L. Rocha, A. Pereira, F. Mour˜ao, A. Silva, W. Meira Jr.
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
P. Goes
School of Business, University of Connecticut, U.S.A.
Online auctions, e-business, temporal evolution, bidding behavior, reactivity.
Online auctions have become a major e-commerce strategy in terms of both number, diversity of participants
and revenue. Recent research has characterized online auctions as synchronous interactive computer systems,
considering successive interactions as a “loop feedback” mechanism, called reactivity, where the user behavior
affects the system behavior and vice-versa. Although some factors that explain user behavior in terms of
instantaneous bidding conditions are identified by previous research, there has been no effort to study how
bidders’ behavior changes over time. This work presents a longitudinal analysis of bidding behavior over a
series of auctions. The results show bidding behavior evolves over time and these changes are not random. The
identifiable evolution patterns can be partially explained by the presence of instantaneous reactivity patterns
that bidders experience throughout the series of auctions they participate. Bidders learn from these reactivity
instances and adapt their future participation.
Online auctions are becoming a major electronic com-
merce strategy in terms of both number and diver-
sity of participants and revenue. Some recent stud-
ies, which we are going to discuss in this paper, have
considered online auctions as synchronous interactive
computer systems, that is, systems with which users
interact continuously, getting and providing informa-
tion. For example, users interact through their bids
while competing for an item, waiting to see how the
auction evolves, or giving up.
These studies consider interactions within an auc-
tion as a sequence, where successive interactions be-
come a loop feedback” mechanism, called reactiv-
ity, where the user behavior affects the system behav-
ior and vice-versa. These papers describe a charac-
terization methodology for online auctions, consider-
ing reactivity. By concentrating on relevant periods
of bidding activity, they capture some important at-
tributes that characterize reactivity and use them to
identify auction negotiation patterns as well as bid-
ding behavior. Although they identify some factors
that lead a user to behave as observed in terms of
instantaneous surrounding conditions they have not
studied bidders’ behavior evolution over time. We ex-
pect the user’s interactions with the system to evolve
due to change in objectives but more importantly, due
to learning that takes place. With participation comes
acquired knowledge that can directly impact the bid-
der’s future bidding strategy.
In this paper we present a longitudinal analysis of
bidding behavior considering reactivity. We focus on
how the bidding behavior exhibited by auction partici-
pants evolvesover time reflected in the bidder-auction
interactions. In this context, there are some important
questions we want to investigate:
1. Are there changes in the bidding behavior over
time? What are these changes?
2. Are these random changes? Are there trends?
3. Does reactivity affect these changes over time?
In order to answer these questions we develop a
model of bidding evolution behavior and use a real
case study of eBay. This work is based on previous
works (Pereira et al., 2007b; Pereira et al., 2007c;
Pereira et al., 2007a).
Our analysis and results have wide applicabil-
ity for activities such as defining seller’s strategies,
calibrating economic models of bidding, designing
decision-support (Brown et al., 2005) and simulating
Rocha L., Pereira A., Mourão F., Silva A., Meira Jr. W. and Goes P. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 423-430
DOI: 10.5220/0001515204230430
In this section we first discuss previous research re-
lated to temporal evolution in other contexts such as
social networks. Then, we present some traditional
work of characterization of online auctions and bid-
ding behavior. Finally we show some studies of char-
acterization of reactivity in online auctions.
A social network consists of people who interact
in some way such as members of online communi-
ties sharing information via the WWW. To learn more
about how to facilitate community building, e.g., in
organizations, it is important to analyze the interac-
tion behavior of their members over time (Falkowski
et al., 2006). This paper proposes two approaches
to analyze the evolution of two different types of on-
line communities on the level of subgroups: The first
method consists of statistical analysis and visualiza-
tions that allow for an interactive analysis of subgroup
evolutions in communities that exhibit a rather mem-
bership structure. The second method is designed for
the detection of communities in an environment with
highly fluctuating members. For both methods, the
authors discuss results of experiments with real data
from an online student community.
In another context, with the rapid development
of e-commerce, the topic of mining and predicting
users’ navigation patterns has attracted significant at-
tention due to applications such as personalized ser-
vices in E-commerce (Tseng et al., 2006). Although
a number of studies have been done on this topic, few
of them take into account the temporal properties of
web user’s navigation patterns. This work proposes a
novelmethod named Temporal N-Gram for construct-
ing prediction models of Web user navigation by con-
sidering the temporality aspects.
Menasc´e and Akula have several works in char-
acterization of online auctions. (Menasc´e and Akula,
2003) provides a workload characterization of auction
sites including a multi-scale analysis of auction traffic
and bid activity within auctions, a closing time anal-
ysis in terms of number of bids and price variation
within auctions, some analysis of the auction winner
and unique bidder. In this work they use data from Ya-
hoo! Auctions site (Auctions, 2003) and present some
interesting overall conclusions about online auctions.
In (Akula and Menasc´e, 2007) they present a two-
level (site and user level) workload characterization
of a real online auction site.
There are some studies on bidding behavior anal-
ysis. Using data from ubid.com, Bapna et al. (Bapna
et al., 2004) develop a cluster analysis approach to
classify online bidders into ve categories: early
evaluators, middle evaluators, opportunists, sip-and-
dippers, and participators. Moreover, they argue that
bidders pursue different bidding strategies that real-
ize different chances of winning and different levels
of consumer surplus. However, these studies are still
limited regarding how they explain bidding behavior
over the entire sequence of bids, as opposed to simply
outcome summaries (e.g., final prices, and number of
bids) in an auction (Ariely and Simonson, 2003).
Our work is fundamentally different in the sense
that we start from the fact that the bidder’s behavior
changes across time and auctions, motivating us to
understand the intra-auction interactions, that is, the
factors that characterize the auction negotiation. We
believethat it is the knowledge acquired in these intra-
auction interactions that affect the bidder, who then
adapts his/her behavior in the subsequent auctions.
This section briefly describes the characterization
methodology presented in (Pereira et al., 2007b),
showing a real case study of online auctions (Pereira
et al., 2007c; Pereira et al., 2007a), that is the basis for
our work. First we describe the dataset for this case
The dataset consists of 8855 eBay auctions com-
prising 85803 bids for Nintendo GameCubes from
05/25/2005 to 08/15/2005. eBay (Bajari and Hor-
tacsu, 2003; EBay, 2007) employs a complex mecha-
nism of second price auction, hidden winner, and hard
auction closing. Because of its inherent complexity,
we find it provides a good online auction environment
to demonstrate the applicability of the characteriza-
tion models and later, to show the evolution of bid-
ding behavior over time. From the original dataset,
we consider auctions that achieve success (selling the
item) that represent 75.7% of the dataset.
3.1 Auction Representation
This section presents the basic components of the
hierarchical model and characterization methodol-
ogy (Pereira et al., 2007b). The premise of the charac-
terization is to capture the relevant information about
the auction negotiation features to understand its dy-
namics. These criteria analyze the auction at various
levels of granularity and are organized as a hierarchy.
Reactivity can be defined in the context of agents
who react to events through actions thus affecting the
state of the system. In online auctions, agents are bid-
ders, their actions are their bids, and events are bids
from other bidders, which change the auction nego-
tiation state. In online auctions, there are two fun-
damental concepts that play roles in analyzing reac-
tivity: activity and synchronicity. As a consequence
of the auctions’ long duration and the bidders’ habits
in terms of how frequently they check an auction in
which they are participating, it is possible to observe
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Description of Auction Model Hierarchy.
Starting Price The minimum bid value previously set by the seller for the auction negotiation.
Duration The auction negotiation duration.
Seller The owner of the auction.
Initial (I) The first sequence of the auction.
Intermediary (M) An intermediary sequence of the auction.
Final (F) The last sequence of the auction.
No competition (N) Does not present competition, only one bidder’s session.
Sequence Competition Successive competition (S) There is a competition, but no overlap between bidders’ actions.
Zigzag competition (Z) Characterizes a more direct competition, where two or more bidders compete with each other in
more than one time.
Winner’s Impact
Do not change winner (w) The sequence does not change the last winner bidder.
Change winner (W) The sequence changes the last winner bidder.
One (O) Has just one bid.
More (M) Has more than one bid.
Non-Trigger (t) Does not initiate the sequence’s activity.
Trigger (T) Initiates the sequence’s activity .
Non-Recurrent (r) The session is from a bidder who has not bid before in this auction.
Recurrent (R) The session is from a bidder who has already bid in this auction.
Winner’s Impact
Do not change winner (w) The session does not change the last winner bidder.
Change winner (W) The session changes the last winner bidder.
Time The time that each bid is placed during auction negotiation.
Price The bid value.
Bidder The participant who places this bid.
that online auctions present long periods of inactivity,
during which no bids are submitted.
They propose a four-level characterization: bid,
session, sequence, and auction, as shown in Table 1.
The bid is the finest grain level, representing the bid-
der’s action. It is characterizedby the time it is placed,
the bid value, and the bidder. A session is a group
of one or more bids from the same bidder, in which
the time interval between any two consecutive bids is
below a threshold θ
. The session attributes are in-
tended to capture the reactivity the bidder exhibited
towards the auction within the defined session inter-
val: number of bids placed, the existence of compe-
tition, if the session impacted the sequence it is in-
serted in, and if the bidder is a recurrent one from
previous sessions. The sequence is a set of one or
more sessions, where the inactivity period between
two consecutive sessions is below a threshold θ
They quantify the following sequence attributes that
are related to reactivity: the time locality in terms of
overall auction span, the amount of competition and
whether the sequence resulted in a winner change.
The auction is composed of one or more sequences.
The eBay auctions from this case study have a
small average number of sessions per sequence, just
1.53, since it is common to find one or more se-
quences with just one session in all auctions. On
the other hand, the average number of sequences per
auction shows that the dynamics of the negotiation
is rich, which motivates their analysis. Another as-
pect they analyze is the active and inactive times of
the auctions. The active time is the total time during
which the auction has activity, that is the sum of the
sequence times. They expected a short active time per
auction, since there are usually long intervals between
sets of bids, but an active time of just 1.72% is much
lower than their initial expectation. This motivates
the auction representation they provide through their
hierarchical model.
Table 1 presents the hierarchical characterization.
Based on the sequence attribute values, there are 15
valid combinations (since the 3 possibilities of Time-
Locality = I and Winner’s Impact = w are not valid
because all initial sequences change the winner) to
describe patterns of auction’s sequences. Consider-
ing the session’s characterization, all the 16 possi-
ble patterns are valid. In order to simplify the se-
quence and session patterns representation, we adopt
letters (lowercase or uppercase) as labels. For exam-
ple, the sequence pattern IZW (initial sequences, with
zigzag competition and winner changing) and the ses-
sion pattern OtrW (session with one bid, non-trigger,
non-recurrent, and winner changing). Each criterion
of both the sequence and session has mutually exclu-
sive values.
This detailed characterization of bids, sessions,
sequences and auctions provides a new approach for
understanding the negotiation patterns and bidding
behavior. By focusing on the sequences that comprise
an auction, we can better understand the negotiation
patters that evolved in the auction. Similarly, when
we focus on the sessions that an individual bidder
participated in throughout an auction, his bidding be-
havior in that auction emerges. The next subsections
present the characterization methodology for auction
negotiation (Pereira et al., 2007c) and bidding behav-
ior (Pereira et al., 2007a).
3.2 Auction Negotiation
As previously mentioned, each auction is composed
of a set of one or more sequences and can therefore
be described by a vector, whose 15 components are
the types of possible sequences, and the values are
the relative frequency of each sequence pattern.
To identify auction negotiation patterns, they
group together vectors that exhibit similar distribu-
tion of sequence patterns by applying clustering algo-
rithms (Bock, 2002), more specifically the k-means
(Hartigan, 1975). The ideal number of clusters is
determined through the metric beta-CV, as described
in (Menasc´e and Almeida, 2000). The analysis
pointed out 7 as the best number of clusters for auc-
Table 2: Distribution of Cluster’s Sequences.
Sequence Clusters
A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
(I-N-W) 0.0 0.0 20.0 47.2 0.0 15.5 15.6
(I-S-W) 0.0 40.8 0.7 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.1
(I-Z-W) 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.0 8.7 1.4 0.2
(M-N-w) 0.0 3.3 8.6 1.1 0.0 36.3 10.1
(M-S-w) 0.0 0.7 1.1 0.8 0.0 1.9 1.2
(M-Z-w) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
(M-N-W) 0.0 5.8 14.0 1.1 0.0 16.4 44.2
(M-S-W) 0.0 5.6 31.6 0.0 0.0 5.6 7.7
(M-Z-W) 0.0 3.0 2.6 2.7 0.4 2.7 2.9
(F-N-w) 0.0 6.4 2.8 11.5 0.0 3.0 2.2
(F-S-w) 0.0 2.2 1.0 1.5 0.0 1.1 0.8
(F-Z-w) 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1
(F-N-W) 99.2 10.5 5.1 16.6 0.0 4.7 4.8
(F-S-W) 0.0 12.7 6.5 11.1 90.9 5.1 5.4
(F-Z-W) 0.0 8.5 5.3 6.1 0.0 5.1 3.6
Freq.(%) 19 4 16 12 1 20 28
Table 2 shows the frequency distribution of the 15
possible sequences for the clusters. The last row of
the table shows the percentage of auctions that falls
in each cluster. Based on this result, we can describe
each cluster. Due to lack of space, we present only
some examples:
A0: auctions with very small number of se-
quences, almost all of them unique and without com-
petition. All of them change the winner, as expected,
once the first sequence always do it in eBay.
A3: a set of auctions with characteristics similar
to A1 in terms of the number of auction sequences and
winner changing. However, most of their sequences
do not present competition (77.4%).
Table 3: Auction analysis.
Aspects A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
St. Bid (US$) 71.4 36.4 20.9 47.1 43.3 16.9 17.7
Duration (days) 2.7 4.5 5.1 4.9 4.9 5.7 5.8
#Bids 1.1 9.7 16.3 4.8 5.4 15.8 17.1
#Bidders 1.0 5.0 7.5 2.7 3.0 7.1 7.5
1st Price (US$) 72.1 67.3 73.5 64.3 57.3 82.7 81.2
2nd Price (US$) 71.9 65.6 71.8 59.9 56.2 80.3 79.3
Once determined the seven auction clusters, they
analyze the relationships between auction inputs and
outputs with the negotiation. Table 3 shows some im-
portant aspects for each cluster. It presents two auc-
tion negotiation inputs (aspects defined before nego-
tiation starts - starting bid and duration) and four out-
puts (aspects determined after negotiation ends - num-
ber of bids and bidders, 1st and 2nd Prices).
A0 has the highest starting price and the short-
est duration. Although we previously identified low
activity and competition, it is interesting to note that
these auctions achieve a high winner price (the av-
erage 2nd price is US$71.9). These can be explained
by the fact that they present a very high starting price,
very close to the final price obtained.
A3 and A1 have similar characteristics, but differ-
ent behavior in terms of competition profile. It is im-
portant to note that they produce different results: the
average number of bids and bidders for A3 is almost
half of A1, which can be demonstrated by the com-
petition level. Moreover, the final negotiation price is
almost 10% higher for auctions of A1.
3.3 Bidding Behavior Characterization
In their approach, the bidding behavior can be char-
acterized by a distribution of session patterns, that is,
a frequency of occurrence of each valid session pat-
tern. Therefore, the bidding behavior exhibited by
each bidder in an auction is represented by a vector
with the following components: 16 session patterns
resulted from the combination of attributes (Size, Ac-
tivity, Recurrence, and Winner’s Impact) described in
Table 1 and 9 other values inherited from the sequence
the session is inserted in (considering Time-Locality
and Competition). Combining these 16 session pat-
terns and these 9 session attributes inherited from its
sequence, there are 144 possibilities.
They then augment the vector by adding two ad-
ditional variables: ToE and ToX. These two variables
were used in (Bapna et al., 2004) and stand for the
time of entry and time of exit of the bidder in the auc-
tion and are measured through the timestamp of the
first and last bid respectively. They decide to con-
sider these timing attributes, since it is very important
to identify in which part of the auction negotiation a
bidder starts and ends her/his participation.
Similarly to the classification of auction patterns,
they also use a clustering technique to determine
groups of similar bidding behaviors. The analysis
pointed to 16 as the best number of clusters. Due to
lack of space, we present only some examples:
B0: bidders who act in initial (53%) and interme-
diary (44%) negotiation sequences, in sequences with
70% of competition, from which more than 80% have
successive type. Most of their sessions have only one
bid (57%), are triggered (63%), non-recurrent (74%),
and change winner (76%). They act during the earli-
est stages of the auction negotiation (24-33% of dura-
tion time), placing 2.6 bids in average. These bidders
represent 4.3% of bidding behaviors.
B1: these bidders mainly act in intermediary se-
quences of the auction (91%) and in competitive sit-
uations (91%) with successive type predominance.
Most of their sessions have more than one bid (89%),
are triggered (91%), non-recurrent (76%), and change
winner (92%). They act late in the auction negoti-
ation (85-88% of duration time), placing 3.4 bids in
average. They represent only 1.8% of the bidders.
B2: act in the last auction sequences, 74% with
competitivesituation (40% of zigzag type). Their ses-
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
sions have more than one bid in 68%, are triggered
in 76% and change winner in 65%. Moreover, they
are bidders who have not participated in the negotia-
tion yet, called non-recurrent bidders. They represent
11.5% of the bidding behaviors, act after 99% of auc-
tion negotiation timing, placing 2.4 bids in average.
B3: bidders that act typically in intermediary
sequences (93%), in scenarios with no competition
(85%). In general, their sessions have only one
bid (89%), are triggered (88%), and change winner
(89%). Only 28% of them have already participated
in the current negotiation before (recurrent). They act
typically after the middle of the auction negotiation,
from 72 to 78% of negotiation timing duration. They
are a popular class, occurring in 12.9% of the bidding
behaviors. They place 1.7 bids in average.
Based on the results obtained in these previous
works, in the next section we present an analysis of
bidding behavior evolution over time.
As previously mentioned, in this section we discuss
each question presented in section 1. This section’s
analysis are based on the characterization presented
in last section. We divide this section in subsections
that analyze each one of the questions.
4.1 Behavioral Changes
Here we address the questions: Are there changes
in the bidding behavior over time? What are these
changes? In order to understand how bidder behav-
ior evolves over time, we capture the temporal series
of bidding profiles that each bidder displayed in each
auction he participated in. We also capture each tran-
sition between pairs of profiles i and i + 1, i+ 1 and
i + 2 etc. This characterization is like a dominoes
game, where each piece represents a bidder behavior
transition, and can be represented by a directed graph.
A directed graph or digraph G is an ordered pair
G = (V, A) where V is a set of vertices or nodes, and
A is a set of ordered pairs of vertices, called directed
edges, arcs, or arrows. An edge e = (x,y) is consid-
ered to be directed from x to y; y is called the head and
x is called the tail of the edge. Each bidding behavior
profile is a vertex and each transition (that represents
a temporal change in the bidder’s profile) is an edge.
We called this graph as a Bidding Behavior Model
Graph (BBMG), that is based on Customer Behav-
ior Model Graph (CBMG) (Menasc´e and Almeida,
2000). This is a state transition graph that has one
node for each possible bidding behavior and the edges
are transitions between these profiles. A probability is
assigned to each transition between two nodes, repre-
senting the frequency at which these two profiles oc-
cur consecutively.
Since we are interested in finding typical bidding
behavior and how they evolve over time, more than
identifying the probability of transition from one bid-
ding behavior to another one, we want to quantify
how a state (bidding behavior) is being reached from
source states. In order to do this, we create a matrix
of bidding behavior profiles, which consolidates all
transitions by all bidders. Each row shows the num-
ber of transitions from source state to any other one,
including itself. This matrix is showed by Table 4.
In the matrix, the sum of all transitions of each row
represents the state’s outdegree, which quantifies all
the transitions from a profile to any other one. Analo-
gously, each column has all transitions into each pro-
file. The sum of each column is the profile’s indegree.
We analyze each profile, observing the most fre-
quent transitions from and to each of them, repre-
sented by measures of indegree and outdegree. Then,
we group these profiles by transition similarity and
find the following groups of longitudinal behaviors.
I: bidders who keep the same profile and/or
change to other similar profiles, such as group II.
Group I consists of profiles B0 and B5. This group
represents 9.5% of bidding behaviors.
II: this group presents significant incidence of
bidding profiles from group I. This group changes
to profiles of group III and also present similar
incidence of these profiles. Moreover profiles of
group II migrate much to group IV, besidesreceiv-
ing some bidders who were group IV. These pro-
files are very frequent, representing 44.3% of the
occurrences. It is composed by bidders from B3,
B6, B7, B9, B11, and B13.
III: this group has bidders that typically migrate
to profiles in groups II and IV. It also receives
an equivalent number of transitions from these
groups, establishing an exchange relation with
them. These profiles represent 10.0% of bidding
behaviors. B1, B8, B10, B12 and B15 belong to
this group.
IV: this group has profiles that have high inci-
dence (indegree). They tend to keep in behav-
iors from themselves (group IV). Although they
also exchange with behaviors from groups II and
III, their outdegree to these groups is smaller than
their indegree. This group is composed by bid-
ders from B2, B4 and B14. Together they repre-
sent 36.2% of bidding behaviors.
Analyzing these groups and transitions between
them, we identify some temporal trends in bidding
behavior. Group I tends to migrate to II and, with
small frequency, to IV. Group II presents a strong
trend to change to IV and has an exchange relation
Table 4: Bidding Behavior Profiles - Matrix of Transitions.
From / To B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 OutDegree
B0 114 7 28 78 53 106 53 41 29 43 13 25 12 34 17 11 664
B1 9 16 42 46 79 18 34 22 6 41 11 10 20 52 21 4 431
B2 44 39 516 182 553 46 51 73 17 107 62 101 72 203 322 26 2414
B3 112 37 200 637 358 160 132 235 42 167 75 175 64 300 129 51 2874
B4 84 84 553 373 926 61 146 181 24 196 119 158 142 431 342 82 3902
B5 107 11 34 141 54 266 41 63 40 45 16 34 4 38 50 10 954
B6 56 21 70 141 135 57 108 98 26 115 29 57 38 81 25 19 1076
B7 77 23 79 281 172 122 98 266 28 79 67 81 20 140 46 36 1615
B8 23 4 15 55 24 39 13 21 21 35 5 17 3 15 12 2 304
B9 94 39 138 183 214 70 115 78 18 163 26 71 56 102 45 17 1429
B10 22 13 54 79 116 15 30 62 6 28 55 23 18 80 34 22 657
B11 50 19 86 153 135 89 43 80 24 55 35 121 20 89 90 17 1106
B12 22 18 79 49 116 6 25 16 8 41 17 28 33 79 28 8 573
B13 65 29 243 330 405 47 75 143 20 104 74 112 47 281 148 39 2162
B14 19 6 176 82 250 30 20 32 3 29 17 43 14 75 294 12 1102
B15 11 3 30 51 72 14 22 50 5 19 20 22 9 44 13 16 401
InDegree 909 369 2343 2861 3662 1146 1006 1461 317 1267 641 1078 572 2044 1616 372 21680
with group III. Group II is a very popular group: al-
most all bidders have already belonged to it. Group
III is a group of transient behaviors. Finally, group IV
represents typical end states, since there is a strong
flow into it, mainly from group II. We can conclude
from this analysis that, besides the isolated trends of
each group, there is a typical trend to evolve to bid-
ding behaviors of group D. Moreover, considering the
amount of transitions that come to and leave from
group I (without the reincidences), it can be seen as
an initial state, that often migrate to II. Despite the
differences from groups II and III, both of them are
intermediary states of the typical trend observed in the
In order to enrich this analysis, it is important to
investigate the typical characteristics of each group,
using semantic aspects of the negotiation. To do this,
we consider the aspects related to how they act in
the negotiation, that is, the reactivity aspects inher-
ited from the methodology presented in Section 3.3.
An analyze of these semantic aspects of each group is
presented following:
I: they act during the earliest stages of the auction
(24-33% of duration time). Bidders here have not
participated in the negotiation yet; they are the so-
called non-recurrent bidders. As expected from
the previous characteristics described in section
3, their sessions are typically triggered (76%) and
change winner (65-95%).
II: they act typically after the middle of the auc-
tion negotiation, (72 to 80% of duration). In gen-
eral, these bidders participate in scenarios with no
competition. Cluster B13 is an exception; its bid-
ders act late (91-93% of duration time) with com-
petition (94%), predominating successive type.
III: usually act after the middle of the auction ne-
gotiation, close to the end of it (82 to 94% of ne-
gotiation duration). An exception is the cluster B8
that act during all auction. They act typically in
situations with successive competition type. They
represent the rarest bidding behavior profiles.
IV: bidders who act very late in the auction, close
to 99% of auction negotiation timing. In general,
these bidders act in scenarios with competition
(successive and zigzag types). Most of them are
non-recurrent bidders and change winner.
From these observations, it is possible to identify
similar semantic characteristics for each of these four
groups, which describe some interesting behavioral
changes over time.
As previously explained, group I can be seen as
an initial state. Thus, initially, bidders act during
earliest stages of the auction negotiation and almost
always become the auction winner. However, they
rarely remain winners until the end. Bidders of group
I often migrate to II, an intermediary state of the
observed trend. In group II, bidders change to profiles
of the same group or migrate with high frequency to
IV. Therefore, bidders start to act very close to the
final of auction in scenarios with high competition.
This improves their chances to win the auction, since
they are close to the end. Group II also presents a
exchange relation with III that act close to the end
with successive competition type. However, both
of them are intermediary states of the typical trend,
tending to change to IV. Bidders from group I also
tend to migrate directly to IV with low frequency.
As we can observe in these analysis, there are
some changes in bidding behavior over time. Ini-
tially, bidders tend to act during earliest stages of
the auction negotiation. Later, when they acquire
more experience they start acting close to the end of
auction. This trend sometimes is fast (I migrating
directly to IV), however it usually occurs gradually,
where bidders first pass through intermediary states,
acting in the middle of the auction negotiation. An-
other trend is correlated with competition. Initially,
bidders act in situations without competition, then
in scenarios with successive competition type, and
later with high competition (successive and zigzag
types). This can be explained by the increasing trend
of the bidders to act at the end of the negotiation, thus
increasing the competition at the end of the auction
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Transition Probability
(a) Group II - May
Transition Probability
(b) Group II - June
Transition Probability
(c) Group II - July
Transition Probability
(d) Group II - Aug.
Figure 1: Transition Probability Histogram. - Time Scale.
4.2 Time Scale Analysis
We now investigate the second main question pre-
sented in section 1: Are the changes random? Are
there trends? In order to do this, we divide the dataset
in four months: May, June, July and August.
We apply the same approach presented in the last
section to create the bidding behavior matrix for each
period. By analyzing these matrices, we investi-
gate each profile, finding the most frequent transitions
from and to each of them, represented by measures of
indegree and outdegree. We identify the same four
typical groups of bidding behavior presented in last
section and the same trend.
In order to illustrate this trend, we group the pro-
files that belong to the same group and compute the
transition frequency histogram of each group in dif-
ferent periods. Due to lack of space, we presented in
Figure 1 only histograms for group II. As expected,
we can observe the histograms are very similar. This
occurred in the same way for the other groups, that is,
they present the same trend.
We can observe that the bidding behaviorchanges
over time are not random; the trend really exists. We
also observed some additional differences. There are
some bidders that evolve faster while others evolve
more slowly. Others differences occur between pro-
files within the same group, for example, different
number of bids and in some profiles, bidders change
the winner more frequently than others. Our hypoth-
esis is that these differences occur motivated by dif-
ferent negotiation patterns due to the user reactivity to
different environment conditions (auction negotiation
Transition Probability
(a) Group II - A2
Transition Probability
(b) Group II - A3
Transition Probability
(c) Group II - A6
Transition Probability
(d) Group II - All Actions
Figure 2: Transition Probability Histogram.
4.3 Reactivity in Behavioral Changes
We now present an analysis to answer the last ques-
tion presented in section 1: Does reactivity affect
these changes over time? In order to do this, we group
the profiles that belong to the same group and com-
pute the transition frequency histogram of each one
of the four groups in different auction negotiation pat-
terns, introduced in section 3.1. The goal is to iden-
tify whether these histograms are similar or not. Due
to lack of space, in Figure 2 we present only the his-
tograms for the auction negotiation patterns A2, A3,
A6 and for all dataset for group II.
As we can observe in Figure 2, the behavioral
trends are different for the auction negotiation pat-
terns. For example, the trend of bidders from A6 is
very similar to the average trend for all dataset. How-
ever, the bidders from A2 and A3 present different
trends. Bidders from A2 tend to migrate to group IV
slower than A3, and many bidders from group II mi-
grate to III. For bidders that act in A3 there is a short
faster to migrate from group II directly to group IV.
In this analysis we consider the behavioral
changes between successive auctions of the same auc-
tion type. However we ignore the auctions of other
categories in which bidders had participated between
these successive auctions. This process is analogous
to sequence mining patterns (Agrawal and Srikant,
1995). That is, given a sequence pattern like I
that I
is a item, we want to find relevant sub-
sequences in this pattern, without the need to be adja-
Despite this simplification, our approach is able to
answer the third question, that is, the reactivity affects
the changes over time. For a more accurate evalua-
tion of how reactivity influences the evolution trend
and which factors are more relevant, we need to per-
form a more detailed analysis, which is part of ongo-
ing work.
In this work we developed a longitudinal analy-
sis of bidding behavior considering reactivity pat-
terns through bidder-auction interactions. In order
to do this, we first apply a reactivity characterization
methodology for online auctions, presented in recent
research, to identify auction negotiation patterns as
well as bidding behavior in a real case study of an
online auction’s service (eBay).
We then analyze the bidding behavior evolution
over time by considering the sequence of exhibited
bidding behavior by each bidder. We represent these
sequences as a directed graph (Bidding Behavior
Model Graph) in which each bidding behavior pro-
file is a vertex and each transition (that represents a
temporal change in the bidder’s profile) is an edge.
Analyzing this graph we identify some changes
in bidding behavior over time. We observe that ini-
tially bidders tend to act during earlier stages of the
auction negotiation without competition. Later, when
they acquire more experience they start acting close
to the end of the auction with high competition. We
proceeded to divide the longitudinal dataset in differ-
ent periods and apply this same approach on each pe-
riod. We observe the same trend in each sub-period of
the dataset, and conclude that the patterns of changes
are not random. We also apply this approach us-
ing different previously established auction negotia-
tion patterns to demonstrate that the negotiation influ-
ences the evolution of bidder behavior. We are able
to demonstrate that the reactivity patterns that bidders
are subject to during negotiation affect the bidding be-
havior evolution.
The results can be applied to define seller’s strate-
gies, forecasting of economic models, or to design de-
cision support tools for e-commerce, for example.
As future work, we want to conduct a detailed
analysis of how reactivity influences bidding behav-
ior evolution, identifying the main factors that affect
it. Since auctions involve both bidders and sellers,
we also plan to generate insights on how sellers learn
over time.
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies