While they Work as Intended, they are Still Controversial in Norway
Herbjørn Andresen
Norwegian Research Centre for Computers and Law, University of Oslo, Norway
Keywords: Confidentiality, Privacy Regulation, Data Security, Pseudonymity, Public Health Policy.
Abstract: Patient health data has a valuable potential for secondary use, such as decision support on a national level,
reimbursement settlements, and research on public health or on the effects of various treatment methods.
Unfortunately, extensive secondary use of data is very likely to have disproportionate negative impact on the
patients’ privacy. Traditionally, privacy regulations require a balancing process; the use of data should be
minimized and kept within a level where proportionate privacy is maintained. An alternative strategy is to
use technological remedies to enhance privacy protection. Norwegian health data processing regulation
prescribes four different ways of organising health registers (anonymous, de-identified, pseudonymous or
fully identified data subjects). Pseudonymity is the most innovative of these methods, and it has been
available as a legitimate means to achieve extensive secondary use of accurate and detailed data since 2001. Up
to now, two different national health registers have been organised this way. The evidence from these
experiences should be encouraging: Pseudonymity works as intended. Yet, there is still discernible
reluctance against extending the pseudonymity principle to encompass other national health registers as
Any patient must accept some processing of his
personal data, within the confines of a medical
treatment. Some data are collected from the patient
himself, and some data may be generated along the
course of the treatment. The confidentiality will
inevitably be at risk; the risks need to be monitored
and handled. Privacy regulations and data security
measures, along with professional ethics, safeguard
against unwarranted processing and filing practises,
and against deliberate misuse.
Privacy is also at stake when the patient’s health
data is used beyond the appointed medical treatment.
Such use could be named secondary purposes for
processing data. The subject matter of this paper is a
particular variety of secondary purposes, namely a
group of national health data registers. A register is a
service that comprises a database, an operating
organisation, and a legal authority defining respons-
ibilities, duties to report to the register, restrictions
on use and so on. In colloquial language the term
register is normally taken to mean the database
itself. The organisation and the legal authority are
The registers have two important features, from a
privacy point of view. Firstly, they are centralised
systems, containing aggregated data. Personal health
data are collected from different hospitals or other
treatment entities. As Norway is a small country,
centralised registers usually cover the entire nation.
The procedure of collecting the data could either be
by electronic exchange or by printed reports which
are re-typed into the centralised system.
Secondly, the data is collected and processed for
secondary purposes, somewhat remote from the
patient’s immediate needs and interests. Roughly
stated, these secondary purposes are governmental
administration and medical research. Governmental
administration includes both macro-level decision
support and reimbursement control procedures. The
demand for data is, at least in principle, limited and
foreseeable. Medical research will also in most cases
demand a stable amount of foreseeable data, yet in
some cases it could be beneficial to use excess data
or to perform inventive couplings involving different
data sources. The future value of ingenious data
mining is by definition unknown.
Regulations, security measures and ethics are of
course at least as required for the registers as they
Andresen H. (2008).
ON PSEUDONYMOUS HEALTH REGISTERS - While they Work as Intended, they are Still Controversial in Norway.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 59-66
are for data in the immediate care systems. In
addition, the registers are vulnerable to expansions
of their stated and legitimate purposes. Proponents
of strict privacy regulations warn against “the
slippery slope”. It can be increasingly difficult on
each particular occasion to turn down a proposition
for extended use of a register. Such propositions
often serve legitimate purposes, which is to achieve
new and even benign goals more easily. Conse-
quently, the patients’ privacy is in danger of being
scooped out in the long run.
1.1 The Adage of Norway’s Favourable
Conditions for Health Registers
Norway introduced a national identity number quite
early. Starting in 1964, Statistics Norway assigned a
unique 11-digit identification number to every
individual. The primary purpose of the national
identity number was to produce accurate statistics.
Large public agencies, such as the Tax Admini-
stration and the National Insurance Administration,
soon adopted the new unique identification number.
No one imagined the vast future use of this new
identity number. There was no explicit legal support
for it, and hence there were no expressed restrictions
on its use either (Selmer, 1992).
Due to the lack of restrictions on the use of
population register data in the early years, the
identity number is now the key to personal data in
thousands of public as well as private IT-systems
throughout the country, including primary health
care systems and hospital systems. Most Norwegians
will have to type or pronounce his unique personal
identity number to some electronic apparatus (or to
its human gatekeeper) several times a week. It is
“open sesame” to enter both caves of treasures and
caves of dung.
Due to the widely used national identity number,
Norway may have favourable conditions for national
health registers. Because the identity numbers are
used in systems that are vital to virtually everyone,
the data quality of the primary systems reporting to
the registers almost takes care of itself. The registers
could technically be suitable for collecting perfectly
linkable data from the cradle to the grave.
However, the early years of vastly expanding the
use of national identity numbers was succeeded by
almost three decades of efforts to impart restrictions
on their use. Lawful use of the national identity
number is subject to a “norm of necessity”. Roughly,
it goes like this: When an exact identification is
necessary, then the controller ought to use a unique
identifier, while using the same unique identifier
would be unlawful when unique identification is not
necessary (this is a crude simplification, on my own
behalf, of the Personal Data Act section 12). The
result from these efforts to limit the lawful use of
unique identifiers has not been any actual decrease
in the use of the national identity numbers. Yet,
many researchers perceive some uncertainty on
whether they can use national identity numbers
lawfully in their projects. A health register may not
impart non-anonymous patient health data to
research projects unless the recipient can provide
sufficient justification for it.
No matter how favourable the conditions for
health registers may be; legal restrictions prevent
them from being used to their full potential. This
situation induces two parallel debates: The first one
is about the balance between privacy and legitimate
uses of a health register. The second debate is about
the possibility to circumvent patient identification
without sacrificing the benefits of a health register.
1.2 The Origins of Digital Pseudonyms
A pseudonym is, literally, a “false name”. For ages,
pseudonyms have been used by authors and artists,
or even in the rare event of modest researchers, to
disguise their identity. The notion of a digital
pseudonym first appeared in a paper by David
Chaum. He invented digital pseudonyms as a means
to conceal an individual’s real identity in electronic
transactions (Chaum, 1981). The intended field of
application in Chaum’s paper was banking and
electronic commerce. A pseudonym concealed the
identity of the person who actually paid the goods.
In a few consecutive papers, he developed both
the methods and the rationale further. The public key
distribution system provided a secure cryptographic
pseudonym. For the holder of a pseudonym to be
able to communicate or inspect his own personal
data, a trusted third party could manage the
pseudonyms. The rationale was to introduce a new
paradigm for data protection; using technological
means to put the individual in control of his own
data (Chaum, 1984). Organisations would not be
able to share data about the individual without the
data subject “acting out” his consent, so to speak. No
one could collect the complete history of your
transactions, debts or savings. The holder of the
pseudonym would also hold the key to reverse it.
As for the proposed new paradigm of privacy in
banking and electronic commerce, it seems to have
lost completely to the old paradigm of widespread
use of fully identified data subjects. Meanwhile, the
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
fields of health administration and medical research
have revived the idea of digital pseudonyms.
1.3 The Pseudonymisation Process
There are different ways to carry out the process of
generating a digital pseudonym to conceal the data
subject’s real identity.
The simplest form of pseudonyms, used for
decades in research projects based on samples, is to
assign a sequence number to each respondent. To
enhance the respondents’ trust, the researcher could
hire a third party to perform the assigning process.
This method works well for one-time surveys. For a
panel study over time, managing sequence numbers
becomes increasingly more difficult. Coupling data
with relevant data from other sources would require
an overt process of reversing the sequence numbers.
The pseudonyms would be illusory. To exchange a
“real identity” with an unrelated sequence number is
only trustworthy when the researcher grants the
respondent permanent anonymity, without adding to
the data later. It is not a viable method for a long-
term and multi-purpose health register.
A digital pseudonym in a health register involves
advanced cryptography. The input to the algorithm
that generates the pseudonym will have to be a
stable identifying number, which does not change
over time for the same patient. In Norway, the
national identity number provides a convenient
unique input. The health register will not need to
store the national identity number, the algorithm
secures that the same pseudonym is assigned to the
same patient when more data is added to the register.
With a reliable and stable identification, there
are, conceptually, two different ways to generate a
pseudonym. One way is to use an asymmetric hash
function. The encryption algorithm then generates a
digest that is unique to the input, but there is no way
to reverse from the encrypted digest back to the
input identifier. Because the same input identifier
always transforms to the same digest, it is possible
to add data about the same patient in the same health
register. It is, however, not possible to generate data
couplings between individual-level data from two
different health registers. This method provides a
very high degree of confidentiality, but is on the
other hand inflexible. Two health registers cannot be
merged, and it would not be possible to address any
registered patient, for instance if a new treatment
method vital to his particular decease is developed.
The alternative way to generate a pseudonym
resembles the “public key” encryption technology,
and is basically the same as Chaum invented (see
section 1.2 above). The input to the algorithm is the
same stable and reliable patient identity number. An
encryption algorithm, using the “public key” of a
key pair, generates the pseudonym. The same input,
and the same public key, will make it possible to add
data about the same patient to the same health
register. In addition, a decryption algorithm can
reverse the pseudonym back to the “real identity”,
by using the “private key” of the same key pair that
was used for encryption. A trusted third party, which
is an independent pseudonym manager, carry out the
encryption, and if requested, the decryption. The
health register will never see the real identity of the
patient. The trusted third party, who is able to
decrypt the pseudonym, does not have access to any
sensitive information about the patients. This
process provides more flexibility, at the cost of more
fragile pseudonyms. The confidentiality of the
patient is to a higher degree based on trust. Violating
the pseudonyms will be somewhat easier from a
technical point of view.
The latter method, a trusted third party handling
reversible pseudonyms, has been the method of
choice for pseudonymous health registers in Norway
so far. Non-reversible pseudonyms would also
conform to the legislation on health registers, yet it
is not very likely that a register owner voluntarily
would choose this less flexible process.
Recent technological innovations often seem to be
far ahead of developments in legislation. Society’s
toolbox for protecting values and for distributing
rights and obligations usually adapts slowly, to fit
technological changes that have already taken place.
The introduction of pseudonyms in Norwegian
health registers differs from this typical path of
history. The first Norwegian national register based
on pseudonyms was established in 2004. By that
time participants in various legislation processes had
already advocated this method for more than a
decade. Technologists and professional users of the
registers remained sceptic. Pseudonymous health
registers have not at any rate been “technology-
driven” in Norway, it would be far more correct to
call it a “legislation-driven” development.
Norway has had registers for specific diseases,
such as The Cancer Register, for decades. They
started out as paper files, and were later converted to
computer databases. The specific health registers
ON PSEUDONYMOUS HEALTH REGISTERS - While they Work As Intended, they are Still Controversial in Norway
had proved to be useful over time, and the health
authorities started to nourish a desire to establish a
General National Health Register, not to be limited
to any particular diagnosis.
2.1 An Early, Avant-Garde Proposal
Though the advantages of a General National Health
Register were convincing, The Parliament was also
much concerned about the impact on the patients’
privacy. In 1989, they urged The Government to
appoint a committee with a mandate to examine
ways and methods to establish such register “without
threshing individuals’ privacy” (Boe, 1994).
The appointed committee issued a report in 1993
(ONR, 1993). An “Official Norwegian Report” is in
most cases the product of an appointed drafting
committee, at an early stage of the legislation
process. After an official hearing among relevant
stakeholders, both The Government and eventually
The Parliament may make changes to the original
draft, or even turn down the entire proposition all
The drafting committee proposed, in their report,
a new act to provide legal authority to the desired
General National Health Register. The proposed act
was very much ahead of its time. It contained
regulations on cryptographic pseudonyms generated
and managed by trusted third parties, along with a
profound set of rules on ensuring legitimate use of
the register, data quality, and the patients’ right to
access and so on.
However, neither the health authorities nor the
research community was in favour of this avant-
garde way to organise their much-desired new health
register. As the main stakeholders did not support
the proposition, The Government put it on hold, and
it remained so for about eight years.
Instead of either a fully identified register (which
was what the health authorities wanted) or a
pseudonymous health register (the proposition they
turned down), the health authorities established the
Norwegian Patient Register (see section 3.3 below)
in 1997. The Norwegian Patient register was
originally established as a de-identified register (see
section 2.3 below). This was acceptable under the
Personal Data Filing Systems Act of that time, and it
did not require The Parliament to pass any new
2.2 Specific Privacy Regulations for
Health Data and Health Registers
The Parliament passed a new general Personal Data
Act on April 14, 2000. The primary motivation for
replacing the old act of 1978 was to comply with the
European Union Directive 95/46/EC, on protection
of personal data.
The Personal Data Act regulates all processing of
personal data, for any legitimate purpose. Therefore,
the rules are quite flexible, leaving most assessments
and decisions to the discretion of the controller. For
the processing of health data, The Parliament did not
consider the general act sufficient. On May 18,
2001, they passed the Personal Health Data Filing
Systems Act, containing rules that are somewhat
more specific. The Personal Health Data Filing
Systems Act too complies with the European Union
Directive, and it has many important features in
common with the general Personal Data Act. For
instance, the information security requirements are
essentially the same.
The primary guiding rule for processing health
data is a requirement to obtain the patients’ consent.
However, the act also recognises a need in some
situations to process data without consent. A typical
exception to requiring consent would be the kind of
health registers where complete coverage is vital to
fulfil the purpose of the register.
2.3 Four Different Levels of Patient
Identification in a Health Register
The key to the regulation of health registers is
section 8 of the Personal Health Data Filing Systems
Act. The initial position is simply that central health
registers are forbidden, unless authorised by this act
or by another statute.
The remainder of section 8 spans the possibilities
and preconditions for establishing health registers,
providing they have an adequate legal authority. The
purpose of a register shall be “to perform functions
pursuant to,” specified health services (the relevant
acts are listed in section 8). Those functions include
“the general management and planning of services,
quality improvement, research and statistics”. In
addition, the Government shall prescribe subordinate
legislation for each health register, defining specific
rules, responsibilities and organisation.
An interesting feature of section 8 is the way it
categorises health registers into four distinct levels
of patient identification. Every health register has to
conform to one of these four levels. The choice of a
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
level of identification encapsulates the privacy
balancing process for each register.
Table 1: Outline of levels of patient identification (adapted
from L’Abée-Lund 2006, page 28).
Personal data (being subject to privacy
Data refers to unambiguous
Data may refer to
ambiguous data subjects
The bottom row of the table above shows the four
different levels of patient identification. Their order,
from the left to the right, reflects an order from more
to less strain on the patients’ privacy.
The middle row of the table shows the main
division of whether the data refer to unique patients
or not. Fully identified patients and pseudonymous
patients both have the same granularity. They will
provide the same level of statistical data accuracy.
The top row of the table merely shows that only
three out of the four levels of patient identification
are strictly within the definition of personal data.
Generally, fully identified health registers shall
only process data about patients who consent. The
only exceptions are a moderate number of health
registers particularly named in section 8. By the end
of June 2007 there are exactly nine fully identified
health registers not requiring the patients to consent
(the number of such registers was six by the time the
act was originally passed, in 2001). The Parliament
has to pass a formal change to section 8, specifically
naming the new register, before anyone can establish
a new fully identified central health register with a
complete coverage (i.e. not requiring consent). That
is the beauty of this construct in the Personal Health
Data Filing Systems Act; it ensures an overt and
highly democratic legislation process to be carried
out before establishing a new register.
By using pseudonyms instead of fully identified
patients, the health authorities can establish a new
health register by issuing subordinate legislation.
This means a Parliament decision is not necessary to
establish the register. It also means the register can
omit the patients’ consent, if it needs complete
coverage of the data. The option of pseudonymous
health registers thus entered Norwegian legislation
in 2001, eight years after it was first proposed.
A de-identified and a pseudonymous register
have the same legal status according to section 8.
The health authorities may establish a de-identified
register by issuing subordinate legislation. A de-
identified register means that any clear and manifest
identifying information is removed. The advantage
of a de-identified over a pseudonymous register is
that the de-identified register is technically easier
and less expensive to operate. The paramount
disadvantage of a de-identified register is that the
data is not on a strictly individual level. If a hospital
carries out the same surgical procedure, say four
times, a de-identified register cannot tell whether it
involved four different individual patients or if the
same patient was involved four times.
Pseudonymous and de-identified registers share
the same risk of unlawful re-identification through
computational analysis of the stored data elements
(Malin, 2005). The uniqueness of each registered
individual becomes more transparent as the number
of detailed variables increase. Coping with the risk
of re-identification first requires the register owner
to keep his sobriety on what data is stored and
processed. Second, there is still an indispensable
need for rigid access control and other conventional
information security measures with pseudonymous
and de-identified registers.
In an anonymous register, all information that
can possibly identify individual patients is removed.
In addition to removing the manifest identifiers, the
register also removes, or reclassifies into categories
that are more general, any data suitable for re-
identification by analysis. An anonymous register
takes the granularity of the data into account.
Making the data anonymous often means to take
deliberate action to sacrifice their accuracy.
Anonymous data may be published, and they will
not require extensive data protection. The downside
to anonymous data, which is why they are unapt for
health registers in most cases, is that it is virtually
impossible to add meaningfully to the data.
2.4 The Professionals’ Responsibilities,
and a Democratic Safety Valve
To summarise, the Norwegian legislation allows
four different methods for storing and processing
personal health registers. A method granting more
privacy is less effective for achieving administration
and research goals. This inverse ratio is at the heart
of any privacy regulation. All the four levels of
identification are in use in some existing health
register, and they have all proved to work as
intended. Apart from the likes and the dislikes of
different stakeholders: The four different nominal
levels of identification themselves provide relatively
objective aids for an informed policy debate. We
know what the options are, and how they work. We
ON PSEUDONYMOUS HEALTH REGISTERS - While they Work As Intended, they are Still Controversial in Norway
also know how each of these options influence the
privacy of the patients, versus the accuracy of gov-
ernmental decision support data and the possibilities
for providing valuable research data.
The health authorities remain chiefly responsible
for all aspects of the health registers. However, the
very strict preconditions for establishing a fully
identified register (unless requiring patients to
consent) constitute a striking democratic safety
valve. Any such register require The Parliament to
pass a formal change to section 8 of the Health Data
Filing Systems Act. Professional agenda owners and
stakeholders need not, and may not, decide alone on
such privacy invasive registers. Though the process
may be cumbersome and time-consuming, it also
secures a highly democratic participation in the
balancing between privacy and the well-grounded
benefits of a health register.
Up to the end of June 2007, the Ministry of Health
has seriously considered and deliberated on the
option to make a health register pseudonymous on
four different occasions. On two out of these four
occasions, they actually decided to establish the
proposed register with pseudonyms as its level of
patient identification. For the other two registers,
one of them was “promoted” to be a fully identified
register, while the other one was “demoted” to be a
de-identified register.
3.1 The Norwegian Prescription
The first pseudonymous national health register in
Norway is called The Norwegian Prescription
Database (“Reseptregisteret”, in Norwegian). In
October 2003 The Ministry of Health issued the
subordinate legislation providing legal authority for
the register, as required by section 8 of the Health
Data Filing Systems Act. The register was actually
established in the beginning of 2004.
Before the Prescription Database was established,
the medicine statistics were based on sales figures
reported from wholesale dealers. Unquestionably,
the data was insufficient both for straightforward
knowledge about use of medicine, and for research
on effects thereof. Various stakeholders demanded
statistics based on prescriptions and actual dispatch
from pharmacies to individual patients. The intended
purposes were neither to control any patient’s catch
at the pharmacy nor to supervise how named doctors
carried out the business of prescribing. Pseudonyms
both ensure the demanded capacities of the register,
and safeguard against undesirable infringements of
All pharmacies report the prescription data
electronically every month. A central data collecting
point transfers the data to a trusted third party. The
trusted pseudonym manager is in this case Statistics
Norway. They transfer the pseudonymous data to the
register owner, which is the Norwegian Institute of
Public Health. Both the patient’s identity (his
national identity number) and the doctor’s identity
(his authorised licence identifier) are replaced with
pseudonyms. The pharmacies are fully identified, on
an enterprise level; their licence identifier is not
pseudonymised (Strøm, 2004).
The Prescription Database was in many ways a
“quiet reform”. The changes have been virtually
invisible to the patients. They still pick up their
prescriptions and carry them to the pharmacies the
same way they did before. They are not asked for
consent. The existence of the Prescription Database
is not a secret in any way, but neither is it of much
concern to the patients. They only know about the
pseudonymous data if they take a particular interest
in detailed level health politics.
3.2 National Statistics Linked to
Individual Needs for Care (IPLOS)
The second pseudonym-based health register is
named the National statistics linked to individual
needs for care (its Norwegian acronym is “IPLOS”,
which is derived from “Individbasert pleie- og
omsorgsstatistikk”). The Ministry of Health issued
the subordinate legislation providing legal authority
for the register in February 2006. The first
mandatory reporting term to the register was
February 2007, collecting data from health care
services throughout all Norwegian municipalities.
The register owner in this case is the Directorate for
Health and Social Affairs. The Tax Administration
is the trusted pseudonym manager, which illustrates
the point that the main feature of a pseudonym
manager is its institutional independence.
Contrary to the Prescription Database, the IPLOS
has not been a “quiet reform”. The information
about individual needs for care was not readily
available from any existing process. Even though the
patients can trust the confidentiality of the central
register, they had to answer a new set of questions.
Someone would type their answers into a local
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
database before they were sent electronically to the
pseudonymous register. The crucial question was not
anymore whether the pseudonym provided sufficient
privacy. Many patients felt offended by some of the
most invasive questions in the form. The forms were
changed as a result from complaints about some of
the questions, such as whether a handicapped patient
needs help after going to the toilet or needs help
with handling the menstrual period.
Pseudonyms only remedy privacy issues that
become present after the patients have left off their
participation. An important lesson is that health
registers mainly deal with data that the patients
hardly are aware of. In many cases, the limits to a
health register are with the processes of eliciting and
collecting data, and not with the confidentiality of
the register itself.
3.3 The Norwegian Patient Register
The Norwegian Patient Register is a hospital and
outpatient clinic discharge register. Data on each
patient is collected from every hospital in Norway.
The acronym NPR is used both in English and in
Norwegian when this register is referred to.
The history of the NPR is complicated, and truly
interesting from a privacy point of view. NPR is the
actual instantiation of the “General National Health
Register” which initiated the committee back in
1989, who proposed a pseudonym-based solution
register in their 1993 report.
After the proposed pseudonymous register was
put on hold, it was revived in 1997 as a de-identified
register. The NPR was established in March 1997. It
receives reports on operative procedures extracted
from the patient administrative systems at all
hospitals. Age, sex, place of residence, hospital and
department, diagnosis, surgical procedure, and dates
of admission and discharge are included in the
register (Bakken et al, 2004). The name and national
ID number of the patients are not included.
The NPR has proved to be a valuable register,
providing much demanded data for both research
and administration purposes. Yet, as a de-identified
register it does have obvious shortcomings. The data
do not refer to strictly unambiguous individuals.
Over the last few years, the health authorities
have made efforts to “promote” the NPR into a fully
identified register. Proponents of privacy argued that
promoting it into a pseudonymous register would be
sufficient for all purposes of the register. The health
authorities and the research community argued that a
pseudonymous register might not provide adequate
data quality. After a heated debate, The Parliament
finally passed the necessary change to section 8 of
the Personal Health Data Filing Systems Act on
February 1, 2007, and included the NPR to be a fully
identified health register. The subordinate legislation
regulating “the new” NPR is expected anytime soon.
3.4 The Abortion Register
The latest example so far, of the Ministry of Health
having seriously considered pseudonyms, is The
Abortion Register. They made a proposition, intent
to establish this as a pseudonymous register. The
proposition went to a formal hearing; the closing
date for the hearing was January 13, 2006. A large
number of the bodies entitled to comment on the
hearing were sceptic to a register containing as
sensitive information as abortions.
The proposal was met with reluctance from
different sides. Many answers to the hearing pointed
out the particular strain on some of the women who
decide to go through an abortion. Induced abortions
are legal in Norway, yet there is a risk of social or
religious condemnation from parts of the society,
making the burden heavier. The Data Inspectorate,
for instance, argued that the knowledge of an
abortion register might influence on actual decisions
on whether to have an abortion or not. Thus the
register could affect, and not merely reflect, the
health care activities. Recently, on June 21, 2007,
The Government decided to make The Abortion
Register de-identified, and not pseudonymous.
The policy debate on The Abortion Register
shows an interesting limit to people’s trust in a
pseudonymous register. The confidentiality is based
on trust in society as we know it today. The
possibility of reversing a pseudonym could be
exploited sometime in the future, when privacy
values may be if worse off.
4.1 Pseudonymous Identities Work
Pseudonyms are a legal and a viable means for
protecting personal data in Norwegian Registers. It
has been one out of four lawful levels of patient
identification since 2001. There are only two health
registers based on pseudonyms so far. The numbers
of both fully identified registers and de-identified
registers are much higher.
A case study on the Prescription Database shows
that the vital functions of a pseudonymous register
work as intended (L’Abée-Lund, 2006). Neither the
ON PSEUDONYMOUS HEALTH REGISTERS - While they Work As Intended, they are Still Controversial in Norway
trusted pseudonym manager nor the register owner –
nor anybody else for that matter – gets to see both
the “real” identification numbers and unencrypted
health data relating to the individuals at the same
time. There were initial problems with the data
quality for some time, but more recently, the rate of
errors have been approximately the same as they are
for fully identified registers.
4.2 Pseudonyms are Still Controversial
This brief report on pseudonymous health registers
in Norway reveals some broad categories of arguments
for and against pseudonyms.
The pro arguments are primarily a lower risk of
disclosing information about patients, to people who
do not need it, and for purposes where identification
is unnecessary. A pseudonym increases privacy,
while maintaining the statistical accuracy of the
The contra arguments are increased expenses due
to the third party process, a risk of re-identification
by analysis of the non-identifying data, and a danger
of unforeseeable decrease in privacy if privacy
policies change in the future. Finally, the argument
most often raised against pseudonyms, is the data
quality issue. The register owners will have reduced
opportunities for discovering and fixing errors on
their own. However, the third party may assist in
structured “data laundering”-procedures.
Looking at the pros and cons of pseudonymous
health registers, the amplitude of the controversies
seems somewhat exaggerated. The pseudonymous
registers are plainly an in-between solution. Moving
either one step to the left or one step to the right,
referring to the outline of levels of identifications in
table 1, is merely a change in the balance of the
arguments for and against pseudonyms. Choosing
another level of patient identification will neither
release all the advantages nor solve all the problems
that may occur to a pseudonymous register. A
proposal to make a particular health register
pseudonymous can expect attacks from both sides;
some will say identifying unambiguous individuals
pseudonymously infringes privacy anyway, others
will say pseudonyms place too heavy restrictions on
the register.
In my opinion, though, the fact that the health
authorities have only established two pseudonymous
registers since that option was legislated for in 2001,
while The Parliament has accepted three new fully
identified registers during the same period, sadly
indicates that proponents of pseudonymous registers
in Norway are perhaps fighting a loosing battle.
To the credit of the Personal Health Data Filing
Systems Act, the construct of choosing between only
four lawful levels of identification is in my opinion
both clever and successful. It ensures a broad and
overt democratic process, calling the attention of all
stakeholders to voice their opinion.
Bakken I J, Nyland K, Halsteinli V, Kvam U H,
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no. 1, 65-69.
Boe, E., 1994. Pseudo-identities in Health Registers:
Information technology as a vehicle for privacy
protection. In The International Privacy Bulletin 1994;
Vol. 2 no. 3, 8-13.
Chaum, D. L., 1981. Untraceable electronic mail, return
addresses, and digital pseudonyms. Communications
of the ACM 24, 2 (Feb. 1981), 84-90.
Chaum, D., 1984. A New Paradigm for Individuals in the
Information Age; In 1984 IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy, IEEE Computer Society Press,
Washington 1984, 99-103.
L’Abée-Lund, Å., 2006. Pseudonymisering av
personopplysninger i sentrale helseregistre [Title
translated: Pseudonymising personal data in central
health registers]. Master thesis, Section for
Information Technology and Administrative Systems,
Faculty of Law, University of Oslo
Malin, B., 2005. Betrayed by My Shadow: Learning Data
Identity via Trail Matching. Journal of Privacy
Technology. 2005; 20050609001. Pittsburg, PA, USA.
ONR 1993. Pseudonyme helseregistre [Title translated:
Pseudonymous Health Registers]. Official Norwegian
Report. NOU 1993:22
Selmer, K., 1992. Hvem er du: Om systemer for
registrering og identifikasjon av personer. [Title
translated: Who are you: On systems for registering
and for identifying individuals] In Lov og Rett, 1992,
Strøm, H., 2004. Reseptbasert legemiddelregister [Title
tranlated: A prescription-based medicine register].
Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift. Nr. 1, 2004, 7-9
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics