Angela Carrillo-Ramos
, Marlène Villanova-Oliver
, Jérôme Gensel
Hervé Martin
and Miguel Torres
LIG Laboratory, STEAMER Team, 681 rue de la Passerelle, 38402 Saint Martin D’Hères, France
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, ISTAR Team, Carrera 7 No. 40 – 62, Bogotá, Colombia
Keywords: P2P systems, Agents, Query Routing, nomadic environment, adaptation.
Abstract: PUMAS is a framework based on agents and a Peer to Peer (P2P) approach, which allows nomadic users to
access several information sources through different types of devices (eventually mobile). PUMAS provide
the nomadic user with information adapted to her/his preferences and to the characteristics of the context of
use (i.e. location, connection moment, inherent characteristics of the access device). In order to deliver
adapted results, PUMAS relies on mechanisms for enriching the initial query, by means of adding criteria
based on user preferences and context of use. This phase of query enrichment precedes a query routing
process composed of three activities: the query analysis, the selection of sources that are able to answer to
the query and the redirection of the query towards these sources. We present the algorithms and the
knowledge managed by PUMAS agents in these activities and we illustrate the query routing process that
PUMAS executes in order to deliver adapted information.
Mobile Devices (MD) such as PDA, phones, laptops,
etc., are used to access distant information sources,
and are also used as information sources by
themselves. In this context, to guarantee access to
several information sources and to share these
resources among users, architectures and
technologies with high communicative potential are
required. This potential is one of the main
characteristics of Peer to Peer (P2P) systems.
The handling of queries that come from nomadic
users becomes an increasingly complex process
since the data that can satisfy the query can be held
by different information sources. Additionally to the
number of potential sources, the heterogeneity of the
source’s structure and access methods can be an
issue for their exploitation. Finally, it is difficult to
provide the user with the best-adapted information to
his needs and to the characteristics of her access
device. These issues give rise to the need to
previously analyze the queries, in order to identify
the sources that will give the most appropriate
answers to the query (this supposes that knowledge
about the information managed by each source is
available), then to evaluate and finally to integrate
the results. These activities correspond to a
traditional query routing process (Xu et al., 1999).
However, these activities do not consider explicitly
the adaptation of information. Our approach
addresses this issue and proposes a query enrichment
process, which comes upstream from the routing
process. This enrichment “augments” the initial
query by adding criteria that consider both user
preferences and context of use of the current session.
In our work, this context is composed of information
about the features of the MD, the location, the access
rights and the activities of the user (Carrillo, 2007).
This proposition of query enrichment is based on
several factors that can influence the routing (in the
sense that the sources are the addressees of the
queries and that they can change): i) Changes of the
user’s location can produce changes in terms of
access and information needs (Thilliez et al., 2004).
We believe that this aspect is also sometimes valid
when there is a device change; ii) User preferences
are context-aware (Carrillo, 2007). When the query
is submitted, all context changes involve potential
consequences on the query, and consequently on the
sources. iii) The technical constraints of the MD of a
nomadic user can give rise to problems of
information display, which are difficult to anticipate.
Carrillo-Ramos A., Villanova-Oliver M., Gensel J., Martin H. and Torres M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 125-130
DOI: 10.5220/0001513401250130
In order to considerate these factors, we propose
PUMAS (Peer Ubiquitous Multi-Agent System), an
agent based framework that aims at providing a
nomadic user with adapted information according to
her preferences and to the context of use. PUMAS
also offers means for questioning several sources,
which correspond to Information Systems (IS)
executed on servers, or simple files stored on other
MD. PUMAS agents perform the enrichment
mechanism of the initial query by adding criteria
taking into account this way both user preferences
and context of use. This phase of query enrichment
leads to a routing process.
In PUMAS, users communicate with each other
by means of a hybrid P2P architecture. We have
followed the recommendations of (Shizuka et al.,
2004) which consider that the use of Hybrid P2P
architectures is appropriated for: i) the prevention of
security problems related to agent mobility; ii) point
to point or broadcast communication among agents;
iii) management of agent state and provided services
(e.g., “connected”, “disconnected”, etc.). The main
characteristics of the hybrid P2P systems in PUMAS
are (Carrillo et al., 2005): i) a MD can communicate
with a specific IS by giving to the Router Agent (RA)
the ID of the required IS as a parameter in the query.
The RA then transmits the query to this IS
(communication from agent to agent).; ii) an agent is
autonomous to connect/disconnect from PUMAS
whenever the agent requires it.
PUMAS is composed of four Multi-Agent
Systems (MAS) in charge of connection,
communication, information sources management
and information adaptation. In a general way, the
MAS are similar to P2P systems in several points:
each agent is a peer in the sense that it can perform
its own tasks independently of the server and of the
other agents. P2P systems (Röhm et al., 2000) are
characterized by: i) direct communication among
peers without communication through a specific
server; ii) the autonomy of a peer for performing its
assigned tasks. Considering a P2P approach, a MAS
must represent the required knowledge for each
agent to perform the different roles that it can
assume (e.g., client, server) (Panti et al., 2002).
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
defines the query routing process in P2P systems.
Section 3 depicts a brief PUMAS framework
overview and is dedicated to the query routing
process in PUMAS. In particular, we present the
algorithms and the knowledge managed in the
activities of this process: the query analysis and its
redirection to the sources able to answer it. Finally,
we present the conclusion and future work.
(Xu et al., 1999) define query routing as a general
problem which is based on two main activities: i)
Query Evaluation using the most relevant sources,
and ii) Result integration of the data generated by
different sources. In order to perform these two
activities, several issues must be considered: i)
Source selection, which consists in the analysis of
the user’s query in order to determine the sources
that are able to fulfill the query. In order to resolve
this problem, the system must know the kind and
structure of the information managed by each
source; ii) Query Evaluation which is performed by
the sources selected at previous step. Since there can
be heterogeneous data representations among
different sources, the original query must be
translated into terms that the questioned sources can
understand; iii) Result Integration: since results can
be returned by different sources, they must be
integrated into a single one that will be returned to
the user.
In this paper, we focus on the first identified
problem (Source Selection). We have classified the
possible solutions to this problem into three main
categories: i) solutions that use a gathering of peers
for query answering, ii) those based on filters and
data matching between terms of a query and the data
of a source and, iii) those based on Trust and
Reputation strategies.
Considering the gathering of peers that are able
to answer to the query, (Brunkhorst et al., 2003)
propose to specify the peers associated to a super-
peer and the information managed by each peer
within the context of the P2P system based on
schemas. The super-peers form a small subset of
peers in which each peer has specific responsibilities
and the capability of gathering with others in order
to perform tasks such as query routing, mediation in
conflict resolution and teamwork. These authors
have defined a set of indexes necessary to perform
the query routing among the (super-)peers of the
system. (Kokkinidis et al., 2006) propose to gather
peers that share the same information schemas in
order to define plans for query answering in a
distributed way. In this proposal, the super-peers are
responsible for the query routing, and the peers are
responsible for handling the queries.
(Koloniari et al., 2004) define
query routing as a
mechanism for determining the location of nodes
containing documents, which can fulfill the query.
This location is based on a mechanism of document
and filter matching. The filters are specialized data
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
structures that gather general information of large
collections of documents, and which redirect the
queries only towards the nodes that contain relevant
information. Each node has two types of filters: the
local filter, which gathers general information of
documents that are stored locally in the node, and
the merged filters, which gather general information
of documents of the neighbor nodes. When a query
arrives to a node, this node verifies its local filter
and uses the merged filters in order to redirect the
query only towards the nodes whose filters
correspond to the query. (Xu et al., 1999) present
some strategies based on techniques of clustering for
the sources’ selection. These strategies are achieved
in two steps: i) construction of knowledge about the
sources that compose each cluster and about
information managed by each one. ii) Ranking of
sources: the position of each source in the ranking is
determined considering the total of the matching
scores obtained by the clusters to which the source
belongs and the clusters‘ size.
In order to optimize the query routing process,
(Agostini et al., 2004) propose to use several metrics
related to: the reliability of the sources, their
capabilities to satisfy the user’s information needs
and their reliability for delivering information to
users. Agostini et al. propose a strategy of Trust and
Reputation allowing the selection of peers that are
able to answer the query. The trust assigned to an
agent is the degree of security estimated regarding
the quality of its answers. Trust is based on its
reputation. The reputation of an agent is the opinion
that other agents have about it; this opinion is
obtained considering the results provided by an
agent to previous inquiries and additional criteria
such as the time taken to answer, the exhaustiveness
of the answers, the relevance of the answers, etc.
Reputation is a value in a qualitative or quantitative
scale calculated by each agent. A system of peer
reputation compiles, distributes and manages
information about previous behaviors of peers. The
strategy of Trust and Reputation proposed by
Agostini et al. is based on the following process: a
component named “seeker” selects the peers that are
able to answer to the query Q with the highest
probability considering established criteria (e.g. first
to answer, quickest to answer, most reliable answer,
most trusted peer, etc.). In order to decide, the seeker
creates and manages a list <p
, p
> of trusted
peers for sending the query. The list is sorted using a
decreasing trust level. The seeker’s strategy to
answer to a query is as follows: first, the seeker asks
, then p
, and so on, until it receives relevant
answers based on the established criteria. It is
important to notice that the list of trusted peers can
evolve in time.
In a nomadic environment, information required
by a user can evolve in function of the context of
use. For example, a user can ask for a list of
restaurants and for getting those located in the street
where she is and which are open at the time she
formulates the query. The techniques of query
routing presented previously do not allow the
management of this kind of context evolution. The
following section presents PUMAS, a framework,
which considers these aspects by means of
enrichment mechanisms of the initial query in order
to adapt information to the user.
During an information search process in nomadic
environments, a user can be confronted with several
problems. One can mention: i) access problems
related to the characteristics of networks and of the
user’s MD; ii) a lack of adaptation of the results
considering user’s characteristics and preferences,
and technical constraints of the user’s MD; iii) a lack
of mechanisms for searching distributed information
on several sources and devices (servers or MD). In
order to resolve these problems, we have proposed
PUMAS, a framework based on agents, which
provides nomadic users with information adapted to
their characteristics and those of their MD. PUMAS
also provides means of interrogating several sources
(e.g. Information Systems, IS). In the remainder of
this paper, we focus on the querying of sources of IS
type. The PUMAS’ architecture is composed of four
MAS (their complete description are given in
(Carrillo, 2007)): i) The Connection MAS provides
mechanisms for facilitating the connection of
different types of MD to different IS. ii) The
Communication MAS assures transparent
communication between the users’ MD and the
system, and applies a display filter (with the help of
Adaptation MAS agents) in order to present
information in an adapted way, considering the
technical constraints of the MD. iii) The Information
MAS receives queries from users, redirects them to
the IS that are able to answer them, applies a content
filter (with the help of Adaptation MAS agents),
considering the user profile, and returns the results
to the Communication MAS. iv) The Adaptation
MAS communicates with agents of the three other
MAS in order to exchange information about user,
connection, MD and communication features, etc
In this paper, we focus on the algorithms and the
knowledge managed for the query routing process in
PUMAS, achieved by the Router Agents (RA) which
receive enriched queries. These activities are
inspired of the work of (Xu et al., 1999). When a RA
receives a query, this agent can send it to a specific
or several ISAgents (belonging to the Information
MAS), or it can split the query in sub-queries which
are sent to one or several ISAgents.
(assert (IS
(name PharmacyIS)
(agentID PharmacyISA)
(device server)
(locationD "North Hospital")
(information_items "patient
medicines" "dose" “medicines")))
Figure 1: IS Representation: Class and Fact.
The first activity of the query routing process is the
query analysis. In this activity, the RA analyzes the
complexity of the query and classifies it in “simple
(if it can be processed by only one ISAgent) or
complex” (if several ISAgents are required to
process it). In this case, this activity will split the
query in sub-queries. This analysis is based on the
facts related to the IS, stored in a knowledge base
managed by the RA. A fact is a knowledge piece
which describes a real world element. In order to
clarify its definition, we also show its representation
as a UML classe (see Figure 1). The RA also
analyzes the adaptation criteria of a query (e.g.,
location, user activities), the list of the addressees of
a query, etc. After this analysis, the RA decides if it
must split the query in sub-queries. Let us suppose
for example that a doctor wants to consult the results
of the medical analysis of a patient, her diet and her
prescribed medicines. We suppose that no IS can
completely answer this query. This query is
identified as “complex”, and is therefore split by the
RA in three sub-queries, concerning respectively
medical analysis”, “diet” and “prescribed
medicines”. Such a division is based on the stored
knowledge obtained by the RA regarding the
managed information by the different IS as a JESS
fact (see Figure 1).
In order to split the query, the RA identifies the
query items [item
, item
... item
]. In our example,
corresponds to “medical analysis”, item
diet” and item
to “prescribed medicines”. Then,
this agent searches for the IS which manage an
equivalent item. Two items are “equivalent” if they
are semantically equals (i.e., if both items have the
same meaning) or are equal syntactically (e.g.,
equality in strings of characters). The applications’
designers define the equivalence relationship. They
also implement our Matching Algorithm. This
algorithm generates an Information System List (ISL)
containing tuples (IS, <items managed by the IS>):
(1) Initialize ISL answering particularly to the query (ISL)
(2) nISÅ 0 ;
(3) iÅ 1 ; // index of the items of the query
(4) While i [1, n] do // index of the items of the query
(5) jÅ 1 ; // index of the IS
(6) While j [1, s] do // index of the IS known by the
(7) mÅ 0 ; // index of the information items of
(8) While m < size (list of info items managed
by IS
) do
(9) If Compare (item
by IS
) then
(10) nIS Å nIS +1 ;
, <item
>) ;
(12) End If
(13) m Å m + 1 ;
(14) End While
(15) j Å j + 1 ;
(16) End While
(17) i Å i + 1 ;
(18) End While
(19) If nIS is equals to 0 then
(20) query_type Å "without answer"
(21) else
(22) sidÅ countDifferent (ISL) ;
(23) If sid is equals to 1 then
(24) query_type Å "simple"
(25) else // sid is upper to 1
(26) query_type Å "complex"
(27) End If
(28) End If
(29) ISL Å Compact(ISL)
First, the ISL is empty (see line (1)). Then, the
variable nIS (containing the number of IS managing
the equivalent items to those of the query, see line
(2)), is initialized. For each item of the query (item
with i [1, n], lines (3) to (18)), it searches the IS
with j [1, s]) which manage information items
equivalents to the analyzed one. The “Compare
method verifies the equivalence of the items (see
line (9)). If they are equivalent, the algorithm
increases the variable nIS, and adds into the ISL a
tuple whose first term corresponds to an IS
and the
second one corresponds to the analyzed item (see
lines (10) and (11)). When all the query items have
been analyzed, the algorithm verifies the value of
nIS (see lines (19) to (27)). If this value is zero, it
means that there is no IS able to manage equivalent
items from the query. In this case, the query is
tagged as “simple”. In the other case, the algorithm
analyzes the ISL in order to know the number of
different IS which manage items equivalent to those
of the query, in order to characterize the query as
"complex". This number is calculated using the
+ name: String
+ Agent ID: String
+ Device: String
+ locationD: String
+ Information_items: List
+ name: String
+ Agent ID: String
+ Device: String
+ locationD: String
+ Information_items: List
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
"countDifferent" method (see line (22)). Finally, the
algorithm uses the "Compact" method which leaves
in the ISL only one tuple associated for each IS. The
second term of this tuple corresponds to all the query
items managed by the IS. We illustrate the
countDifferent” and “Compact” methods in order to
clarify them: Let us suppose that the RA has
identified items: i
, i
, i
, i
and i
, and it knows the
following IS: IS
, IS
, IS
, IS
, IS
and IS
. After the
items’ comparison (see lines (4) to (19)), we suppose
that the ISL is composed of the following tuples:
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
>) (IS
, <i
The “countDifferent” method will return the value 4
because only IS
, IS
, IS
and IS
appear in the
tuples. The “Compact” method leaves only one tuple
for each IS. That is:
(IS1, <i1, i2, i3, i5>) (IS3, <i1, i2, i3, i5 >)
(IS4, <i2, i4, i5 >) (IS5, <i1, i2, i4, i5>)
Following the algorithm, we can conclude that the
query is “complex” and the ISL is composed of:
(PharmacyIS, <"prescribed medicines">)
(NutritionistIS, <"diet">)
(MedicalAnalysisLaboratory, <"medical analysis">)
An item of the query can be managed by several IS,
then it is necessary to select the most appropriated IS
for answering them. The second activity corresponds
to the selection of the IS. In this activity, a query can
be rerouted towards a specific agent or towards a
group of agents. If the addressees of a query are
known, the selection is relatively easy. Otherwise,
the RA selects the IS and composes the network of
neighbors (considering the ISL produced during the
previous activity). This process is based on the ideas
of (Yang et al., 2004) who propose an information
retrieval process in non structured P2P systems,
where each node has a data collection shared with
other nodes. When a user submits a query, her
corresponding node becomes the sender of the query
and it can send messages (including the query) to
several of its neighbors. When a neighbor receives
the query, it handles the query using first its local
information. If the node finds some results, it returns
them to the sender node. In our proposal, a peer is
named “neighbor” of other peers, if it satisfies a set
of characteristics (criteria defined in the user
preferences) such as a close location, similar
activities, roles, knowledge, colleagues working in
the same group, etc. However, characteristics are not
restricted to proximity criteria.
Since several agents can answer to the same query,
the network of neighbors can be composed of these
agents. This gathering is useful when the RA does
not have any information about the IS or when it is
the first time that this agent works with the
neighbors. In order to avoid useless, redundant or
unusable communications, and to select the most
relevant neighbors, the RA applies query’s
adaptation criteria. For example, if the criterion is
location, the network is composed of the close
neighbors; if the user queries depend on his previous
queries, the RA must redirect them to the trusted
neighbors; if there is no criterion defined, the RA
analyzes the trust level of its neighbors. The RA
associates a trust level to each neighbor, based on
previous answers applying the Trust and Reputation
strategy proposed by (Agostini et al., 2004) (see
section 2). If a query has been split in several sub-
queries in the analysis activity, the RA analyzes the
agents that can answer to each sub-query and these
agents compose the network. For each sub-query, it
is necessary to select the IS that are able to answer.
Finally, the
network is composed of the aggregation
of the different generated sub-networks for each sub-
query. The RA considers the ISL produced in the
analysis activity. In our example, this agent selects
the PharmacyIS, the one of the Medical Analysis
Laboratory and the one of the Nutritionists. These IS
are the only ones able to answer to each one of the
three sub-queries. These sub-queries are sent to the
corresponding ISAgents. We give below the example
of the sub-query Query
produced by the IS of the
medical analysis laboratory where the ISAgent is
named MedicalAnalysisLaboratoryISA (see Figure
2)). According to an equivalent principle, Query
and Query
will be sent respectively to the agents
NutritionistISA of the NutritionistIS and the
PharmacyISA of the PharmacyIS.
(assert (Query (QueryID Query1)
(UserID “Doctor John Smith”)
(ISA MedicalAnalysisLaboratoryISA”)
(IS “MedicalAnalysisLaboratoryIS”)
(required_info “Medical
(parameters “patient name” “date”)))
Figure 2: Query Representation: Fact and Class.
The third activity is the redirection of queries to the
IS. In this activity, once the RA has identified the
potential IS (neighbors), it must analyze the trust
level associated to each one of them, to determine a
query’s redirection protocol. This information about
trust level can be unavailable, if it is the first time
that the RA executes this query or that it works with
these IS. In the same way, the trust levels of the
neighbors can be similar. In these conditions
+ QueryID: String
+ UserID: String
+ ISA: String
+ IS: String
+ required_info: List
+ parameters: List
+ QueryID: String
+ UserID: String
+ ISA: String
+ IS: String
+ required_info: List
+ parameters: List
(absence of established trust), the RA sends the
query in “broadcast”. When the RA has information
exploitable in terms of trust, it redirects the query in
a sequential way, beginning by the most trusted
agent. The answer to the query will be the one
generated by the first agent that fulfills it. If the RA
does not receive any answer, the user will be
informed about it. If the RA only knows the
neighbors able to answer the sub-queries (query
, …,
), the RA sends directly the sub-queries to
these neighbors. In our example, the RA sends
to the MedicalAnalysisLaboratoryISA,
to the NutritionistISA and Query
to the
PharmacyISA. The RA must collect and classify the
obtained answers from the different agents and
select the most relevant ones considering established
adaptation criteria. The scenarios that present the
sending and enrichment of query and the reception
of results can be found in (Carrillo et al., 2005).
When a user formulates queries, the results can
come from different Information Sources (IS). In
this paper, we have defined a query routing process
as a mechanism which analyzes the query, and
performs a matching (semantic or syntactic) between
query’s items and IS’ items. This matching is
achieved in order to select the IS able to answer to
user queries. After identifying items and the
recognition of the IS that are able to manage
equivalent items, this process splits the query. A
Router Agent considers adaptation criteria provided
by the user (e.g. location, user’s activities,
preferences) in order to choose the most
appropriated IS for answering the query. Finally, this
process must collect and classify the query results.
We have illustrated the query routing process by
means of an example implying the different IS of a
hospital in which a doctor asks for information about
the prescribed medicines, the medical analysis and
the diet of a patient. Our future work aims the
definition of an algorithm for the collection and
analysis of results coming from one or several IS.
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies