Veronica Sundstedt
Department of Computer Science, Bristol University, Bristol, United Kingdom
Perception, user studies, attention, selective rendering, inattentional blindness, importance maps.
High-fidelity rendering of complex scenes at interactive rates is one of the primary goals of computer graph-
ics. Since high-fidelity rendering is computationally expensive, perceptual strategies such as visual attention
have been explored to achieve this goal. Inattentional Blindness (IB) experiments have shown that observers
conducting a task can fail to see an object, although it is located within the foveal region (2
). However,
previous attention based algorithms assumed that IB would be restricted to the area outside the foveal region,
selectively rendering the areas around task-related objects in high quality and the surrounding areas in lower
quality. This paper describes a psychophysical forced-choice preference experiment assessing if participants,
performing a task or free-viewing animations, would fail to notice rendering quality degradation within the
foveal region. The effect of prior knowledge on the level of perceived quality is also studied. The study in-
volves 64 participants in four conditions: performing a task, or free-viewing a scene, while being naive or
informed about assessing rendering quality. Our results show that participants fail to notice the additional
reduction in quality, decreasing the overall computation 13 times. There was also a significant difference in
the results if free-viewing participants were informed.
Obtaining realistic images has always been one of the
major goals in computer graphics. Applications rang-
ing from entertainment, lighting design, to archaeo-
logical reconstructions, and scientific visualisations
have required realistic models of light propagation
and scattering. One traditional method for speeding
up global illumination calculations is to distribute the
workload over several machines, each processing a
part of the scene in parallel. However, even in the
parallel case, rendering efforts are spent on improv-
ing details that would not be perceived by a human
For many applications, rather than using more ma-
chines to accelerate the rendering, it is more efficient
to reduce the number of computations needed. It is
attractive to improve the efficiency of rendering by
performing less work. Hence perceptually-based ren-
dering algorithms have become an important research
topic in computer graphics. The goal of perceptually-
based rendering algorithms is to significantly reduce
computation that is necessary to obtain an image that
is perceptually indistinguishable from a fully con-
verged solution or gold standard, which is a hypo-
thetical perfect rendering (Woolley et al., 2003). Re-
cently, models of the human visual system (HVS), in
particular those based on visual attention processes,
have been used in perceptually assisted renderers to
make progress towards this goal.
1.1 Visual Attention Processes
Human visual perception is a selective process in
which a part of the observed environment is chosen
for further processing in the visual cortex of the brain.
Although, the perception of an environment does not
only depend on the sensory input of the observer, but
also on the visual task performed (Cater et al., 2003).
When free viewing a scene, the attentional processes
of the observer are guided by automatic low-level vi-
sion. These are normally referred to as bottom-up pro-
cesses (James, 1957). Low-level, bottom-up features
which influence visual attention include contrast, size,
shape, colour, brightness, orientation, edges, and mo-
tion (Itti et al., 1998). In contrast, when perform-
ing a visual task it is directed in the pursuit of our
goals (Yarbus, 1967). These are normally referred to
Sundstedt V. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pages 207-214
DOI: 10.5220/0001097402070214
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 1: Map examples from a corridor scene (Frame 1): (a) high quality rendering, (b) saliency map, (c) task objects, and
(d) task map with foveal gradient angle.
as top-down processes (James, 1957). In both cases,
the HVS focuses its attention on certain objects at the
expense of other details in the scene. The inatten-
tional blindness (IB) phenomenon (Mack and Rock,
1998) relates to our inability to perceive features or
objects in a visual scene if we are not attending to
them. It is suggested that IB occurs because the
observer is focussed on performing a specific task,
i.e. there is no conscious perception without atten-
tion (Mack and Rock, 1998).
1.2 Visual Attention Models
One method of reducing computation, while main-
taining a result with high perceptual quality, is to
adapt the rendering parameters of the image based on
models of human visual attention processes. In this
way areas which are perceptually more relevant will
receive further improvement. This results in an image
with a spatially shifting degree of accuracy, referred
to as selective rendering. In selective rendering algo-
rithms the bottom-up process is often modelled using
a saliency map derived from the computational model
developed in (Itti et al., 1998). This model extract
salient features based on colour, intensity, and orien-
tation. An example of a saliency map for the corridor
scene is shown in Figure 1 (b).
The idea of using task maps to model the top-
down process in selective rendering was introduced
in (Cater et al., 2003). A task map is a grey-scale im-
age, which consists of objects related to the task in
white and the surrounding areas in black, as shown
in Figure 1 (c). There is also an option to gradu-
ate the shade between black and white over an area
that corresponds to the image registered on the foveal
region (2
), mimicking the high visual acuity of the
HVS (Snowden et al., 2006), as shown in Figure 1
Previous rendering algorithms using task maps
have assumed that IB would be restricted to the area
outside the foveal region. However, in (Mack and
Rock, 1998) it was shown that participants failed to
notice a critical stimulus, even though it appeared
within the centre of their field of view and coincided
with a fixation. This inspired the psychophysical
forced-choice preference experiment presented in this
paper. The psychophysical experiment investigates
if previous work can be improved by using selective
rendering within the foveal region in the presence of a
high-level task focus or when free-viewing a scene. It
also studies if the effect of prior knowledge (being in-
formed about assessing rendering quality) would alter
the level of perceived quality.
Extensive overviews of perceptually adaptive graph-
ics techniques are given in (McNamara, 2001;
O’Sullivan et al., 2004). A more recent and com-
prehensive summary of different selective rendering
techniques are presented in (Debattista, 2006; Sund-
stedt, 2007). The following sections describe render-
ing techniques which have taken into account visual
attention models.
2.1 Gaze-Contingent Techniques
Gaze-contingent displays (GCDs) (Loschky et al.,
2003) track the user’s attention using an eye-tracker
and render information in full detail only at the ob-
server’s current focus of attention. To prevent ob-
servers from noticing the lower quality in the periph-
eral regions, the size of the foveal regions is based
on the the extent of the user’s perceptual span (2
Focus plus context screens include both high and low
detail by combining a wall-sized low-resolution dis-
play with an embedded high-resolution screen (Baud-
isch et al., 2003). The user uses the mouse to pan
the display content into the high-resolution area. Eas-
ily perceived displays aim to direct the attention of
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
the viewer (Baudisch et al., 2003). This has been ex-
ploited in for example art where eye-tracking infor-
mation from one participant has been used to create
aesthetically pleasing images.
2.2 Level of Detail
A bottom-up attention model for Level of Detail
(LOD) simplification taking into account size, posi-
tion, motion, and luminance was presented in (Brown
et al., 2003). The mesh saliency algorithm in (Lee
et al., 2005) exploits the centre-surround operation
from (Itti et al., 1998) to generate more visually pleas-
ing images by prioritising the geometry as the most
important salient feature. In (Howlett et al., 2005)
polygon models were simplified based on saliency
identified using eye-tracking of human observers.
In (Yang and Chalmers, 2005) the LOD was reduced
of objects not related to the task being performed by
the observer. A perceptual stategy for collision detec-
tion was proposed in (O’Sullivan, 2005). For exam-
ple, a lower LOD could be used between objects that
are not being focused upon.
2.3 Attention based Rendering
A first attempt to account for selective visual atten-
tion in global illumination rendering of dynamic en-
vironments was proposed in (Yee et al., 2001). Here
the saliency model (Itti et al., 1998) was extended to
include motion. An Aleph map was created that com-
bined the saliency map with a spatiotemporal contrast
sensitivity function (CSF) (Myszkowski et al., 1999).
The Aleph map was used to guide the search radius
accuracy for the interpolation of irradiance cache val-
ues so that perceptually important regions would be
more accurate. This made the indirect lighting com-
putations more efficient since larger error can be tol-
erated in less salient regions.
One of the first uses of an attention model in a
real-time application was proposed in (Haber et al.,
2001). One of the problems with interactive walk-
throughs is to render non-diffuse objects in real-
time. The non-directional light component can be
efficiently pre-computed, whereas directional light
from glossy surfaces, for example, can only be com-
puted during execution. Haber et al. rendered a pre-
computed global illumination solution using graphics
hardware while updating non-diffuse objects dynam-
ically with a ray tracer. The selection of these types
of objects was based on the saliency model (Itti et al.,
1998). Haber et al. also took top-down behaviour into
account by weighting the saliency model with bias to-
wards objects in the centre.
The idea of exploiting IB in a rendering frame-
work was first proposed in (Cater et al., 2002). Cater
et al. investigated if areas in a scene that normally
would attract attention would do so in the presence of
a task. In their experimentsobservers were shown two
animations. One was rendered in high quality and the
other one either in low quality or selectively compos-
ited. The selectively composited animation had only
the pixels in the 2
foveal region centred around the
location of the task object in high quality. The qual-
ity was then blended to lower quality within an angle
of 4
based on findings by (McConkie and Loschky,
Half the subjects were instructed to simply watch
the animations and the other half were asked to per-
form a task. After completion of the experiment the
participants were asked if they noticed a quality dif-
ference. The results showed a significant difference
for all pair-wise comparisons to high quality while
free-viewing the animations. While performing a task
there was only a significant difference between the
high quality and low quality comparison. Cater et
al. (Cater et al., 2003) used these results as a basis for
a task-based perceptual rendering framework, which
combined predetermined task maps with a spatiotem-
poral CSF to guide a progressive animation system.
To selectively render the stimuli used for the ex-
periment presented in this paper a region-of-interest
(ROI) rendering system was used (Debattista, 2006;
Sundstedt, 2007). For the convenience of the reader,
the technical details that underpins this work is briefly
reviewed. The rendering system is composed of two
major processes:
Region-of-interest (ROI) guidance uses a combi-
nation of saliency and a measure of task relevance
to direct the rendering computation (in a com-
bined importance map).
Selective rendering corresponds to the traditional
rendering computation (Ward, 1994). However,
computational resources are focused on parts of
the image which are deemed more important by
the ROI guidance.
The process begins with a rapid image estimate
(in the order of ms) of the scene using a quick ras-
terisation pass in hardware (Longhurst, 2005). This
estimate can be used in two ways. Firstly for building
the task map by identifying user-selected task objects,
and secondly, by using it as an input to a saliency gen-
erator. During creation of the task map the program
Observers eye
Figure 2: Relation between visual angle and pixel radius
on screen.
reads in the geometry information and a list of prede-
fined task objects. It then produces a map with task
objects in white and the other geometry in black, as
shown in Figure 1 (c). The task map can also take
into account the area the fovea in the eye covers in the
environment. The foveal region in the eye, where the
visual acuity is highest, is only the central 2
of the
visual field.
When an observer is watching the environment,
this area corresponds to a region on an object. In the
context of this paper this object is a computer monitor.
Although the size of the foveal region is fixed within
the eye, the area it covers on the object varies with the
distance (d) between the eye and the object. As the
size of regions that project an image onto the foveal
region changes, for simplicity the distance on the ob-
ject as an angle (A) subtended at the eye is measured,
as shown in Figure 2. The radius (R) of this circular
region can be measured in pixels if the ratio between
the screen resolution and monitor size is known, as
computed by equation 1:
R = ratio(d· tanA) (1)
The region on the screen is a circle with radius 1
but for simplicity squares with a width and height of
are used. To account for a gradient (which blends
the quality from high to low), a graduated fill can be
used between a square of 2
and 4
, as shown in Fig-
ure 1 (d). This graduated fill was proposed in (Cater
et al., 2002) after findings described in (McConkie
and Loschky, 1997).
In the creation of the saliency map the image esti-
mate serves to locate areas where an observer will be
most likely to look. The estimate of the scene con-
tains only direct lighting, but a simple shadow and
reflection calculation is also included. The saliency
estimation is carried out by using the existing method
proposed in (Itti et al., 1998) and is computed in 2-3
seconds per frame.
A hardware implementation can generate a
saliency map in the order of tens of millisec-
onds (Longhurst, 2005). The two maps have pre-
viously been used separately and in combination to
form an importance map (IM) which accounts for
both the bottom-up and top-down processes (Sund-
stedt et al., 2005). The values in the importance map
are used to direct the rendering. However, this paper
is only using the task map.
3.1 Previous Visual Trial
In (Sundstedt et al., 2005) a psychophysical experi-
ment was performed which showed that both saliency
maps and task maps (including the foveal region gra-
dient) can be used successfully to selectively render
in high quality only the important areas of animations
while performing a task or free-viewing a scene. The
experiment investigated how models of visual atten-
tion, low-level and task-dependent on their own, and
as a hybrid wouldwork in a selective rendering frame-
work. 160 participants took part in this trial (124 men
and 36 women; age range: 18-39). There were in total
ten groups with 16 participants in each group.
Each participant was shown a high quality (HQ)
animation and a HQ, low quality (LQ) or selectively
rendered animation of the corridor scene, shown in
Figure 1 (a). The selectively rendered animations
were either generated using a task map (TQ), saliency
map (SQ) or a linear combination of the two (IQ).
Two HQ animations were shown in one group to con-
clude if where performance was caused by chance,
the chance performance was not based on there be-
ing a strong preference for one of the two scenes
(p > 0.05). The HQ animations were rendered us-
ing an extended version if the Radiance (Ward, 1994)
using 16 rays per pixel and a specular
threshold value of 0.01. The LQ animations were ren-
dered using 1 ray per pixel and a specular threshold
value of 1. The extended rendering system is further
described in (Debattista, 2006; Sundstedt, 2007).
Half the subjects were asked to perform a task,
in this case counting the items related to fire safety,
whereas the other group were only shown two anima-
tions without any previous instructions. After com-
pletion of the experiment, each participant determined
which of the two animations they thought had the
worse rendering quality. The results confirmed, us-
ing a one-sample chi-square test (df=1, critical value
3.84 at 0.05 level of significance), that for both par-
ticipants performing a task and free-viewing in the
HQ/TQ, HQ/SQ and HQ/IQ, the difference in propor-
tions was not significant (p > 0.05). From this it was
concluded that the two animations were perceived as
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
a similar quality. For participants free-viewing and
performing a task in the HQ/LQ condition there was
a significant difference (p < 0.05).
As IB is described in (Mack and Rock, 1998), ob-
servers conducting a task can fail to see an object, al-
though it is located within the foveal region. Based on
this fact and the result of the previous visual trial an
additional experiment was constructed. The new psy-
chophysical experiment presented in this paper inves-
tigates whether participants fail to notice a reduction
in quality within the foveal region in the presence of a
high-level task focus or when free-viewing a scene. It
also studies if the effect of prior knowledge (being in-
formed about assessing rendering quality) would alter
the level of perceived quality.
Based on the result in (Mack and Rock, 1998) it is hy-
pothesised that in the presence of a high-level task fo-
cus participants would fail to notice quality degrada-
tions even within the foveal region. The relationship
between the foveal region and an area on the screen is
previously explained. This region might contain other
objects unrelated to the task.
If this hypothesis is true, non-task areas within the
foveal region can be rendered with lower quality than
the task objects saving computation. To study if par-
ticipants would fail to notice the reduction in quality
a modified task map was used for the corridor scene
animations. This time the fovea angle gradient was
excluded, as shown in Figure 1 (c).
The categorical variables in the experiment are:
condition (HQ/TWFQ - Task Without Fovea Quality)
and preference (correct/incorrect). The condition is
the manipulated independent variable and the prefer-
ence is the dependent variable. The two hypotheses
tested in the experiment are stated below:
Hypothesis 1: There is no significant difference in
the level of correct/incorrect responses for partic-
ipants performing a task in or free-viewing an an-
imation rendered in HQ and one rendered selec-
tively with only the task objects in HQ (TWFQ).
Hypothesis 2: There is no significant difference in
the level of correct/incorrect responses between a
participant being naive to the purpose of the ex-
periment and informed participants.
4.1 Participants and Setup
64 participants took part in the experiment (51 men
and 13 women; age range: 20-37). The participants
taking part in the experiments were all undergraduate
or graduate students. Subjects had a variety of expe-
rience with computer graphics, and all self-reported
normal or corrected-to-normal vision. There were in
total four groups with 16 participants in each group.
Two groups were performing a task, the other two
were free-viewing the scene. To study the effect of
prior knowledge half the participants were naive, or
uninformed, to the forced-choice preference. The
other half were aware that they would be asked about
the quality of the animations they had seen. They
were thus informed as to the purpose of the experi-
All stimuli were presented on a 17” LCD moni-
tor (1280× 1024 resolution, 60 Hz refresh frequency).
The effect of ambient light was minimised. The par-
ticipants were seated on an adjustable chair, with their
eye-level approximately level with the centre of the
screen. The viewing distance from the participants
to the screen was around 60 cm. All stimuli were
rendered at 900× 900 resolution and displayed in the
centre of the screen with a black background.
4.2 Stimuli
Two different walkthroughs of a corridor scene were
used, which are termed corridor A, and corridor B.
This was done to avoid familiarity effects that might
have influenced the scan path of the observers. Both
the animations were rendered with different views
and the location of the objects changed within each
scene. Each animation contained the same number of
task-related objects (15) but not the same number of
non-task related objects. An identical type of camera
path was used for both animations.
For both corridor scenes a new animation was
rendered, without the foveal angle gradient added.
This stimuli was termed TWFQ. Using the TWFQ
maps only the task objects were rendered in HQ
and the remaining regions in LQ. The same HQ
animations were used as in the previous visual trial.
Figure 3 shows the timing comparison between a
HQ, TQ, LQ animation used in the previous visual
trial, and a new TWFQ animation. Rendering the new
TWFQ frames took on average 10 minutes, which
is around four times faster then the TQ renderings.
Rendering the entire frame to the same detail as the
task objects in the new TWFQ renderings therefore
took on average 13 times longer. Computing the
TWFQ condition was cheaper than all other selec-
tively rendered stimuli presented in the previous
visual trial (Sundstedt et al., 2005).
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (minutes)
Frame No.
Figure 3: Timing comparison for the corridor scene be-
tween a high quality (HQ), foveal region quality (TQ), low
quality (LQ) animation used in the previous visual trial, and
a new no foveal region (TWFQ) animation.
4.3 Procedure
The same experimental setup and method as in the
previous visual trial was used for consistency. The
animations were displayed in the centre of the screen
with a black background. Each animation was 17
seconds long, including a countdown before the
animations started. Following a verbal introduction
to the experiment, each participant was shown two
animations, one from corridor A and one from corri-
dor B. One of the animations was always HQ while
the other one was a selectively rendered animation
using the new TWFQ animation. Each animation was
viewed only once. The order in which the subjects
saw their two animations was also altered to avoid
any bias.
Before beginning the experiment, half the sub-
jects read a sheet of instructions on the procedure
of the particular task they were to perform. As
before, these subjects were asked to take the role
of a fire security officer whereby the task was to
count the total number of fire safety items in each
of the two animations. Each of the participants in
these groups were shown an example of what kind
of fire emergency items the scene could contain. For
the participants performing a task while watching
their stimuli, it was also confirmed that the task was
understood prior to the start of the experiment. The
participants in the other half were simply shown the
animations. After completion of the experiment, both
groups were asked which of the two animations they
thought was of worse quality. If a participant could
not determine which one they thought had the worse
quality, they were asked to choose either A or B
4.4 Results
Figure 4 shows the results of the experiment. In each
pair of conditions, a result of 50% (8 out of 16 partic-
ipants) correct selection in each case is the unbiased
ideal. This is the statistically expected result in the
absence of a preference towards one scene, and indi-
cates that no differences between the high quality and
a lower quality animation were perceived. The results
for the participants performing a task are shown to
the left and the free-viewing results are shown to the
right. The left bar in each graph shows the result from
the naive participants, while the bar to the right shows
the result from the informed participants.
The results show that 62.5% of the naive partic-
ipants performing a task reported a correct result in
the HQ/TWFQ condition. When the participants were
informed about assessing rendering quality, 56.25%
reported a correct result in the same condition while
performing a task.
The percentages for the naive and informed partic-
ipants free-viewing the same condition were 56.25%
and 93.75% respectively. While the correct classifica-
tion frequency increased for the informed participants
free-viewing the scene, the level when performing a
task while being informed was not altered greatly.
4.5 Statistical Analysis and Discussion
The results were analysed statistically using the Chi-
square test to determine any significance. This test al-
lows us to determine if what is observed in a distribu-
tion of reported frequencies (correct/incorrect) would
be what is expected to occur by chance. The reported
frequencies were compared to an expected 50/50 data
to ascertain whether the participants perceived the dif-
ference in quality.
The statistical analysis of the results confirmed
that for naive participants performing a task in the
HQ/TWFQ condition, the difference in proportions
was not significant χ
(1, N = 16) = 1, p = 0.32. The
results were also not significant for the informed
participants that performed a task and the naive
participants free-viewing the two animations, both
(1, N = 16) = 0.25, p = 0.62. This indicates that
the two different animations were perceived as a sim-
ilar quality in these three conditions.
The results for the participants free-viewing the
two animations while being informed differed from
the other three conditions. In this case, almost all par-
ticipants managed to perceive the higher quality ani-
mation, χ
(1, N = 16) = 6.25, p = 0.01. This could
potentially be caused by the fact that they were not
just free-viewing the scene anymore.
GRAPP 2008 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
HQ/TWFQ - naive HQ/TWFQ - informed
Animation Conditions
Num. of Preferences
Performing Task
HQ/TWFQ - naive HQ/TWFQ - informed
Animation Conditions
Num. of Preferences
Figure 4: Results from the no foveal region experiment for the two conditions: (left) performing a task (counting fire safety
items) vs. (right) watching the animations.
Asking people to watch the animations, while be-
ing informed about assessing rendering quality, might
have constituted an implicit task in itself and poten-
tially made them focus on parts of the scene where
quality differences were most likely to occur, for ex-
ample edges.
Mack and Rock (Mack and Rock, 1998) observed
that conscious perception requires attention, which
agrees with the obtained results. The participants in
the new experiment failed to notice the low render-
ing quality within the foveal region of the animations.
This indicates that rendering quality can be reduced
within the foveal region and that IB can in fact be ex-
ploited in selective rendering.
This paper presented a psychophysical forced-choice
preference experiment assessing if participants, per-
forming a task or free-viewing animations, would
fail to notice rendering quality degradation within the
foveal region. Previous work in task-related render-
ing assumed that IB would be restricted to the area
outside the foveal region. However, IB studies have
shown that observers conducting a task can fail to see
an object although it coincides with a fixation. The
experiment presented in this paper showed for the first
time that IB can be exploited in selective rendering,
by using a sharp cut-off around the task objects, while
maintaining a perceptually high quality result.
The only observers to show a statistically signifi-
cant ability to detect the quality difference were those
who were free-viewing the HQ/TWFQ pairs after be-
ing informed that they would be asked to judge the
quality of the animations. This is an interesting result
which agrees with the findings in (Mack and Rock,
1998) which propose that there is no conscious per-
ception without attention.
The experiment indicated that reductions in qual-
ity can be achieved through analysis of high-level vi-
sual processing, and is not bound to low-level bio-
logical processes, such as knowledge of the foveal re-
gion. This is an improvement on previous work which
added a foveal region around the task objects. By be-
ing able to reduce the quality further than previously
proposed ROI rendering techniques, additional com-
putation savings can be made.
Overall, the experiment shows that there is an op-
portunity in ROI rendering, but that more research
must be done to better understand how rendering
quality affectshuman perception. It could also be pos-
sible that using participants which are familiar with
artifacts can lead to an overly strict criteria. Hence, as
future work it would be interesting to study if there are
significant differences between participants being fa-
miliar with the concept of rendering quality and those
who are not. As future work it would also be inter-
esting to study the eye movements of the participants
while they make the quality judgements.
The author would like to thank Kurt Debattista for
implementation of ROI rendering in Radiance, Pe-
ter Longhurst for the modified Snapshot program
and Sumaya Ahmed for collaboration on the task
map plug-in. Thanks also to Andrew Moss, Alan
Chalmers, everyone that participated in the experi-
ments, and Patrick Ledda for the original corridor
model. This research was partly done under the spon-
sorship of the Rendering on Demand (RoD) project
within the 3C Research programme and by the Euro-
pean Union within the CROSSMOD project (EU IST-
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