then it
enlarge toward the right side or vice versa. Thus, if we consider the pixel-based differ-
ence between any consecutive frames in these transition areas, we should see a group
of pixels with large difference moving either from left to right or from right to left.
Figure 2 (a) and (b) show examples of the pixel-based difference during wipe and dur-
ing logo-wipe presented in Figure 1 (b) and (c) respectively. In this work, wipe is first
detected as a gradual transition. Then for every detected gradual transition area, we use
the variation of the abscissa of the center of mass from pixel-based difference between
consecutive frames as feature to detect wipe.
Fig.2. Examples of pixel-based difference during wipe (a) and logo-wipe (b) presented in Figure
1 (b) and (c) respectively.
4 Experiments
Five football videos were used in these experiments. The first and second videos are
from the match between France and Italy in final FIFA world cup 2006 in DVD quality.
The first one is the debut of the match including scenes of players entering the stadium
and singing the national anthems. The second one is during the match play including
the goal scene. The other 3 videos are recorded from TV broadcasting in lower quality.
These 3 videos correspond to 3 different matches in different stadiums, thus present
different field colors, different crowds, as well as different commercial boards along
the field. Figure 3 present examples of image from these 5 videos. The shot boundaries
in these videos are manually labeled. The Table 1 summarizes the statistics of these 5
For these experiments, RGB colors pace was used with 8x8x8 bins histogram. The
window of 5 frames was used to compute the skipped frame difference. In these exper-
iments, all video images were first resize to 180x120 before computing the histogram.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Fig.3. Examples of images from five videos.
Table 1. Number of frames and duration in videos used in these experiments.
video #frames duration #cut #gradual #wipe
1 40268 00:14:12 93 112 26
2 40306 00:14:12 200 60 30
3 32816 00:21:36 233 28 24
4 22055 00:14:31 63 30 0
5 21896 00:14:25 100 29 0
total 157341 01:18:56
To evaluate the performance of our system, we measure the classical recall and
precision for both detected cut and gradual transition. In this work, a detected gradual
is considered as correct if it overlaps at least 10% with a true gradual transition segment.
Tables 2 and 3 present the result of cut and gradual transition detection from five
videos. From these results, we may see that the cut detection can be done with average
recall up to 95.7% while having the average precision of 96.3%. This is encouraging re-
sults compared to the performance of cut detection reported in other works. For gradual
transition, lower recall and precision were obtained, i.e. 86.9% and 61.4% respectively.
Table 2. Cut detection results.
video ground truth correct miss false recall precision
1 93 92 1 1 98.92 98.92
2 200 192 8 0 96 100
3 233 229 4 2 98.28 99.13
4 63 60 3 5 95.24 92.31
5 100 90 10 9 90 90.91
While the gradual transition’s recall was acceptable, the obtained precision was too
low. In order to get better idea about the behavior of the system, we analyzed the video
5 where the lowest precision was obtained. The principal error in video 5 occured when
the camera followed some player who walked pass different backgrounds. In this case,
the color distribution in the image slowly changes just like during dissolve. The second
types of error happened in close up shots when the focused player was occluded by
some other player. This will cause similar effect as a wipe. Figure 4 (a) and (b) show
some examples of these two principal causes of error.
Table 3. Gradual transition detection results.
video ground truth correct miss false recall precision
1 112 108 14 18 88.52 85.71
2 60 50 10 41 83.33 54.95
3 28 26 2 20 92.86 56.52
4 30 25 5 14 83.33 64.1
5 29 25 4 30 86.21 45.45
(a) (b)
Fig.4. Examples of two principal errors that happens in video 5.
For wipe identification, we obtained 96.15%, 91.67% and 56.52% from videos 1,
2, and 3 respectively. The first two videos 1 and 2 used logo-wipe instead of normal
wipe. As the size of logo was fairly large, the detection task was made easier. For video
3 where usual wipe was used, the identification fail especially when the wipe was used
between shots containing high motion. We believe that the proposed wipe identification
technique can be modified to better handle the normal wipe transition.
5 Conclusion and Future Works
This paper presents our shot boundary detection system for football video. The color
histogram is used with automatically selected thresholds by the entropic thresholding
method. This system reaches a good recall and precision for cut. For gradual transition,
moderate recall and precision are obtained. This is due to some errors which frequently
happen in close up shots. Our future works will include mechanism to deal with these
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