S. Borromeo, C. Rodriguez-Sánchez, J. A. Hernández-Tamames and N. Malpica
Electronics Engineering Department, Medical Imaging Group, Rey Juan Carlos University
C/Tulipán S/n Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Wireless Electronics, ICT for people with disabilities, Disability Discrimination, Bioengineering, Pervasive
Computing, Bluetooth.
Abstract In this work we present a prototype of two electronic devices for providing relevant information to people
with disabilities, such as the blind, deaf or elderly, in public environments (railway stations, airports, etc).
Usually, this kind of collectivities is discriminated in terms of information access. Most of the public
information is in text panels, monitors or traffic signals. The rights of these people are easily forgotten. With
this work we try to make an effort in this direction facilitating the information access to these groups. In
order to avoid them feeling different we try to adapt the transmission to standard portable devices. We based
the work on bluetooth technology. Concerned by costs, in order to popularize this technology, our designs
use off-the-shelf components. We also propose a new device to avoid the proximity marketing spam so that
these people don’t suffer its consequences.
Lately, there is an increasing interest in ICT for
People with disabilities. (Busby, G. Whitehouse, D.
1997), (Busby, G. 1997) (Blanchard, S.M.
Rohrbach, R.P. 2000).
Blind, deaf and elderly people are usually
discriminated in public environments, such as
railway stations or commercial centres, when real
time information about transport timetables,
commercial advices or security warnings is being
emitted (Karim, N.A. Nwagboso, C., 2004).
Something similar occurs in signalling for urban
purposes. This collectivity can not be informed
instantaneously and they are unaware about eventual
dangerous situations for them such as holes or wet
pavements. Signaletics is a discipline susceptible to
be completed with new developments based on
wireless beacons. In this work we present a general
purpose prototype of sender and receiver to be used
as wireless beacons based on an off-the-shelf
Bluetooth chipset. In fact, the receiver can be
substituted by Bluetooth-equipped commercial
mobile phones or PDAs.
In this sense, some airports and railway stations
have arranged systems based on sms mobile
technology. People with disabilities have to reach a
special information desk to borrow a mobile phone
explaining her destination and the rest of the travel
information. When the transport is close to
departure, one sms is sent to the mobile. However,
people can read signals, can watch tv monitors or, in
some cases but less now, can listen to advices and
We propose to incorporate wireless beacons to
the information system of monitors or panels for
sending relevant information to the portable devices.
In this paper we only present the electronic
devices needed for a basic communication. One of
our major objectives is the development of low-cost,
low-consumption and small devices using off-the-
shelf electronic modules.
The system consists of a sender device and a
receiver device. Both can exchange information
through the Bluetooth protocol. Moreover, the
receiver can send the information to the mobile or to
the PDA of the disabled user.
Figure 1 shows the basic modules of the
architecture. A receiver beacon could suffice, and is
Borromeo S., Rodriguez-Sánchez C., A. Hernández-Tamames J. and Malpica N. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 182-185
DOI: 10.5220/0001053201820185
cheaper than standard portable devices such as
mobile phones or PDA’s.
Figure 1: Basic components in the system.
The sender Beacon is equivalent to the monitor
or panel information system in airports o railway
stations. It is also equivalent to a warning
advertisement or traffic signal for people in any
street or in any commercial centre.
It stores relevant information messages in
different data formats (audio, text or image) and
transmits them to the receiver beacon.
Receiver beacon consists of a PIC
microcontroller, a Bluetooth module and a LCD for
showing text messages.
The receiver beacon communicates with the
sender beacon via the Bluetooth protocol and,
optionally, sends complex messages, in audio or
image data format, to the portable device when it is
Actually, the receiver beacon could be optional
whenever a portable device is available. The
messages can be sent by the sender beacon to the
portable devices directly, but, we have found several
advantages to incorporating this small device.
Firstly, as mentioned above, it is cheaper than a
mobile phone or PDA. In the case of deaf or elderly
users, the receiver beacon is enough for receiving
and viewing information. These users don’t need to
afford an expensive portable device for taking
advantage of this technology, something especially
interesting in developing countries. In the case of
blind users, audio reproduction is currently being
added to the beacon.
Secondly, the receiver beacon, when used
together with a standard portable device, can filter
the messages reaching the device. It is particularly
interesting for avoiding proximity marketing spam.
3.1 Hardware Implementation
Simplicity criteria have been applied in the design of
the sender and receiver beacons. Next figure
summarizes the hardware subsystems of the sender.
Figure 2: Internal beacon design.
A PIC16F88 (Microchip Inc., Arizona.) is the
microcontroller of choice. It responds to a RISC
internal architecture and contains a UART
(Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter)
which is used to connect with the Bluetooth chipset.
We highlight the low power consumption, only 0,8
mA at 4MHz and 3,7V. This voltage is the same for
the Bluetooth chip so we can simplify the power
The EZURIO Bluetooth Chipset (EZURIO Ltd.)
is used because it allows a feasible configuration
with AT commands, supplied through the UART.
Next figure shows the basic connections for this
Figure 3: µC – Bluetooth connections through UART pins.
The Memory is a Flash model with a capacity of
512KB divided in 8 sectors and has an access time
of 90ns. Its capacity is enough for storing 2 minute
messages in mp3 audio format. The addressing
mechanism was implemented with three 8-bit
cascaded counters using only 19 outputs (the least
significant outputs).
The flux control was implemented with an
XON/Xoff protocol.
Once the development of the sender was
finalized, we redesigned the receiver with a memory
subsystem based on EEPROM 24LC512 (64KB and
I2C protocol) and adding a LCD Display (Hitachi
The prototype of the receiver is shown in the
next figure.
Figure 4: The receiver beacon prototype.
To facilitate the wire connection to the Bluetooth
chip, and to test the system, we use the Ezurio
Bluetooth development chip. We can see it on
Figure 6, on the right. The final prototype has only
the Bluetooth chip.
The final result allows the reception of chain
characters in the receiver beacon or files in different
formats (audio or image) in a PDA or in a mobile
phone as shown in the next figure:
Figure 5: Receiving text and files in the LCD and in the
PDA, respectively.
3.2 Software Implementation
The sender beacon has to run two main tasks in its
PIC microcontroller. Firstly, the PIC must configure
a serial communication through its UART. Once the
UART is fully operative, the PIC must configure the
Bluetooth module by sending AT commands.
In this prototype, the memory was previously
loaded using a PC and a Xon/Xoff protocol, as
mentioned above. Further developments will allow
to load the memory through GSM/GPRS messages.
The files stored are sent to the portable device or
the receiver beacon following a simple protocol
described below:
The receiver beacon waits for an external
A Bluetooth connection is established.
The PIC reads the files from memory and sends
them to the receiver beacon.
When it finishes the connection is released.
The receiver beacon software behaviour is very
similar and it is described below:
The UART and the Bluetooth module are
configured in a similar way as in the sender
beacon. The receiver beacon is always
discoverable. Moreover, the LCD must be
configured for files in text data format.
When the connection between beacons is
established, the receiver beacon downloads
the file.
If it is a text file, it is displayed in the LCD.
However, if the file data format is for audio or
image, the receiver beacon tries to send it to
its corresponding PDA or mobile phone.
As can be observed, this second beacon can
easily filter spam messages from other devices, in
particular, those used in proximity marketing.
All the code was developed with a minimum
number of instructions to be stored in the 64KB
memory of the PIC.
We have shown the feasibility of a low-cost wireless
system for assisting people with disabilities such as
blind, deaf or elderly people. A more acute design
would allow mass production.
The low cost of the receiver/sender is
summarized in the next table:
Table 1: Material Costs.
Flash Memory/EEPROM Memory 3,45€
8-bit Counters 3,00€
µC PIC16F88 3,13€
LM7805 (Voltage Regulator) 0,60€
Resistors, capacitors, etc 2,50
LCD Display 6€
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Further work is in course in order to upload
contents to the sender beacon through GPRS. This
would allow the contents to be broadcast through a
central web-based server.
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1997 International Symposium on
Busby, G. 1997. Technology for the disabled and why it
matters to you. Computers in the Service of Mankind:
Helping the Disabled (Digest No: 1997/117), IEE
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Blanchard, S.M. Rohrbach, R.P. 2000. Capstone
engineering design projects to aid disabled persons.
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Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International
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Karim, N.A. Nwagboso, C. 2004. Assistive technologies
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