Miroslav Bene
Department of Software Engineering, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Barbara Zitov
Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
Janka Hradilov
Academic Laboratory of Materials Research of Paintings, Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, Czech Republic
David Hradil
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic,
z, Czech Republic
Cultural heritage, Image retrieval, Descriptors, Classification.
In this paper we present a system for processing, description and archiving material analyses used during art
restoration - Nephele. The aim of the material analyses of painting layers is to identify inorganic and organic
compounds using microanalytical methods, and to describe stratigraphy and morphology of layers. The results
are used to interpret the applied painting technique. The Nephele system is a database system for material
analysis reports, extended with image preprocessing modules and image retrieval facility. The implemented
digital image processing methods are image registration, layers segmentation, and grains segmentation. In the
archiving part of the Nephele, in addition to traditional database functions we have incorporated image-based
retrieval methods into the developed system. They are based on feature descriptions such as the Haralick
descriptors of co-occurrence matrices. The presented examples of achieved results show the applicability of
the system.
The image processing methods play an important role
in very distant application areas such as art restora-
tion. These algorithms are a useful tool for restor-
ers due to their ability to improve quality and inter-
pretability of the input data obtained from restored
artworks. Painting materials research, which helps
make choice of the proper materials for the very
restoration, is the field where our proposed system -
Nephele (Fig. 1) - tries to facilitate the work of restor-
Each painting materials analysis is precisely de-
scribed in the form of a report, which contains general
information about the artwork as well as description
and results of the analyses which were held. Reports
database could serve as a knowledge base for further
restoration cases. Moreover, based on obtained data
and experiences, new analytical methods and descrip-
tion styles can be found and proposed.
Our work is mainly aimed at helping with proper
identification of pigments and binders in color lay-
ers, where the layer is defined as a consistent and
distinguishable part of the painting profile. Such
classification gives important information about the
age of the used paints and their possible place of
origin. The infrared reflectography, which is the
most popular method in the area of cultural her-
itage for color layers identification, is not suitable
for the purposes of stratigraphy (learning about lay-
ers). Stratigraphy is usually studied in the visible
spectrum (VS) (Fig. 2(a)), in the ultraviolet spectrum
(UV) (Fig. 2(b)), and by means of the scanning elec-
tron microscopy (SEM). These input data can be mis-
aligned due to the changing conditions. Therefore,
a method for removal of geometrical differences be-
tween the VS and UV images is incorporated in the
proposed system. Apart from this, creation of prelim-
Beneš M., Zitová B., Hradilová J. and Hradil D. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 521-524
DOI: 10.5220/0001079705210524
Figure 1: Illustrative example of the main window of the
Nephele. user interface. The restored artwork is shown,
together with the VS, UV and SEM images of one micro-
scopic specimen.
inary color layer segmentation and grains segmenta-
tion were implemented for further processing.
The second part of our contribution consists of the
efficient data retrieval. For such painting materials re-
search reports database, the look-up of the archived
reports based only on the text information is often not
enough. The ability to fetch reports which describe
visually similar specimens/materials can increase the
helpfulness of the database. We have incorporated
content-based image retrieval methods into the devel-
oped system.
The image preprocessing part of the proposed sys-
tem is described in Section 2, consisting of the image
registration module and image segmentation module.
Section 3 introduces the content-based image retrieval
included in Nephele. Section 4 introduces the grains
segmentation together with our future plans in this
Stratigraphy, which helps to identify pigments and
binders in color layers, is usually studied in the VS,
UV, and SEM images (Figs. 2). The analysis works
with minute surface samples (0.3mm in diameter)
from the selected areas of the artwork. The samples
are embedded in a polyester resin and grounded at a
right angle to the surface plane to expose the layers.
The VS and UV image information is then combined
and the final estimate of color layer borders is created,
based on the image data and the experience of the ex-
perts (possible order and combination of materials for
specific artworks, time period, area, etc.). The SEM
images can bring even more precise information about
Figure 2: The images of the artwork specimen in the visible
(a)-top and the ultraviolet (b)-bottom spectra. The single
color layers are apparent, especially on the VS (a) image.
the layer structure, however, they are not available for
all cases.
During the UV and VS image acquisition process
the VS and UV image pairs of the sample are often
geometrically misaligned due to the manipulation er-
rors etc. This difference has to be removed before
the analysis to be able to compare the corresponding
structures in the images. Up to now it used to be done
manually by an operator. The proposed image regis-
tration module of the system solves the spatial align-
ment of the image pairs.
Mutual information (MI), originating in the infor-
mation theory, is a recognized solution for the mul-
timodal registration problem, where images of the
same scene are acquired by different sensors. It is
a measure of the statistical dependency between two
data sets. The main reason for choosing MI was that
it does not impose strong limitations on used sensors.
One of the first articles proposing this technique is the
one by Viola and Wells (Viola and Wells, 1997).
In our approach, we use the speed up of the
method, based on the averaging pyramid together
with the discrete estimate of histogram. The opti-
mization of the maxima location is a modified ver-
sion of the method published in (Penney et al., 1998).
Moreover, we use the one-channel data, either green
channel of the RGB image representation or the first
element of the principal component transform (PCT),
to reduce the dimensionality of the problem.
After the image rectification, the color layers can
VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
be estimated. The segmentation module performs
only preliminary segmentation based on both the VS
and UV images, because the construction of the full
segmentation is a complex task where usually expert
knowledge is necessary (certain materials cannot be
neighbors, others are always together, etc.). This
could be solved by a proper expert system, but this
exceeds the topic of our research.
The proposed method is based on cluster analy-
sis using the set of three RGB channels of the VS and
three RGB channels of UV specimen images plus spa-
tial information (x and y coordinates included as an-
other two channels). It starts by an iterative k-means
clustering. The number of classes is set a priori as
a maximum expected number of layers by the user.
More complex approaches based on texture analysis
or other higher level information could bring slightly
better results, nevertheless, without expert knowledge
the segmentation still remains preliminary.
Often, relatively smooth transitions from one layer
to the other produced ragged borders. The first im-
provement of consistency was achieved by includ-
ing spatial coordinates to the segmentation feature
space. Even better results were obtained after apply-
ing morphological operators to detected segmentation
and performing a minimum class size check. Further
application of segmentation techniques is mentioned
in the Section 4.
The material analysis reports are often used as a
knowledge base for consequent restorations. For such
usage, it is very important to have effective tools to
look-up the relevant reports. One of the possible ex-
tensions of the usual database functionality is to make
use of the similarity between images contained in re-
ports. The visual image similarity can imply that the
used technique/materials on the analyzed artwork is
the same/similar as in the archived report or that it
can point to the same author, therefore such informa-
tion can be very relevant. Thus, the image-based data
retrieval is often used nowadays beside the traditional
text-based search in database systems. The database
entries containing images are looked up according
to the image similarity to the query image. The so-
called content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has be-
come very popular recently (Veltkamp and Tanase,
2000) and is used as a part of multimedia systems in
art galleries (Addis et al., 2003; Goodall et al., 2004).
In our Nephele system, the image-based data
querying exploits the VS and UV images of speci-
Figure 3: Results of the image retrieval. Left column con-
tains query specimens, next columns in the corresponding
rows are results of the retrieval in order of similarity.
mens. The similarity of specimens is not based upon
specific shape or structure elements which are the re-
sults of the random process of sample cut-off. For the
considered methods of image retrieval the color and
texture characteristics were chosen as the main fea-
The retrieval is based on color features and co-
occurrence matrices (Haralick et al., 1973). They re-
flect the joint probability of the occurrence of grey
level pairs of two pixels with a defined spatial rela-
tionship, formed by a shape operator. The used shape
operators were up to two pixels long and all color
channels were processed separately. Based on prelim-
inary experiments the four Haralick descriptors were
computed from the co-occurrence matrices (Contrast,
Inverse difference moment, Entropy, Variance) (Har-
alick et al., 1973). Apart from them, the color de-
scriptors were included, too, to reflect the main color
trends in the data. The image average color and the
spectral standard deviation were chosen. Moreover,
the R
-tree indexing structure (Beckmann et al., 1990)
with weighted Euclidean metric was implemented to
speed-up the retrieval.
The applicability of the method is presented in
Fig. 3. There are query images (leftmost column) to-
gether with the most similar responses (in the respec-
tive rows, in order of similarity from left to right).
The visual similarity of the specimens in rows is ap-
parent. The further evaluation of the retrieval would
not be statistically significant, because the results are
not easy to quantify and the set of samples is rather
The lately included part of the Nephele system should
lead towards the description module for material char-
acterization. Based on the demand of material sci-
entists, we intend to offer the possibility of the layer
description by means of the selected set of features.
Such analyses are able to better define used materials,
Figure 4: Example of grains segmentation. Green border
represents the resulting segmentation.
they will improve the ability to uncover the authors
of the artwork by revealing the characteristics of their
work with pigments, binders and other components.
One of the first necessary step towards is the segmen-
tation of the grains in the single layers. The best data
source for such task is the SEM data, where individual
grains can be most clearly distinguished. Our algo-
rithmic solution of the grain segmentation is based on
the Parametric Snakes (Xu and Prince, 1998). Fig. 4
shows the example of segmented grains in a SEM im-
The proposed system Nephele can facilitate the work
of material scientists and consequently restorers and
offer them a better access to the archived reports they
use. To our knowledge, no other similar system has
been published up to now. The introduced digital
image processing methods enable acquired data pre-
processing for further analyses as well as improve of
querying above the reports database. The preprocess-
ing of the VS and UV specimen images, used for the
identification of pigment and binder present in the art-
work, consists of image registration, which makes use
of the mutual information approach, and segmenta-
tion technique based on the modified k-means clus-
tering. The included image retrieval system is able
to provide fetching of reports with visually similar
specimen data. The image retrieval is built upon
the VS and UV images of the specimens. They
are represented using the Haralick descriptors of co-
occurrence matrices together with the color descrip-
tors. In the future, single layers will be characterized
by means of the selected sets of features for a bet-
ter definition of the used materials. Recently, the first
step - grains segmentation - was implemented, based
on the parametric snakes model. The presented exam-
ples of achieved results show the applicability of the
This work was partially supported by the Grant
Agency of Charles University under the project No.
72507, partially by the Ministry of Education of the
Czech Republic under the projects No. 1M0572 (re-
search center) and No. MSM6046144603, and finally
by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic under the
project No. 203/07/1324.
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VISAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications