Benefits and Barriers for Granting Patients More Control
James Andrew Smith and Andr´e Seyfarth
Locomotion Laboratory (Lauflabor), Institute for Sports Science, University of Jena, Jena, Germany
Orthosis, prothesis, implanted medical device, insurance, risk, control, adaptability.
End-users of biomedical devices, like many patients undergoing treatment in healthcare systems, often demon-
strate an active interest in their therapy. Patient-specific customization of medical devices, such as orthoses,
prostheses and implants, is an expensive, time-consuming process. Given how many of these patients are pro-
active and self-motivated it seems appropriate to the authors that these characteristics be harnessed to make
the adaptation of the device to the patient more cost effective. In short, it is proposed that the device end-user –
the patient – play an active role in the tuning and adaptation of the device, especially in the out-patient context.
However, the perceived risk associated with a more pro-active and independent role for the patient is a barrier
to this possibility. These factors are examined and a proposal for a practical approach to a patient-controlled
device optimization process is put forward.
The customization of medical devices, such as or-
thoses, prostheses and implants, to the patient is an
expensive, time-consuming process. By reducing fac-
tors which lead to patient noncompliance and by har-
nessing the pro-active and self-motivated nature of
many patients it is likely that the patient-device adap-
tation process can be made more cost effective. The
barriers towards granting greater control to patients in
the updating process will also be examined. Finally,
general strategies that are conducive to the develop-
ment and use of adaptable devices are put forward.
Here, we examine general issues related to treatment
procedures which involve biomedical devices, as well
as reasons why adaptable devices can prove beneficial
to such situations.
In traditional medical practice, physical proximity
between medical personnel and patients is desirable
and often necessary. Often, patients travel to clini-
cal settings to obtain medical services such as check-
ups and monitoring. In other cases, emergency or not,
medical personnel undertake the travelling to visit pa-
tients. In both cases, the associated costs with travel-
ling and visitation, in terms of both time and money,
can be important. In fact, these costs can quickly rise
when the patient normally resides in a remote com-
munity which has insufficient medical resources. Ad-
ditionally, delays associated with transport can have
adverse effects on the treatment of both diagnosed and
undiagnosed conditions.
In addition to distance playing a role on transporta-
tion costs, frequency of visits can also have a signif-
icant effect on costs and effectiveness of treatment.
The customization of medical devices, whether they
be implantable medical devices (IMD) or external
protheses or orthoses, often requires frequent visits
by the patient to a clinical setting. Delays are often
encountered due to complications in both patient and
medical personnel schedules. This can lead to missed
appointments or a reduction in the optimal number
of scheduled visits. Both situations can have adverse
effects on patient treatment regimes. Therefore, solu-
tions which reduce the requirement for physical trans-
portation of either patients or medical personnel, to or
Andrew Smith J. and Seyfarth A. (2008).
PATIENT-ADAPTABLE BIOMEDICAL DEVICES - Benefits and Barriers for Granting Patients More Control.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 245-248
DOI: 10.5220/0001056202450248
from clinical settings are desirable.
Treatment associated with the prosthetic devices al-
most always requires multiple meetings between clin-
ician and patient. When available, telemetry gathered
by the device (either under in- or out-patient condi-
tions) can be provided during these sessions to the
clinician, complementing the traditional discussions
between patient and clinician. To ensure optimal ef-
fect of the device on the patient such information will
be monitored over the course of many sessions. In
the process, changes to the device, or complete re-
placement of the device can occur. The reasons for
this vary from suboptimal tuning of the device to a
breakdown of the device, as well as to changes in the
patients condition or environment conditions that the
patient encounters.
Changes in the aforementioned conditions can hap-
pen outside the clinical setting. In the event of such
changes it is advisable that appropriate actions be
taken as quickly as possible. This is especially im-
portant where the change in condition has an adverse
effect that could endanger the patient. Even in cases
where the change does not endanger the patient, but
leads to discomfort or diminished confidence in the
device, it is advisable that the problem be addressed
relatively quickly. Therefore, solutions that ensure a
high frequency of monitoring and updating are desir-
able. However, updating or adaptation of the device
does not necessarily need to be done by a clinician or
therapist. In cases of misadjustment of a prosthetic
leg, the resulting skin ulcers can dramatically reduce
a patient’s ability to use the prosthetic device, with a
consequent reduction or total loss of mobility (Brandt,
2004). The ability of a patient to actively modify the
device without the need for clinical supervision can
be beneficial when such services are unavailable or
impractical. This is apparent in the treatment of pain
through the use of patient-adjustable bracing (Dra-
ganich et al., 2006) or in cosmetic and comfort ad-
justments with respect to heel height in foot prosthet-
ics. In these cases, it is far more practical to allow the
patient to make adaptations without direct clinical su-
pervision. This is especially relevant since, as will be
discussed in the next section, treatments that reduce
ambulation ability can also become more vulnerable
to patient non-compliance (Aldridge et al., 2002).
The goal of the clinical visitations is often related
to monitoring a patients general health and the sta-
tus of any diagnosed condition. In the cases that the
patient has been previously prescribed a medical de-
vice related to a diagnosed condition the health ser-
vice provider often uses the clinical visitation time to
also monitor the condition of the medical device. Up-
dates to the device may also be performed during this
time, as the health care provider is often an expert in
the adjustment of such devices. Outside of the clini-
cal setting, prior-art (Bardy, 2003) demonstrates that
such device monitoring and update work can also be
done in an autonomous and remote fashion. While
these devices are not necessarily directly adaptable
by the patient, they do contain the functionality for
adaptability outside the clinical setting. A number
of patents (Duffin et al., 1995) (Linberg, 1999) have
been assigned for such remote expert system updata-
bility , including at least one which permits the patient
to input activity and environmental conditions for op-
timal implant performance (Boies et al., 2000).
Although customizable and updatable systems
(remotely or locally) can have both therapeutic and
cost benefits, there are barriers to their implementa-
tion. The next section explores some of these issues.
The development and use of patient-adaptable
biomedical devices shares many of the same barriers
encountered in by any biomedical device.
First, regardless of the intention of the clinician or
manufacturer, without patient compliance the device
will be ineffective. A patient’s existing living con-
ditions or environment may not be compatible with
the proposed device and treatment strategy (Pinzur
et al., 1992). Likewise, psychological or physiologi-
cal factors may preclude usage of the device. Without
proper counselling and education, cognitive, motiva-
tional and emotional barriers can also be barriers to
effective use of a given medical device (Pinzur et al.,
The possibility of critical failure of a device, espe-
cially in cases where such failures can place people in
danger, must be weighed by manufacturers, end-users
and prescribers of such devices. This applies to many
fields, not just the biomedical field.
In the case of lower extremity prosthetic or or-
thotic devices the possibility of falling is of particu-
lar concern, as such falls can lead to serious injury
or death. With some justification, the fear that such
an event can occur is “pervasive” (Miller et al., 2001)
within the amputee community. This leads to partic-
ular lines of action by both device manufacturers and
patients to reduce the possibility of fall.
Actual falls, as well as the fear of falling can have
repercussions on mobility and social activities. The
psychological effects related to the fear can lead to
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
self-imposed restrictions which, in turn, lead to de-
terioration in physiological conditions (Miller et al.,
2001). Given that this downward spiral runs counter
to the original intentions when equipping an amputee
with a prosthetic leg, it is important that the possibil-
ity of fall and the related fear be addressed as seri-
ously and openly as possible.
The evaluation of risk, either by a patient or a
device manufacturer can have serious ramifications,
both positive and negative. During the risk evaluation
process it is important to remember that risk determi-
nation should not only be founded on the device itself
but also on the proposed use of the device. This re-
quires weighing the risk against the beneficial uses of
the device. If the addition of a feature promotes the
use of the device, either through increased user con-
venience or confidence, the short-term possibility of
increased user risk for falling may be offset by less-
ened possibility of longer-term psychological conse-
quences, as outlined above.
Devices which maximize user comfort, convenience
and confidence are most likely to be successful in pa-
tient treatment. In cases such as treatment of Char-
cot’s Foot, total contact casting is the “gold standard”
for treatment, patient non-compliance plays a roll in
its relatively high failure rate. The reduced mobility
that results from such treatment can be so deleteri-
ous, and thereby resulting in patient non-compliance,
that alternative forms of treatment have been devel-
oped that allow the patient some form of ambulation
(Aldridge et al., 2002). The device should, if at all
possible, usable within the patient’s existing lifestyle,
which in many cases requires a significant degree of
The development of patient-adaptable devices is
an effective avenue for many forms of treatment.
These are especially effective when the patient feels
an immediate and persistent self-motivation with re-
spect to the device. One such example, that of patient-
adjustable valgus-producing knee braces, can have
immediate, short-term pain- and stiffness-relief bene-
fits for patients (Draganich et al., 2006). Devices such
as the Ossur Elation and Proprio feet allow the am-
putee to adjust heel height, thus permitting the use of
high-heel shoes, for instance. While the use of these
types of shoes may place the amputee at greater risk
for fall, the long-term psychological consequences of
this convenience would seem to outweigh the short-
term physical risk. Of course, to maximize the poten-
tial of these adjustable devices, the adjustment mech-
anisms must be as convenient as possible.
Making the device convenient to use is not sufficient,
however. While its use and its adjustment mecha-
nisms (if any) may seem intuitive to an expert, this
cannot be assumed to be the case with the patient.
Given that non-compliance can, in many cases, be
traced to misunderstanding by the patient (Smith and
Smith, 1994), it is important that special attention be
paid to patient education. The practitioner should be
especially aware of the fact that relevant documenta-
tion often given to the patient is written in a manner
which leads to misunderstandings (Smith and Smith,
1994). Therefore, patient education which is inti-
mately tied to the notion of informed patient consent
should be tailored to the comprehension level of
each patient in order to reduce the possibility of pa-
tient non-compliance based on misunderstanding.
Simply allowing the patient to make active changes
to the device, as outlined above, is not the only strat-
egy for involving the patient in the therapy “feedback
loop”. Within the clinical context (i.e. under the di-
rection of a trained therapist or clinician), a device
that adapts to the patient in a semi-autonomous fash-
ion has enormous potential. The device can take a co-
operative approach to the patient interface and does
not necessarily require direct or conscious adaptation
strategies by the patient. In fact, “human-centred
robotic” gait trainers are currently being developed
which combine robotic mechanisms that adapt their
movement to the muscular efforts of the patient, as
well as the patient’s passive mechanical properties
(Riener et al., 2006). These patient-adaptable de-
vices still require the expertise of therapists to develop
strategies for therapy, but promise to increase patient
comfort and therapy effectiveness.
From a manufacturer’s point of view, the calculation
of acceptable risk for device feature sets must be con-
ducted. This begins with setting a threshold for tol-
erance of risk, followed by the determination of a de-
vice’s intended use and required feature set. Next,
the feature-by-feature risk is estimated by examining
the probability of a given event and the consequent
level of operator or patient harm. Features which ap-
proach the tolerance thresholdwill requirespecial jus-
tification with respect to physiological or psychologi-
cal benefits, while those which exceed it must be dis-
carded. Next, testing is conducted to verify the as-
sumptions on which the risk levels are based, alarm
and compensatory devices are implemented. Finally,
the cycle is repeated until verifications produce re-
sults which match the declared risk tolerance thresh-
old. This process is a straight-forward one that results
from an attempt to adhere to risk management strate-
gies that conform to international standards such as
PATIENT-ADAPTABLE BIOMEDICAL DEVICES - Benefits and Barriers for Granting Patients More Control
ISO 14971 and IEC 60601-1; these standards are, in
turn, a result of regulatory requirements by national
and international agencies.
Finally, the device must be made affordable to
the patient in absolute terms, as well as relative to
possible alternatives which may or may not include
adjustable functionality. Where alternatives include
immobilization and long-term hospitalization, it is
critical that comparisons be made with respect to
the additional costs related to diminished mobility.
Given the role of third-party payees such as govern-
ment agencies or private insurance companies, the
cost of such devices must also be justifiable to them.
This is especially important in cases where utiliza-
tion management and technology assessment studies
result in limited outcomes due to small sample size
or absence or randomized controlled trials in peer-
reviewed journals (Fish, 2006). Therefore, rigourous
and independentcase-by-case studies need to be made
to verify the potential short-term (e.g. adjustable
valgus-producing knee unloader braces) and longer-
term (e.g. the adjustable heel height feet) benefits of
patient-adjustable biomedical devices.
The benefits for adaptable prosthetic devices has been
examined, as have the barriers for both these and
biomedical devices in general. General strategies for
implementation have been examined, as well. In the
end it is important for trained personnel to make a
holistic evaluation of the patient, taking into account
patient lifestyle issues, physiological and psychologi-
cal factors, costs, requirements by third-party payees,
etc. Engaging the patient through education and good
design practice are key to the development and use of
these types of devices.
The authors would like to thank Donald Smith, Cathy
Huth and Michelle Huth for their feedback. As well,
the authors would like to thank the following people
for their valuable input: Dr. Robert Farley at the Scot-
tish ExecutiveHealth Directorate, Drs. Stefan Bircher
and Burkhard Zimmerman at Hocoma AG Medical
Engineering, Roland Auberger at Otto Bock Health
Care, and Knut Lechler at Ossur R&D.
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Ward, M. (2002). Patient compliance: its relevance to
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Bardy, G. H. (2003). System and method for collection and
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P. A., and Yu, P. S. (2000). Apparatus, system, method
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Linberg, K. R. (1999). Apparatus and method for auto-
mated invoicing of medical device systems. US Patent
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Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, 6(4):113 – 118.
BIODEVICES 2008 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices