Albrecht Eiber
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9, Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords: Hearing devices, mechanical models, sound transfer, feedback, distortion.
Abstract: The effect of specific hearing impairments can be alleviated or compensated using electrically driven
hearing aids. There is a broad variety of devices for stimulating the hearing either acoustically, mechanically
or electrically. Their applications depend on the type, the severity and the location of a particular
impairment. In order to get an optimal reconstruction, additionally to the medical aspects the dynamical
behavior of the implant has to be regarded together with the individual situation of the patient
simultaneously. Because of the broad variation of individuals and situations, the belonging parameters are
time dependent and vary in a wide range, too. Thus, the design of a hearing device must be robust or
insensitive against parameter variation and a sensitivity analysis with respect to parameters of the device,
variation of anatomy and variation of insertion is needed. By means of mechanical simulation models
enhanced by the behavior of the actuator and its control, the dynamical behavior of implants can be
calculated and optimized. Such simulations helps to shorten series of experiments in the lab and in clinical
practice and guidelines for the designer and for the surgeon can be derived.
Hearing is a highly dynamical process, a sound
event expressed as fluctuation of pressure in the air
acts at the ear drum and excites the three tiny
ossicles malleus, incus and stapes to vibrate. Due to
the coupling of the stapes footplate, these motions
are transmitted to the fluid of the inner ear bringing
the basilar membrane in motion. The stereocilia of
the inner hair cells are bended and electrical spikes
are transferred to the brain by the nerves. For low
excitation, the outer hair cells of the organ of Corti
are activated serving as an amplifier.
Impairments may have various reasons:
mechanical defects in the middle ear like missing
ossicles, stiffened ligaments or damaged hair cells in
the inner ear. In order to get an appropriate
reconstruction, the surgeon must know the
mechanical behavior of the available implants, their
function and use as well as their dynamical behavior
when they are inserted in the body.
Depending on the specific impairment, several
possibilities of reconstruction exist. Conventional
devices act at the outer ear canal driving the natural
ear acoustically. A mechanical reconstruction may
be a simple replacement of a natural structure or a
directly driven element of the hearing like an ossicle
of the middle ear or the skull. Moreover, a direct
electrical stimulation in the inner ear is possible.
Implants replacing missing ossicles are passive
mechanical elements. Actively driven devices
consist of a microphone, a sound processor, an
amplifier, a power source and an actuator.
Conventional devices produce an amplified sound
pressure applied to the outer ear canal, they can be
used in case of intact hearing with moderate hearing
Other implants are imposing mechanical
vibrations directly to the middle ear ossicles (middle
ear implants, MEI) or to the skull for transferring the
sound by structural vibrations to the inner ear (bone
anchored hearing aids, BAHA). These implants can
be used in case of a sensorineural defect in the inner
Eiber A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 304-309
DOI: 10.5220/0001055503040309
Another possibility is to stimulate the nerves of
the inner ear electrically via an electrode inserted
into the cochlea (cochlear implant, CI) or acting at
the brainstem. Such implants work even when the
hair cells are inactive or destroyed.
Depending on the degree of integration into the
body, totally and partially implantable hearing aids
are distinguished. Further categories are due to the
driving principle, the transfer of actuation to the
hearing organ, the point of actuation, the manner of
coupling to the driven ossicle, the type of suspension
to the base and of the location the elements between
the force is acting.
3.1 Driving Concept
Two different principles of driving are common:
magnetic coils like in classical loudspeakers and
piezoelectric elements. Such elements may work in
diverse modes of operation like bending effect of
beams or discs as well as elongation of staples.
3.2 Force/Displacement Transmission
Due to the transfer of force or displacement from the
actuator to the ossicles, the devices can be
categorized in groups working with an acoustical
coupling via air cushion, hydraulical coupling via
fluid in a tube and mechanical coupling.
Principally, an actuator can be attached at an
ossicle transferring its forces due to inertial effects
of a moved internal mass. This type is called floating
mass transducer (FMT) (Hong et al, 2007). It needs
a proper coupling to an ossicle.
If such type of actuator is attached to the skull,
the sound information is transferred to the inner ear
via structural vibrations of the skull and the device is
called bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA). It needs
a fixed coupling which is maintained by an osseo-
integrated screw (Tjellstroem, 1990).
Other actuators are placed between ossicle and
temporal bone, they may act even as force
transducer or as displacement transducer and need
an appropriate coupling at both ends.
3.3 Mechanical Coupling
One of the most important issue in reconstruction is
the mechanical coupling of the actuator to the
ossicle or/and skull because it governs significantly
the dynamical behavior of the reconstructed ear. It is
important to which ossicle and at which location the
actuator is coupled, in which spatial direction the
actuation takes place and how the coupling is
Coupling of implants to the skull is commonly
achieved by means of screws in a mechanical ideal
way. More problematic is the connection to an
ossicle, it is achieved by gluing, crimping or
clamping. In the latter cases, mucosa, fascia or
cartilage is present as an intermediate layer between
the implant and the ossicle.
The mechanical description of such coupling
elements leads to nonlinear force/displacement laws
similar to the description of the ligaments or joints.
Generally, the relative displacements in the coupling
area are smaller than in the joints, but depending on
the specific design of coupling, pronounced
asymmetry in push-pull direction up to unilateral
coupling is possible. Moreover, kinks and
discontinuities may occur, leading to distorted sound
Classical models of the hearing organ have been
developed by acoustical or electrical engineers based
n electrical analogies. These circuit models are
mostly one directional described by scalar
differential equations (e.g. Zwislocki, 1963) and it is
difficult to describe the three dimensional nature of
ossicles motion (Hudde and Weistenhoefer, 1997).
Moreover, the parameters of such models are not
directly related to the geometrical dimensions or
physical quantities like mass and stiffness.
Due to the anatomy of the hearing organ and
the function based on the relation between forces
and displacements, three-dimensional mechanical
models are adequate for description and simulation,
well developed modelling techniques like Multibody
Systems approach (MBS) or Finite-Element-Method
(FEM) are available (Wada et al, 1992; Beer et al,
1999; Gan et al, 2004; Prendergast el al, 1999; Eiber
et al, 1999).
The mechanical considerations presented here
take into account the spatial arrangement of the
ossicles and their three dimensional motions in a
vectorial description. They allow to regard the
spatially oriented direction of excitation, the
mechanical properties of the coupling of implants
and the nonlinear behavior of the coupling region, of
the joints and of the ligaments.
In Figure 1, a typical Multibody System model
is shown with its rigid bodies malleus, incus and
stapes. The ear drum, the air in the outer ear canal
and the fluid of the inner ear are modelled as lumped
mass points or bodies. The ligaments and the two
muscles tensor tympani and musculus stapedius are
described as visco-elastic elements with an active
part. The model has 83 degrees of freedom and the
vector z contains the generalized coordinates. The
crucial ones are indicated in the Figure.
Figure 1: Multibody System model of the middle ear with
its adjacent structures and an active middle ear implant
acting at the incus.
The dynamical behaviour of the system is
described by the equation of motion
),,(),()( tzzqzzkzzM
where M denotes the mass matrix, k the vector of
generalized forces, q the vector of applied
generalized forces. Generally, such models are
highly nonlinear due to nonlinear coupling elements,
i.e. ligaments and joints of ossicles or due to large
amplitudes of ossicles´ motion (Eiber and
Breuninger, 2004 a). The latter is not the case in the
physiological range of hearing (Eiber and
Breuninger, 2004 b). Figure 2 shows some typical
force/displacement relations of ligaments and joints
of the middle ear. Typically, coupling of implants
are similar to that of the incudo-stapedial joint with
asymmetry and kinks causing a distorted sound
ear drum incudo -
malleolar joint
incudo -
stapedial joint
annular ring
Figure 2: Nonlinear characteristics of middle ear elements.
Static preloads acting at the ossicular chain deflect it
to a specific working position y
, where the small
physiological sound pressure variations are
For the investigation of these small variations,
the equation of motion (1) can be linearized with
respect to y
hyyKyyDyyM =
where M denotes the mass matrix, D the damping
matrix, K the stiffness matrix and h the vector of
applied forces. Thus, the dynamical behavior of the
chain depends on the working position and shows
changed natural frequencies. Such static prestress
may occur due to static pressure differences in the
outer ear canal, in the middle ear cavity or in the
inner ear, due to scar tissues of healing structures or
preloads from inserted implants. Particularly active
implants with a driving rod acting at the incus need
such a preload.
After linearization, the linear equation of
motion (2) is valid and frequency domain procedures
can be applied to investigate the dynamical behavior
represented by the linearized vector y. For specific
nonlinearities like unilateral constraints or kinks in
the force/displacement relation as illustrated in
Figure 2, linearization is not possible and there is a
distorted sound transfer even for small sound
pressure variations.
By means of time-integration the time history
of specific stimulations of hearing, in particular of
transient sound events, can be investigated based on
the equations of motion of the entire system
consisting of ossicular chain and the actuator with its
control elements.
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Two different types of hearing aids driven by
magnetic coils and piezo elements are considered for
the case of totally implantable device. They are very
compact but the surgical effort for insertion is very
high. In case of partially implantable device the core
respectively the magnet are arranged in different
positions leading to a simpler surgery process.
5.1 Totally Implantable Hearing Aid
A magnetically driven device on the market is the
Otologics Middle Ear Transducer MET (OTOlogics,
LLC). All components even the microphone are
placed in a cavity of skull behind the ear. The
battery is inductively charged once per day. In
particular, the actuator is mounted in the mastoid
behind the ear canal, it pushes against the ossicular
chain by means of a driving rod (Waldmann et al,
Because of the unphysiological orientation of
the actuator, the motion imposed to the stapes
contains much higher components of rocking of
stapes around its short and the long axis of footplate
when compared to the natural hearing. Recent
studies revealed the influence of such motions on
hearing (Sequeira, 2007).
Coupling of the driving rod with the incus is
accomplished by pressing the rod against the ossicle.
In order to have a fixed attachment point, a notch
has to be burred using a drill or burned using a laser.
Mechanically, such a contact is nearly an unilateral
constraint, which needs a reasonable preload leading
to a pre-stressed ossicular chain. Due to the shifted
working point, the middle ear shows higher natural
frequencies but in particular, higher amplitudes of
the actuator are necessary to achieve the vibrations
of stapes which are demanded for compensation of a
hearing loss.
As a negative consequence, the malleus and the
ear drum are driven with larger amplitudes, too,
radiating sound into the outer ear canal. Picked up
by the microphone, this sound may lead to ringing
effects because of a loop. Such effects have been
observed particularly on implants driven by
piezoelectric actuators.
Thus, depending on nonlinear behavior of the
chain and the coupling, even powerful actuators are
not able to compensate a severe hearing loss.
For optimizing a reconstruction, the entire
system of ossicular chain, the particular impairment,
the characteristics of implant and its coupling to the
chain has to be regarded. A very sensitive entity in
the function is the adjustment of the actuator with
respect to the skull during surgery, which defines the
applied preload (Rodriguez Jorge et al, 2006), (Eiber
et al, 2007).
In Figure 3, the mechanical model of the
considered actuator is sketched showing the
adjustment of the device relative to the skull and the
inner stiffness between the mass of housing frame
and the driven mass. For a magnetically driven
actuator, this stiffness is relatively low in
comparison to the piezo actuator.
Figure 3: Model of actuator attached at the ossicle and the
Concerning the two driving principles there are
significant differences. The piezo elements can
produce high forces imposing prescribed
displacements to the chain. But due to its high inner
stiffness, such devices show a high sensitivity
against the adjustment of preload given by the
surgeon during insertion and also against static
pressure variations during daily use.
Therefore, a relatively high preload is
commonly applied by the surgeon, which leads to
extremely shifted working points with the effects of
feedback and distortion as described above. On the
other hand, ligaments exhibit a time dependent
mechanical behavior. In a long time range they
elongate under static load in a creeping effect
releasing the imposed preload.
Due to the lower internal stiffness, the implants
driven by magnetic coils are less sensitive against
variations in static pressure or preload. But even in
this case, the sensitivity against adjustment travel as
shown in Figure 3 remains and is crucial for the
surgeon. A high preload stiffens the chain and
requires higher force amplitudes with a significant
sound radiation by the ear drum as a consequence.
Modelling this feed back loop allows a stability
analysis and the calculation of a gain margin. It
defined as the maximal allowed amplification so that
the system is still stable. This amplification can be
used to compensate a hearing impairment of the
inner ear. In Figure 4 this gain margin is shown
qualitatively for various adjustment travel a
and it
becomes clear, that there is a trade-off between a
good coupling and the risk of feedback particularly
in the lower frequency range. For that calculation,
the microphone was placed in the mastoid at the
posterior wall of the outer ear canal.
Figure 4: Gain margin for different travels of adjustment
screw. Increasing adjustment cause higher static preload.
A negative gain margin signifies risk of ringing.
Totally implantable hearing aids are a very
elegant reconstruction because there is no obvious
stigmatization of the patient. They are technically
sophisticated devices, their insertion is challenging
for the surgeon and needs some experience.
5.2 Partially Implantable Hearing Aid
In order to reduce the surgical effort, parts of the
active hearing aid are placed outside the skull like in
conventional devices. Another concept is to separate
the coil of actuator from the core.
In a current project, the placement of a
permanent magnet at the manubrium driven by a
magnetic coil placed behind the ear is investigated
as illustrated in Figure 5.
That concept ensures the kinematical
unconstrained motion of the ossicular chain free of
static preload. The chain is able to find its natural
working position and the actuator can work at this
particular position.
Figure 5: Partially implantable hearing aid with separated
coil and magnet. Force f and torque l imposed to the
Depending on the orientation of the magnetic
field and the direction of magnetization of the
permanent magnet, there is a moment superposed to
the force acting at the magnet to drive the ossicular
chain in a quite physiological way. The position and
the mass of the magnet influence both the dynamical
behavior of the chain and the applied force effects.
Based on mechanical models of the chain together
with Finite Element models of the electrical part, an
optimization of the components could be
accomplished. First tests in the lab show an easy and
safe procedure to couple the magnet at the malleus
handle using an elastic clip. This is a mechanically
stable coupling, which guaranties a perfect transfer
of forces from the magnet to the ossicle.
Mechanical models serve as a base for simulating
the hearing process and for the design of active
hearing implants. Three-dimensional models are
able to describe the complex spatial motion of the
ossicular chain and their relation to the forces and
moments applied by an implanted hearing aid. A
crucial point is the coupling of implants to the
natural structures of the ear, which is governed by
nonlinear force/displacement relations. As a
consequence, the transmitted forces are limited
leading to an incomplete compensation of hearing
loss, the transfer of sound may be distorted leading
to a bad sound discrimination due to higher
overtones or the gain of amplification must be
restricted to avoid ringing due to feedback.
Due to their close relation to the anatomy,
mechanical models give a better insight into the
dynamic behavior of the middle ear than electrical
circuit models. Multibody system models with a low
number of degrees of freedom are well suited to
describe the global behavior of systems regarding
their nonlinear properties and to design the
mechanical part of hearing implants. Finite Elemente
models with a high number of degrees of freedom
are capable to describe distributed properties like
magnetic fields and mechanical stress. Simulations
with mechanical models facilitate an optimization
during design of hearing aids and may shorten the
clinical trial and error process.
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
On this work participated Dipl.-Ing. C. Breuninger
and several students financed by the German
Research Council (DFG).
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