National Self Monitoring or Remote Offshore Monitoring for Australia?
Heather Grain, Kerin Robinson, Belinda Torney
HIM Program, School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Ttrobe University, Bundoora, Vic 3058, Australia
Bardo Fraunholz, Chandana Unnithan
School of Information Systems, Faculty of Business and Law, Deakin University, Burwood, Vic 3121, Australia
Keywords: Ageing in Australia, Electronic Health Records, Privacy, Offshore Resourcing.
Abstract: Australia is a country, similar to other developed nations, confronting an ageing population with complex
demographics. Ensuring continued healthcare for the ageing, while providing sufficient support for the
already aged population requiring assistance, is at the forefront of the national agenda. Varied initiatives are
with foci to leverage the advantages of ICTs leading to e-Health provisioning and assisted technologies.
While these initiatives increasingly put budgetary constraints on local and federal governments, there is also
a case for offshore resourcing of non-critical health services, to support, streamline and enhance the
continuum of care, as the nation faces acute shortages of medical practitioners and nurses. However, privacy
and confidentiality concerns in this context are a significant issue in Australia. In this paper, we take the
position that if the National and state electronic health records system initiatives, are fully implemented,
offshore resourcing can be a feasible complementary option resulting in a win-win situation of cutting costs
and enabling the continuum of healthcare.
Ageing of populations is a world-wide phenomenon
(Ozanne et al., 1997). However, in the past few
decades, the central characteristic of ageing in
societies worldwide has changed from high birth and
death rates, to lower birth rates and increased life
expectancies (Rowland, 1991). In Australia, failing
fertility rates combined with the baby boomer
generation moving into old age groups have
contributed to the irrefutable demographic change
(ALGA, 2005).
The proportion of people aged over 65 years,
which is currently 13 percent (2.5 million), is
expected to grow to one quarter of the population by
2051. While the proportion of people over 85 years
is expected to grow from the current 1.4 percent to 6
percent during the same period, the people within
the workforce age of 15-64 years is expected to fall
from the current 67 percent to 59 percent (ABS-01,
2007). As a reflection of fertility, mortality and
migration, population ageing in states and territories
shows varied trends (ABS-02, 2007). A significant
dimension of the ageing population is the
multiplicity of needs, interests and backgrounds. A
wide range of inter-related factors including gender,
location, socio-economic status, general health,
culture and education have influenced the ageing
process of individuals.
As Ozanne et al. (1997) recounted, migration
resulting in the multi-ethnic character of the
population seems to imply a need for differential
arrangements in the public provisioning of health
services as the ethnic aged may not share the
attitudes of the mainstream groups. Conversely, the
baby boomer generation is expected to age with
different aspirations and expectations and on
average greater financial means than previous
generations (Australian Government, 2005). In
addition, this generation is growing with transitional
evolutions in technology. Their expectations of
Grain H., Robinson K., Torney B., Fraunholz B. and Unnithan C. (2008).
HEALTHCARE IN CONTINUUM FOR AN AGEING POPULATION - National Self Monitoring or Remote Offshore Monitoring for Australia?.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 266-273
independent living, for a longer period, are much
higher compared to those of previous generations.
In a recent research study, “The Economic
Implications of an Ageing Australia”, the
Productivity Commission (2005) concluded that the
delivery of human services, which represents 49
percent of local government expenditure, is
forecasting the main demands from healthcare
provisioning for ageing and aged care. Further, it
reiterated that local councils are more likely to face
budgetary pressures from population ageing than
from traditional activities such as infrastructure
The development of the “Australian Government
National Strategy of an Ageing Australia” has
provided a framework for responding to the
opportunities and challenges of population ageing
(Australian Government, 2005). It implied that
population ageing affects more than aged care
services and that an effective response requires a
holistic approach including local governments.
While Australia operates various initiatives for
specific diseases and risks, the Australian
Government (2005) has called for a more
comprehensive approach to supporting and
promoting health throughout life, which will require
effective action across the continuum of care.
Prevention and management of ill health are
therefore seen as complementary strategies.
How can a continuum of care be facilitated to
cater to the privacy conscious, financially sufficient,
technology savvy generation with an ethnic mixture
of migrant population? Are the current practices or
initiatives ongoing, in alignment with their
expectations of self-monitored, independent living
for a longer term? To explore answers to these
questions, in the next section, we consider the
composite of Australian population: both the ageing
and the aged, and ongoing initiatives.
One of the key expectations of the ageing population
worldwide is a non-intrusive, privacy facilitating
approach to health care. The generation that is
ageing today has grown with digital technologies
and is able to self-monitor their health to a
significant extent. In an ideal situation, healthy
ageing is preferable to after-care, which has been
recognised as a major pressure on national budgets.
We take the example of USA-based research to
demonstrate the point.
Hayes et al. (2003) reported that over 20 percent
of the USA population in the 85-plus age group were
found to suffer from malnutrition and medication
non-compliance as they do not receive appropriate
interventional treatments by medical practitioners.
This segment had limited capacity for independent
living, with the result that they required continuous
monitoring and daily care. This realisation spurred
the piloting of remote monitoring of the activity of
people in their homes for detecting acute events such
as falls, using unobtrusive techniques (Glascok et
al., 2000; Ohta et al., 2003).
The Point-Of-Care Engineering Laboratory at
OHSU is one among the pioneers in developing
approaches and technologies that allow early
detection of reduced physical and cognitive function
that leads to decreased independence (Hayes et al.,
2003). They identified three key factors that
facilitated this activity: the technologies must be
unobtrusive, flexible and adaptable; and provide
complete privacy. They argued that if people are
aware of technologies, behaviours change and self-
monitoring is un-reliable. Installing un-obtrusive and
inexpensive sensors is perhaps the answer. Second,
technologies needed for health monitoring are
probably not those people would want in their
homes all the time. Therefore, wireless devices and
open standards for device communication are
essential to simplify the placement of technologies
on a needs basis and to meet dynamic health care
needs. Finally, the use of encryption and
authentication techniques including
pseudonomisation, as well as judicious selection of
what information is actually transferred between
devices on the network, are recommended.
Advances in wireless networking, ubiquitous
computing and unobtrusive technologies are now
providing opportunities for facilitating healthy
ageing and aged care, both of which are in the
portfolio of health care provisioning for nations.
2.1 Initiatives
In Australia, two distinct issues confront
governments in healthcare provisioning: providing
for healthy ageing, to ensure a nation of self-
independent individuals; and addressing the needs of
the already aged proportion which needs assistance
for living. We examined initiatives and frameworks
that are ongoing for both categories.
There is a significant move towards e-Health
recognising the facts that the society is increasingly
technology savvy and that people would like to have
the option of self-monitoring their health. In late
HEALTHCARE IN CONTINUUM FOR AN AGEING POPULATION - National Self Monitoring or Remote Offshore
Monitoring for Australia?
1999, the Australian National Health Information
Management Advisory Council (NHIMAC) released
a “Health Information Action Plan for Australia”,
which constituted the use of online technologies
within the health sector and laid out national projects
(Ride, 2007). A key recommendation was to develop
a national framework for the use of e-Health records
to improve the efficiency, safety and quality of care
within the requisite privacy legislations.
The initiative of HealthConnect included the
establishment of a national framework for a system
of electronic health records – which involves the
electronic collection, storage and exchange of
consumer health information via secure networks
and within privacy safeguards. The network, with
consumer consent, allows electronic exchange of
clinical information between health care providers.
The information regarding consumer health was to
take the form of standardised ‘event summaries’,
extracted from health care provider electronic
records for consultation, including current and
historic information such as results of pathology and
diagnostic tests, hospital discharge summaries,
chronic illness monitoring, current medications,
allergies, immunisation information and principal
diagnosis (Ride, 2007).
Rather than replacing existing legacy systems at
national, state and territory levels, HealthConnect
proposes a composite of different layers: a records
layer which consists of the regional storage
repositories; a user layer which contains the
computer systems software that will interface with
HealthConnect to allow providers either to
view/review records or add new event summaries to
records; and a national coordination layer that links
all regional storage repositories and provides the link
between these repositories and user/source systems,
allowing people to use their record throughout
Australia (HealthConnect, 2007a) .
However, the challenges for the system are still
numerous. For instance, the states and territories are
not alike, and there are major differences in
geographic size, population density, investment
capacity, information management infrastructure and
health care issues and resources (HealthConnect,
2007b). As a result, each region is at a different
stage of implementation development (Ride, 2007).
HealthConnect works briefly as follows:
peoples’ information is collected at point-of-care.
The shared storage facility helps health care
providers to access information, with consumer
consent. Conversely, an individual may wish to
check progress against key self-management
observations such as blood pressure, weight or blood
glucose levels. According to Ride (2007) who
provides the latest status, this network ensures
robust privacy and security standards. The
expectation is that by 2008, Australia will be well
advanced in achieving the goal of electronic
connectivity between all major health institutions
and health care providers (HealthConnect, 2007b).
From a future perspective, national implementation
within 18 months (as of 2007) is expected in some
areas such as e-prescriptions, e-referrals and hospital
discharge summaries.
An Australian consortium is developing a
possible architecture known as OpenEHR
(OpenEHR, 2007). Based on openEHR release 0.9, a
scalable, secure, shared e-Health record to meet
national standards is being implemented using a
combination of XML, Web Services, J2EE,
Relational database, LDAP and PKI. Via HL7, it
also supports interfaces with external systems and
smart cards. The totally web-driven user interface
works with all popular browsers. It currently
supports hospital doctors, general practitioners,
pathologists, endocrinologists, ophthalmologists,
dieticians, diabetes educators and podiatrists.
Emergency medication, pharmacies and community
nursing are being added (OpenEHR, 2007).
In 2002, Standards Australia published the
AS5017-2002- Health Care Client Identification to
provide a basis for improved association of clients
and their data between organisations. There are
currently two dominant sets of messaging standards
in the Australian health sector: UN/EDIFACT for
financial applications; and Health Level 7 (HL7) for
more clinically-related applications. Other standards
such as DICOM (Digital Imaging and
Communications in Medicine) are applicable to
discrete applications such as diagnostic imaging.
Standards Australia International is developing a
Message Usage Handbook that provides
recommended applications of the messaging
standards. Further development of this message
usage model is anticipated in the short to medium
term (Ride, 2007).
In July 2004 the National E-Health Transition
Authority (NEHTA), a not-for-profit company, was
established by the Australian, State and Territory
governments to develop better ways of electronically
collecting and securely exchanging health
information. Its mission is to set the standard,
specification and infrastructure requirements for
secure, interoperable, electronic health information
systems (NEHTA, 2007). The Australian initiatives
for monitoring health in the ageing are being built on
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
the existing principles of privacy, legislation and
Conversely, there is increased pressure on the
national budget to cater to the 85-plus or
significantly non-independent aged population.
Lifestyles have catered to longevity and perhaps
technology-assisted living. Soar et al. (2007)
reported the current status on approaches to reduce
avoidable hospital admissions through information
technology. The aged Australian prefers home care
referrals, a less expensive alternative to institutional
care. A workshop at the 2005 Health Informatics
Conference identified a lack of reliable identification
of candidates for hospital avoidance as a major
Subsequently, the Advanced Community Care
Association (ACCA) was formed to provide a single
point of referral to community service organisations.
Further, “Nexus eCare” developed by Nexus Online
Pty Ltd, provided a proof-of-concept web-based,
community care management system which
identified candidates, mapped services to patients,
automated communication between hospitals and
community service providers. Initially, the system
uses a Rapid Assessment tool to identify avoidable
patients. It incorporates an “intelligent filtering
agent” which continuously monitors the digital data
flow. The final assessment of this approach reveals
that pressure on hospitals, emergency departments
and budgets can be significantly relieved (Soar et al.,
Philipson and Roberts (2007) reported on the
impact of technology on aged and assisted living in
Australia. This research recognised that the usage of
digital technologies by the aged will become
increasingly an important issue in future years. The
authors point to a number of proactive computing
applications that are being developed which will
assist ageing persons to live longer in their home
environments. Assistive technologies are wide-
ranging, from radio/ultrasound/remote control
appliances, alternate keyboards, voice input devices,
phone amplifiers, etc.
Wireless sensors, for example, can be used to
gather behavioural and biological data, to be input
into computer applications (Philipson and Roberts
2007). Conversely, virtual uninterrupted
communication possibilities as the user moves from
their homes to cars or external places are being
envisaged, with Telstra and other carriers in
Australia contemplating a next-generation network
(NGN). The use of BANs (Body Area Networks)
can be useful in assisting home monitoring of
paraplegics or compensating for deficits of
functioning caused by dementia. BAN, a base
technology for permanent monitoring and logging of
vital signs, is a proven method of supervising the
health status of patients suffering from chronic
diseases, such as diabetes and asthma (BAN, 2007).
Hovenga et al. (2007) have described
comprehensive and recent research developments in
the area of ageing/aged care using OpenEHR. They
proposed an archetype management framework to
facilitate the development of future information
systems and optimise electronic health records
within the aged care sector. According to them,
Australia is leading in the field of developing
Electronic Health Records using openEHR
archetypes. These archetypes describe rich
information structures by indicating how the
information is to be expressed; what is optional and
mandatory; what is a sensible value for each data
element; and other rules (Hovenga et al., 2007:4).
These archetypes have the potential to improve aged
care in many ways such as standardising clinical
content and enabling the data to be interchangeable;
empowering residents by enabling them to switch
providers easily without the need for multiple
examinations; improving provider access to relevant
resident information; providing necessary flexibility
to reflect resident care preferences; and enabling
care providers to access best practice information as
part of daily workflow and decision making
processes at the point-of-care (Hovenga et al.,
Both the aged and the ageing would benefit from
a nationwide semantic interoperability, requiring the
national adoption of a key set of standards. Standard
openEHR archetypes include the adoption of a
standard terminology and set of data types, which
best fit with the openEHR information model but
can be used, to a variable extent, to enable
communication between systems with different
information models. Currently, an international team
lead by Australian experts is engaged in identifying
a common standard set of health data types and
encouraging their adoption into international
The current clinical information systems tend to
be vendor specific, not adopting standard data
models, due to the lack of agreed standards.
Hovenga et al. (2007) recommend the adoption of
standard structured messages that are compliant with
messaging standards such as developed by Health
Level 7 (HL7) and its international affiliates.
Further, Standards Australia has developed a number
of HL7 standard implementation guidelines for this
purpose (Standards, 2007).
HEALTHCARE IN CONTINUUM FOR AN AGEING POPULATION - National Self Monitoring or Remote Offshore
Monitoring for Australia?
Having explored the initiatives for aging and the
aged for future, we now look at a critical factor in
the healthcare provisioning - privacy.
2.2 Privacy
Moor (1997) suggested that privacy is felt when a
person is protected from intrusion, interference and
information access by others. In most western
societies, including Australia, this definition may
describe privacy, but it is not a universally accepted
concept. In many Asian societies shielding a person
is not considered correct. In the context of Australia,
which has a significant migrant population from
these societies, it is regarded as acceptable only in
rare circumstances to have the individual’s privacy
violated for general welfare.
For example, in Australia, RFID is used for non-
invasive monitoring (Frost and Sullivan, 2005).
However, does it concur with the needs of privacy
that the ageing population expects today? Where
individual privacy has to be respected, there are
arguments for and against the use of RFID for
monitoring or, for that matter, any forms of
technology. ICTs pose a unique threat to personal
privacy because of the type and quantity of personal
information that can be collected, combined with the
speed of transmission and length of time that the
information can be held (Tavani, 2004:118). RFID
monitoring intensifies ICT-related difficulties in
protecting private information by offering the
information collectors the benefits of ubiquity
coupled with secrecy (Wiebell, 2005).
Mulligan et al. (2007:2) reported on research
within the privacy regulations, detailing issues and
solutions for custodians. They point out that there
are two main ways in which data custodians handle
the demands of privacy protection. The first is to
seek informed consent and the second to respond by
developing mechanisms for ensuring privacy i.e. the
data are sufficiently de-identified and protected such
that they cannot be linked back to the individual.
However, Mulligan et al (2007) reiterate that this
solution does not allow people to control the use of
their data, nor to minimise the potential for
individuals to be harmed.
One methodology (Mulligan et al. 2007:2-3)
involves the separation of personal identifiers from
clinical information and their separate encryption by
the reporting clinician, and submission of these data
to a “trusted third party” who allocates an identifier
specific to paired data items and forwards personal
identifiers and clinical data to separate repositories
(Churches, 2003). As a result, the clinical data from
disparate databases can only be linked by trusted
third parties. For example, personal identifiers are
not provided with specific disease registers.
Mulligan et al (2007) reiterate that this method
requires legal protection and financial support from
government. They also point out that in Western
Australia, the custodians of disease registries and
health databases that contain personal identifiers and
clinical information sign a Memorandum of
Understanding authorising the third party (the
Linkage Unit) to identify data concerning the same
individual in different databases. The Linkage Unit
allocates Unique Anonymous Identifiers for each
In August 2007, a regulation occurred in the
Federal Parliament of Australia, titled “1.1 Medicare
Australia (Functions of CEO) Amendment Direction
2007 (No.2)”. In plain terms, without contest or
assessment of value for money, Medicare (the
national health insurance program) can scope,
develop, build and test the NEHTA Unique
Healthcare Identifier program. The regulation
authorises NEHTA to make a copy of the two key
identity databases supported by Medicare Australia
(the client and the provider databases) and use them
to provide an identity service. Despite the
prohibition in the Commonwealth Privacy Act
(2000) of personal information being used for
purposes other than for which it was collected by
Government Agencies, it has been decided that
information that was collected to enable Medicare
benefits to be paid is to be used to operate the
The implications this has, for the trust the
population will have in Medicare Australia to keep
their private information private, are profound
(AHIT, 2007). Some pertinent questions that the
regulations bring forth are:
1. Where is the Privacy Impact Assessment
that validates this approach?
2. Who will be responsible if there is a
security breach and personal details are
released and the individual is harmed?
3. How will the information be protected
from unwanted disclosure or access?
4. What is the legal liability?
Medicare patient and provider databases are key
sources of a healthcare identifier regime being
introduced to support a shift to e-Health programs.
Consequently, records belonging to 99 per cent of
HEALTHINF 2008 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Australians are contained in Medicare's Consumer
Directory Maintenance System, considered to be the
most up-to-date and accurate government repository
of personal information. The law prevents the use of
Medicare data for other purposes; however, the
Human Services Minister has unlocked access via a
legislative amendment tabled in Parliament on
August 16 (AHIT, 2007).
The durability and applicability of current
legislation relating to privacy is very much in focus
for healthcare provisioning in the continuum of care
for ageing Australia. Furthermore, the OpenEHR
initiatives need to be implemented in conjunction
with continued amendments in legislation and
standards, to ensure privacy protection.
Now we look at another dimension of healthcare
provisioning that is under consideration, i.e.
In 2004, Curtin University of Technology initiated a
project that examined the long-term feasibility of
off-shoring to India. The considerations included
health services such as radiology and diagnostics
(CBS, 2004). The study is ongoing and results are
yet to be published.
The ACCI (2005) recounts that in the transition
to a globalised economy, offshoring is a viable
option for businesses in Australia, to better manage
costs and quality of services. In the health services
arena, including medical, dental, nursing diagnostics
and health services such as data entry, hospital
administration and processes, offshoring is a viable
alternative. For example, Indian medical
practitioners are interpreting radiological scans for
patients in the USA. The Phillippines is providing
medical record transcription services to a number of
developed nations. However, offshore resourcing
may not be an option where physical presence is
required for legal and/or practical reasons, such as
health care regulations.
Conversely, Australia has a shortage of doctors
and nurses, especially in regional areas (AusGov,
2007). The ABC News (2006) reported an acute
shortage of hospital beds, as citizens spend at least
25 minutes in an emergency waiting room. The
report says the top five reasons for medical
admissions in public hospitals were: respiratory
problems; cardiology and interventional cardiology;
childbirth; renal dialysis; and neurology. While it
may not be possible to offshore some of these
services, non-critical procedures such as monitoring
an asthmatic patient at home, could be done from
overseas with relative anonymity.
For example, if effective pseudonomisation
standards are finalised and therefore neither the
person’s identity nor the location is disclosed, we
argue that there is potential safety for the aged to be
monitored from overseas, given that the person is
not within the limits of harm nor is of interest to the
offshore partner other than those via their work
commitments. Certainly, there is a case for feasible
options in health services offshoring to enable
continuity of health care.
Drawing conclusions from the above sections, it is
evident that: if there is a functioning, fully
implemented OpenEHR system that enables e-
Health, supported by legislation and ongoing
upgrades of standards that ensure privacy protection
in Australia, this would enable healthcare in
continuum for the ageing population.
Shareable EHR’s such as those proposed in
HealthConnect that are built on OpenEHR will, if
fully implemented nation-wide, have the potential to
address the requirements of a technology savvy,
privacy conscious ageing population who expect
their health services to enable independent long-term
living. However, the key factor is that the system
needs to be fully functional, implemented, and
compliant with legislation and standards, nation-
At the next level, we consider the budgetary
pressure on national/local governments in the
provisioning of health services as well as the
shortage of doctors and in-patient facilities in
hospitals, in Australia. Currently, while the debate
on offshoring is still rampant, we argue that it can be
a viable option based on the following.
Use of architectures such as those proposed by
OpenEHR would enable non-critical processes to be
separated from critical procedures that cannot be
offshored. Subsequently, as described by Mulligan
et al (2007), the separation of personal identifiers
from this information and submission of relevant
data to a trusted offshoring partner, via a dedicated
portal, is easily possible. The offshore partner on the
other end can allocate identifiers specific to paired
data items and forward personal identifiers and
clinical data to separate repositories. No doubt, the
HEALTHCARE IN CONTINUUM FOR AN AGEING POPULATION - National Self Monitoring or Remote Offshore
Monitoring for Australia?
issues of trust and reliability become significant in
such cases.
A specialist offshore radiologist, for example,
who is providing expert opinion based on radiology
reports, does not need the patient’s name. In another
example, if an aged person is being monitored in
their home environment by a medical practitioner
overseas, only the details that are relevant to their
health condition need to be revealed and other
personal details can remain anonymous to the
observer. An online portal can be used for a medical
practitioner at both ends to input radiology reports,
diagnostics and analysis sheets. A general
practitioner at the Australian end could be the
interface and connecting point through a shareable
Where the portal is interfaced with an EHR that
meets the NEHTA Privacy Framework requirements
it should provide legal certainty. The identities of
people should not be disclosed to third parties –
enabling privacy protection. The separation of
selected non-critical procedures from the EHR to
offshore providers should ensure that control
remains within Australia, and can be updated
seamlessly via an interface on the online portal. At
that level, compliance with legislation and standards
would also be met via a registered medical
practitioner who would act as the interface.
Therefore, our position is to implement a
shareable EHR, compliant with standards and
legislation and then to resource services offshore,
with anonimised records, to improve service
turnaround, relieving the pressure on government
budgets and the skills shortage, while enabling
healthcare in continuum for a healthier ageing
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HEALTHCARE IN CONTINUUM FOR AN AGEING POPULATION - National Self Monitoring or Remote Offshore
Monitoring for Australia?