Ricardo João Cruz-Correia
Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Department, Faculty of Medicine,University of Porto
CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal
Altamiro Costa-Pereira
Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Department, Faculty of Medicine,University of Porto
CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Electronic patient records, Data integration, Information use.
Abstract: Distinguishing relevant information enables for better user interfaces, as well as better storage management.
However, it is hard to distinguish between information really important to clinical care and only
occasionally desirable. We aim to answer for how long are clinical documents useful for health
professionals in a hospital environment considering its’ content and the context of information request. We
have studied the databases of a Virtual Electronic Patient Record that included (1) patient identification and
the list of clinical documents integrated, (2) the visualization logs; and (3) a hospital encounters database
that includes the list of encounters since 1993. Our results show that some clinical reports are still used after
one year regardless of the context in which they were created, although significant differences exist in
reports created in distinct encounter types. The half-life of reports by encounter type is 1.7 days for
emergency, 3.9 days for inpatient and 27.7 for outpatient encounters. We conclude that the usage of patients
past information (data from previous hospital encounters), varied significantly according to the setting of
healthcare and content.
Patient records exist to memorize and communicate
the data existing on a particular individual, to help
deliver care to him or her. Records are not only an
information system but also a communication
system that enables communication between
different health professionals and between the ‘past
and present’ (Dick & Steen, 1997; Nygren, Wyatt, &
Wright, 1998).
Currently there are great quantities of stored data
regarding patients. Although great advances have
been made over the years (Cruz-Correia et al.,
2007), on-demand access to clinical information is
still inadequate in many settings, contributing to
duplication of effort, excess costs, adverse events,
and reduced efficiency (Feied et al., 2004). While it
is widely accepted that full access to integrated
electronic patient records and instant access to up-to-
date medical knowledge significantly reduces faulty
decision making resulting from lack of information
(Dick & Steen, 1997; Miller & Sim, 2004; Overhage
et al., 2002), there is still very little evidence that
life-long Electronic Health Records (EHR) improve
patient care (Clamp & Keen, 2007).
Distinguishing between relevant and useless
information enables for better user interfaces by
highlighting most relevant information, as well as
better storage management by choosing storage
devices with better performance for relevant data.
However, it is hard to understand what information
is really important to clinical care, and what is
simply occasionally desirable (Coiera, 1997).
Data age is usually one of the factors used to
assess importance, making new information more
relevant to the current search. But different data ages
differently according to its type, i.e., some clinical
reports describe situations less ephemeral than other
and so are found useful longer than others. Also, the
context of healthcare (e.g.: hospital environment,
ao Cruz-Correia R. and Costa-Pereira A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 219-222
primary care, oncology) probably influences the way
information maintains its relevance.
We aim to study for how long are clinical
documents useful for health professionals in a
hospital environment.
In May 2003, the Department of Biostatistics and
Medical Informatics implemented a Virtual
Electronic Patient Record (HSJ-VEPR) (Cruz-
Correia et al., 2005) for the Hospital S. João (HSJ), a
university hospital with over 1 350 beds. The
system integrates clinical data from 12 legacy
departmental IS and the Diagnosis Related Groups
and Hospital Administrative databases, aiming to
deliver the maximum information possible to health
professionals. Over 700 medical doctors use the
system on a daily basis and the HSJ-VEPR retrieves
an average of 3000 new reports each day (in PDF or
HTML formats) (Cruz-Correia et al., 2005; Cruz-
Correia et al., 2006), adding up to 2 million reports
collected so far.
Each health professionals may access clinical
information either by reading the paper patient
record, using the HSJ-VEPR or using other IS
available on the hospital.
3.1 Participants
This study is concentrated in the report
visualizations occurred in a two years period (2005
and 2006). In this period the hospital had 978 553
outpatients visits, 464 683 emergency visits and 82
444 inpatient visits. Reports’ half-life by feeder
system is analysis is based on the 3
quarter of 2006
view results.
3.2 Data Preparation
The data considered in this study existed in three
different Oracle schemas: (1) the HSJ-VEPR patient
database, which included patient identification and
the list of clinical documents integrated and; (2) the
visualization logs including sessions, health
professionals’ identification and category and
document views; (3) a hospital encounters database
that includes patient identification, the list of
encounters since 1993. These schemas use slightly
different patient identification numbers, so
transformation of these values was necessary to
create relations between the tables.
HSJ-VEPR system does not know in what
context (inpatient, outpatient or emergency) is the
user accessing each report. The context was induced
by confronting the date of view and the dates of the
different patient encounters. When the date of view
matches an encounter, that encounter is associated
with the visualization. When no match is made no
assumption is made regarding the encounter.
3.3 Clinical Report Half-life
Clinical reports’ percentile is calculated by grouping
all report views by type of encounter, ordering all
visualizations by date, and calculating its relative
position (current visualization position / number of
visualizations). This technique allows us to compare
the different encounter type groups by standardizing
the position of each view. Reports half-life refers to
the age of the report in percentile fifty.
Table 1 shows the number of visualizations taking in
consideration the context of report creation and the
context of report visualization. It should be noted that
more than a half of the reports seen in 2005/2006).
Table 1: Number and percentage of visualizations grouped by context of visualization and report creation in 2005 and 2006.
Previous encounter
Year Report viewed in
Emergency Inpatient Outpatient
Emergency 861 40 334 16 511 24 447 21 2 153
Inpatient 18 929 62 4 794 16 3 337 11 3 352 11 30 412
Outpatient 154 1 1 158 4 5 150 18 22 043 77 28 505
Total 19 944 33 6 286 10 8 998 15 25 842 42 61 070
Emergency 2 973 49 743 12 1 129 19 1 202 20 6 047
Inpatient 43 328 65 9 618 14 6 453 10 7 432 11 66 831
Outpatient 290 0 2 543 4 10 804 18 46 874 77 60 511
Total 46 591 35 12 904 10 18 386 14 55 508 42 133 389
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Reports half-life grouped by episode type according to views in 2005 and 2006.
In inpatient encounters more than 35% (38/35%)
report views regard previous encounters, without
any clear distinction of which are found more
relevant (previous emergency 16/14%, inpatient
11/10% and outpatient 11/11%).
In outpatient encounters almost all of the report
visualizations were of reports created in previous
encounters (99/100%). Most of them created in a
previous outpatient encounter (77/77%).
Figure 1 illustrates reports’ half-life by the type of
encounter when report was generated. It shows that
some clinical reports are still used after one year
regardless of the context in which they were created.
Nevertheless, outpatient reports are in average more
durable than inpatient reports and emergency reports.
The half-life of reports (percentile 50) by encounter
type is 1.7 days for emergency, 3.9 days for inpatient
encounters and 27.7 days for outpatient encounters.
Table 2 describes the reports’ half-life (median
of report age when viewed) group by department of
feeder system in the 3
quarter of 2006. It should be
noticed the great difference in reports’ half-life
regarding feeding system (e.g. half-life of the
pathology lab is 10 times greater than the clinical
pathology lab).
Table 2: Reports half-life (median of report age when
viewed) by department of feeder system in the 3rd quarter
of 2006.
Feeder system
Clinical Pathology 18 261 4.4
Imuno-hemotherapy 23 691 4.6
Obstetrics 241 8
Pneumology 457 15
Intensive Care 141 26
Gastroenterology 1 773 38
Gynaecology 100 44
Pathology 16 567 47
Our results show than many report visualizations
refer to previous encounters. Although the Hospital
has not a unique patient record (in paper or
electronic form), it is obvious that doctors which to
access to previous encounter reports. It is also
relevant that even older reports (more than one year)
are still found useful by doctors.
As more and more patient information is stored,
it is very important to efficiently select which one is
more useful and promote it in a scenario where the
scarceness of resources (screen space, disk space,
bandwidth and doctors’ time) is very real.
We intend to take in consideration reports’ half-
life in the next version of our system replacing the
first patient record screen, reports collected in the
last 24 hours, by a table in which the time interval is
different for each type of report. Outpatient reports
will be maintained in the list of last reports longer
than inpatient and emergency reports.
This study rises new questions regarding what
type of characteristics help maintain a report useful
over the years.
We conclude that the usage of patients past
information (data from previous hospital
encounters), varied significantly according to the
setting of healthcare and content.
This study was supported by POCTI/0753/2004 -
Unit I&D CINTESIS nº 753/2004 from Fundação
para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics