Erno Salmela and Ari Happonen
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology
P.O. Box 20, 53851 Lappeenranta, Finland
Keywords: Webcam, inventory control, supply chain management.
Abstract: This study aimed to determine whether webcams could be applied to the operative and tactical inventory
control of technical wholesale items for which customers do not keep track of the inventory balance. The
study was conducted as a ten-case study in Finnish industry with machinery industry companies as the
customers and technical wholesalers as the suppliers. Even though none of the cases used webcams in their
inventory control, the research results indicate that that webcams could be suitable for the purpose
particularly in operative order-delivery process. However, webcam systems are considerably more
challenging to apply to tactical inventory control.
The research was conducted as a ten-case study in
Finnish industry with machinery industry companies
as the customers and technical wholesalers as the
suppliers. The studied cases generally apply the
VMI (Vendor-Managed Inventory) model, which in
this research refers to inventory replenishment
carried out by the wholesaler, who delivers items to
shelf spaces in the customer’s production facilities
or warehouses in accordance with the management
model agreed on. The management model is
typically based on a number of control parameters,
which include the lot size, order point and delivery
frequency (Salmela et al. 2007).
Some of the studied cases utilized the CMI (Co-
Managed Inventory) model. In the CMI the
customer maintains a forecast and distributes it to
the supplier, which means that some degree of
management and responsibility is on the customer
side. According to Seifert (2003), VMI is mostly
based on warehouse levels and sales data, but not on
forecasts – which makes CMI different from VMI.
Technical wholesale items (e.g. nuts and bolts)
are typically standardized low-cost products with a
constant demand and a rather short supply chain.
Nonetheless, some of the items play a critical role
because their absence may bring the entire
production line to a halt. Common ways of avoiding
such shortages include large storage buffers and
frequent inventory checks (Salmela et al. 2007).
Technical wholesale items usually include
mechanical, electrical and hydraulics items used in
production and maintenance. Customers usually
keep track of the inventory balance of electrical
equipment, which means they have records of them
in their inventory systems. This enables the use of
automatic and real-time control and order methods
for these items. In contrast, customers' inventory
systems rarely include records of the inventory level
of mechanical and hydraulics items (Salmela et al.
2007). These items are the particular focus of this
Transparency of information is needed in the
VMI and CMI models. In transparent supply chain,
the decision maker has all the information needed to
make decisions (Otto, 2003; Gaonkar and
Viswanadham, 2003). In this research, the
applicability of webcams is studied to improve
decision making and transparency of information in
the studied supply chains.
The VMI includes tactical and operative level
tasks, information and decisions. At the tactical
level, the main task is to adjust the control parameter
values to correspond to item consumption. The
consumption history data and demand forecasts are
utilised to perform this task. In practice, the
parameter value adjustment is done at the
commissioning stage of the item (e.g. during the first
Salmela E. and Happonen A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 488-490
DOI: 10.5220/0001518504880490
six months), after which parameter adjustment is
sporadic or non-existent. Usually, parameters are
adjusted after the commissioning period only if
shortages occur repeatedly or if the customer
anticipates significant changes in demand. The low
frequency of adjustments can be explained by the
large amount of manual labor it requires, which
results in costs higher than the expected profits
(Salmela et al. 2007).
In operative level order-delivery process,
wholesalers assess the customer’s replenishment
needs in connection with each replenishment visit.
The replenishment need is normally based on a
visual assessment of the inventory level. Rapidity is
of the essence because the customer site may contain
hundreds of shelf spaces. Due to the time constraints
and visual checks, the assessment is not very
precise. However, accuracy is not even necessary for
the items in question due to wide safety margins.
When inventory levels are below the order point, the
wholesaler’s representative normally records the
need for replenishment and later enters the
information into the wholesaler’s system. Different
methods were used for records and information
transfer in different cases. For instance bar codes
and laptop computers were used for recording
replenishment needs, and remote access in
transmitting the information in a batch run to the
wholesaler’s order system (Salmela et al. 2007).
Orders were typically entered into the
wholesaler’s order system at the end of
replenishment day, or on the following day, at the
latest. Normally, the studied cases exhibited no need
for more real-time information transmission because
the picking and delivery processes applied would
have had no use for information sent any sooner
(Salmela et al. 2007).
A webcam system could be applied to the operative
order-delivery process of technical wholesale items
with no customer records on inventory balance.
Webcams would be best suited to remote monitoring
of large items, allowing the inventory levels to be
assessed based on the picture. However, technical
wholesale items are mainly small in size, which
means some kind of visual signal would be
necessary to indicate that the inventory level is
below the order point and that a replenishment
decision needs to be made.
Our research involved laboratory-environment
modelling of an industrial shelf with tilted boxes.
Labels indicating the order point were fastened on
the bottom of the boxes. After this, pictures were
taken at different distances and in different lighting
conditions. The results of the laboratory tests were
positive, i.e. technically, the webcam system is
suitable for remote monitoring of small technical
wholesale items. The items should roll or slide down
easily in the tilted boxes as the inventory level
decreases. Alternatively, the boxes should be at such
a great angle that sliding is inevitable as the
inventory level drops.
Merely seeing the order point label in the
webcam picture is not enough to make a
replenishment decision because the items cannot be
identified from the pictures. The identification
would require documentation on the shelf location of
the items. This information could be on a separate
document or pasted as layered information on the
picture taken by the camera. Furthermore, manual
work is needed to adjust order point parameters,
because the labels fastened on the bottom of the
boxes must be manually moved.
In addition to replenishment decisions based on
remote monitoring, the webcam system could be
applied to the management of extensive and rapid
changes in consumption by comparing two
consecutive pictures to each other. Especially
overtime work may increase the customer’s
consumption significantly, and pictures sent to the
supplier daily would provide information on these
kinds of changes.
The simplest technological solution would be for
the webcam to email pictures directly to the supplier.
This could be applied to cases where the number of
pictures is low and/or pictures are sent at low
frequencies. As the number of pictures increases,
some kind of application (e.g. for recording,
searching and filing pictures) is needed to manage
the order-delivery process.
The webcam system helps to increase the
efficiency of operative order-delivery process
through remote monitoring and replenishment
decisions. The system cannot, however, be used for
automatic control parameter adjustment at a tactical
level because it does not provide arithmetic
information on the inventory balance and on the
consumption of the items. In the absence of
inventory balance information, the consumption
history cannot be analysed and control parameters
cannot be adjusted automatically.
A webcam system can help in improving the
efficiency of an operative order-delivery process,
whereas in tactical inventory management,
automatic control parameter adjustment would result
in excessive costs compared to the profits, or be
altogether unfeasible. Tactical gains could be
achieved with a system of scales or by including the
items in inventory accounting in the inventory
management system (Happonen & Salmela, 2007).
A webcam-based solution can be applied to
inventory control only in certain type of supply
chain environment. The fundamental requirement
for applying a webcam-based solution is that the
wholesaler has no information on the customer’s
inventory balance. Below are some additional
arguments for adopting a webcam system:
The number of items is low, which would
allow for a webcam system which requires
manual labor (e.g. browsing pictures is a
slow task).
When consumption is low, the
replenishments of items and the inventory
level checks are infrequent.
The consumption of items fluctuates (e.g.
maintenance items).
The customer is logistically far away,
which makes frequent replenishment and
inventory inspection visits unfeasible due to
the related labor and travel expenses.
The customer does not want to the
wholesaler's representative to make
inventory inspection visits to the
plant/warehouse for instance for
information security reasons.
The facilities are difficult to inspect in
person (e.g. high-rise warehouses).
The lighting conditions in the
plant/warehouse are quite good.
The replenishment limit can be identified
from a photograph.
The physical characteristics of the item
allow it.
The advantage of the webcam system is its
simplicity and low commissioning costs compared,
for instance, to a scale system. On the other hand, its
disadvantages are that its use is limited to the
operative level and it still requires manual labor.
Further research is necessary on the
incorporation of pattern recognition and shelf space
coordinate features into the system. For example, a
pattern recognition function could automatically
identify the label at the bottom of the box, indicating
the need for replenishment. Shelf space coordinates
would allow connecting items to specific shelf
spaces. Connecting the replenishment need and item
identification information would enable placing fully
automated replenishment orders directly into the
wholesaler’s system.
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies