Jyothi Bhaskarr Amarnadh
Dept of Electronics and Communications
Indian Institute of Technology, North Guwahati-781039, Guwahati, India
Hugo Gamboa, Ana Fred
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸˜oes, Instituto Superior T´ecnico
IST - Torre Norte, Piso 10, Av. Rovisco Pais 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Pattern recognition, Biometrics, Keystroke Dynamics, Feature selection.
In this paper, we present a new approach for user biometric verification based on keystroke dynamics. In our
approach, the performance of simple classifiers (namely KNN and Bayes classifiers) is tested in a user tuned
feature selection method, based on a open password approach. The impact of the training set size is studied,
obtaining good results in a preliminary study on a population of 20 users.
Keystroke dynamics is part of a class of biometrics
known as behavioral biometrics. Behavioral biomet-
rics is related to the dynamic characteristic traits of a
person which can be used to determine his/her iden-
tity. Examples are Handwriting, Voice, Speech, Lan-
guage, Gesture and typing patterns, etc.
In comparison to the other biometric techniques,
probably keystroke dynamics is one of the easiest
technique to implement. The reason is keystroke
recognitionis completely software-based solution and
there is no need for any additional hardware. The al-
ready existent basic hardware in the context of a user
at his computer, namely the keyboard, is sufficient for
this technique.
1.1 Keystroke Dynamics
Keystroke dynamics (or typing rhythms) (Monrose
and Rubin, 2000) has been shown to be a useful be-
havioral biometric technique. This method analyzes
the way a user types on a terminal, by monitoring
the keyboard input. Typing characteristics have been
firstly identified in telegraphic communications where
it has been coined as the “fist of the sender” (Bartlow
and Cukic, 2006) given that the Morse code operators
could be distinguished one from another from their
typing rhythms.
The interest in Keystroke Dynamics as a new for-
mat for biometric identification has been recognized
from the growing number of publications with in-
creasing performance, along with new approaches for
biometric security systems. As a maturity indication
of this technique, we note that the International Com-
mittee for Information Technology Standards (IN-
CITS) has already produced standardization guide-
lines for data format for Keystroke dynamics(Friant,
2006). The document defines the format for inter-
change of keystroke data, containing information re-
lated to the type of keyboard (standard, laptop, pda-
keypad or pda-touchscreen among other) and the key-
board country/layout identification. It also establishes
how the events information will be kept in the file
specifying the format of input code (like if it is ASCII
or UNICODE) and the time resolution used.
The techniques being proposed in the context of
Keystroke Dynamics, can be divided into two modes:
short code (log-in verification) and long code (contin-
uous verification). The first case the user will type
his user name and/or his password and the system
uses this non-free text information to try to verify
the user identity (Modi, 2005). The continuous ap-
proach the user is in an already authenticated envi-
ronment and continues to be monitored in a free-text
approach where, if the keystroke dynamics varies too
much from the user model, the user can be asked for
some other strong biometric information (Shepherd,
1995) to regain access to the system.
Bhaskarr Amarnadh J., Gamboa H. and Fred A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 546-550
DOI: 10.5220/0001069305460550
Any biometric technique is usually accompanied
by some metrics which evaluate its performance (Jain
et al., 2004). The rate at which the attempts of gen-
uine user are falsely classified as impostor and re-
jected by the biometric system is called false rejec-
tion rate (FRR). The rate at which the attempts of
an intruder are falsely classified as genuine and ac-
cepted by the biometric system is called false accep-
tance rate (FAR). The FAR and FRR indicate the er-
rors that could possibly occur while making decision
by the biometric system. The equal error rate (EER)
is the error rate when FAR equals FRR. The receiving
oprating curve (ROC) is the graph of FAR as a func-
tion of FRR. All these metrics (FAR,FRR,EER,ROC)
depend on the collected data ie. the population of
users and samples per each user. These are typical re-
ported performance measures in the biometrics field
that we will use in the rest of the paper.
We address some of the works conduced during
the last years in the area. In (Bergadano et al., 2002)
a continuous mode verification implementation pro-
vided a result of Equal error rate (EER) of 1.75% in a
population of 44 users (extracting 4 samples per user)
and 110 impostors. The users had to write 300 char-
acters text of in approximately 2 minute period of ac-
quisition. In (Hocquet et al., 2005) a fusion experi-
ment in a short code mode with 15 users, three differ-
ent classification algorithms were developed and pre-
formed a fusion of the results obtaining a final value
of 1.8% EER. Another study (de Magalhaes et al.,
2005; Revett et al., 2006), reports the construction
of a system based on short code login reporting a 5.8
EER in a population of 43 users. The report with more
users to date has been conduced in the base of log-in
short code mode (Jiang et al., 2007) with a population
of 56 users presenting the result of 2.54 EER. We note
that the population size is yet in a order of magnitude
lower than the sizes used in other more conventional
biometric techniques.
1.2 Our Proposal - User Tuned Feature
In this paper, we present a new approach for keystroke
dynamics based on a open password (all the users are
aware of pass sentence). We test the performance
of KNN and Bayes classifiers for user recognition
with all the features obtained (namely press times of
keystrokes and latency times of keystrokes) with all
the users typing a common sentence of 23 characters.
We selected a set of features for each user by se-
quential backward feature selection, thereby improv-
ing the performance considerably (Silva, 2007; Sied-
lencki and Sklansky, 1993).
Table 1: WIDAM Data message.
Field Bytes
message ID 1
event ID 1
object ID 1
relative position X 2
relative position Y 2
absolute position X 2
absolute position Y 2
other information 4
timestamp 4
In the following section, we describe the architec-
ture of the data acquisition system. Section 3 presents
the classifiers for user recognition and feature selec-
tion. Experimental results obtained from collected
data are presented in section 4. Section 5 presents
the conclusions and future work.
The Keystroke Dynamics data was acquired using a
web-based acquisition system of human computer in-
teraction developed by the research group. The sys-
tem called Web Interaction Display and Monitoring
(WIDAM) (Gamboa and Ferreira, 2003). The system
has the capabilities of monitoring the events that oc-
cur in a particular web page. Examples of the events
are the mouse movements and clicks, and more rel-
evant to this biometric technique, the keypress and
keyup events generated while entering text in a web
page form. The data recorded in the WIDAM system
is listed in table 1, but the information required for
this implementation is the following: (1) the type of
event (if it is a keyup or keydown); (2) the keycode;
(3) the timestamp of when the event occured; (3) key-
board modifiers flags, idicating if a shift, ctrl or alt
key is being pressed.
For the Keystroke Dynamics experience, the user
is presented with a Web Page instructing to insert sev-
eral times a specific sentence. The sentence is com-
mon to all the users that we called the open-password.
This sentence is usedas the genuine and impostor data
given that all the collected data for on user can be used
as impostor data for all the other.
The WIDAM Architecture is composed by a client
and server applications as depicted in figure 1.
The user accesses the WIDAM application via a
web browser that connects to the server. Then the
server sends back to the user a web page that is capa-
ble of monitoring and displaying the user interaction.
This page creates a connection to the server and se-
lects one of the services provided by WIDAM. Then
Figure 1: WIDAM architecture.
the client and the server exchange messages using a
protocol defined by the authors.
In the server all the information is being recorded
in a database in order to be accessed both on real time
or off-line for the study of keystroke dynamics. In a
previous work (Gamboa et al., 2007), the same struc-
ture was used to study the biometrics capabilities of
the mouse movements dynamics.
The input to the recognition system is the press times
of keystrokes and latency times of keystrokes from the
users, recorded using the WIDAM module described
3.1 Classifier System
We use the K nearest neighbor (KNN) (Duda et al.,
2000) classifier at the first hand for user recognition.
The nearest neighbors are determined based on the
Euclidean distance of a testing sample from all the
samples of the training data.
The Euclidean distance (d) between two samples
X = (x
, x
, x
, ...., x
) and Y = (y
, y
, y
, ..., y
) is
d =
We gather K nearest neighbors of a testing sample
amongst all the samples from the training data, and
depending on the majority of the nearest neighbors,
we classify each attempt as either a genuine attempt
or impostor attempt. If the majority of the nearest
neighbors are from the training data of the genuine
user, attempt is classified as genuine or else as an im-
postor attempt.
A Bayes classifier can be used if the distribution of
training data is known. The technique of Bayes clas-
sifier is based on Bayesian theorem and is best suited
when the size of training data is high. The posterior
probabilities of each class for the measurement vec-
tor X and based on the maximum of all the posterior
probabilities, we classify that X belongs to the class
which has the maximum posterior probability, i.e. us-
ing the MAP rule.
ˆw = argmax
|X) (2)
The posterior probability that measurement vector
X belongs to the class w
is determined by
|X) =
where p(X|w
) is the prior probability of the class
membership. Since p(X) is a scaling factor, the
classification is based on maximum of the product
ˆw = argmax
)} (4)
Since the measurement vector X is the set of all
features, for simplicity of modeling we assume inde-
pendence among the features conducing to the prior
probability p(X|w
) as follows:
) =
) (5)
where n is the total number of features.
3.2 Feature Selection
The classifiers described previously are implemented
with the set of all the features and tested for perfor-
mance. We select a subset of features from the set of
all the features (all the press times of keystrokes and
all the latency times of keystrokes) to best discrimi-
nate one user from the other (Jain and Ross, 2002).
For feature selection, we chose a set of features
for each user which minimizes his/her performance
metric M (we will detail latter the metrics used). To
minimize M, sequential backward feature selection is
used (Fukunaga, 1990). The algorithm for sequential
backward feature selection is as follows:
1. Consider the set of all features f =
{ f
, f
, f
, ...., f
} and M of f ie M
2. Create a subset F
by excluding the feature
from f and calculate M of F
ie M
where n
is the number of
features in f.
3. Choose F to be the set of features among all the
sets F
which has minimum M
; M
is the mini-
mum value of M
for i=1,2,3,...,n
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
4. If M
<= M
, then f=F and M
and go to 2
; else, go to 5.
5. The desired feature vector is f
=f and
The performance metric M is FAR+αFRR in
which α can be varied. We start feature selection by
choosing α = 0, so that M is FAR (ie. minimizing
FAR alone) and we can increase α to infinity so that
M is FRR (ie. minimizing FRR alone).We can achieve
trade-off between FAR and FRR for intermediate val-
ues of α .
We implemented KNN and Bayes classifiers for a sys-
tem which contains 20 users and each of the user typ-
ing the keyword for 17 times. We tested with 9 of
the 17 samples as training data and rest 8 samples as
testing data. When testing the system for one user,
an impostor is considered to be the one of the other
When KNN classifier applied for the above sys-
tem with the set of all the features for various values
of K, the optimum value of K for the system is found
to be K=1 and for this value of K, the FAR obtained
is 1.48% and FRR obtained is 28.125%. Similarly,
the system when being tested with Bayes classifier
with the set of all features assuming the distribution
of training data to be gaussian, the FAR obtained is
2.13% and FRR obtained is 40.625%.
Since the performance of KNN classifier is better
compared to Bayes classifier, we used the KNN clas-
sifier to select the set of features as described in the
previous section, to improve the performance of the
system. Feature selection has been done for each user
separately and the KNN classifier is implemented for
the set of features obtained from feature selection for
the respective user. For the overall system, on imple-
menting the KNN classifier with feature selection us-
ing M=FAR (α = 0)and 9 training samples, the FAR is
minimized to 0% and FRR obtained is 21.25% for the
optimum value of K=1. More importance is placed on
FAR because it is vital to minimize the rate at which
an intruder successfully bypasses the authentication
system as a genuine user for any biometric system.
Since it is not practical to have 9 samples as the
training data (asking the user to type for 9 times to
gather the training data), we reapplied the feature se-
lection by considering only 4 samples per user as the
training data and 13 samples per user as the testing
data.On implementing the KNN classifier with fea-
ture selection and using M=FAR (α = 0), ignoring
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 2: Histogram of length of feature vectors computed
over 20 users.
FRR, the FAR obtained is 0.546% and FRR obtained
is 56.59%. Since we cannot afford to have such a high
FRR, we chose to have a trade-off between FAR and
FRR ie. we decrease FRR at the expense of increasing
FAR. This is achieved by applying sequential back-
ward feature selection to minimize M=FAR+αFRR
for a value of α > 0.
Setting the limit for FRR to be 15%, on imple-
menting feature selection for each user with the KNN
classifier, the FAR obtained for the system is 0.8502%
and FRR of the system is 15.00% for the value of
α = 1.
The average of length of features per user after
feature selection is 21.35. Figure 1 represents the his-
togram of length of features computed over 20 users.
A novel approach has been presented based on
behavioral biometric information obtained from
Keystroke Dynamics. The technique identifies rele-
vant keystroke typing patterns of a user by an user
tuned feature selection. For the implementation of
this technique, we used a system that includes a data
acquisition module for the collection of keystroke
data (time instances of key-up and key-down); the
recognition module which includes classification sys-
tem that uses the nearest K neighbors and decision
rule for user recognition, and feature selection to iden-
tify user specific features to improve the performance
of classification system.
The user authentication is based on the nearest
neighbor method and initially all the features obtained
from the data acquisition are used for recognition.
A feature selection algorithm was applied which re-
duces the initial set of features to a subset of features
which is unique for each user. Application of KNN
classifier to the selected set of features for the respec-
tive users decides the authenticity of the user identity
The results show that the proposed technique
could be a competitive biometric technique which
minimizes the rate at which an imposter bypasses the
authentication system. Apart from that, as mentioned
earlier, this technique does not require any additional
hardware. The existent hardware namely keyboard is
sufficient for this technique which makes it inexpen-
The open password approach followed enabled a
more complete study given that we had access to more
impostor data, and validated the possibility of using a
known sentence.
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BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing