For Coordination in Healthcare Networks
Günter Schicker, Carolin Kaiser and Freimut Bodendorf
Department of Information Systems, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Lange Gasse 20, 90403 Nuremberg, Germany
Keywords: Healthcare networks, processes, case based reasoning, coordination, customization, e-services.
Abstract: Coordination in healthcare networks becomes increasingly important. A process-oriented coordination
approach is introduced which enhances integrated care scenarios by an IT-driven coordination of
interorganizational treatment processes – the concept of process-based e-service logistics. The allocation of
e-services is based on a model describing services and coordination tasks between roles in a healthcare
network. The underlying system’s architecture is presented which implements process-based e-service
logistics by designing and executing individual treatment processes, identifying coordination tasks between
network actors and dynamically allocating e-services. A solution for automated individualization of
processes and e-services based on Case Based Reasoning (CBR) technology is discussed.
The healthcare industry is an important economic
sector in Germany causing annual expenses of about
230 billion euros and employing more than 4.2
million people. Starting point of the research project
was an empirical study addressing German and
Swiss ambulant healthcare networks (healthcare net-
work managers as well as physicians) to evaluate the
maturity of healthcare network organizations regar-
ding strategy, processes and information technology
(Schicker et al., 2006a). The empirical study reveals
that 81 percent of the respondents expect that net-
working in the healthcare industry will increase in
the next three to five years. Moreover, 88 percent of
the survey participants agree that the demand for
coordination and IT-support in healthcare networks
is going to rise in the future (Schicker et al., 2006a:
21). An important driving force of networking is the
concept of integrated care which is often associated
with the following instruments:
Intersectorial cooperation (Ramming, 2004: 147;
Mühlbacher, 2002: 65)
Financial responsibility (e.g. capitation)
Coordination and control of medical treatment pro-
cesses (Mühlbacher, 2002: 66)
Information integration (Ramming, 2004: 147).
Whereas many research projects deal with the in-
tegration of health data this project concentrates on
the coordination and control of interorganizational
processes within healthcare networks by providing
patients and suppliers with a customized set of elec-
tronic services. To analyze the requirements the re-
search team cooperates with the healthcare network
“Qualitäts- und Effizienzgemeinschaft Nürnberg-
Nord” which is organized as a gatekeeper system.
The integrated care contract spans ambulant, clinical
and home care service providers and is financed by a
full capitation model (Wambach et al., 2005: 13).
Process-oriented coordination is seen as one
important way to enable integrated care scenarios, to
enhance patient satisfaction and to reduce costs of
treatment processes (Güntert, 2004: 100ff).
Schmalenbach argues for process-oriented control
especially to cope with the problem of managing
multiple interfaces (Schmalenbach, 1908/09; 211f.).
Based on that belief the research project focuses on
the treatment process from a cooperative view
regarding the patient’s way throughout the whole
healthcare network.
2.1 Process Characteristics and
Process-oriented coordination faces important
challenges to cope with. Therefore the characteris-
Schicker G., Kaiser C. and Bodendorf F. (2008).
PROCESS AND E-SERVICE CUSTOMIZATION - For Coordination in Healthcare Networks.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 161-166
tics of healthcare network processes and their requi-
rements will be discussed next. To transfer the gene-
ral tasks and principles of coordination to the health-
care domain, it has been analyzed which processes
(e.g. management, medical treatment and support
processes) and coordination tasks exist within
healthcare networks (Schicker, 2006b: 39).
2.1.1 Process Characteristics
Table 1 depicts characteristics of interorganizational
treatment processes that need to be considered when
requirements for the IT-support in healthcare net-
works are defined (Schicker et al., 2006b: 39).
Especially the uniqueness of one patient´s treatment
process (Müller-Mundt, 2001: 95) and the high
degree of volatility are key characteristics which
have to be considered when supporting healthcare
network processes by information technology. Du-
ring their execution processes have to be modified,
detailed and customized to the patient´s needs de-
pending on his individual treatment context (cyber-
netic model of medical treatment) (Prokosch, 2007).
Table 1: Characteristics of treatment processes.
• unique
• requiring intensive
coordination and
• cross-sectorial
• important and risky
stepwise changing and
volatile, requiring in-
depth knowledge
• involving numerous
• long-lasting and complex
2.1.2 Requirements
The individual characteristics of each patient, the
high degree of volatility during the real-time execu-
tion of the process instance are crucial challenges
when supporting modelling, adaptation and execu-
tion of individual processes by information techno-
logy (Purucker et al., 2007).
For that reason process models should be ad-
apted to the individual needs of the patients (Haas,
2005: 553ff). To avoid modelling efforts a new auto-
mated process design is needed.
Moreover, members of the healthcare network
(especially gatekeepers) should be able to modify
the individual process model easily as soon as new
information about the state of treatment or illness
exists (Schwarz et al., 2001: 10; Remus, 2002: 115).
Finally, e-services (e.g. information and application
services) must be linked to individual process activi-
ties in a flexible way.
3.1 Basic Principles
The concept of process-based e-service logistics
(PEL) aims to support the coordination of healthcare
network processes by providing patients and health-
care suppliers with a customized set of electronic
services. E-services are software components which
encapsulate functions (e.g. logic or data centric ser-
vices) in a coarse-grained manner, e.g. using web
services as technical representation (Krafzig et al.,
2004: 70ff). The e-service requirements regarding
information and coordination in networks are deri-
ved from customized process models. They result in
a process-based e-service logistics model executed
by a process management platform supporting the
coordination of individual treatment processes by
providing network participants with e-services.
3.2 Architecture Overview
The proof of the concept described above is being
implemented and called Individual Value Web Sys-
tem (IVWS). IVWS is a process platform supporting
configuration, execution and control of processes
across healthcare networks. The system architecture
follows a four-tiered approach (see figure 1).
3.2.1 Presentation Layer
Application front ends initiate and control all activi-
ties of the IVWS. Typical application front ends are
graphical user interfaces enabling direct interaction
of users with the system (WebParts implemented
with C# using the Sharepoint Portal Server). Within
the research project role-specific process portals for
patients, service providers and network managers are
implemented (Schicker et al., 2005: 7ff).
3.2.2 Customization and Flow Control
This layer consists of three components including
features for orchestration and execution of web ser-
Service bus: This component ensures the exe-
cution of web service orchestrations and pro-
vides functionalities of a service bus: connec-
tivity, integration and communication ser-
vices, process orchestration and execution
(Krafzig et al., 2004: 65).
Process and e-service customization: An im-
portant issue of PEL is how to adapt and
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
model one patient’s treatment process and the
underlying e-services needed for supporting
the process (for details see section 4).
Meta orchestration server (MOS): MOS enab-
les the configuration, execution and monito-
ring of treatment processes. MOS represents a
process engine which acts as a broker between
the front ends and the e-services invoked du-
ring process execution. It also initiates the
execution of web service orchestrations by the
BizTalk Server and integrates process propo-
sals created by the customization component
for process individualization (for details see
Purucker, 2007).
3.2.3 Application Layer
This layer contains all e-services needed for exe-
cution and support of treatment processes. E-ser-
vices of a SOA are software components encapsula-
ting business functions in a coarse-grained manner.
An e-service consists of a service contract, a service
interface and an implementation. The imple-
mentation is the physical representation of the re-
quired business logic and the relevant data (pro-
grams, configuration data and database) (Krafzig et
al., 2004). E-services include IVWS-specific ser-
vices (e.g. the customization component described
below) as well as third party web services and
adapters for the integration of existing information
3.2.4 Data Layer
A MS SQL-based process and e-service repository
provides features for searching and applying process
models and e-services, e.g., physical location, ser-
vice provider, charge fee, technical constraints, se-
curity data and service level agreements.
4.1 Traditional Methods
There are many approaches which enable the
customization of processes in general and which can
be applied for the customization of treatment pro-
cesses and e-services. Following the classic ap-
proach, each treatment process model and each e-
service is manually developed from scratch for each
context with respect to guidelines (Lang, 1997: 29).
The steady process of creating customized treatment
processes and e-services is very time-consuming and
inhibits the reuse of experiences. To overcome this
disadvantage new concepts have been developed.
The process modelling approaches based on refe-
rence models (vom Brocke, 2003: 31ff), process ske-
letons (Remme, 1997:114ff) and process modules
(Lang 1997: 4ff) enable the reuse of treatment pro-
cess knowledge. The approaches for creating e-ser-
vices by using design patterns, frameworks and li-
braries allow the reuse of e-service knowledge.
However, these concepts require a time-consuming
search and adaptation to the current context.
The disadvantage of existing approaches (e.g
Wargitsch et al., 1997: 3ff; Rupprecht, 2002: 67ff) is
that only one of the two steps (search and adapta-
tion) is automated whereas the other step must be
executed manually. An approach is needed which
enables an automatic search and adaptation
(Schicker et al., 2007). Here, such a system based on
Case Based Reasoning (CBR) is introduced.
Provider Portal
MS SQL Server
E-Services of Business Objects
E-Services (third party)
Process Portal
Process Portal
and Flow
Service Bus
MS Biztalk Server
Meta-Orchestration-Server (MOS)
Process and
User Login Process State Configuratio n
Figure 1: IVWS architecture.
PROCESS AND E-SERVICE CUSTOMIZATION - For Coordination in Healthcare Networks
4.2 Case Based Reasoning
4.2.1 Introduction
CBR is a problem solving paradigm of Artificial In-
telligence. It solves new problems based on past ex-
periences saved in form of cases in the case base.
Each case (patient record) consists of a problem de-
scription (patient context) and a solution (treatment
process and its e-services). In order to propose a
treatment process and e-services for a given patient,
CBR searches its case base for the patient record
which is most similar to the given patient record and
adapts its treatment process with e-services to fit the
given case.
Besides fulfilling the requirements of automated
search and adaptation, CBR offers several advanta-
ges (Nilsson and Sollenborn 2004: 178). First of all,
it resembles the physicians’ cognitive process of re-
calling former patients and reusing past experiences.
This resemblance does not only prove the force of
the approach but also leads to high user acceptance.
Furthermore, the collection of patient records can
easily be integrated in a CBR system as a case base.
Moreover, the reuse of patient records provides an
efficient reasoning mechanism which does not
require solving each problem from scratch.
The functionality of a CBR system can be divi-
ded into four main phases which form the CBR
cycle: retrieve, reuse, revise, retain phase (Aamodt
and Plaza 1994: 46). The CBR cycle for customizing
treatment processes and e-services is illustrated in
figure 2 and described in the following sections.
4.2.2 Representation of Patient Records
Each patient record (case) contains the patient con-
text (problem) as well as its treatment process and e-
services (solution). While the patient context spe-
cifies the patient and his disease pattern, the treat-
ment process and its supporting e-services charac-
terize the therapy of the patient.
Attribute-value-vectors are used to represent the
patient context. According to this type of representa-
tion, the patient context is specified by a vector of
attribute values. In order to reflect the characteristics
of different diseases, the set of attributes has to be
defined for each disease separately.
Treatment processes and e-services can consist
of several elements which are represented in an
object-oriented manner. They are specified by a set
of instances of classes (e.g. treatment process,
service, coordination task, patient task and e-ser-
4.2.3 Retrieve Phase
In the retrieve phase a health care provider passes
the attribute values of the patient context to the sys-
tem and requests a treatment process. In order to ful-
fil this request, the system searches for the patient
record on the case base whose patient context is
most similar to the context of the given patient. The
search for a similar case requires the definition of
similarity measures and search algorithms.
The similarity calculation of two patient contexts
is based on local and global similarity measures
(Stahl, 2003: 50ff). Local similarity measures deter-
mine the similarity between one attribute-value of
the query patient record and the patient record in the
case base, whereas global similarity measures calcu-
late the aggregated similarity of all attribute-values.
Different types of local similarity measures are used
depending on the type of the attribute.
Figure 2: CBR system for customizing treatment processes and e-services.
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
For determining the similarity of nominal attributes,
similarity tables are appropriate. They assign a
similarity value to each combination of attribute
values of the query patient context and the patient
record in the case base. In order to calculate the
similarity of metric attributes threshold-based,
linear, exponential and sigmoide functions can be
A weighted sum of the local similarities is cho-
sen as global similarity measure. The weights reflect
the relevance of the attributes. In order to reduce the
high effort for the manual definition of similarity
measurements, a learning algorithm for simplifying
and optimizing the global similarity measurement
has been implemented.
For searching the most similar patient records,
sequential search and knowledge-poor indexing ba-
sed on an extended k-d-tree (Wess, 1995: 163ff,
209ff) are provided (for details see Kaiser, 2008).
4.2.4 Reuse Phase
The reuse phase receives as input the record of the
most similar patient which was found during the re-
trieve phase and aims at adapting it to fit the new pa-
tient record. The adaptation for the customizing of
treatment processes consists of four successive
steps: copy adaptation or compositional adaptation,
substitutional adaptation, structural adaptation and
consistency assurance.
The first adaptation step takes different turns de-
pending on the phase of the treatment process. If a
new treatment process should be created the treat-
ment process of the similar patient record can be co-
pied. However, if an existing treatment process must
be extended, elements of the similar patient record
are added. The substitutional adaptation replaces the
attribute values of treatment elements and e-service
elements adopted from the similar patient record
according to rules. The structural adaptation modi-
fies the structure of the requested treatment process
and its e-services by deleting, adding and rearran-
ging elements. It is realized by an additional adapta-
tion-based CBR system (see figure 2). The adapta-
tion cases of the adaptation-based CBR system des-
cribe which modification actions (solution) should
be taken when certain differences and mutualities of
the patient context (problem) between query and re-
cord in the case base occur (for details see Kaiser,
2008). The consistency assurance aims at improving
the consistency of the created treatment process and
its e-services.
4.2.5 Revise Phase
During the revise phase, the execution of some treat-
ment steps and e-services takes place. In order to
support the execution, the treatment process and its
e-services are transformed into an XML represen-
tation and passed on to the meta-orchestration server
for further processing.
4.2.6 Retain Phase
The retain phase is the last phase of the CBR cycle
and belongs to the case base maintenance. The aim
of the case base maintenance is to detect environ-
mental changes which could decrease the quality and
efficiency of the case base and execute counteractive
measures. Besides the retain phase, the restore phase
and the review phase are also part of the case base
maintenance (Roth-Berghofer 2002: 55ff). The re-
tain step uses intra-case quality measures to decide
on the insertion of a patient record and is called each
time a patient record has passed the revise phase.
The review phase and restore phase are executed
periodically. Hereby all patient records in the case
base are checked with the aid of inter-case quality
measures and redundancy measures and added or
deleted accordingly.
The importance of coordination and IT-support in
healthcare networks is increasing steadily. In order
to enhance the quality and efficiency of interorgani-
zational treatment processes, an IT-supported pro-
cess-oriented coordination approach for healthcare
networks has been realized. The approach supports
the configuration, execution and control of processes
and supporting e-services in healthcare networks.
This paper focuses on the configuration of treat-
ment processes and e-services. Uniqueness and vo-
latility are key characteristics of treatment processes.
Treatment processes and e-services have to be
configured whenever new information on the status
of the patient becomes available. In order to reduce
the manual effort for searching and adapting treat-
ment processes and e-services an automated system
based on CBR has been developed.
The definition and update of the patient context
attributes, treatment process steps and e-services is
time-consuming. However, it enables to formalize
and expatiate on medical treatment knowledge. The
approach offers basic functionality and can be
extended by further methods such as the prediction
of unknown attribute values of the patient context.
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