Zhanshan (Sam) Ma, Axel W. Krings and Robert E. Hiromoto
Computer Science Department, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844, USA
words: Insect Sensory System, Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV), Wireless Sensor Network, Non-cooperative Social
Behaviour, Insect-Inspired Robot, Cellular Computing, Agent-based Computing, Biosensor, Dendritic
Neuronal Computing, Molecular Network.
Abstract: This is the second article in a two-part series in which we briefly review state-of-the-art research in
communications and computing inspired by insect sensory systems. While the previous article focuses on
the biological systems, the present one briefly reviews the status of insect-inspired communications and
computing from the engineering perspective. We discuss three major application areas: wireless sensor
network, robot and micro aerial vehicle (MAV), and non-cooperative behaviours in social insects and their
conflict resolution. Despite the enormous advances in insect vision and mechanosensory inspired robot and
MAV, micro-flight emulation, motion detection and neuromorphic engineering, etc., the potential
inspiration from insect sensory system is far from being fully explored. We suggest the following promising
research topics: (1) A new grid computing architecture emulating the neuronal population such as the visual
neurons that support the compound eyes, the PN (Projection Neurons) in AL (Antennal Lobe) or the ORN
(Olfactory Receptor Neurons) from insect sensory organs (sensilla). This may be further integrated and
enhanced with the dendritic neuronal computing. (2) New generation of multimodal wireless sensor and ad-
hoc networks that emulates insect chemosensory communication. The inspiration of multimodalities in
insect sensory systems also implies that there are multiple parallel networks operating concurrently.
Furthermore, the insect chemosensory is significantly robust and dependable with built-in anti-interference
mechanisms. (3) Non-cooperative behaviours in social insects may offer insights to complement swarm
intelligence (inspired by cooperative behaviours) or to devise new optimization algorithms. It may also
provide inspiration for proposing survival selection schemes in evolutionary computing. We suggest using
evolutionary game theory to model conflict resolution in social insects, given its success in modelling
conflict resolution of other animals.
Organisms interact with each other and with their
environments through sensory and motor systems;
so do the engineered systems. Their stability and
control depend on continuous sensing and actuation
(Miesenbock and Kevrekidis, 2005). This argument
shows the universal significance of sensory systems
to both biological and engineered systems, which is
particularly true to insects given insect sensory
systems are one of the top four reasons contributing
to their status as the most abundant organisms on
earth (Ma and Krings, 2007).
Two terms often appear in bio-inspired
puting: biomimetic and biomorphic. The former
is more common and emphasizes the mimic or
emulation of nature and the latter is more of a
metaphor (Lodding, 2004). The applications we
survey below largely fall into one of the two
categories, but in reality, the distinction is rarely
clear-cut. In some occasions, a biologically inspired
approach is recursively applied to solve biological
problems (e.g., biosensoring in section 3).
To harness the biological inspirations from insect
sory systems, being familiar with the biological
aspects is necessary. We refer to the following
excellent monographs (Christensen 2005,
Drosopoulos and Claridge 2006), both of which are
dedicated to insect sensory systems. An excellent
and up-to-date monograph, rightly acclaimed by
reviewers as providing “a remarkably holistic yet
detailed view” on insect physiological systems
including the sensory systems, should be an ideal
reference for studying insect sensory system in more
comprehensive context (Klowden, 2007). General
knowledge on insect sensory systems can be found
in an entomology textbook such as Gullan and
Cranston (2005). Numerous proceedings from
(Sam) Ma Z., W. Krings A. and E. Hiromoto R. (2008).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, pages 292-297
DOI: 10.5220/0001069602920297
symposiums and conferences on bio-inspired
computing have been published since the 1990s and
a significant amount of research is inspired by
insects (e.g., Detrain et al. 1999, Dressler and
Carreras 2007). A possible starting point, which
provides an article-level review of the insect sensory
systems from the perspectives of inspiring
communications and computing, could be the Ma
and Krings (2007). Given the extensive existing
literature, which continues to accumulate faster than
ever, we choose a significantly narrow scope in this
article to focus on insect sensory system related
topics. Even with the narrowed-down scope, it still
seems impossible for us to present a comprehensive
review in such a short article. Therefore, we choose
to focus on three research areas and exclude the
others. In addition, priority was given to the state-of-
the-art review papers, monographs, and research
papers representing a major category of studies
(often limited to one per topic). Consequently, we
have to regrettably omit a number of excellent
research papers. As a minor remedy to the excluded
fields, in section 3, the other topics, we mention five
areas and a few review references about them.
2.1 Wireless Sensor Networks
It seems that insect sensory systems may inspire the
design of wireless sensor networking on both the
node (sensor node vs. individual) level and network
level (sensor network vs. insect population).
The inspiration at the individual sensor node level
is the most obvious. Essentially, a robot emulation
of insect vision and navigation provides a typical
example for this kind of research, where each
individual insect is mapped to an engineered sensor.
Many of the neural sensory mechanisms in insects
can be emulated in individual sensor design. In
particular, multimodality capability is very desirable
in sensor networks (Ma and Krings, 2007).
From the population perspective, potentially two
types of “mappings” can be construed. The first type
is the neuron population or the group of neurons
behind a sensory organ such as antenna or
compound eyes. This type of neuron population
forms a grid computing infrastructure (similar to the
cellular computing paradigm). The populations of
ONRs (olfactory neural receptors) and PNs
(projection neurons) in the olfactory system are
examples of this type (Ma and Krings, 2007).
The other type of population organization
mapping can be the population of insect individuals
vs. population of wireless sensor nodes, i.e. wireless
sensor network. An insect population that distributes
over habitat space forms an information network.
This network may depend on infochemicals (in
chemosensory system) or vibrations (in audition) as
"packets" communicating via air, water, or other
types of substrate medium. Indeed, the
infochemicals-based wireless communication
network is probably more complex than electron-
based networks. Several categories of infochemicals
are involved, e.g., pheromones are utilized in intra-
specific communications and allelochemicals
(allomones, kairomones, and synomones) in inter-
specific communications (Ma and Krings, 2007).
What may be even more inspiring is that there are
several parallel communications networks—visual,
olfactory, auditory, etc.—in an insect population, or
the so-called multimodality sensory. All of the
sensory networks are wireless except for the taste
sensory network. This is essentially the
demonstration of multiple modalities at the
population level.
In terms of sophistication and functionalities, no
other organisms may match insects in the
chemosensory systems. The differences between the
insect chemosensory wireless network and the
engineered wireless network lie in message
encoding (infochemicals vs. radio frequencies) and
computing node (insect brain vs. microchip). The
research of insect sensory systems may inspire the
engineering of reliable and secure wireless sensor
networks. Obviously, the insect sensory wireless
network is operated under heterogeneous and
unstable natural environments. The network has to
deal with possible exploitations by other species,
which may be their competitors or natural enemies.
For example, the natural enemies may try to find
their prey by following the infochemicals, and the
insects may release interference infochemicals to
confuse their competitors. This is similar to
malicious intrusions in computer networks.
2.2 Insect-Inspired Robots and Micro
Aerial Vehicle (MAV)
The study of the aerodynamics of insect flight was
conducted as early as the 1950s. Grasshoppers and
flies seem to be the most common model insects.
Both walking (including crawling) and flying robots
based on insects have been developed. Insect
sensory systems, mainly vision and
mechanosensory, have offered inspiration for those
designs. It can be said that the research of insect-
inspired flight has been the most intensive and
extensive field studied among all insect-related
engineering studies.
Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAV), also known as
Mini Aerial flight Vehicles, have been studied for
over a decade. An MAV is based on UAV
(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) technology, but there
are significant differences. According to DARPA's
definition, an MAV has a wingspan of less than 15
cm. It turned out that the 15 cm is an interesting
threshold to separate two types of flights: flapping
flight (micro-flight, used by insects) vs. fixed wing
soaring flight (Pornsin-sirirak et al. 2001).
At least seven laboratories started insect-inspired
robots research in approximately the same period
about a decade ago. The Biomimetic Millisystem at
U.C. Berkeley has been developing the so-called
minimally-invasive flying robots, weighing 0.1g,
using insect-inspired wing kinematics (Wood et al.
2005, Steltz 2005). The group at CalTech’s
(Pasadena, CA) Micromachining Lab focused on the
design and manufacturing of flight wings for MAV.
For example, they developed the first MEMS-based
(Micro Electro Mechanic Systems) wing technology
with titanium-alloy metal as wingframe and
parylene-C as wing membranes (Pornsin-sirirak et
al., 2001). The "Entomopter" is a multimode
(flying/crawling) robot designed by the joint team of
Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) and
Cambridge University. The effort has been made to
develop an Entomopter-based Mars surveyor
(Michelson, 2002). The Biorobotic Vision
Laboratory at the Australia National University has
focused on the insect vision-driven behaviors and
their inspiration for machine vision, as well as
visually guided robots (Srinivasan et al., 2001,
2003). Their researchers, in cooperation with the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory at Cal-Tech and NASA, have
developed robots for Mars exploration based on the
study of ocelli of dragonflies. The design of Mars
exploration robots has taken inspiration from the
unique skills of dragonflies in navigation, hazard
avoidance, altitude hold, stable-flight, terrain-
following and smooth deployment of payload
(Thakoor, 2003). The Center for Intelligent
Mechatronics at Vanderbilt University studied
Mesoscale Crawling Robots based on insect model
(Lobontui et al., 1999). CAVIAR is a European
Commission funded project to develop a multi-chip
vision system based on Address-Event
Representation (AER) communication of spike
events ( This
system emulated biological visual pathways (
Liu et
al. 2002).
Fly-by-Sight-Microrobots is a project
headed by Nicolas Franceschini in France. His team
developed neuromimetic robots by emulating the
fly's compound eyes (
Besides the previous groups' comprehensive
research projects, quite a few researchers have
conducted relatively ad-hoc studies in the field.
Motamed & Yan (2005) is a review of insect-
inspired micro-flight. Ma and Krings (2007)
reviewed more case studies in insect-inspired robots
and MAV.
2.3 Non-Cooperative Behaviours in
Social Insects — Conflicts
Non-cooperative behaviors in social insects are
contrary to the cooperative ones that have inspired
swarm intelligence and similar algorithms, also
referred to as ants colony optimization algorithms.
The reason we single out this type of insect behavior
is an intuitive argument: If the solution for the
opposite side of a problem is inspiring, one may be
able to get the solution by conducting inverse
transformation. This is often true in optimization.
The society of social insects, like any society, is
never a perfect world. The dominant organization of
the insect societies such as bees, ants and termites is
the caste system, and individual rights are often not
fully protected. Two major conflicts exist in social
insects: (1) direct reproduction rights and (2) the
manipulation of fellow colony members. Ratnieks
and Foster et al (2006) reviewed five major
reproductive conflicts in insect societies, including:
(1) sex allocation, (2) queen rearing, (3) male
rearing, (4) queen-worker caste fate, and (5)
breeding conflicts among totipotent adults. These
reproductive conflicts exist widely in the colonies
and sometimes have dramatic effects on the
colonies. Three essential mechanisms: kinship,
coercion, and constraint typically jointly limit the
effects of conflicts and often the reproductive
conflict is resolved totally. The inclusive fitness
theory has been proposed to explain both
cooperation and conflict. Essentially some
individuals of a colony relinquish their direct
reproductive rights to help rear and defend the
offspring of other colony members. A major factor
in conflict resolution is the kinship, since the great
relatedness suppresses the incentive to be selfish.
Whether or not the pheromones, which play crucial
roles in cooperative behaviors, are involved in
conflict resolution is still unknown, and neither are
the genes affecting conflict resolution (Ratnieks and
Foster et al. 2006). There has been no modeling
research of the conflict resolution in social insects.
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Whether or not pheromones are involved in the
conflict resolution is really not important for their
potential inspiring in devising new computation
strategies or extending the existing swarm
intelligence. (The latter is based on pheromone-
regulated cooperative behaviors.) We see three
potentially rewarding explorations. (1) Extending
swarm intelligence. In real world populations, both
cooperative and non-cooperative (conflict
resolution) mechanisms exist simultaneously and the
successful resolution of conflict may enhance
cooperation. Therefore, introducing conflict
resolution into swarm intelligence algorithms should
make the algorithms match biological mechanisms
more consistently. Cooperative behavior is
essentially a positive feedback mechanism, and non-
cooperative behavior often acts as the negative
feedback mechanism. A system should become more
stable with both types of feedback regulations.
Certainly, what we suggest here is just a conjecture.
(2) The mechanisms of conflict resolution may be
inspirational for designing survival selection
mechanisms in evolutionary computation, or
extending the existing survival selection schemes.
(3) Mathematical modeling of the conflict resolution
in social insects has not yet been explored. Given the
dominant role of evolutionary game theory in
modeling conflicts resolution in other animals
(Maynard-Smith 1982), it makes great sense to
apply evolutionary game theory first. Obviously, the
studies of (2) and (3) should be compared to inspire
each other, since the topic of (2) is essentially an
evolutionary computation issue and that of (3)
belongs to evolutionary biology.
Insect Vision Inspired Motion Detection and
Neuromorphic Engineering.
This topic was
addressed in the first article of this two-part series
(Ma and Krings 2007), since it was more convenient
to discuss it in the context of insect vision sensory
systems. Given its extreme importance, we include
the following brief summary.
One field that has made enormous progress in
recent years is the motion detection of insect eyes
and their applications to bio-inspired robot sensors.
This is one area of neuromorphic engineering.
Parallel and analog are two trademark properties of
insect neural systems. It is now possible to design
and manufacture a fully integrated neuromorphic
olfaction chip (Liu et al. 2002, Stocker 2006,
Koickal et al. 2007). A possible reason for the
advancement is that motion-detection neurons are
some of the largest in insect vision systems and easy
to observe (Rind, 2005). Rind (2005) summarized
three types of contributions where man-made vision
systems are based on insect vision system: (1) Bio-
inspired circuits embedded in the control structure of
mobile robots. Examples are the Lobula Giant
Movement Detector (LGMD) for collision detection
based on locust eyes (Blanchard et al., 2000) and
flying motion detectors. (2) Neuromorphic chips
based on fly eyes (Harrison, 2000) and VLSI retinal
circuits (Liu and Kramer et al., 2002), and (3) Bio-
inspired behavioral strategies (Srinivasan et al
2001). In these insect vision-inspired designs, the
goal has been to make fast, robust, lightweight and
low-power vision systems. Another feature is that
analog-VLSI has been the dominant choice in insect-
vision-based chips. Ruffer and Franceschini (2004)
have designed neuromorphic eyes for a mini-UAV
with eye weights of only 0.8g and a weight of only
100g for the entire rotorcraft. Tests reveal that these
artificial vision chips (even the most flexible analog-
VLSI fly eye) still have significant gaps with real
insect visions systems upon which the chips are
based. This indicates that a better understanding of
insect eye motion detection has to be gained to make
further breakthroughs (Rind, 2005). More recently,
Fife and Archibald (2007) applied FPGA approach
to support real-time vision processing for the small
Neural Network Modelling and Dendritic
Neuronal Computing. It is interesting to note that
recent advances in neural biology may change our
thinking about modeling neural networks, perhaps
including the ANN (Artificial Neural Network).
Vogels and Rajan et al. (2005) present an excellent
critical review on neural network dynamics, and
they call for the models that go beyond describing
and adapting to the input-output dynamics. The
mathematical modeling has to address the
fundamental property of the brain, that is, the neural
circuits perpetually generate complex activity
patterns of extraordinarily rich spatial-temporal
structure, yet they remain highly sensitive to sensory
inputs. London and H¨ausser (2005) offered the
perspective from the computation capability of
single neuron, the so-called dendritic computation.
They argue that the computing "tool kit" of dendrites
may play roles well beyond currently acknowledged
properties. Ma and Krings (2007) suggested that the
neuronal population in insect sensory system such as
the visual neurons that support the compound eyes,
the PN (Projection Neurons) in AL (Antennal Lobe),
or the ORN (Olfactory Receptor Neurons may be
emulated to develop a new grid computing
architecture. It seems that the integrated model of
grid computing with dendritic computing may offer
new insights. That is, a grid-computing
infrastructure is supported by tool kits from dendritic
Biosensoring. A biosensor is an integrated device
that combines a biological component with a
physicochemical detector component that converts a
biological response to specific substances being
monitored into an electrical signal. An annual
review has been published by Rich and Myszka
since 1999 (Rich and Myszka, 2005).
Cellular Computing, Agent-based Computing
and Swarm Intelligence. Amos et al. (2004) and
Dogaru (2003) presented two of the latest review on
cellular computing. Ma and Krings (2007)
contrasted cellular grids in cellular computing vs.
neuron populations in insect sensory systems. The
latter can be the visual neurons that support the
compound eyes, the PN (Projection Neurons) in AL
(Antennal Lobe), or the ORN (Olfactory Receptor
Neurons) from insect sensory organs (sensilla). This
neuronal population can be emulated to develop a
new grid computing architecture.
Agent computing is another field where insect
model plays a significant inspirational role. The
most well- known paradigm should be Swarm
intelligence (Bonabeau et al. 1999, Dorigo and
Stützle 2004), which is inspired by ants pheromone-
modulated cooperative behaviors. This is in contrast
with the non-cooperative behavior we discussed in
subsection 2.3. Lodding’s (2004) biomorphic
software and the design patterns of Babaoglu and
Canright et al. (2006), and Dobson and Massacci's
(2006) are more examples of agent-based adaptive
Molecular Networks and System Biology. A
biological cell is a complex "network of networks"
from the information processing perspective.
Physiologically, it is an integrated device consisting
of several thousands of types of interacting proteins.
Molecular network is often used as a generic term to
refer to the networks involved in cell biology (Alon,
2007). The gene regulatory networks and various
molecular networks in cells involved extremely
complex yet robust networks, which is one of the
focuses of the newly emerged system biology. There
are enormous opportunities for computer scientists
to contribute and to learn from the fields. The
following are a few review references: on genome
project by Ideker and Galitski et al. 2001, the bio-
mimetic nano-scale reactors and networks by
Karlsson et al. (2004), molecular networks by
Galitski (2004), gene regulatory networks by
Davidson (2006).
In the following, we mention some promising
research topics that seem not yet being explored. In
various previous sections and Ma and Krings (2007),
we briefly discussed them in corresponding context;
the following is simply a list of summary statements.
(1) The new grid computing architecture that
emulates neuronal population such as vision neurons
for insect compound eyes. This neuronal population
architecture may be further integrated and enhanced
with dendritic computing (2) Wireless sensor
networks that emulate the insect chemosensory
networks and the multimodal architecture that has
several parallel networks concurrently in operation
(such as audition, vision chemosensory, etc.). In
addition, the bio-robustness mechanism in these
insect sensory networks should be captured. (3) The
implications of non-cooperative behaviors in social
insects to swarm intelligence, evolutionary
computing, and to devising new optimization
algorithms. (4) Insect audition, which was
considered as less developed in insects until
recently, is recognized now as underestimated in
entomology (Drosopoulos and Claridge, 2006). Still
the field of insect audition has received little
attention from the bio-inspired perspective. It is
interesting to note that insects audition truly
resembles the engineered wireless communications.
(5) The integration of technologies that are
developed for sensors, robots, MAVs, and
neuromorphic technologies, in particular, the multi-
modality integration may provide better solutions for
the sophisticated MAV flights control, especially in
unstable and hostile military operations
In the recent report on "Computing and Biology"
from the US National Academy of Sciences
(National Research Council, 2005), the ants colony
optimization and neural-inspired sensors, together
with hundreds of other research topics, were
recommended as fields of strategic scientific and
technological significances. However, the majority
of topics on insect sensory systems, such as those
discussed in this series of articles, were omitted.
There was significant coverage (nearly 4 pages) on
ants colony optimization in the National Academies'
report. This coverage may also indicate the
significance of the areas omitted in the report,
which, in our opinion, should prove to be as
promising as the ants colony optimizations, if not
BIOSIGNALS 2008 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
This research was partially supported by a UAV and
Ad hoc Networking research grant from the US DOE
INL. We wish to thank the two anonymous
reviewers for their insightful comments.
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