Emilio M. Bumachar, Rodrigo V. Andreão
Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES)
Av. Fernando Ferrari, s/nº - Goiabeiras CEP 29060-900 – Vitória – ES – Brazil
José G. Pereira-Filho
Department of Informatics, Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES)
Av. Fernando Ferrari, s/nº - Goiabeiras CEP 29060-900 – Vitória – ES – Brazil
Keywords: ECG, electrocardiogram, home care, home monitoring, microcontroller, telemedicine, wireless.
Abstract: This article presents a wireless microcontrolled system for ECG home monitoring. The main particularity of
the system is related to the data transmission strategy, which is intermittent to save battery power. In order
to evaluate the potential of the strategy proposed to diminish power consumption, a comparison of the
transmission time spent is made between a theoretical estimation and the experiments.
Chronic heart patients need continuous monitoring
due to the probability of a new event occurring that
is harmful to their health. These patients could have
better chances of recovery, mainly for psychological
reasons, if they were able to be monitored at home
instead of in a hospital. Also, the number of patients
hospitalized could be reduced without affecting the
quality of the medical care.
In that context, it is important to create
conditions to allow for safe, efficient and reliable
home monitoring, reducing costs and restrictions to
the patient’s activity and comfort.
Home monitoring is viable in the current
technological environment. Even though
transmission failure must still be addressed, current
wireless technology allows for increasingly reliable
links. Moreover, size, cost and power consumption
of electronic components are lower than ever.
There are several applications for monitoring
systems with wearable medical sensors. (Reisner,
Shaltis and McCombie, 2004). Home patient
monitoring is one of them. Different approaches
have been proposed, such as: sending the data
through the phone network using mobile phones
(Istepanian, Woodward and Richards, 2001),
(Boquete, Bravo, Barea, Ascariz and Martín, 2005);
providing a terminal for the patient themselves to
view data and register events (Segura-Juaréz,
Cuesta-Frau, Samblas-Pena and Aboy, 2004);
transmitting data through the Web (Fensli,
Gunnarson and Gundersen, 2005); allowing direct
use by nearby medical staff (Paim, Correa and
Marques, 2004).
Existing works using wireless transmission keep
the transceiver on all the time. This practice does not
take advantage of the fact that the data being
transmitted is usually much less than the data
transmission rate.
This work presents a portable device able to
acquire and transmit electrocardiogram (ECG) signal
using a wireless link through a remote computer. It
has been conceived in the context of a project called
Telecardio, whose aim is to monitor cardiac patients
at home (Andreão, Pereira-Filho and Calvi, 2006).
Our main contribution is related to the data
transmission strategy. The data is stored in a
memory, and only then the transceiver is activated to
send all the data in a burst. This reduces battery
consumption, improving the critical features of
battery size, weight, and duration. These features are
critical because the patients will need to carry the
equipment (and the batteries) at all times, and
interrupt their routine to change batteries.
M. Bumachar E., V. Andreão R. and G. Pereira-Filho J. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 107-110
DOI: 10.5220/0001053901070110
The proposed device for home ECG monitoring
(Bumachar, Andreão and Segatto, 2006) extends
battery life by transmitting in bursts. It consists in:
A battery-powered, microcontrolled
acquisition device to be carried by the
patient at all times, which pre-amplifies then
samples their ECG, stores it and transmits
A receiving station that receives the data and
does some processing (such as filtering,
segmentation and automatic analysis), then
retransmits it through the internet;
A telemonitoring server that can receive the
data of several patients, sort it, store it and
make it available to authorized parties.
The system is illustrated in Figure 1.
In order to control all these tasks, an algorithm
has been developed to be run in the microcontroller,
as follows.
3 channels
Figure 1: Monitoring system.
2.1 Microcontroller Algorithm
The embedded microcontroller spends most of the
time idle, to save power. Every sample period, it is
interrupted by an internal timer and samples the
three A/D (analog-to-digital conversion) channels,
obtaining three 12-bit samples. This data is
organized in bytes and stored in internal memory,
and then there is a return to inactivity.
This cycle repeats until there are 42 samples, or
63 bytes. Then a 1-byte counter is added as a header,
completing a 64-bytes data vector, which is stored in
the external memory using the I2C serial interface,
freeing the internal memory for further samples.
The microcontroller counts these writing
operations to keep track of the amount of data and,
therefore, the amount of time stored. When 30
seconds of ECG are completed, the microcontroller
wakes the transceiver from its sleep mode, which
can take a few milliseconds. If a new data vector is
completed in that time, it is properly stored in the
external memory.
When the transceiver becomes active, the
microcontroller repeatedly attempts to contact the
receiving station until receiving an answer. The
station can send to the microcontroller a transmit
request or a repeat request.
After receiving a transmit request, the
microcontroller will read from the external memory
the oldest data packet and transmit it; after a repeat
request, it will retransmit the last packet. A data
packet is defined as 16 data vectors, or 1024 bytes.
While the microcontroller handles the
transmission, sampling continues through
interruptions, but the microcontroller no longer
becomes idle. The internal memory is monitored and
its content is transferred to the external memory,
unless the later is being read for transmission. To
avoid data loss in this situation, the internal memory
buffer size is defined with a margin. Similarly, the
external memory has a large margin to stand
eventual wireless transmission failures.
Finally, after several transmissions, there will be
no packets left in the external memory. Then, the
microcontroller will answer the next transmission
request with an ending request, and the receiving
station will send an ending confirmation. The
microcontroller will return the transceiver to sleep
mode and begin data accumulation again, reinitiating
the cycle.
2.2 Prototype
A prototype of the monitoring device was able to
sample, packet, store and transmit three channels of
pre-amplified signals.
The microcontroller, memory and transceiver
used were Analog Devices’ ADuC841, Microchip’s
24AA515 and MaxStream’s XBee respectively.
Despite the non-volatility of the memory being
unnecessary, a serial EEPROM memory was
selected instead of faster RAM memory because it
requires less power – only the EEPROM page being
written requires power, whereas RAM consumes
power all the time just to maintain data.
Figures 2, 3 and 4 show the prototype.
This prototype works with a single-channel pre-
amplifier to raise the very low biometric ECG signal
to voltage levels that could be accurately sampled by
the microcontroller’s A/D converter. Since two other
amplifiers are not yet available, the same amplified
signal is sampled by all three channels. The
amplifier contains lowpass filters and a Right-Drive-
Leg terminal (which prevents amplifier saturation).
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Figure 2: View of side one of the prototype.
Figure 3: View of side two of the prototype.
Figure 4: Single-channel amplifier.
The data storage time is the duration of each data
storage phase, in which the acquisition device does
not transmit. It has been fixed at 30 seconds.
The transmission phase lasts the time necessary
to transmit all the samples taken during the
transmission and storage phases.
There are three interfaces to be considered that
can influence the transmission time: the I2C serial
interface between the microcontroller and the
memory, the UART serial interface between the
microcontroller and the transceiver, and the ZigBee
rf link between the transceiver and another
transceiver at the receiving station.
3.1 Theoretical Minimum
The bottleneck of the transmission, theoretically, is
the UART serial interface, with a rate of 115,2 kbps.
Disregarding transmission overhead,
acknowledgements, and processing delays (such as
servicing interrupts), the transmission time will be
given by the following equation:
where 30 is the data storage time in seconds, T is the
desired transmission time, 256 is the sampling
frequency in Hertz, 3 is the number of A/D channels
being sampled, 12 is the number of bits per channel,
and 115200 is the bottleneck rate in bits per second.
As a result, the desired transmission time T is 2,61
seconds, which corresponds to the transmission
phase occurring 8% of the time, as shown in the
following equation:
(%) =
3.2 Experimental Value
The I2C interface was implemented in software on
the microcontroller’s (master’s) side. At first, was
assumed that it was not the bottleneck, but it was so
inefficient that it became the actual bottleneck,
determining the transmission time of 19 seconds.
Consequently, I2C interface implementation was
improved, by having a timer do some counting
previously done by executing useless processor
instructions. However, after the I2C improvement,
the device stopped functioning properly. Most data
would get through to the receiving station, but not
all, at a distance too short for link failure.
The device worked properly when an arbitrary
delay was inserted between transfers of each byte
from memory to transceiver. This delay was then
calibrated to its approximate minimum value that
would still allow for proper functioning.
The resulting transmission time was 5,5 seconds.
It is more than double the theoretical, ideal value. It
corresponds to the transmission occurring 15,5% of
the time.
3.3 Discussion
The acquisition device was not able to function with
transmission time lower that 5,5 seconds, that is, it
did not function properly without deliberate delays
that increased the transmission time to 5,5 seconds.
The microcontroller code keeps the I2C interface
from getting ahead of the UART interface, that is,
the next byte is read from the memory only after the
last byte is forwarded to the transceiver.
The UART interface is very much slower than
the rf link, and the former shouldn’t overwhelm the
latter. However, the transceiver was configured not
to wait for any number of bytes to form an rf packet,
that is, as soon as a byte is received by the UART, it
is put in an rf packet with significant overhead. (This
configuration is necessary to transmit one-byte
control messages used for reliability.) Therefore, if
assembling the packet takes too long, perhaps the
transceiver’s transmission buffer overflows.
At the receiving station’s side, the rf link, being
faster then the UART interface, could overwhelm it
This shouldn’t happen since all the data coming
through the rf link has passed by the UART interface
at the acquisition device. However, non-uniform
delays due to rf packet assembling and
disassembling could cause the receiving buffer to
This work presented a wireless microcontrolled
solution for an ECG home monitoring system
application. It was based in the concept of battery
power saving through intermittent data transmission.
It was observed that in practice the transmission
time is much higher than the ideal theoretical
minimum. Further experimentation is necessary to
discover whether it can be reduced.
The use of intermittent data transmission has
opened another strategy to reduce battery
consumption by setting the power-down modes of
the microcontroller and transceiver, but that wasn’t
achieved with this prototype. For example, if the
storage phase power consumption can be ten percent
of the transmission phase power consumption, then
the total consumption as a percentage of the
transmit-all-the-time consumption will be 24%.
Therefore, it is useful to use intermittent
transmission instead of transmitting all the time.
This work is supported by FAPES – Fundação de
Apoio à Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo
(30899583/2005), and partially by CNPq.
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BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices