The MPOWER Project
Sten Hanke and Thomas Fuxreiter
Austrian Research Centers GmbH – ARC, Biomedical Engineering, Viktor-Kaplan-Straße 2, Vienna, Austria
Keywords: Smart home, sensor applications, interoperability, middleware, MPOWER, interfaces, standards, service-
oriented architecture, web services.
Abstract: The paper describes the use of interoperability standards and interoperability frameworks in a smart / sensor
home project. During the EU funded project MPOWER an open middleware platform will be developed
which should speed up the task of developing and deploying services for persons with cognitive disabilities
and elderly. The developed middleware has different interfaces where interoperability standards are
required. The paper points out these requirements and presents solutions in the different layers of the
Service-Oriented Architecture approach. In future, standards and defined interfaces are more and more
needed because of the need for a secure and easy data and messaging transfer. The middleware will be
developed non-proprietary and is open for different applications and sensor integration.
Interoperability in smart home and sensor systems is
a rarely unvalued field in research and development
so far. There is hardly any activity in using standards
and defined interfaces although this area of research
deals with a lot of different sensors and sensor data
from the medical field as well as from the domestic
domain and data have to be transferred to “outside”
The operating experience has shown that a
change of thinking is unavoidable for a faster and
more cost efficient development and for a more safe
data transfer.
For an efficient development in the future it will
be important to overcome proprietary systems and
solutions for every single smart home environment.
With the experience from the medical field, where a
lot of initiatives have been working on the
development and promotion of standards and
frameworks for years, an adaptation of the smart
home context is desirable.
The following benefits can be mentioned:
Interoperable and semantic systems are vendor
independent and e.g. different kinds of sensors can
easily be integrated. This opens the market and
speeds up the development and inner data transfer.
Furthermore the interfaces for any legacy system or
nursing system are defined. Thus data can be
retrieved easily by any outer system, which fulfils
the guidelines for the defined data format.
MPOWER is a “Specific Target Research Project”
(Contract number 034707), partially financed by the
INFFSO DG of the European Commission.
The aim of the project is to define and implement
an open platform to simplify and speed up the task
of developing and deploying services for persons
with cognitive disabilities and elderly.
With the start of the project an investigation of
user needs was carried out. The aim was to gain
knowledge about the needs of older people and
people with dementia, in respect to technical IT
solutions, which can support everyday living and to
“aging in place”. Before developing new
technological solutions, an investigation of the user
groups’ needs and requirements was important.
When looking at the European society today,
there are some striking trends: The growth of the
older population, that is people over 65 years of age,
is expected to rise in the decades to come. In general
the health of older people is improving and life
expectancy is rising in many countries.
This changing of the society in the next years
reveals the need for a faster development of novel
Hanke S. and Fuxreiter T. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 176-181
and innovative technology solutions which are
providing applications for an ambient assistive
The MPOWER middleware follows the IBM
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach
using web services. Applications built in the SOA
are based on services. A service is an
implementation of a well-defined business
functionality, and such services can then be
consumed by clients in different applications or
business processes. SOA-based applications are
distributed multi-tier applications that have a
presentation, a business logic, and persistence layers.
Services are the building blocks of SOA
applications. While any functionality can be made
into a service, the challenge is to define a service
interface that is at the right level of abstraction
(Mahmoud, 2005).
Web services are software parts designed to
support machine-to-machine interaction over a
network. This interoperability is gained through a set
of XML-based open standards, such as WSDL,
SOAP, and UDDI. These standards provide a
common approach for defining, publishing, and
using web services (Mahmoud, 2005).
The idea in the MPOWER project is to evaluate
use cases and features for elderly people and people
with dementia, based on user scenarios. The
assigned features are leading to services, which will
be implemented as web services. The application
developer will be able to develop applications based
on these services more efficient. For demonstrating
the middleware there are two demonstration sites
planed. One demonstration site will be based in
Norway. The Norwegian pilot Point-of-Care (PoC)
application will show the connection to a legacy
system, storing information about medical treatment,
social treatment and care planning. The other trial
Point-of-Care application will be implemented in
Poland. This demonstration site will show the
integration of different domestic and medical
An essential aspect of an architecture is the
establishment of technical standards. In general,
standards define common elements, such as user
interfaces; system interfaces, representations of data,
protocols for the exchange of data, and interfaces
accessing data or system functions. Technical
standards provide a number of advantages for the
systems architect.
The partners will promote standardization
through aligning their work with ongoing
development of HL7, security and interoperability
standards. Standards are important because they are
accepted by multiple vendors, thereby increasing the
likelihood that a collection of systems from diverse
sources will be able to interoperate.
Definition of interoperability in ISO/IEC 23282-
0: Information Technology Vocabulary,
Fundamental Terms: “The capability to
communicate, execute programs, or transfer data
among various functional units in a manner that
requires the user to have little or no knowledge of
the unique characteristics of those units”
Interoperability can be achieved through:
the implementation of standards,
the usage of predefined sets of business
the usage of accorded file formats and
protocols for data transmissions.
Inside the MPOWER framework different interfaces
for implementing interoperability standards and
guidelines have been identified. Interoperability is
important for every interface where data is
transferred outside the closed system. Concerning
the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach,
messaging guidelines for data transfer between the
different services are also a need of interoperability.
The following chapters will describe these three
interfaces where interoperability needs in the
MPOWER framework are identified and where and
how standards are used.
4.1 Interoperability in Point of Care
Homecare and Point-of-Care systems that are
available today, usually provided by one single
vendor, suffer under proprietary data and messaging
transfer and lack very often in respect to data
exchange and interoperability with other systems,
especially third party systems.
A series of “health informatics, Point-of-Care”
standards are being developed in a concerted
approach between ISO, IEEE, IHE, and other major
players in the field. These efforts are targeted
towards implementing interoperable measurement
systems in healthcare, for example laboratory,
intensive care and telemonitoring purposes as well
as home care. The standards provide architectural
components, information models and services
(ISO/IEEE 11073-10201), and also methods for data
exchange, both wire based, and wireless (ISO/IEEE
Although the IHE started implementing the
framework for health applications, the
communication structure could also be used as well
for homecare applications for elderly and persons
with dementia. This could easily be done since there
are already structures for Point-of-Care devices as
well as for information sharing with legacy systems
or care provider systems. The benefit would be the
accordance to established standards and standard
frameworks. It is clear that there is an advantage
because of already established Point-of-Care
communications from the medical field (blood
pressure, temperature etc.). So the existing standards
have to be extended for the homecare use cases and
devices. Of course the whole IT structure and the
cross-enterprise-document (XDS) sharing defined in
the IHE framework could handle personal health
data and information, which could be, depending on
the use cases, important for medical help.
The ISO 11073 offers plug-and-play and a
functional as well as a semantic interoperability
between sensor systems and aggregation systems. In
this standard all functions and use cases in patient
oriented health care and of course in some aspects of
smart homes for elderly are object orientated
modelled already. That means a so-called domain
information model is constructed where the device,
the functionality, the measured data, settings, alarm
functions, patient information and interfaces are
defined. Furthermore there are codes for all
information elements defined as “nomenclature”
(ISO/IEEE 11073-10101) and “data dictionary”
(ISO/IEEE 11073-10201).
The communication standard POCT-1A is
implemented in the ISO 11073.9 and is specialized
for patient near Point-of-Care. In principle the
functionality of POCT1-A could be realized with
HL7, but the functional range of the HL7 structure is
in some cases (single sensors) too highly
dimensioned. So it could depend on the special
function that should be realized between the sensor
(according sensors often have a restricted hardware)
and the local controller. Because of a clear defined
message communication the unique interpretation of
the standard is guaranteed. POCT1-A is a flaring of
HL7 not a competing standard.
Figure 1: The Service Components Layer and the Physical
Layer in the SOA approach.
Figure 1 shows the Service Components Layer and
the Physical Layer in the SOA approach. The
Service Components Layer contains the POC
framework provided by the IHE with the Device
Observation Filter, the Device Observation Reporter
and the Device Observation Consumer.
The advantage of the CEN/ISO/IEEE 11073 is
that it is the only comprehensive system of Point-of-
Care medical device communication standards. The
modality categories range from real-time-operating
medical equipment to Point-of-Care test devices.
Wired as well as wireless IR and RF network
technologies are supported. If healthcare providers
and management organizations want Point-of-Care
to record transparency of information, then they
must demand medical device interoperability. In
addition to the core development bodies, the activity
coordinates regularly with other health information
activities (HL7, NCCLS, IHE and DICOM).
4.2 Interoperability to Legacy Systems
One of the key problems in healthcare and Point-of-
Care is the lack of interoperability among different
healthcare systems (service interfaces) at the one
side and among diverse device examples and
aggregation / computation systems (device
interfaces) on the other side. Interoperability
standards and frameworks would also advance the
exchange of data and information between two
system-interfaces respectively services as well.
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 2: IT Infrastructure Technical Framework provided
by the IHE.
Figure 2 shows the IHE Framework for Legacy
Systems. The Document Source is connected to the
middleware. The Documents Source could be any
kind of health record as for example the Clinical
Document Architecture, a XML schema developed
by the HL7 group for store the HL7 messaging
context in a document format. The Document
consumer will be stakeholder who is interested in
viewing the data or viewing parts of the patient
related data, e.g. a doctor or a nurse. The
identification is provided by the Patient Identity
source; i.e. a registration as it could be managed by
the eCard (, 2007) in Austria for
4.3 Interoperability between Services
Between the services all medical data will be
transferred in the well defined HL7 messaging. All
contexts concerning non medical data e.g. the
domestic sensor data will be transferred in a
common XML schema with SOAP actions.
5.1 The Operational System Layer /
Physical Layer
Based on the service oriented architecture model
from IBM (Arsanjani, 2004) the interfaces for the
interoperability have been integrated. For the
development concerning the MPOWER middleware
platform the layers of services and service or
enterprise components are of interest.
The physical layer or operational layer consists
of sensors as well as sensor systems, which provide
a collected set of information. Through the
operational layer there is of course also the
possibility to have an access on existing custom built
applications and legacy systems as well as for
instance other object-oriented implementation like
older legacy which are providing miscellaneous data
on the physical layer from bottom up.
The physical layer in the SOA approach
represents the whole sensor layer, which provides
the information of the smart house. This will be
medical data like blood pressure as well as non-
medical data like status sensors (door open, door
closed, etc.).
5.2 The Enterprise Components Layer /
Service Components Layer
The enterprise components or service components
layer uses typically container-based technologies
such as application servers to implement the
components, workload management, high
availability, and load balancing.
For future applications it must be guaranteed that
different sensors or different sensor systems from
different vendors could be connected to the system.
In this layer device components will also be
implemented. Based on the IHE framework the
device components are defining the communication
interface to the different services, which need
detailed information of one or more sensors or
sensor systems. The important interoperability
interface for connecting different sensors and sensor
systems to the system will be the data server in the
service component layer. The data server will only
accept data and information from registered sensors,
which means that a sensor has to connect to the
system. According to the ISO 11073 standards the
sensor or the sensor system has to communicate its
domain information model. The domain information
model contains the following information: the
device or sensor name, the functionality, the
measured data the sensor will provide, settings,
alarm functions and if possibly patient information
(for instance when thinking of patient monitors or
other complex measurement systems where such
data are provided).
If a single sensor with a restricted possibility of
processing power and memory capacity should be
connected to the system the POCT-1A protocol
standard is the recommended interface technology.
The POCT-1A standard is optimized for the
communication between sensors / devices and an
observation reviewer or local controller. The
protocol is XML, so it has the advantage for an easy
interpretation to HL7. As mentioned before there are
ambitions to integrate the POCT-1A into the HL7
v3.0 standard. The POCT-1A will be an add-on to
the HL7 for e.g. memory restricted devices.
5.3 The Service Layer
In the service layer the different services for
interoperability are present. The services could be
used for the different business processes and interact
with each other. The work of the interoperability
group in the MPOWER project will be to provide
services, which are the interface to the “outside” of
the smart house. There will be services for document
translation or extraction to provide medical relevant
data for more comprehensive document sources like
patient reports or health records. The export of the
medical relevant data to a health record will be
provided with ebXML and SOAP protocols and
stored in a HL7 CDA adaptive format.
Figure 3: The Application Layer, the Business Processes
Layer and the Service Layer in the SOA approach.
Figure 3 shows the Application Layer, the Business
Processes Layer and the Service Layer and the
connection to “outside” server proxies.
To have the option for providing information and
data or a part of the smart house data to a healthcare
delivery organization belonging to a clinical affinity
domain (e.g. community of care) the cross-enterprise
document sharing (XDS) defined by the IHE will be
of interest. Within the XDS a federated document
repository and a document registry create a
longitudinal record of information about a patient
within a clinical affinity domain. This profile is
based upon ebXML registry standards, SOAP,
HTTP and SMTP. By looking at these standards the
MPOWER middleware platform could also provide
interfaces and standards where a data exchange to
such “outside” frameworks will be easily possible.
There will be services for mobile notification
services like SMS and Email. The interfaces for
these needs will be presented by services, which will
make the translation of the different formless
notification and alarming needs. It will be part of the
Proof-of-Concept application, making the
demonstration, to set up the “outside” proxy,
connected to the interface services provided by the
interoperability working group, for the respective
use case. The legacy system / institution is
connected to the service layer of the MPOWER
middleware because in this structure the legacy
system is an external system where an interface for a
possible data exchange should be provided. As
mentioned above it must be clear that if the legacy
system, which could be a hospital information
system as well as any other proprietary system, the
interface is in the operational layer.
5.4 The Business Processes Layer /
Choreography Layer
In the business process composition or choreography
layer different compositions and choreographies of
services exposed in the services layer are defined.
Services are bundled into a flow through
orchestration or choreography, and thus act together
as a single application. These applications support
specific use cases and business processes (Arsanjani,
2004). According to the use cases a business process
could access different services.
5.5 The Application Layer
The application developer will develop graphical
interfaces for end users conjunct with invocations of
service components as well as handling of business
processes. Several use cases will be demonstrated
during the MPOWER Proof-of-Concept
Interoperability standards in smart home
applications are not widely used and implemented.
Different sensor systems and applications in the
medical field have shown that standards and defined
interfaces are needed for a satisfying message
processing and data transfer. Proprietary systems are
restrictive and there is no sharing of information.
However the trend in Europe points to more non-
central information admittance. More and more
people are medically treated at home and
telemonitoring is a growing IT field. Therefore
novel sensor and medical data sharing applications
have to be open for any data sharing. Integration of
sensors from different vendors and information
sharing to different legacy systems is required.
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
To meet these requirements it is not sufficient to
have one fixed setup of individual components for
the sensor system. Practical systems must be able to
change within given limits, and still be able to fulfil
their purposes. Different elements from the
repository (sensors, processes, documents etc.) must
be changeable by different vendors with similar
properties. This goal can only be achieved through
working together on integrating standards.
MPOWER is a “Specific Target Research Project”
(Contract number 034707), partially financed by the
INFFSO DG of the European Commission.
The authors would like to thank all persons and
institutions in the four partner countries for
participating in the investigation.
ISO/IEC JTC1 SC3, 2003. Information Technology for
Learning, Education and Training. Proposed Draft
Technical Report.
Mahmoud, Q. H., 2005. Service-Oriented Architecture
(SOA) and Web Services: The Road the Enterprise
Application Integration (EAI).
Arsanjani, A., 2004. IBM Service-oriented modelling and
IHE Patient Care Device Technical Framework; Year 1:
2006-2007; Volume 1 Integration Profiles; Revision
1.1 Trail Implementation Version; Publication Date:
IHE Patient Care Device Technical Framework; Year 1:
2006-2007; Volume 2 Transactions; Revision 1.1 Trail
Implementation Version; Publication Date: 20060815
IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Volume 2
(ITI TF-1) Integration Profiles; Revision 2.0 – Final
Text; August 15, 2005
IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework; Volume 2
(ITI TF-2) Transactions; Revision 2.0 – Final Text;
August 15, 2005
eCard; ; last seen: 06/07;
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