Isabel Cuadrado Gordillo and Inmaculada Fernández Antelo
Department of Psychology and Anthropology, University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain
Keywords: Curricular materials, ICTs, educational multimedia.
Abstract: The design of multimedia materials adopted in our proposal is based on a constructivist centred approach in
providing the children with mediated learning experiences that foster the acquisition of strategies and the
self-regulation of their learning process. To this end, we use the figure of a mascot who acts as their guide in
resolving tasks set them in language, mathematics, and environmental knowledge. The guidance is not
limited to telling them that their answer is right or wrong, but attempts to get them to reflect on the
procedures they applied, the mistakes they might have made, the relationships that have to be established
between the different concepts involved in the problem, the cognitive strategies they have to put into effect
to complete the task, etc. This design is wrapped in a series of adventure games matching the centres of
interest shown by children according to their age.
This presentation forms part of a Research Project
centred on the design and production of multimedia
educational materials targeted at the content of
Language, Environmental Knowledge, and
Mathematics in Primary Education. The materials
provide a new way to work on these curricular areas
from a threefold perspective – interactivity,
flexibility, and adaptation to the individual needs of
each child. Its design therefore moves away from the
behaviourist approaches and the types of
programmed education that still characterize most
educational software for working on school-level
content. It also moves away from the design
followed in the simulation and microworld programs
proposed by Papert (1981) in not requiring the
pupils to have any prior knowledge of programming
in order to interact with the program, and in
fostering the social aspect of learning through
collaborative activities. For this last objective, the
activities are situated on virtual platforms that enable
simultaneous access for sharing and discussing the
content and how to execute the program. Our
proposal is centred on providing the children with
mediated learning experiences that foster the
acquisition of strategies and the self-regulation of
their learning process.
The design is implemented in a scenario that is
attractive and close to the pupils – a Natural Park, in
this case, Monfragüe. Wrapping the activities in a
series of adventure games matched to the interest
centres shown by children according to their age
allows the pupils on the one hand to get to know the
flora and fauna inhabiting this environment, and on
the other motivates and involves them in their
The method followed in preparing and presenting
the tasks for the pupils to do is based on three core
The design of a game for each block of content
in which to insert the activities for the pupils to
do. These games set the children different
challenges, for example, to rescue a princess
from the castle, to prevent fires in a natural
park, to repopulate with trout a river where
animals threatened with extinction feed, etc. In
this way, besides working on certain attitudes
related to coexisting with and respecting nature,
we arouse the pupil's curiosity and interest in
the tasks to be done. To meet these challenges,
the pupils are proposed a variable number of
Cuadrado Gordillo I. and Fernández Antelo I. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 443-447
DOI: 10.5220/0001513904430447
tests that will require them to resolve activities
corresponding to material in mathematics,
language, or environmental knowledge (Amory,
2001; Amory, Naicker, Vincent & Adams,
Story Construction. The objective is for the
child to imagine existing and potential
relationships between different parts of reality.
It involves the need to connect facts and
situations with objects and their contexts, and
this requires constructing meanings. Stories give
us a better understanding than simple abstract
presentations (Brown, 2007).
The stories that we present are diverse, and we
believe that this is the natural way to construct,
explore, and solve learning tasks. But they
always require a context. The objects and facts
that will make up the stories need to be put into
context, in this case, therefore, by reference to
the Monfragüe Natural Park. Consequently,
describing the context of a Natural Park
involves re-assessing its role in learning (an
essential activity of environmental education).
The Use of Mascots (a stork, a boy, a forest
warden, a princess), at different levels of
difficulty, as a means of interaction with the
pupil. They also constitute a highly motivating
element, and provide pupils with clues to
reflection when their cognitive processes fail.
Matching these tasks to the pupils' educational needs
led us to include a series of measures targeted at
specific deficiencies or impairments. To deal with
the case of pupils with a hearing disability, all the
activities and hints to help with their resolution
appear in text on the screen. For the case of visually
impaired pupils, besides the activities and hints
being presented as speech, we designed a tool that
allows them to increase the size of the elements that
appear on the screen. Finally, for the case of pupils
with a mental deficiency or a marked lag in
maturing, the same activities can be presented at one
of three different difficulty levels. In this way, a
priori there is the sensation that all the pupils are
working on the same activity, because the statement
of their activity and the photographs, videos, and
characters making up the story on their screens are
the same. However, the resolution of the activity
will in some cases involve more complex cognitive
strategies and greater previous knowledge than in
other cases. Thus, for example, in the area of
mathematics, and specifically in the content block of
addition and subtraction, in Level I the addition
problem requires operations that do not exceed the
tens and requires no application of the concept of
carrying. In Level II, this same problem will be of a
combinatorial type using up to the thousands and
involving carrying. In Level III, as well as the
application of carrying and increasing the units to
the tens or hundreds of thousands, the problem
statement may be put in the form of a comparison,
which requires a greater capacity of understanding
and decoding than the previous cases.
The activities included in each thematic block
deal firstly with knowledge of a natural
environment and some of the elements to be
found in it, and secondly with a situation
invented to generate in the child the need to
solve the problem or activity. In as much as the
activity arouses the pupils' curiosity and shows
itself to be relevant and useful in fields that are
of interest to them, it will increase their
willingness to take a real part in carrying it out.
All the activities are based on problem-solving.
The idea is not for the child to learn a set of
formulas or concepts and be able to reproduce
them faithfully, but rather to be able to apply that
knowledge to real specific cases, that are, in so
far as is possible, close to his or her sociocultural
context (Cuadrado & Fernández, 2006). For
example, it does not interest us whether or not
the child knows the classification of the animals
or plants by memory, but that, after the
presentation of some of these elements which are
presumably going to be familiar, he or she
knows how to classify them by observing and
analyzing their characteristics.
The level of complexity of the activities included
in each level of each block is increased
progressively. I.e., we work on some concept in
the first activities. After the resolution of these,
we assume that this concept has been assimilated
and propose activities that work on a new
concept related to the former one. In this way,
besides progress in the learning process, we try
to establish conceptual relationships between
elements of the content being presented and to
show their continuity. For example, we first
approach addition without carrying, and then
later progress to addition with carrying. Or we
first work on multiplication by a single figure, to
later increase the number of figures and
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
progressively introduce the properties of
At each level, the pupils work with concepts
from the previous level by way of review. In this
way, we facilitate the establishment of cognitive
bridges between what they already know and the
new content.
The dynamics of solving the different problems
is open to different strategies that the child might
use. I.e., one does not oblige the child to follow a
certain path to do the activity, but makes almost
all the possible ways of solving a problem
available for the child to choose the one that is
best adapted to his or her thinking. This involves
including all the variants consistent with
resolving some given exercise, from the more
pictorial to the more algebraic or abstract, or
from those in which the pupil chooses to first
construct a conceptual map and then to use its
content to solve the task, to those in which the
pupil decides to answer the questions directly.
But in addition, the design of these materials
allows the child to choose even a path that does
not lead to a satisfactory or correct resolution of
the task. Sometimes one needs to make mistakes
to detect which conceptual relationships remain
to be established, what previous knowledge was
wrong or incomplete, etc. Experimentation
fosters the awareness of the steps or procedures
to follow that are best suited to each type of
activity, and this is only achieved by designing
materials that allow a path to be followed that
does not necessarily lead to the correct answer
(Cuadrado & Fernández, 2003).
Solving the problems or tasks is doubly
motivating. On the one hand, each problem
forms part of the general dynamics of a game (a
different game for each block of content) in
which the child must solve the problem to
continue playing (Amory, 2001). And on the
other, the game represents an accessible
challenge for the pupils, creating in them the
desire to continue to the end to see the result of
their small achievements, such as, for example,
seeing the utility of having created a fire-break
when a fire occurs, saving a princess thanks to
obtaining the ingredients needed to make the
magic potion, etc. Also, the dynamics of the
presentation of each game offers the opportunity
to see, from photos or videos, the components of
the problem. For example, in an activity in
which the question is how many rabbits are
needed to feed the colony of Eurasian black
vultures in Monfragüe, the pupils can access the
photo, the video, or the technical information
page of both the rabbit and the vulture.
In the mascots' presentation of the activities, the
text on the screen includes words in red. These
are words that we understand may be difficult to
understand at that level. Therefore, clicking on
them or simply hovering the cursor over them
brings up a text box clarifying their meaning.
Apart from the form and external structure
characterizing the design of these activities, the main
educational contribution of these materials is in their
commitment to meaningful learning in the context of
Vygotsky's zone of proximal development. In this
sense, each activity is accompanied by a series of
hints that are activated when the pupil makes a
mistake. Their purpose is to elicit the pupil's
metacognitive awareness by indicating which is the
mistake detected, why it is considered to be a
mistake, and inciting reflection on which strategies
or procedures should be used to correct this error
and finish the task (Teong, 2002). This involves
foreseeing the possible mistakes that the pupils may
make during the activity, and providing for each of
them the relationship of the given information with
the pupils' prior knowledge. In the case of a
successful response also, this type of relationship is
established in order to eliminate the effects of
chance and to explain to the pupil why the given
answer is correct and what part of his or her prior
knowledge is related to it.
Therefore, whether the pupil's response is right
or wrong, the mascot is not limited to saying just
this, or, when called for, to replacing these visual
messages with a variety of sounds and animations
aimed at capturing the child's attention.
Instead, firstly it will guide the learning process
by attempting to get the pupil to fix on the data that
are provided in the problem. To this end, it will
ensure that the pupil has read the problem
comprehensively, and understands what is asked, by
means of a series of questions that vary according to
the data involved.
Secondly, it will check the child's degree of
understanding of a certain concept or item of
curricular content. If the pupil has answered
correctly, the mascot relates the given answer to
other content to explain why this answer is
considered valid. If the answer was wrong, the
mascot will go back to earlier concepts to check the
child's previous knowledge and then relate that
knowledge to the content and activities now being
presented. Nonetheless, this does not imply
relegating the teacher to a background role or
replacing him or her by a mascot or program
computer. Neither does it imply encouraging the
pupil's solitary learning (Crook, 1998). The design
of these activities strengthens the teacher's role of
guide fostering the pupil's self-regulation of their
learning. The teacher constantly selects, organizes,
orients, adjusts, and graduates the aid that the
children need to overcome the difficulties and
obstacles that they come across. The computer
material is just one more educational medium that
the teacher has available.
Figure 1: Process of the interaction in the correction of
And thirdly, the pupil is presented with activities of
progressive difficulty specifically aimed at dealing
with the conceptual and procedural errors that he or
she has made previously. With respect to the
concepts, the material covers all the content in the
primary education curriculum, working
simultaneously on aspects of language, mathematics,
and environmental knowledge. For example, the
solution of a geometry problem includes topics
related to the knowledge of certain characteristics of
plants, the popular traditions of a zone, the birth
indices of an animal species, reading
comprehension, spelling, and written expression, as
well as the purely mathematical topics related to
geometry such as quadrilaterals.
With respect to procedures, the activities are
designed to offer the pupil different paths to the
solution. I.e., the task can be completed by applying
a procedure that the pupil knows well, or considers
most suitable or easiest, etc. The guidance given by
the mascot in this sense is directed on the one hand
towards the use of those procedures that best match
the knowledge that the child has been found to have,
and on the other towards the characteristics of the
task. In sum, the mascot's guidance is aimed at the
acquisition of strategic behaviour.
With respect to the block dealing with attitudes,
these are present in all the statements of the
activities, in the design of the games, and in a large
part of the indications given by the mascot,
independently of the area of knowledge that is being
worked on.
The reasons making it possible for these digital
multimedia materials to be available for the next
school year in all the classrooms of Extremadura are
many and various:
- The fact of covering most of the primary
education curricular content in the areas of
Language, Mathematics, and Environmental
- The treatment given to the material, as well as
the psychopædagogical approach underlying it.
- Its flexibility and capacity for adjustment to the
real-time educational needs presented by the
pupils and the school in general (Gértrudix,
Gálvez de la Cuesta, Álvarez & Galisteo del
Valle, 2007).
- Two basic aspects of the current reality of the
technological infrastructure of Extremadura: the
existence in all Extremadura's schools of a
computer for every two pupils, and the
possibility of using an intranet and a set of
virtual platforms capable of allowing the entire
educational community network access to the
- The support and interest of the Board of
Education of the Extremadura Local
Government as materialized in the concession of
a major budgetary allowance for computerization
of the Region's education system.
But the utility and dissemination of this material go
beyond their presence in Extremadura's classrooms.
Open and free access to it on the Web make it
Aids in the correction
of activities
No Yes
Reinforcement of
the treated concept
General indication that promotes the
reflection of the treated concept
Persists the error?
Explanation of markers that
demonstrate the contradictions
of the given answer
Persists the error?
The mascot solves to the answer indicating the
markers that help to detect the error
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
possible for teachers all over the world to work with
their pupils in a constructive, interactive, dynamic,
and attractive way on the curricular content that it
The challenge now is to train the teachers in the
use of digital materials stored and distributed on
digital networks. Nevertheless, according to
statements made by teachers themselves, this
training should not be centred on the acquisition of
technical knowledge, but on the knowledge of the
educational implications and psychopedagogical
foundations deriving from the design and use of the
different digital materials that are available.
Teachers need to identify the skills, abilities, and
strategies fostered by the multimedia materials that
they work with in their classrooms, the difficulties
that their pupils will come across, and the other
educational instruments they will need to use to
overcome the deficiencies or to enhance the
strengths of the digital materials that they work with.
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