Artem Katasonov, Olena Kaykova, Oleksiy Khriyenko, Sergiy Nikitin and Vagan Terziyan
Agora Center, University of Jyv¨askyl¨a, P.O.Box 35, 40014, Finland
Internet of Things, Middleware, Interoperability, Heterogeneous Resources, Software Agents, Semantic Tech-
nologies, Ontologies.
As ubiquitous systems become increasingly complex, traditional solutions to manage and control them reach
their limits and pose a need for self-manageability. Also, heterogeneity of the ubiquitous components, stan-
dards, data formats, etc, creates significant obstacles for interoperability in such complex systems. The promis-
ing technologies to tackle these problems are the Semantic technologies, for interoperability, and the Agent
technologies for management of complex systems. This paper describes our vision of a middleware for the
Internet of Things, which will allow creation of self-managed complex systems, in particular industrial ones,
consisting of distributed and heterogeneous components of different nature. We also present an analysis of
issues to be resolved to realize such a middleware.
Recent advances in networking, sensor and RFID
technologies allow connecting various physical world
objects to the IT infrastructure, which could, ulti-
mately, enable realization of the Internet of Things
and the Ubiquitous Computing visions. Also, this
opens new horizons for industrial automation, i.e. au-
tomated monitoring, control, maintenance planning,
etc, of industrial resources and processes. A much
larger than in present number of resources (machines,
infrastructure elements, materials, products) can get
connected to the IT systems, thus be monitored and
potentially controlled. Such development will also
necessarily create demand for a much wider integra-
tion with various external resources, such as data stor-
ages, information services, and algorithms, which can
be found in other units of the same organization, in
other organizations, or on the Internet.
The interconnectivity of computing and physical
systems could, however, become ”the nightmare of
ubiquitous computing (Kephart and Chess, 2003)
in which human operators will be unable to manage
the complexity of interactions in the system, neither
even architects will be able to anticipate that com-
plexity, and thus to design the system. The IBM
vision of autonomic computing (Kephart and Chess,
2003) proclaims the need for computing systems ca-
pable of ”running themselves” with minimal human
management which is mainly limited to definition of
some higher-level policies rather than direct admin-
istration. The computing systems will therefore be
self-managed, which, according to the IBM vision,
includes self-configuration, self-optimization, self-
protection, and self-healing. The IBM vision empha-
sizes that the run-time self-manageability of a com-
plex system requires its components to be to a cer-
tain degree autonomous themselves. Following this,
we envision that the software agent technologies will
play an important part in building such complex sys-
tems. Agent-based approach to software engineering
is considered to be facilitating the design of complex
systems (Jennings, 2001). A significant attention is
paid in the field of multi-agent systems to the task of
building decentralized systems capable of supporting
spontaneous configuration, tolerating partial failures,
or arranging adaptive reorganization of the whole sys-
tem (Mamei and Zambonelli, 2006).
A major problem is inherent heterogeneity in
ubiquitous computing systems, with respect to the na-
Katasonov A., Kaykova O., Khriyenko O., Nikitin S. and Terziyan V. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - ICSO, pages 169-178
DOI: 10.5220/0001489001690178
ture of components, standards, data formats, proto-
cols, etc, which creates significant obstacles for in-
teroperability among the components. Semantic tech-
nologies are viewed today as a key technology to re-
solve the problems of interoperability and integration
within heterogeneous world of ubiquitously intercon-
nected objects and systems. Semantic technologies
are claimed to be a qualitatively stronger approach to
interoperability than contemporary standards-based
approaches (Lassila, 2005). The Internet of Things
should become in fact the Semantic Web of Things
(Brock and Schuster, 2006). We subscribe to this
view. Moreover, we apply semantic technologies not
only to facilitate the discovery of heterogeneous com-
ponents and data integration, but also for the behav-
ioral control and coordination of those components
(i.e. prescriptive specification of the expected be-
haviour, declarative semantic programming).
It seems to be generally recognized that achiev-
ing the interoperability by imposing some rigid stan-
dards and making everyone comply could not be a
case in ubiquitous environments. Therefore, the in-
teroperability requires existence of some middleware
to act as the glue joining heterogeneous components
together. A consistent set of middleware, offering
application programming interfaces, communications
and other services to applications, will simplify the
creation of applications and help to move from static
programming approaches towards a configurable and
dynamic composition capability (Buckley, 2006).
There are a couple of EU FP6 research projects
that have as one of their goals the develop-
ment of some middleware for embedded systems.
They are RUNES (Reconfigurable Ubiquitous Net-
worked Embedded Systems, 2004-2007) and ongo-
ing SOCRADES (Service-Oriented Cross-Layer In-
frastructurefor Distributed Smart Embedded Devices,
2006-2009). We believe, however, that the middle-
ware needs of the Internet of Things domain go well
beyond interconnectivity of embedded systems them-
selves. There is a more general need for middle-
ware to enable something we refer to as Global Enter-
prise Resource Integration(GERI), where all different
types of resources get seamlessly integrated: physi-
cal devices with embedded electronics, web services,
software applications, humans along with their inter-
faces, and other. In the concept of GERI, we also
stress the need for true global interoperability, not
just interconnectivity. The components of ubiquitous
computing systems should be able not only to com-
municate and exchange data, but also to flexibly co-
ordinate with each other, discover and use each other,
and jointly engage in different business processes.
Such more general middleware needs are em-
phasized in the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)
of the ARTEMIS European Technology Platform.
ARTEMIS’ SRA has ”Seamless Connectivity and
Middleware” as one of its three parts. Some of
the relevant research priorities listed are the middle-
ware as the key enabler for declarative programming
paradigm, where the components and their interac-
tion are defined and configured declaratively rather
than programmatically (and we believe that the se-
mantic technologies are a natural candidate here), ef-
ficiently bridging information between global, enter-
prise, and embedded systems, use of ontologies for
cross-domain systems’ organization and for interop-
erability in heterogeneous environments, dynamic re-
configuration capabilities, adaptive resource manage-
ment, and appropriate security infrastructures.
In this paper, we describe our vision of such a
middleware for the Internet of Things, which has also
formed the basis for our research project UBIWARE.
The project aims at a new generation middleware plat-
form which will allow creation of self-managed com-
plex systems, in particular industrial ones, consist-
ing of distributed, heterogeneous, shared and reusable
components of different nature, e.g. smart machines
and devices, sensors, RFIDs, web-services, software
applications, humans along with their interfaces, and
others. Such middleware will enable various compo-
nents to automatically discover each other and to con-
figure a system with complex functionality based on
the atomic functionalities of the components.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes our general vision. Section 3 presents
an analysis of how the goals of UBIWARE can be
achieved. The result is a set of sub-problems, which
we address in corresponding work-packages of the
project. Section 4 describes several industrial cases
(application areas) that we consider in the project;
those are proposed by the project’s industrial partners.
Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
This section describes our general vision of the smart
semantic middleware for the Internet of Things. We
believe that tasks of automatic integration, orches-
tration and composition of complex systems on the
Internet of Things will be impossible in a central-
ized manner due to the scalability and other issues.
Therefore, the components of such systems should
be to a certain degree autonomous and proactive. In
other words, utilization of the agent technologies is
needed to enable flexible communication and coordi-
nation of the components. Agent technologies also al-
low mobility of service components between various
platforms, decentralized service discovery, utilization
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 1: The conceptual architecture: resources, adapters, agents and ontology.
of FIPA communication protocols, and negotiation-
based integration/composition of services. Interoper-
ability among the components requires use of meta-
data and ontologies. As the amount of components
can grow dramatically, without their ontological clas-
sification and semantic annotation processes, the au-
tomatic discovery will be impossible.
Figure 1 depicts our vision. In this vision, each
resource to be connected has a representative – an au-
tonomous software agent (a proactive ”player” within
certain integration scenario). This agent is assumed to
be able to monitor the state of the resource, make de-
cisions on the behalf on the resource, and to discover,
request and utilize external help if needed. The con-
nection between the resource itself and its agent is or-
ganized through the semantic mediation of an adapter
(or interface). Such an adapter may include (if nec-
essary) sensors with digital output, data structuring
(e.g. XML), semantic adapter components (convert-
ing to a semantic representation), and actuators. Ac-
cording to this vision, each relevant component of a
ubiquitous system is to become a ”smart resource”
- proactive and self-managing. The part-of hierarchy
of resources may result in corresponding hierarchy of
the agents. This can also be recursive. For exam-
ple, an adapter of a system component can become a
smart resource itself, i.e. it can have its own respon-
sible agent, semantically adapted sensors and actua-
tors, history, commitments with other resources, and
self-monitoring and self-maintenance activities. This
could be done to guarantee high level of dynamism
and flexibility of the adapter.
The semantic technologies have in our vision a
two-fold value. First, they are the basis for the discov-
ery of heterogeneous resources and data integration
across multiple domains (a well-known advantage).
Second, they are used for behavioural control and co-
ordination of the agents representing those resources
(a novel use). Therefore, semantic technologies are
used both for descriptive specification of the services
delivered by the resources and for prescriptive speci-
fication of the expected behaviour of the resources as
well as the integrated system. Such two-fold applica-
tion of semantics can, in ideal case, lead to a ”global
understanding” between the resources. This means
that a resource A can understand all of (1) the prop-
erties and the state of a resource B, (2) the potential
and actual behaviors of B, and (3) the business pro-
cesses in which A and B, and maybe other resources,
are jointly involved.
The UBIWARE is to be, roughly speaking, a set
of tools providing means for effective development
of agents and adapters, and a run-time environment
for the operation of those. An important central com-
ponent of UBIWARE is the agent core (see Section
3.1). Each agent is assumed to be created based on
this core and specialized through semantic declara-
tive programs and a set of Reusable Atomic Behav-
iors (RAB). Combination of the run-time environ-
ment, the agent core and a set of standard semantic
programs and RABs will make UBIWARE a plat-
form providing both (semantic) communication ser-
vices and collaboration-support (scenario-driven inte-
gration) services for heterogeneous resources.
In a sense, our intention is to apply the con-
cepts of automatic discovery, composition, orches-
tration, integration, execution monitoring, communi-
cation, negotiation, context awareness, etc. (which
were, so far, mostly related only to the Semantic Web-
Services domain) to a more general ”Semantic Web
of Things” domain. Also we want to expand this
list by adding automatic self-management including
(self-*)organization, diagnostics, forecasting, config-
uration, tuning, and maintenance.
This section presents our analysis of how the goals of
UBIWARE can be achieved. The result is a set of sub-
problems, which we address in corresponding work-
packages of the project. UBIWARE project aims at
a relatively complete and self-sufficient middleware
platform. Therefore, it elaborates on our central ideas
(Section 2), and also works towards solutions in sup-
porting but mandatory-to-treat areas such as security,
human interfaces and other.
3.1 Core Agent Platform
Although the flexibility of agent interactions has
many advantages when it comes to engineering com-
plex systems, the downside is that it leads to unpre-
dictability in the run time system; as agents are au-
tonomous, the patterns and the effects of their inter-
actions are uncertain (Jennings, 2000). It is common
in specific systems to circumvent these difficulties by
using interaction protocols whose properties can be
formally analyzed, by adopting rigid and preset or-
ganizational structures, and/or by limiting the nature
and the scope of the agent interplay. However, these
restrictions also limit the power of the agent-based ap-
proach; thus, in order to realize its full potential some
longer term solutions are required (Jennings, 2000).
Realization of the UBIWARE vision requires a
reliable core platform that would provide means for
building systems that are flexible and consist of au-
tonomous components, yet predictable in operation.
Two important research directions, acknowledged in
the literature, are: social level characterization of
agent-based systems, and ontological approaches to
coordination. The former direction presents the need
for a better understanding of the impact of sociality
and organizational context on an individuals behavior
and of the symbiotic link between the behavior of the
individual agents and that of the overall system (Jen-
nings, 2000). In particular, it requires modeling be-
havior of an agent as being defined or restricted by the
roles the agent plays in one or several organizations
(Vazquez-Salceda et al., 2005). Role-based modelling
also provides the advantage of separation of concerns
and in so design of complex systems (Cabri et al.,
2004). The latter direction presents the need to enable
agents to communicate their intentions with respect to
future activities and resource utilization and to reason
about the actions, plans, and knowledge of each other,
in real time (Tamma et al., 2005).
Our previous work resulted in a platform (Kata-
sonov and Terziyan, 2007) (Figure 2) that has done
some steps into both these directions. It can be seen as
consisting of three layers: reusable atomic behaviors
(RAB), behavior models corresponding to different
roles the agent plays, and the behavior engine (or the
agent core). A RAB is a Java component implement-
ing a reasonably atomic function (sensing, acting or
data processing). A behavior model is an RDF-based
document specifying a certain organizational role. A
behavior model consists of a set of beliefs represent-
ing the knowledge needed for playing the role and a
set of behavior rules. Roughly speaking, a behavior
rule specifies conditions of (and parameters for) exe-
cution of a RAB. The behavior engine is responsible
for parsing RDF-based scripts, and it implements the
run-time loop of an agent. In the platform, the agents
access the behavior models from an external reposi-
tory, which is assumed to be managed by the organi-
zation which ”hires” the agents to enact those roles.
As can be seen from the picture, the platform allows
also on-demand access of RABs.
Such a 3-layer agent architecture with external-
ization of behavior models and on-demand access of
atomic code components provides a basis for devel-
opment of the UBIWARE core platform. At present,
we are working on the following important research
issues: (1) Development of the language for roles’
scripts towards a full-scale Semantic Agent Program-
ming Language. (2) Implementation of the separa-
tion between a role’s capabilities (individual function-
ality), and the business processes in which this role
can be involved (complex functionality). (3) Devel-
opment of mechanisms for flexible treating the poten-
tial (and likely) conflicts among the roles played by
one agent. (4) Development of mechanisms to en-
able agents to flexibly discover each other, based both
on the roles played and on particular capabilities pos-
sessed. (5) Analysis of concrete benefits and mecha-
nisms for accessing and using a role’s script by agents
who are not playing that role but wish to coordinate or
interact with an agent that does. (6) Making an agent’s
roles to be higher-level commitments of the agent that
restrict its behavior, still leaving freedom for learning
and adaptation on lower-levels, instead of totally and
rigidly prescribing the behavior.
3.2 Distributed Resource Histories
In the UBIWARE vision, every resource is repre-
sented by an agent. Among the responsibilities of the
agent is monitoring the condition of the resource and
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 2: The current core platform.
the resource’s interactions with other components of
the system and humans. The beliefs storage of the
agent will, therefore, naturally include the history of
the resource, in a sense ”blogged” by the agent. Obvi-
ously, the value of such a history is not limited to that
particular resource. A resource may benefit from the
information collected with respect to other resources
of the same (or similar) type, e.g. in a situation which
it faces for the first time while other may have faced
that situation before. Also, mining the data collected
and integrated from many resources may result in dis-
covery of some knowledge important at the level of
the whole ubiquitous computing system.
A straightforward approach would be maintaining
a central repository integrating the histories of all the
resources of the system. However, such an approach
is often impractical in realistic dynamic applications
because even just keeping one agent informed of all
the events and actions in the system would swamp
the available bandwidth, and also such agent would
become a severe bottleneck and might render the re-
maining components unusable if it failed (Jennings,
1993). A scalable solution requires mechanisms for
inter-agent information sharing and data mining on
integrated information which would allow keeping
the resource histories distributed without need to copy
those histories to a central repository.
At present, we are working on the following im-
portant research issues: (1) Development of mech-
anisms for representing the history of a resource in
a system making it reusable for other resources and
at the system-level. (2) Development of mechanisms
for effective and efficient sharing of information be-
tween the agents representing different resources. (3)
Development of mechanisms for querying and inte-
gration of responses from distributed, autonomous,
and, hence, inevitably semantically heterogeneous re-
source histories. (4) Enabling mining (utilizing intel-
ligent data mining and machine learning techniques)
of distributed histories.
3.3 Peer-to-Peer Discovery
Following the IEEE FIPA agent system model, the
UBIWARE platform is to include a system agent
called Directory Facilitator (DF). In UBIWARE, the
Directory Facilitator maintains a mapping between
agents and the roles they play. If the behavior model
of an agent X (see Section 3.1) prescribes the need of
interaction with another agent Y, the agent Y is always
specified by its role, not the name or another unique
identifier of a particular agent. Therefore, the agent X
must contact the Directory Facilitator in order to dis-
cover the unique ID (needed for communication) of
the agent or agents playing the role needed. Also, be-
cause every agent plays at least one role, DF naturally
has a list of all the agents on the platform. This can be
used, e.g., when an agent needs some information and
wants to broadcast the request for that information to
all the agents on the platform (see Section 3.2).
Existence of such a Directory Facilitator is an ef-
fective and efficient solution. However, DF obviously
presents a severe bottleneck in the system, and can
render the whole system unusable if it failed. To im-
prove the survivability of UBIWARE-based systems,
there has to be a complementary mechanism which
can be utilized in an exception situation where DF be-
came for some reason unavailable.
After the system is deployed and operational for
some time, a significant part of the DF knowledge,
piece by piece, ends up in local knowledge storages
of different platform agents. The combination of the
local storages presents thus a kind of distributed direc-
tory. Therefore, a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) mechanism im-
plemented on such a distributed directory can work as
the needed mechanism complementary to the central
DF. Of course, replicating DF is another and proba-
bly simpler option. It would not, however, provide the
same level of survivability as P2P. Also, in some busi-
ness scenarios, it is possible that some of the services
would prefer not to advertise themselves through the
central DF altogether, for security or other reasons.
Therefore, P2P discovery of such services would not
be an exception path but the only viable solution.
The objective here is the design of mechanisms
which will extend the scale of semantic resource
discovery in UBIWARE with P2P discovery. Such
mechanisms have to enable an agent (1) to discover
agents playing a certain organizational role, (2) to dis-
cover an agent (or agents) possessing certain needed
information, and (3) to discover resources (through
its agents) of certain type or possessing certain prop-
erties (e.g. a device in state X, a web-resource provid-
ing some information searched for, or a human with
some specific skills). In all cases, existence of a cen-
tral DF is not assumed. Rather, the request is sent to
all/some of the agents on the contact list of the agent
in question (ones with who it has a history of commu-
nication, or at least about whom it heard from others).
Those agents can forward the request to all/some of
the agents on their lists, and so on.
3.4 Configurability
UBIWARE aims to be a platform that can be applied
in different application areas. Therefore, the elements
of the platform have to be adjustable, could be tuned
or configured allowing the platform to run different
business scenarios in different environments. Such
flexibility calls for existence of a special configura-
tion layer of the platform. All building blocks of the
platform, i.e. software agents, agent behaviors, re-
source adapters, etc, become subject to configuration.
Also, a flexible system should have a long lifespan.
Hence, the platform should allow extensions, compo-
nent replacements, and component adjustments dur-
ing the operation time. In addition, every agent in
UBIWARE is self-aware and self-manageable entity.
Therefore, it may evolve with time and modify some
of its functional or non-functional properties. At the
same time, we need a stable and predictable environ-
ment for running business scenarios. Thus, the adjust-
ment made to a componentmust also be propagatedto
higher platform levels such as business processes and
contracting. Also vice versa, a change in a business
process may require some adjustments to be made to
several participating components.
On the level of software design, we aim at defining
patterns for development of configurable elements.
On the level of inter-agent communication, we aim at
establishing some protocols for negotiation in differ-
ent configurability cases. For example, when an agent
changes its behavior, a check must be performed for
the consequences of this change for other compo-
nents, and for who should be informed about this
change. Also, there should be a mechanism for re-
stricting the range of possible adjustments to certain
functionality of certain components in order to main-
tain the consistency in critical business processes.
An important issue is configurability of resource
adapters. There is a need for a methodology both
for creating such adapters and for their run-time re-
configuration. It is reasonable to expect, e.g., that
when a resource modifies the format of its output, the
existing adapter can be adjusted to this new format
without a need to build a new adapter from scratch.
Configuration of business processes poses a sepa-
rate problem. A business process is an abstract entity
which mainly consists of a flow of messages between
agents. There is nothing like a business process exe-
cution engine. There could be a dedicated responsible
agent, which would coordinate the involved agents,
resolve conflicts and exceptions. However, similarly
to the case of a centralized history storage (see Sec-
tion 3.2), such a controller agent would become a se-
vere bottleneck and might render the remaining com-
ponents unusable if it failed. In a most scalable solu-
tion, a business process would be just a set of agents
with some commitments, i.e. signed Service Level
Agreements. In such autonomic medium, we will
need a (re-)configuration mechanism for stable error-
tolerant operation of components leading to success-
fully achieving the business goals.
3.5 Security in UBIWARE
The security is often seen as an add-on feature of a
system. However, in many systems (and UBIWARE
is one of them), the system remains nothing more but
a research prototype, without a real potential of prac-
tical use, until an adequate security infrastructure is
embedded into it. UBIWARE will advance existing
technologies to a qualitatively new level and bring
to life new complex ubiquitous environments, where
traditional approaches to manage security fall short.
Also, existing security measures for the technologies
on which UBIWARE relies, e.g. multi-agent, are not
in a mature stage and still require significant elabora-
tion to mitigate associated risks.
Traditional security goals like confidentiality,
availability, reliability, integrity, manageability, ac-
countability, responsibility etc, together with conven-
tional measures and mechanisms that support secu-
rity, do not cover all the needs and threats of new
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
emerging computing environments. Ambient intelli-
gence and ubiquity of information technologies have
tightened the digital and physical worlds to the ex-
tent when security becomes the ultimate issue. The
major implication of penetrating ICTs on security is
that the risks and negative consequences of security
threats become higher than ever. On the other hand,
the security infrastructure itself has to become per-
vasive, interoperable and intelligent enough to natu-
rally fit UBIWARE. The security cannot be added to
the UBIWARE platform later but the design decisions
regarding security have to be thoroughly correlated
with the requirements, characteristics and design of
the platform, due to mutual impact on resulting fea-
tures of UBIWARE.
The main objective here is the design of an in-
frastructure for policy-based optimal collecting, com-
posing, configuring and provisioning of security mea-
sures in multi-agent systems like UBIWARE (Nau-
menko et al., 2007). This work is to follow the gen-
eral UBIWARE vision configuring and adding new
functionality on-the-fly by changing high leveldeclar-
ative descriptions. Regarding security, this means that
UBIWARE will be able of smoothly including new,
and reconfiguring existing, security policies (simi-
lar to behavior models) and mechanisms (similar to
RABs) in response to the dynamically changing en-
vironment. The optimal state is always a tradeoff be-
tween security and other qualities like performance,
functionality, usability, applicability and other.
3.6 Smart Interfaces
In UBIWARE, humans are important resources,
which can play several distinct roles: (1) User one
getting some information or services from other re-
sources. (2) Resource under care one under online
care of the integrated system (e.g. monitoring the
health of an employee). (3) Service provider one
providing services to other resources (e.g. a main-
tenance expert). (4) UBIWARE administrator one
monitoring and configuring the integrated system.
Obviously, humans need graphical interfaces to
interact with the rest of the system. The same person
can play several roles, switch between them depend-
ing on the context, and, in result, require different in-
terfaces at different times. In addition, a UBIWARE-
based system presents a large integration environment
with potentially huge amounts of heterogeneous data.
Therefore, there is a need for tools facilitating infor-
mation access and manipulation by humans.
From the UBIWARE point of view, a human inter-
face is just a special case of a resource adapter. We be-
lieve, however, that it is unreasonable to embed all the
data acquisition, filtering and visualization logic into
such an adapter. Instead, external services and appli-
cation should be effectively utilized. Therefore, the
intelligence of a smart interface will be a result of col-
laboration of multiple agents: the human’s agent, the
agents representing resources of interest (those to be
monitored or/and controlled), and the agents of vari-
ous visualization services. This approach makes hu-
man interfaces different from other resource adapters
and indicates a need for devoted research. There is
a need to enable creation of such smart human inter-
faces through flexible collaboration of an Intelligent
GUI Shell, various visualization modules, which we
refer to as MetaProvider-services, and the resources
of interest (Khriyenko, 2007).
A MetaProvider is responsible for acting as a por-
tal so that various relevant resources can register on
it, for data integration, for context-dependent filter-
ing (inclusion of only relevant resources and relevant
properties of those resources), and for creating visu-
alizations of data. The GUI shell is, in turn, responsi-
ble for context-dependentselection of MetaProviders,
communication with them, and cross-MetaProvider
browsing and integration.
Based on such an approach, an infrastructure will
be embedded into UBIWARE enabling effective real-
ization of the following system functions: (1) Visu-
alization of data provided by a service in response to
a request. (2) Search, retrieving and visualization of
data required by a human expert. (3) Providing access
to contextual information, and visualization of it. (4)
Visualization of resource registration, configuration,
and security policy establishment processes. (5) Re-
source discovery via MetaProviders (because they act
as thematic portals).
This section describes several industrial cases (appli-
cation areas) that we consider in our project. These
cases are proposed by UBIWARE industrial part-
ners and are being analyzed, designed and prototyped
based on the UBIWARE platform. These cases pro-
vide examples of benefits that a smart semantic mid-
dleware can bring into various industries.
4.1 Power Network Maintenance
One of the project’s partners is a vendor of hardware
and software for power networks. With respect to
UBIWARE, this partners main area of interest is in
extending, mainly through integration with external
resources, the functionality of its existing software
systems. These systems provide a graphical view over
the power network, data acquisition from the substa-
tions and remote control over the relays, switches, etc.
They also include implementations of various algo-
rithms: for fault localization, for calculation of opti-
mal reconfiguration of the network and other.
The UBIWARE technology could allow connect-
ing to the existing products some new system intel-
ligence tools, for example, statistical and data min-
ing tools. One case that is considered is about possi-
bility of using data mining techniques for automated
interpretation of the situation in the power network.
The motivating issue is that a certain condition, e.g.
a fault, in the power network causes a series of alert
messages to be sent to the operation center. It remains
a responsibility of a human operator to understand
the reason underlying such a sequence of alert mes-
sages. Based on UBIWARE, a system could be cre-
ated allowing that: (1) alert data is automatically col-
lected, (2) the experts are able to annotate sequences
of events with their reasons, (3) data mining algo-
rithms are applied to discover some patterns, and (4)
the operator is provided with an interface giving a
more structured view of events (e.g. filtered based on
the source of event) and including the system’s inter-
pretation (from the models built) of what is the mean-
ing of the situation and its reason.
In collaboration with this partner, we analysed
further the potential add-value that the company and
their customers, i.e. electrical companies, could re-
ceive from introducingUBIWARE into their business.
Below, we sketch several scenarios when UBIWARE
can enable new features, or help otherwise.
One scenario is related to extending the user inter-
faces, so that various groups of users could get flexi-
ble access to data and functionality present in the ex-
isting products. Traditionally, those software products
are only used inside the walls of operation centers by
the network operators, through proprietary user inter-
faces. The data and functionality of those systems,
however, has a value beyond that use. A UBIWARE-
based solution will enable a more ubiquitous and flex-
ible information access to data and algorithms and
will extend the user base to, e.g., maintenance work-
ers, management, etc.
Another scenario arises from the fact that the
medium-voltagesub-networks of the integral network
are usually owned, controlled and maintained then by
some local companies. It is noticeable that the oper-
ation centers of different companies have no connec-
tion to each other, so information exchange among
them is nearly impossible. In the case of a fault af-
fecting two different sub-networks, such information
exchange, though, may be very important, for all of
fault localization, network reconfiguration, and net-
work restoration. Introducing an inter-organizational
system based on UBIWARE could solve this issue.
The information flow will go through the agents rep-
resenting the sub-networks on the UBIWARE plat-
form. Utilization of semantic technologies will al-
low such interoperability even if the sub-networks
use software systems from different vendors, and thus
maybe different data formats and protocols.
One more scenario is related to a new business
model. At present, all expertise of the company gets
embedded into hardware or software systems and sold
to the customers as it is. A new business model would
be to start own Web-service providing implementa-
tion of certain algorithms, so the customers will uti-
lize those algorithms online when needed. The com-
pany will be always able to update algorithms, add
new, and so on. UBIWARE will ensure interoperabil-
ity and coordination between such Web-service and
customers’ software systems, and also a relative ease
of implementation of such a solution – because it will
not require changes in existing software systems, only
extension with the UBIWARE platform. Noticeable
that, if semantically defined, such Web-service can
potentially be utilized across the globe even by the
customers who never purchased any of the company’s
hardware or software.
The next scenario is related to the possibility of in-
tegrating data, which is currently utilized in the power
network management (network structure and config-
uration, feeder relay readings), with contextual in-
formation from the external sources. Such integra-
tion can be used in at least three tasks. The first
is risk analysis. Information about weather condi-
tions, ongoing forest works, or forest fires can be
used for evaluating existing threats for the power net-
work. This may be used to trigger an alert state for
the maintenance team, or even to do a precaution-
ary reconfiguration of the network to minimize pos-
sible damage. The second is facilitation of fault lo-
calization. The output of fault localization algorithms
is not always certain. The information about threats
for the power network that existed at the time when
the fault occurred (which thus may have caused the
fault) may greatly facilitate the localization. In some
situations, contextual information alone may even be
sufficient for localization. The third is operator in-
terface enhancement. Contextual information may
be used also just to extend the operators’ view of
the power network. For example, satellite imagery
can be used for geographic view (instead of locally
stored bitmaps as it is in the current systems); also,
dynamically-changing information can be accessed
and represented on the interface.
The last scenario is about the possibility of trans-
ferring the knowledge of human experts to automated
systems, by means of various data mining tools. In
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
the power network management case, one scenario
that seems to be highly appropriate for such knowl-
edge transfer is the following. In present, it is always
a decision of a human expert which of the existing
fault localization algorithms will perform the best in
the context of the current configuration of the power
network and the nature of the fault. Such decisions
made by an expert along with the input data could, be
forwarded to a learning Web-service. After a suffi-
cient learning sample, this Web-service could start to
be used in some situations instead of the human ex-
pert, e.g. in situations when a faster decision is needed
or when the expert is unavailable.
4.2 Maintenance of Paper Machines
Another of the project’s partners is a supplier of ma-
chinery and automation systems for a set of industries
including the paper industry. With respect to UBI-
WARE, this partner’s main areas of interest are in
information integration and analytical data process-
ing. To support customers with additional informa-
tion along the product (a paper machine) lifecycle,
the company foresees the need for intelligent prod-
uct history management. Such a history is supposed
to integrate alert reports, experts’ diagnoses, mainte-
nance work performed, maintenance costs, and other
types of information.
Every paper machine, installed at a customers
site, is equipped with a set of sensors and embedded
intelligence for observing the state of the machine and
alarming when an exceptional situation occurs. The
alarm information is forwarded to the central hub for
diagnostics and decision making.
First of all, UBIWARE can provide means for
proactive integration of alarm data with different cor-
porate information systems, such as the engineering
database, the financial database. This will give a
common basis for product history management and
further intelligent data processing. UBIWARE can
also enable integration with external web services to
provide more powerful analytical processing of data.
Also, the flexibility and ease of extension via incor-
poration of external functionality will enable evolu-
tion of the service infrastructure to meet the customer
needs in a sustainable fashion. The UBIWARE plat-
form will also enable a high level of security in the
collaborative work of the company and its customers.
Among the central problems to be solved by UBI-
WARE, there are those related to the evolution of the
service infrastructure. During the paper machine op-
eration lifecycle, formats of messages or algorithms
for issuing alarms may change. Furthermore, some
changes to the supporting ERP or other automation
systems may take place. In other words, data for-
mats and data structures, which were bound to on-
tology, may require re-adaptation (i.e. adapter re-
configuration) to become consistent with the inte-
grated storage and applications. From a life-time
perspective, the complexity of business processes be-
tween the company and the customer may become an-
other obstacle for updates and renovation of the ser-
vice infrastructure. It is because such changes are
hard to trace and, therefore, it might be difficult to
analyze their impact on the overall system.
4.3 Telecom Operator’s Service Desk
One more project’s partner is a provider of telecom-
munication services, both wireless and fixed-line.
With respect to UBIWARE, this partners main area
of interest is in possibility of constructing, mainly
through integration of existing components, systems
that would (partially) automate some traditionally
manual processes. Such a manual process to be con-
sidered is a Service Desk. Among other things, the
company’s service desk is a point of contact for the
customers seeking to report unavailability of service
(mobile or fixed-line phone connection, IDSL Inter-
net connection, and other) or another problem. If the
problem is at the customer side, the service desk ex-
perts are supposed to provide instructions for trou-
bleshooting it. The whole interaction is performed
over the phone, i.e. the customer calls, explains the
problem to a service desk worker, probably gets trans-
ferred to a relevant expert, tries what the expert rec-
ommends, reports the results, and so on. In result,
the waiting times for customers to get through to the
service desk are long, while the effectiveness of the
troubleshooting process is quite low.
Equipping the service desk with an UBIWARE-
based solution could enable the following new func-
tionality: (1) Customers get possibility to report their
problems through a web-service interface. (2) The
system could collect, integrate and present to the ex-
pert all the available information on the customer
(type of connection, address, etc), removing a need to
spend time asking that information during the phone
conversation. (3) Automated analysis of related prob-
lem reports could enable fast responses like: ”it is
a network problem, we have received other similar
reports from your area, we are already working on
this problem”. In the case of a non-working Internet
connection, some relevant data can be acquired, i.e.
sensed, from the network side. Also, some modems
can be configured remotely by uploading a configura-
tion file from the network. In such a case, a fully au-
tomatic troubleshooting could even be implemented.
In this paper, we described our vision of a solution
to meet the middleware needs of the domain of the
Internet of Things. We aim at a new generation mid-
dleware platform which will allow creation of self-
managed complex systems, in particular industrial
ones, consisting of distributed, heterogeneous, shared
and reusable components of different nature.
Self-management of systems is one of the central
themes in the EU 7-th Framework ICT Programme
(2007-2013). The Objective ”Service and Software
Architectures” of the Challenge 1 ”Network and Ser-
vice Infrastructures” includes the need for strate-
gies and technologies enabling mastery of complex-
ity, dependability and behavioral stability, and also
the need for integrated solutions supporting the net-
worked enterprise. Also, the Objective ”The Net-
work of the Future” of this Challenge includes the
need for re-configurability, self-organization and self-
management for optimized control, management and
flexibility of the future network infrastructure. In
addition, the whole Challenge 2 ”Cognition, Inter-
action, Robotics” has as its motivation the need for
creating ”artificial systems that can achieve general
goals in a largely unsupervised way, and persevere
under adverse or uncertain conditions; adapt, within
reasonable constraints, to changing service and per-
formance requirements, without the need for exter-
nal re-programming, re-configuring, or re-adjusting”.
It is noticeable that the systems (stand-alone or net-
worked) monitoring and controlling material or infor-
mational processes is one of the three focus areas of
this Challenge.
According to a more global view to the Internet of
Things technology, UBIWARE will classify and reg-
ister various ubiquitous devices and link them with
web resources, services, software and humansas busi-
ness processes’ components. UBIWARE will also
consider sensors, sensor networks, embedded sys-
tems, alarm detectors, actuators, communication in-
frastructure, etc. as ”smart objects” and will provide
similar care to them as to other resources.
The innovative nature of UBIWARE is demon-
strated well by the very idea of the case in Section
4.3, the smart service desk. An operator’s service
desk is an important service element which, however,
still remains largely non-automated and thus has a
low effectiveness. Any automation of such a process
would require integration and complex interoperabil-
ity of highly heterogeneous components, including
hardware (e.g. customer’s equipment), software and
database systems, and humans (the customer, the ser-
vice desk operator, and experts). In result, the possi-
bility of automation of the service desk was not really
considered before. However, the introduction of the
UBIWARE concept has led to realizing that some au-
tomation can be possible after all.
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ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics