Carlo Emmanoel T. de Oliveira, Carla Verônica M. Marques
Programa de Pós Graduação em Informática, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 274, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Jorge Neval Moll Neto
Unidade de Neurociência Cognitiva e Comportamental, Rede LABS-D'Or Hospitais, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Keywords: Neuropsychology, neurobiology, abused children, assessment, datamining, decision support systems, web
Abstract: Abused children is highly endangered of developing critical cognitive dysfunctions. Clinical observation
has encountered many related cases of abuse and poor learning performance. Authorities unaware of these
conditions may take longer to act, detrimentally to the child welfare. This work provides a wide coverage of
medical protocols for every area concerned with endangered children procedures. These protocols were
researched with the collaboration of specialist in each area to achieve the most detailed and conspicuous
information of children status. These protocols are proposed as a Web system available to all concerning
professionals and authorities to input and access the relevant information. This data can be processed and
analyzed to provide decision support and handling indications derived from statistical and heuristic
treatment of the whole information.
The violence in the childhood is highly co-related with
serious behavioral, cognitive or emotional damages that
are immediately noticed on school learning, on
language expression and on the relationship life. The
abuse and negligence commit the social cognition
development, that means to say that the semantic and
pragmatic dimensions of the language become very
impaired, what leads to the delay in the vocabulary
acquisition and development and in grammatical
structures of the oral and writing language.
These results found in the neuropsychological tests,
show qualitative alterations, mainly in tasks that
involve the activity of the frontal lobe. On first
analysis, poor performance was observed in
sheltered children, in levels, co-varying the type,
intensity, duration of the abuse and/or negligence,
age group in which elapsed the abuse situation and
presence of aggravating environmental factors
(shelter type or street experience) or the opposite,
opportunities of compensatory interpersonal entails.
Qualitative differences were identified on the
cognitive development, especially in the attention,
formal learning, memory, language, abstract
reasoning and executive functions, without deep
lowering of the global cognitive competence (IQ).
In the same way, the behavioral alterations in
sheltered children, identified as risk factor for the
development of psychiatric impairment, appeared to
be related to the abuse conditions, abandonment or
negligence. This symptoms varied a lot depending
on the anxiety, shyness, phobias, panic syndrome,
impulsiveness, low-self-esteem, little or no tolerance
to the frustration, disturbed sleep, night enuresis and
presence of psychogenic motor stereotypies.
Behavior disorders - post-traumatic stress
syndrome, deficit of attention disorder, psychotic
symptoms, obsessive-compulsive disorder and
conduct disturbances, little interpersonal ability,
acceptance anxiety, imitative behavior, and even
dissociatives disorders: hiperactivity, hipervigilance,
threats illusory perception, paranoiac interpretation
of interpersonal relationships, emotional immobility,
incapacity of reacting when challenged or in
Emmanoel T. de Oliveira C., Ver
onica M. Marques C. and Neval Moll Neto J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 127-132
pressure, inferiority and uselessness feeling, suicidal
and/or homicidal ideation, hallucinations, irritation,
despair and self-mutilation.
And finally dysthymia: chronic depressive state,
melancholy, obsessive-compulsive behavior, bad-
humor, low motivation, low self-esteem, emotional
apathy, pessimism, anxiety, chronic fatigues, self-
isolation, alimentary and drug addiction disorder.
We still have academic difficulties in the
learning of school contents in the Portuguese
language and mathematics areas.
Our investigations show that sheltered, abuse or
negligence victims, children have low performance
at school, revealing that the consequences of
violence can persist years after their retreat from the
streets or from the origin family. According to the
collected information, it happens because the child's
past traumatic experiences seem to be added to the
sheltering situation in which they are. Besides to
total absence of specific educational programs for
these children, they make their formal learning
impossible, becoming an apart group inside the
school. The life conditions in the shelters become an
aggravating factor on symptoms of cognitive delay
and school abandon, appearing as the cause of high
stress and propitiating the continuity of the privation
conditions and abuse, that end up resulting in the
escape of children from shelters and in the
consequent school escape. As well as the school
reaffirms these differences becoming the official
organ that decrees the failure and the social
TUIA is a computational program constituted of a
base of organized data to recover and to co-relate
information associated to the abuse, abandonment
and negligence experiences against the child or
adolescent. It was projected to facilitate the interaction
among specialists of different areas interested in child
abuse, and also encouraging researchers to collect
information from multiple services. The compilation of
these intersubject information allows to cross check
information from the various data sources, reinforcing
more subtle indications. Cross checking medical and
neurocognitive data can exemplify the case. Data
measuring child abuse experience from medical
sources can be co-related the neurobiological
performance (De Bellis MD, 2005),
neuropsychological (Beers SR, De Bellis, 2002),
educational and the child's physics. The combination
between the two modules aims to find the sequels
indexes, esteeming the relative direct consequences to
the abuse, abandonment and negligence indexes.
The program enhances the handling endangered
children, allowing the concomitant examination of
multiple aspects. Traversal of the whole information
database can unravel hidden indications, which are
not directly accessible, but can be only inferred
through the intelligent comparison of the parts. An
information system integrated in a national ambit,
should be projected to be used jointly with the
specialists and authorities, promoting an appropriate
sequence of the institutional actions for prevention,
identification, evaluation and attendance of this
population (Stemberg,K.J.,2004).
There is now abundant evidence that childhood
abuse and neglect can result in permanent changes to
the developing human brain. These changes in brain
structure and function appear to cause psychological
and emotional abnormalities during childhood and
adulthood. Behavioral and psychological problems
include impulsive and instrumental aggression,
learning disabilities, mood disorders, post-traumatic
stress disorder and antisocial personality disorder,
among others.
Modern neuroimaging techniques, among which
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods stand
out as the most promising ones. MRI not only is
non-invasive (no ionizing radiation or other
biological effects have been shown), but it provides
powerful ways to directly address brain structure and
function in detail both in transversal and in
longitudical studies.
Voxel-based morphometry, for example, is an
especially interesting technique which allows the
study the structure of virtually the whole brain in a
statistically robust manner. By comparing control
and patient groups paired by demographic variables
(e.g., age, education, physical developmental
measures), statistical maps of grey or white matter
changes can be generated (Good et al., 2001).
Furthermore, continuous variables can be entered as
parameters, allowing for testing not only categorical
differences among groups, but also dimensionally.
Voxel-based-morphometry has been successfully
employed to detect subtle anatomical changes in
neurologic and psychiatric disorders, such as major
depression (increased amygdala volume), antisocial
personality disorder (reduced anterior temporal lobe
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
volume), among others (for a review, see Meyer-
Lindenberg and Zink, 2007). Additionally, a new
MRI technique dubbed diffusion tensor imaging has
been developed during the past 10 years. This
modality allows the determination of microscopic
water molecule flow (Brownian movement) in the
living brain tissue; further developments have used
mathematical models of water diffusibility, and now
enable researchers to trace the 'brain wiring', or the
white matter fibers, based on inferences from
preferential water diffusibility. This technique
allows for direct visualization of developmental
changes in the human brain secondary to genetic and
environmental factors. Results from our lab showed
that neuroplastic changes can readily be detected
using this method (Tovar-Moll et al., 2006).
Finally, functional MRI is another especially
powerful non-invasive technique with demonstrated
robustness in detecting functional reorganization of
the human brain following developmental and
cognitive-emotional factors. Our group has been
using functional MRI now for about 10 years in the
study of complex cognitive-emotional phenomena,
which include moral judgments and moral
sentiments (Moll et al., 2005). Based on lesion
evidence and functional MRI experiments in adults,
we have formulated a now influential model of the
'moral brain'. Functional MRI and available
cognitive models can now provide important
guidelines for studies addressing cognitive-
emotional development in normally developing and
abused or neglected children. This will certainly be a
fruitful line of investigation for our understanding of
the complex cognitive and emotional disturbances in
these children, which can guide the development of
better assessment and treatment schedules aiming to
prevent further brain damage or ameliorate
established symptoms. Finally, these imaging
techniques can be employed together with genetic
studies (e.g., gene polymorphisms, endophenotypes,
etc), providing an unique opportunity to explore not
only structural-behavioral or genetic-behavioral
interactions, but direct genetic-structural effects (ex.,
Meyer-Lindenberg and Zink, 2007).
Thirty-two children were appraised in the age group
between 7 to 12 years, residents of Ayrton Sena
shelter, of the city hall of Rio de Janeiro, that
possess official (juridical, technical or
administrative) registration of abuse, negligence or
abandonment history and 32 children of control
group who go to the same schools the sheltered
children go and who live with their biological
families in a common home. There is no suspect or
record, even informally, of abuse or negligence, by
relatives and teachers. This group is similar in age,
sex, socio-economic level and school levelling.
The sheltered children had a battery of
investigation instruments different from the non-
sheltered children referring to the life history, family
context data and to the current psych-social
situation. It was necessary to diversify, using an
abuse checklist (Joseph Pitty) and a specific medical
history assessment, in the first group, and an
inventory of refined qualitative analysis of family
relationships associated to a general medical history
assessment, appropriate for the second group. Such
procedure looked for comparing different
instruments, similar in objectives and adjusting them
to measure similar information in importance,
relative to its different contexts. In this phase, socio-
economic questionnaires and an environmental
analysis questionnaire were also applied to evaluate
the shelter, and the conventional pediatric and
neurological exam.
The exam of psychiatric impairments tracking,
the CBCL - (ASEBA) - Child Behavior Checklist
(CBCL), the Parent Report Form, and the Teacher
Report Form are part of the first evaluation stage. In
the positive cases of this screening, some
information were explored based on chosen question
from K-SADS-PL - diagnoses interview for children
and adolescent between the ages of 6 and 18 –
Brazilian version of Schedule for Affective
Disorders Schizophrenia for School Aged –
Based on these general data, the children with
mental and sensorial deficiency were excluded. The
children with complications at birth, serious
diseases, lesions and wounds in the head,
internments in ITC, history of comatose state,
previous evaluation of IQ with index below 80,
history of treatments with psychotropics, psychiatric
impairment, alcohol or drugs abuse, dependence or
prenatal exhibition to alcohol or substances, were
not excluded, but considered as fundamental part of
the research by dealing with most of the subjects.
After this stage, a pedagogic evaluation
(CESGRANRIO) of Portuguese and mathematical
language was applied jointly with the complete
neuropsychological battery, including the language
areas (Capovilla battery), moral competence (Moral
Judgment Test (MJT) - Georg Lind.) and cognition
using Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
(WISC III), Tower of London (TOL), Children's
Color Trail Test (CCTT), Test of Cerebral
Dominance (BTN) and Span Cores (short term
The language evaluation was applied in three
sessions of specific abilities exams composed by the
vocabulary Test in images, Test of phonological
discrimination, Test of words and pseudo-words
repetition, Dictation, nomination Test, Test of letters
knowledge, Test of fluency of words, Proof of
phonological conscience, Proof of syntactic
conscience, Test of silent reading competence and
by the Test of understanding of written sentences.
The analysis of these preliminary data served as
foundation for the development of a protocol of
structural (morphological) and functional
investigations of the brain using the magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) techniques.
An effective way of caring for endangered children
is tracking closely all developments in theirs lives
and handling readily this information to the
authorities responsible for their care. Many children
continue exposed to critical situations due the lack
of perception of health and education authorities of
their particular problem. This work propose to
mitigate this risk by gathering comprehensive
information on critical aspects of children conditions
and making this information accessible within a
decision support tool.
The application is a Web based system with
lightweight componentization and a flexible protocol
reconfiguration architecture. The main purpose is to
support the creation and maintenance of clinical
protocols that can gather the most conspicuous
information about endangered children. The
protocols are classified into team packages and into
specialist forms inside each team division. Team
packages can be assemble to concentrate the
practices requiring a specific expertise. The
packages contain items covering the whole area of
the team expertise and consist mainly of engineered
information collectors that can be readily processed
into decision support reports. In the use cases shown
below, researchers can devise protocols and
analysing algorithms to provide the state of art
children care environment. Institutional teams can
apply the new protocols and analyse the reports to
allocate children to the proper treatment.
Figure 1: Main Use Cases.
The tool not only supports mainstream handling
of current children data, but also is ready to
incorporate new research to the immediate benefit of
these children. The tool includes an upgrade
mechanism to upload new protocols and decision
support algorithms to handle new information and
requirements to cover current children handling
needs. The system is designed to keep up with the
evolution of people caring knowledge, supporting
protocol modifications while preserving previously
collected information. The domain model was
designed taking up a thee years study, covering the
various involved areas and specialists which
contribution was analyzed to develop a common
denominator. The simplified diagram below shows
the tool model, supporting the creation of new
protocols capable of gathering children data.
Reporting tools can also be attached to the system to
provide decision making graphs about a resulting
Figure 2: Static Domain Diagram.
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
The system can be hosted in more than one place
and the packages and its information can be
componentized through JSON (JSON, 2007) and
REST (Khare & Taylor, 2004) communication
protocols. Information is transacted across sites
using REST requests devised as a DOM (DOM,
2007) like interface. Since information about a
patient can be entered in the various hosts
maintained by the specialist institutes, each host can
request complimentary information to the local
specialist data. The requested information is
transacted through JSON packets in response to the
REST requests.
The application has been given the name TUIA
(Test Unification for Indications of Abuse) and is
built upon Web 2.0 techniques, to enable simple
construction, social interaction, and componentized
structure. The idea is to provide easy integration
with other systems composing the TUIA system in
special the neurocognitive learning acceleration
objects. These objects are neuropedagogical games
designed to reduce the gaps between strong and
weak cognition functions.
The interdiciplinary data is stored in the system
database and is processed by algorithms in the
machine learning engine. This engine provides
inference about the healthcare subjects and classify
information to help medical, judicial and political
The current engine installed is a Bayesian
clustering (Binder, 1978) algorithm using the
Orange framework. As a proof of concept, a initial
set of 44 children was submitted to a clustering
analysis. This groups was submitted to a battery of
language, mathematics and attention tests. The
group is originally composed of 29 children under
state custody and a control group of 15 regular
school children. The initial groups were assigned as
code Alpha for the control group and Bravo for
custody children. After a session of interated
clustering, the engine worked out six groups,
including the original Alpha and Bravo. The new
groups were arbitrarily named Charlie, Delta, Echo
and Foxtrot. This test was a preliminary probe to
determine what kind of information can be inferred,
and how it can be reported to consist a decision
support. The data was automatically assembled into
radar graphs by the engine using matplotlib (Hunter,
2007). The primary results are shown in the charts
Figure 3: Dysfunction distribution graph.
The charts show the strength and weakness areas
as crests and dents. This charts can help to decide
which children needs the most urgent handling and
which areas are more affected. The labels represent
Vocalization, Attention, Writing, Language,
Mathematics, Dyslexia, Planning and Orality.
Critically damaged Alpha and Bravo children need
urgent care and should be highly prioritized in a
special learning program, with most areas affected.
Echo and Foxtrot children are less impaired but show
different education needs with different gaps between
weak and strong areas. Language is in need in both
and Foxtrot needs more in mathematics and orality
areas while Echo have traces of dyslexia. Delta is
strong in most areas, while Charlie being good in all
logical areas, is rather poor in literacy in general. As a
testbed, this experiment gives a good support to the
idea of integrating medicals protocols in a computing
system. The children classification can help devising
a whole overall strategy in dealing with each group,
matching the children with its needs.
These reports will be available on line and can be
requested as a query on a collection of children. This
chart is a sample report with bayesian clustering, but
other reports can be devised. The query leaves a
formated file in disk and the filename is passed to a
program that analyses it and leaves in return the
result chart to be displayed. The system uses a
framework similar to another scientific web
application, called Enviair (Mota et al, 2007)
developed by our team for environment control.
Children may undergo unnecessary suffering when
indications of their actual conditions are neglected,
even after all health care protocols have been
already applied to them. This is the most ubiquitous
cases, where the concerning authorities are not
prompted with the proper information, or even if the
information is provided, it is hard to roam across a
large amount of raw data to figure out what are the
proper measures in each case.
This work proposes a qualitative improvement in
the programs of prevention, teaching and, in the
therapeutic actions and assistances. A web system
provides a tool to validate and implement
methodologies of technical and administrative
intervention. The TUIA system can maintain an
extensive collection of integrated data on
endangered children, from a wide range of
concerning areas. The system not only provides for
immediate communication of children condition
alerts among the the concerned parts, but also can
aggregate relevant and validated research results to
the benefit of community. This can be achieved as
the system is a platform to develop and validate new
protocols and analytical procedures. The
experimental protocols can be applied together with
the mainstream procedures and the results compared
with cross checking from existing data. New
protocols and reports can be then incorporated into
mainstream as the results have scientific relevance.
The system is developed using state of art web
technology to provide fast and consistent
development. A Domain-Driven (Evans, 2004)
approach is applied to shorten the turnaround of new
software releases as new requirements come in to
play to extend the system functionality. A
lightweight interprocess communication technology
supports distributed hosting if required. It integrates
with machine learning engines and other advanced
analytical tools to provide support to machine
assisted inferences on collected data.
The challenge is to congregate the two aspects of
the public power role: to create methodologies of
scientific investigation, inside the services and in the
universities, capturing the complexity of the theme
and to incorporate the actions against violence in the
involved professionals' practices and to articulate
those practices, not only in the section of Health, but
also in the Education practices, Social Attendance
and Justice.
In a general way, this work proposes the
development of an "algorithm" composed by
taxonomy of information transformed in analysis
methods. The observed population is passed through
clustering algorithms, leading to the identification
of children's sub-groups, according to patterns in
input profiles. This discovery opens the possibility
of multiple studies accomplishment that will result
in a rich knowledge on abuse and its co-morbidities
that do intersection with the several abuse types and
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covering changes. IADIS International Conference
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HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics