Ricardo Alfredo Quintano Neira, Leandro Galassi Zavitoski, Paulo Roberto de Lima Lopes
Henrique Manuel Lederman, Paulo Schor, Ivan Torres Pisa and Daniel Sigulem
Medical Informatics Department, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Rua Botucatu 862, São Paulo, Brazil
Keywords: Telemedicine, Networks, Public Health.
Abstract: One of the outcomes of the telemedicine evolution was the emergence of telemedicine networks which can
be characterized as the interconnection of centres or healthcare professionals to provide telemedicine
services. This paper aims to present a study of the characteristics of the Brazilian telemedicine networks.
For the implementation of this study and the selection of the projects, the authors proceeded a search and
revision of articles and sites obtained in the Google and PubMed repositories. As conclusion, the existence
of two types of networks was verified: infra-structure and telemedicine service; all of the networks are
based on asynchronous telemedicine, most of them acting in inter-cities, nevertheless there are not
telemedicine cases inside the own municipal district to eliminate socioeconomic barriers; there were not
find inside these networks projects or initiatives to regulate the remuneration of the professionals involved
in the processes as well as, the payment for the services that were used.
Telemedicine is defined as the offer of services
related to health care, as well as the changing of
information in cases where the distance is a critical
factor (Neira, 2006). These services are provided by
health professionals, using information and
communication technologies for exchanging valid
information for diagnoses, and for the health care
providers continuous education, as well as, for
research and evaluations purposes.
Actions in telemedicine are being done in Brazil
since the 90’s decade, and although the efforts
demonstrate exciting potential results and the great
medical centers possess plenty of advanced hospital
units, it persists a growing demand for medical care
in remote places, executed by skilled professionals
and, in this way, initiatives and projects appeared in
telemedicine (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa,
Among these projects we can observe the
telemedicine networks implementation which can be
characterized as the interconnection of health
professionals, universities, diagnoses centers,
libraries, hospitals, as well as government entities.
These networks intend to eliminate the physical and
social barriers to the healthcare services. Their
objectives are (Anderson, 2006): 1) improve access
to the specialists' services; 2) allow the patients'
attendance minimizing displacements; 3) improve
teaching and updating in medicine and health.
The objective of this article is to present a study
and analysis of the characteristics of the Brazilian
telemedicine networks.
To start this work, first of all we collected
information from Annals of Brazilian Health
Informatics Congresses from 2006. As well as, we
have collected more information by contacting local
authorities, national administration and other
informal sources of information, like websites,
newspaper and magazines.
For this formal study we have selected
telemedicine network projects considering papers by
systematic review from PubMed (PubMed Central,
2007) and systematic search in Google (Google,
2007). With the objective to use the specific
descriptors for the searches above, first it was done a
review on DeCS - Health Sciences Descriptors
(Descritores em Ciências da Saúde, 2007) – a Latin
Alfredo Quintano Neira R., Galassi Zavitoski L., Roberto de Lima Lopes P., Manuel Lederman H., Schor P., Torres Pisa I. and Sigulem D. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 235-238
American version of MeSH – to identify keywords
for the search. Only the term telemedicina
(telemedicine) was found. Although we didn't find a
representing term for telemedicine networks, the
following terms were adopted for this research: rede
telemedicina (telemedicine network) and rede
telemedicina Brasil (telemedicine network Brazil).
Then, on February 2007, we searched on Google
(Google, 2007) - with the web option selected - and
on PubMed (PubMed Central, 2007) repositories
using the identified terms described above.
2.1 Search and Inclusion Criteria
The first 20 summaries results of selected the
repositories were analyzed. When the summary
presented information about a Brazilian telemedicine
network, the article was considered for this study.
Just the articles that had objectives and goals about
Brazilian telemedicine networks were added to this
review. In those cases where article made reference
to a new telemedicine network that wasn’t found
previously it was made a new specific search. We
search that new network on same repositories
proceeding to verify the 10 first results following the
same criteria of the main search.
Due to the lack of telemedicine networks
information standardization, without any condition
to determine similar points of comparison, these
criteria were established.
The telemedicine networks found based on the
established criteria were eight. Following the results:
3.1 Academic Network of
Telemedicine – Rede Universitária
de Telemedicina (RUTE)
The RUTE objectives include to support the
improvement of existent telemedicine projects in
university hospitals and to motivate the arising of
futures inter-institutions works (
Rede Universitária de
Telemedicina, 2007).
The initiative intends to create the use of
advanced network services to promote the arising of
new applications and tools that explore innovative
mechanisms for the education in health, for distance
cooperation in pre-diagnosis and for the remote
evaluation of medical service data. (Santos, 2007).
3.2 Catarinense’s Telemedicine
Network Project - Rede Catarinense
de Telemedicina (RCTM)
It consists of an infrastructure for distributing digital
diagnosis services. Its objectives are to be used as
sample for the formulation of a new technological
model and standards that can be used by institutions
of public health in other states of Brazil.
The project includes all of the functionalities of
the assistance telemedicine, integrating on a single
on-line platform the acquisition of data or images of
exams, the dispatch of results, the request of patient
internment and the decisions to be taken. (The
Cyclops Group, Rede Catarinense de Telemedicina,
2007) (Sociedade Brasileira de Informática em
Saúde, 2007).
3.3 Medical Digital Station - Estação
Digital Médica (EDM)
The project links hospitals, universities, and other
institutions through the telecommunications,
informatics and other technological solutions.
The EDM objectives include fomenting the
practice of medical care and education in distance at
Brazil, optimizing the health system. Its actions,
among others, include programs of professional
improvement, technical training, information and
prevention, second specialized medical opinion,
clinical discussions (Estação Digital Médica, 2007).
The ONCONET includes a network of universities,
and research medical institutions. It consists of a
system developed in a client-server model using
open software tools.
The ONCONET objective consists in supporting
the medical practice in pediatric oncology. This
project presents the electronic patient records for
child cancer, distance education, and the data mining
and statistics quantifications (Yuuji, 2005). It began
its operations in 2004. Today it has 30 hospitals
affiliated to the Brazilian Society of Pediatric
Oncology (SOBOPE - Sociedade Brasileira de
Oncologia Pediátrica).
HealthNet is a telemedicine application that
interconnects institutions between São Paulo and
Recife. More specifically, it gives support to the
remote diagnosis and to the second medical opinion.
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
It is a project from NUTES (NUTES - Núcleo de
Telessaúde, 2007).
Its objectives includes to improve the health
services for distant and lacking areas, as well as to
allow implanting a medical cooperation process
among great specialist centers. (Rede Nacional de
Ensino e Pesquisa, 2007).
3.6 Telemedicine Brazilian System -
Sistema Brasileiro de Telemedicina
The SBTM objectives are to include all the
functionalities of the assistance telemedicine in a
unique on-line platform. It involves the creation of a
national model of telemedicine with the definition of
a Brazilian standardization for the section and the
construction and refining a group of software
technologies model for the implantation of a public
network of telemedicine (The Cyclops Group,
Sistema Brasileiro de Telemedicina – SBTM, 2007).
This network intends to demonstrate the supply of
telemedicine services in critical areas of Colombia
and Brazil. The implementation of this e-health
model is based on modern technologies of remote
health as well as on medicine based on evidences.
(Sachpazidis, 2006; Santos, 2007).
3.8 BH-Telessaúde (BHT)
Its goal consists in developing a low cost project that
solves two problems on the Unique System of
Health (SUS - Sistema Único de Saúde): physicians
and other professionals precarious formation and the
visible choke of the secondary attention. The
network is implanted in 76 basic health units (UBS –
Unidade Básica de Saúde), and focuses in the
primary attention, by offering assistance support
through second opinion, consultancy and discussion
of clinical cases, besides activities of permanent
education (Santos, 2007).
In order to facilitate the observation and the
analysis of the results of this study, Table 1 was
generated. In this way, it can be seen which
networks practice distance education, which practice
the asynchronous telemedicine, among other
characteristics. The identified items with an 'X'
indicate that the network has such characteristic;
those identified with '?' mean that there was not
found any information about the characteristic; the
lack of any identification type means that the
network does not have such characteristic.
Terms used in Table 1: Distance Education - the
telemedicine network provides the remote education
for the health professionals involved. Implanted and
Operating - the telemedicine network is firmly
established. Asynchronous Telemedicine – type of
telemedicine that not occurs in real time. That means
that the response for a request of health care occurs
later without synchronicity (Wootton, 2006).
Synchronous Telemedicine – type of telemedicine
that occurs in real time. That means that the entities
involved in the process need to be online at the same
time, with synchronicity (Wootton, 2006). Inter-
cities – the telemedicine process occurs between
different cities. Telemedicine Service - systems and
processes that promote telemedicine services. Infra-
structure Network - physical structures (equipments
and communication resources) that allow and
facilitate the use of telemedicine.
Analyzing the data presented on Table 1, it is
verified the existence of two types of networks:
infra-structure and telemedicine service. The first
one can be characterized just by network infra-
structure that allow and facilitate the use of
telemedicine. This infra-structure is represented as
LAN (Local Area Network) or WAN (Wide Area
Network) equipments and communication resources.
The second one can be characterized by systems and
processes that promote telemedicine services and
may come in computational systems format or as an
agreement between institutions. Normally, the
service networks runs over the network infra-
structure. It’s possible to verify that most of the
Brazilian networks do the service type.
It can be observed that all of the networks use the
asynchronous telemedicine and only four of them
use the synchronous form. This difference may be
justified due to the low cost and the easiness of use
that the asynchronous telemedicine proportionate
(Wootton, 2006). For example, there is no need to
schedule its use and its participants do not need to be
online at the same time.
The majority of the networks act in inter-cities.
However there are few cases of telemedicine inside
the own municipal district to eliminate
socioeconomic barriers and/or to provide safety to
the health professionals, for example, in the
Table 1: Main characteristics of the Brazilian telemedicine networks.
penitentiary health care. The majority part of
Brazilians perceives a 2440 dollars/year salary and
don’t have sufficient financial resources to pay the
transportation to specialized medical centers.
Finally, there were not find inside these networks
any project or initiative to regulate the remuneration
of the professionals involved in the processes as well
as, the payment for the services that were used.
Those points are important because of professionals
financial resources needs and it always exists costs
of maintenance of equipments and systems. The
outcome could be disinterest and discontinuity of
services that aim to improve the people's health and
of their communities. The cost-effectiveness of any
of the eight telemedicine solutions was not found.
Neira, R. A. Q., Lopes, P. R. L., Jesus, A., et al., 2006.
Construção e Avaliação de Ferramenta de
Teleconsulta Assíncrona Multi-especialidades. In IX
Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em Saúde.
Infantosi AFC.
Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa. (n.d.). Retrieved
December 20, 2006, from
imprensa /2006/rel-60420.html.
Anderson, D., Ashworth, V., Battcock, A., et al.,2000. CA
Telehealth Report. In The 5th international conference
on the medical aspects of telemedicine. Canadian
Society of Telehealth.
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Google. (n.d.). Retrieved June 7, 2007, from
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Santos, A. F., Souza, C., Alves, H. J., Santos, S.F., et. al.,
2007. Telessaúde - Um Instrumento de Suporte
Assistencial e Educação Permanente, UFMG. Belo
Horizonte - Brazil.
The Cyclops Group, Rede Catarinense de Telemedicina.
(n.d.). Retrieved June 7, 2007, from
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Fornecimento digital de diagnósticos médicos amplia
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June 7, 2007, from
Estação Digital Médica. (n.d.). Retrieved June 7, 2007,
Yuuji, A. H., Tognoli, T. L., Nebel, A. M. ,Odone, F. V.,
Knörich, M. Z., Deus, R.L, 2005. Establishment of the
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Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa, HealthNet: um
sistema integrado de telediagnóstico e segunda opinião
médica. (n.d.). Retrieved June 7, 2007, from
The Cyclops Group, Sistema Brasileiro de Telemedicina -
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Sachpazidis, I., Kiefer, S., Selby, P., Ohl, R., Sakas, G,
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Wootton, R., Craig, J., 2006 Introduction to Telemedicine,
Royal Society of Medicine Press. 2nd ed.
Distance Education X X X X ? - X
Implanted and Operating X X X - X X
Asynchronous Telemedicine X X X X X X X X
Synchronous Telemedicine X X X - X ? X X
Telemedicine Service X X X X X X X X
Infra-structure Network X X - - - - - -
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics