A Modular and Hybrid Expert System for Machine and Plant Diagnosis
Mario Thron, Thomas Bangemann and Nico Suchold
Institut f¨ur Automation und Kommunikation e.V. Magdeburg, Steinfeldstr 3, D-39179 Barleben, Germany
Industrial diagnosis, expert system, Fuzzy Logic, Bayesian Network, logic description, modularity.
Expert systems are well known tools for diagnosis purposes in medicine and industry. One problem is the
hard efford, to create the knowledge base. This article describes an expert system for industrial diagnosis and
shows an efficient approach for the creation of the rule base, which is based on the reusage of knowledge
modules. These knowledge modules are representants for assets like devices, machines and plants. The article
encourages manufacturers of such assets to provide diagnosis knowledge bases by using a proposed multi-
paradigm rule definition language called HLD (Hybrid Logic Description).
Rule based knowledge may be expressed by using various methodologies, which differ in expressiveness but
also in runtime performance. The HLD allowes rules to be defined as propositional logic with or without the
use of certainty factors, as Fuzzy Logic or as probabilistic rules as in Bayesian Networks. The most effective
rule type may be chosen to describe causal dependencies between symptoms and failures. An evaluation
prototype implementation has been developed in the research project WISA, which includes a sotftware tool
chain for handling HLD files.
A fundamental goal of industrial companies is to op-
timize the use of their production equipment, which
consists of simple assets like devices (sensors, actua-
tors, etc.), assembled machines and even more com-
plex assets like production lines and plants. The term
‘optimization’ relates here to maximization of the as-
set performance and to minimization of production
down-times as effects of failures.
This article is dedicated to the maximization of the
equipment availability. Industrial companies prefer
the use of reliable equipment over managing failures.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) or Fail-
ure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
may be used for engineering of robust production sys-
tems. But the production equipment may fail even in
the case of a careful design. Thus different mainte-
nance strategies have been developed in order to in-
crease the availability of the assets:
Predictive Maintenance. Assets are continuously
monitored to get information on the abrasion
state. The remaining asset life time is predicted
in order to schedule necessary maintenance activ-
ities like repairing or asset exchanges.
Preventive Maintenance. Maintenance activities
are scheduled according to the machine run time
and absolute machine life time. Time based abra-
sion models are used.
Reactive Maintenance. The equipment is repaired
in cases of failures according.
Traditionally a mixture of preventive and reactive
strategies is used. Predictive and preventive mainte-
nance may only be complementary elements to the
reactive maintenance, since they left a remaining risk.
This article emphases the optimization of reactive
maintenance by
decreasing the diagnosis time to find the failure
causes and the repair information,
integrate diagnosis results into the IT supported
planning workflows of the companies.
An approved approach to increase diagnosis effi-
ciency is the use of expert systems as shown in
figure1. It contains a knowledge acquisition compo-
nent, which is the interface for the expert. He may
input new information about the respective knowl-
edge domain into the knowledge base. Expert sys-
tems guide the user with questions to input only most
Thron M., Bangemann T. and Suchold N. (2008).
WISA - A Modular and Hybrid Expert System for Machine and Plant Diagnosis.
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - ICSO, pages 338-341
DOI: 10.5220/0001497003380341
relevant symptom information for determine failure
Figure 1: Structure of an expert system.
According to Moore’s Law and its derivatives com-
puter performance and memory availability doubles
roughly every two years. Thus some handicaps of ex-
pert systems, regarding space and time complexity of
applied algorithms, are reduced by time.
The WISA project focuses one of the remaining
problems, which is the reduction of necessary effort
of the experts to establish and maintain the knowledge
base. This problem avoids the broad assignment of
knowledge based systems in the industry.
The WISA project is funded by the German Min-
istry of Economy and Employment. It is registered
under reg.-no. IW060215.
2.1 Standards based Knowledge
Key factors of decreasing the effort for the creation
and maintenance of knowledge bases are to reuse for-
malized knowledge and to spread the work among dif-
ferent experts. Another one is the formalization of
the knowledge by the creators of the equipment, since
they already own the necessary expertise.
Thus there is a need for a language, which makes
it possible to describe knowledge bases. The com-
plexity of this language should be small and reflect
the needs of the application context (diagnosis) only.
In any case it should be a standardized language to
become relevant for the industry.
There are different approaches to establish a stan-
dard. The WISA project aims to be part of the follow-
ing approach: problem definition finding solution
ideas proof of concept publication founda-
tion of a standardization consortium redefinition
of the proposals reference implementation fi-
nalization of the standard. The project leads up to
the publications, which are necessary to involve can-
didates for a standardization consortium.
The subject for standardization is a language for
description of industrial equipment. It is called Hy-
brid Logic Description (HLD). Design goals coming
from the application domain of intelligent diagnosis
handling of logic and causal dependencies be-
tween failure symptoms and their causes,
handling of uncertain assertions about these de-
handling of vague information about the symp-
toms and their causes.
The HLD design includes propositional logic in com-
bination with certainty factors, Fuzzy Logic and
Bayesian networks.
2.2 Language Features of the HLD
2.2.1 Logical Description
A natural kind of causal reasoning is propositional
logic. A simple sentence for diagnosis purposes could
IF symptom1 AND symptom2 THEN cause1
The knowledge base of a propositional logic system
would consist of a bunch of such rules. Variables
contain truth values therein. Operators like NOT,
be used in the rule sets.
Diagnosis for a broad variety of devices may be
done by using propositional logic. Even good cars
or TVs ship with a manual containing chapter for
first aid diagnosis in a kind of propositional logic de-
scriptions. A look into these documents shows that
there is seldom a need for operators of first-order or
higher-order logic like ALL- or EXISTENCE opera-
tors. Thus the WISA project focused on propositional
logic for handling binary variables.
Certainty Factors are extensions to propositional
logic. They were developed in the 1970s for medi-
cal diagnosis expert systems, see for example (Rus-
sell and Norvig, 2003) or (Norvig, 2004). The prin-
cipal idea is that the same observable symptomatic
may have different causes but with different certainty.
Thus the conclusion of a rule is weighted by using a
certainty factor (CF).
Certainty factors are born by empirical develop-
ment. The value range of a CF is part of the inter-
val [1, +1], where selected meanings for the vari-
able value are:
WISA - A Modular and Hybrid Expert System for Machine and Plant Diagnosis
CF = +1 => true
CF = 0 => unknown
CF = -1 => false
Disjunctive and conjunctive combinations of condi-
tions are allowed in logic systems with certainty fac-
tors. A variable may be the conclusion in different
rules. Thus there exists a combination calculus for
merging different conclusion results.
One problem with certainty factors is that the
memory space, which is necessary for the computa-
tion of the conclusion, grows with complexity O(c
because of a necessary breadth-first search. Therein
c is an approximation of the average count of condi-
tions in the rules, whereas n is the number of rules,
which are involved in the recursive computation of
the conclusion. Another problem is the sloppy han-
dling of certainties for maximization of efficiency.
Bayesian Networks are additionally included into the
HLD, which avoid these problems but expect input
of probabilities from the expert, which are difficult to
2.2.2 Fuzzy Logic
Propositional logic deals perfectly with truth values.
But in industrial plants there are symptoms and fail-
ures with continuous value domains, like tempera-
tures, pressures, speed and other physical and chemi-
cal phenomenon.
Fuzzy Logic is a better way to deal with this kind
of information than handling truth variables, which
represent special value ranges. Continuousvalue vari-
ables are handled as linguistic variables in Fuzzy
Logic. Attributes (with a representation as fuzzy
set) are spread over ranges of the full variable value
space. Attributes are characterized by membership
functions, which map a continuous space [0..1] over
the related value range. This allows a more accurate
reasoning in Fuzzy Logic than in propositional logic
with discretized values.
An interesting point is that the notations of rules
in Fuzzy Logic are very similar to the notations in
propositional logic. Thus experts have to rearrange
their thinking not too much when using both.
But the inference processes in Fuzzy Logic is
expensive. It is done in a fuzzyfication - inference
- defuzzyfication approach. While fuzzyfication is
a straight forward computation of the membership
value, inference and defuzzyfication are time consum-
ing operations. Thus Fuzzy Logic should only be used
in diagnosis scenarios where really necessary.
Figure 2: High level elements of the HLD specification.
2.2.3 Bayesian Networks
Bayesian Networks deal with event probabilities.
They consist of directed acyclic graphs. The nodes
consist of random variables arcs notify dependencies.
An event is defined in a manner, that a random vari-
able fits a specific state. According to (Jensen, 1996)
there is then the possibility to declare rules in the
IF event A has taken place, THEN B has taken
place with certainty x.
In a diagnosis applications event B may be an ob-
served symptom, while A may be a cause. The proba-
bility of B is computable by using the Bayes’ rule:
P(B|A, C) =
P(A|B, C)P(B|C)
. (1)
The variable C is a context variable therein. Note-
worthy is that the Bayesian Network theory stands
completely on a solid mathematical fundament, see
(Pearl, 2000) for example. There is no approxima-
tion needed like in the Certainty Factor theory. Pearl
showed, that Bayesian Networks admit d-separation.
The usage of this circumstance leads to very effi-
cient computations of the conditional probabilities in
Bayesian Networks.
2.3 Language Formalization
XML has been chosen as base format for the HLD.
Some requirements where:
integrated UNICODE support,
automatic support for a validation of instance doc-
broad acceptance in industry.
XML is used for example as message transport format
for engineering and commissioning tools (e.g. by the
FDT Group and OPC Foundation), for maintenance
ICINCO 2008 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
and application integration purposes (e.g. by the MI-
MOSA Alliance) and for formal device descriptions
(e.g. by PROFIBUS International).
Figure 2 shows the base levels of the XML-
Schema based definition of the HLD. Meta informa-
tion (MetaInf) are used to describe an equipment type
verbally. The other elements contain the formal de-
scription of the algorithmic HLD elements as intro-
duced in the previous sections.
2.4 Integration Concept
A machine or plant is mostly an assembly of equip-
ment of different vendors. Thus the diagnosis de-
scriptions have to integrate and extend descriptions
of aggregated equipments. Figure 3 gives an abstract
overview of assembled equipment element as consid-
ered in HLD descriptions.
Figure 3: High level elements of the HLD specification.
An equipment is described by a single HLD file. If it
contains other types of equipment then these are ref-
erenced as contexts (see also figure 2). It is possible
to define rules or Bayesian Networks, which contain
variables of the aggregated equipment contexts since
they are referenced by context paths to variables.
2.5 Wisas - A HLD Tool Chain
It is necessary to show, that the approach leads to
an efficient diagnosis, in order to gain attention and
acceptance by industrial companies. But it is also
necessary to show how various tools may downsize
the effort for creation and maintenance of the knowl-
edge bases. A tool chain is built in the WISA project,
which is called WISAS and which consists of follow-
ing components:
Editor. Involved industrial partners showed that
it is necessary to leave the vocabulary of AI tech-
nologies but to use the vocabulary of maintainers.
This language transformation is done by a graph-
ical editor component.
Validator. This component is necessary to support
creation of correct HLD files.
Interpreter. This is the reasoning component for
interpretation of HLD files.
Documentation generator. It is assumed that in-
dustrial companies want to provide written docu-
ments for diagnosis. This component is dedicated
to reach that goal.
Package management. There is a need to deliver a
bunch of HLD files for description of higher order
equipment. There may be complex dependencies,
which are handled by a package build tool and a
HLD repository maintenance tool, which may use
Internet connections.
Planning system integration. The last but yet un-
finished part of the project is to define adapters to
ERP and CMMS systems.
The initial problem to reduce the effort for creation
of knowledge bases for intelligent industrial diagno-
sis systems has been solved by a modularization of
the knowledge bases. It has been shown that the in-
dustrial relevance will only be reached if there will
be a standardization process. Therefore the project
WISA proposes a knowledge description language for
the special purpose of industrial diagnosis. A proto-
typical tool chain has additionally been developed in
order to find more acceptance at industrial companies.
There have been critical discussions about the ap-
proach especially if XML is the right base technology.
Some advantages as the possibilities to validate and
transform XML files has been higher rated than the
disadvantage of poor parsing performance compared
to special language parsers.
There are some open questions regarding time and
space complexity. These questions will be answered
until the end of the project in August 2008. Imple-
mentation of future HLD interpreters and editors will
benefit from using on-line data, which could be used
for automatic triggering a diagnosis process but also
for learning procedures for the Bayesian Networks.
Jensen, F. V. (1996). An introduction to Bayesian networks.
UCL Press Limited, London, 1st edition edition.
Norvig, P. (2004). Paradigms of artificial intelligence pro-
gramming: case studies in Common Lisp.
Pearl, J. (2000). CAUSALITY Models, Reasoning, and In-
ference. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1st
edition edition.
Russell, S. and Norvig, P. (2003). Artificial Intelligence: A
Modern Approach. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ, 2nd edition edition.
WISA - A Modular and Hybrid Expert System for Machine and Plant Diagnosis