Mohamed Amine Chatti
, Daniel Dahl
, Matthias Jarke
and Gottfried Vossen
Informatik 5, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Department of Information Systems, University of Muenster, Germany
Keywords: Web 2.0, E-Learning 2.0, Communities.
Abstract: Over the last decade, it has been widely argued that technology-enhanced learning could respond to the
needs of the new knowledge society and transform the way we learn. However, despite isolated
achievements, technology-enhanced learning has not really succeeded yet in revolutionizing our education
and learning processes. In fact, most current initiatives do not focus on the social aspect of learning and
learning content is still pushed to a pre-defined group of learners in closed environments. Recently, Web 2.0
concepts have started to open new doors for more effective learning and have the potential to overcome
many of the limitations of traditional learning models. In this paper we show in which way the community-
driven platform Learnr, under development at the University of Münster, puts crucial success factors for
future technology enhanced learning into practice, applying well known concepts like networking and social
tagging. As a consequence, a Web 2.0 perspective on learners, learning content and learning communities
can be derived.
Peter Drucker argues that in the emerging economy,
knowledge is the primary resource for individuals
and for the economy overall; land, labor, and capital.
He further argues that improving knowledge worker
productivity is the greatest challenge of the 21
century (Drucker, 1994). In the new knowledge
society, similar to a knowledge worker, a learner is
a person who does not just consume knowledge
but who is also able to create it. Over the past few
years, the Web has been shifting from being a
medium in which information is transmitted and
consumed into a platform in which content is
created, shared, remixed, repurposed, and passed
along (Downes, 2005). We are entering a new phase
of Web evolution: the read-write Web, i.e., a new
generation of the Web where everyone can be a
consumer as well as a producer of knowledge in new
settings that place a significant value on
collaboration. Applied technologies, often
collectively termed Web 2.0 technologies (O´Reilly,
2005; Vossen and Hagemann, 2007), have been
opening new doors to the learner for more dynamic
and social learning. The new Web trends have
offered new means to connect people not only to
digital knowledge repositories but also to other
people, in order to share ideas, collaboratively create
new forms of dynamic learning content, get effective
support, and learn with and from peers.
Since learning is social, personal, distributed,
flexible, dynamic, and complex in nature, a
fundamental shift is needed towards a more
social, personalized, open, dynamic, emergent
and knowledge-pull model for learning, as
opposed to the one-size-fits-all, centralized,
static, top-down, and knowledge-push models of
traditional learning solutions (Chatti et al., 2007).
Web 2.0 concepts can lead the way to this new
generation of technology enhanced learning. To give
an example, teachers can use blogs instead of
mailing lists to keep in contact with their students;
instead of pushing information to the learners, blog
feeds of relevance can be subscribed to by the target
group, which in turn can be an open community.
Speaking of the social Web, the concept of tagging
and folksonomies (Vanderwal, 2005) offers a high
potential for learners to express their own
vocabulary in bottom-up built structures. Indeed, so
called tag clouds give a holistic view picking up
terms accumulated within a community in an
appropriate way.
The Web platform Learnr, under development and
prototypical in use at the University of Münster,
Germany, shows the way to a more learner-focused,
Amine Chatti M., Dahl D., Jarke M. and Vossen G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 370-375
DOI: 10.5220/0001519703700375
Web 2.0 driven approach of technology enhanced
learning. Adopting concepts like networking and
social tagging in a desktop-like environment,
independent learning communities arise in a bottom-
up way; learning content is provided by the crowd
and accessed and annotated instantly in a Web
browser. Realizing the shift to a more social and
flexible model, Learnr gives a first outlook on what
future Web 2.0 driven learning might look like.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 stresses the deficiencies in current
technology-enhanced learning implementations and
discusses critical factors needed for the success of
future initiatives. Section 3 points out the potential
use of Web 2.0 concepts in learning environments.
Section 4 briefly surveys the Learnr system, a
learning environment build around those new
technologies that is described in more detail
elsewhere (Dahl and Vossen 2007). As a result, a
new Web 2.0 driven perspective on learners and
learning communities as well as learning content is
derived. Finally, Section 5 gives a summary of the
paper and outlines perspectives for future work.
Learning and knowledge can be viewed as two sides
of the same coin and are fundamentally social in
nature, as has been emphasized by many researchers
(Polanyi, 1967; Lave and Wenger, 1991; Nonaka
and Takeuchi, 1995; Siemens, 2006). Despite the
wide agreement that learning occurs within a social
context, current technology-enhanced learning
(TEL) efforts continue to put a heavy emphasis on
content delivery and technology. In fact, most TEL
content today is designed, authored, delivered, and
managed via centralized Virtual Learning
Environments (VLE) as statically packaged online
courses and modules without focusing on the social
aspects of learning. Examples include learning
management systems (LMS), learning content
management systems (LCMS), course management
systems (CMS), or content management systems
(CMS) such as CLIX, WebCT, Blackboard, Moodle,
ATutor, ILIAS, Plone, or Drupal (Baumgartner et
al., 2004; Kristöfl, 2005). Obviously, the
content/technology-centric model of learning has
failed to achieve performance improvement and
innovation. A major reason of the failure is
learning is more than static content, and technology
is only a secondary issue. Learning is basically about
people. This requires a change in focus from
technology-driven to people-driven models of
learning and would imply a shift from e-Learning to
“we-Learning,” a collaboration culture that could
foster knowledge networking and community
building. With technology as an enabler, the new
learning model is characterized by the combination
of formal and informal learning within a social
context. New social skills become increasingly
important for better performance and thus have to be
learned and continuously improved. Learn-what
referring to the high-quality learning resource that
has to be acquired has to be supplemented with
learn-who referring to the person or the entire
community with the required know-how that can
help achieving better results. Learn-who also
involves the ability to navigate and learn across
different communities.
In the future, people-driven implementations of
learning models need to be the norm rather than the
exception. Chatti et al. (2007) stress that a radical
revision of the traditional pedagogical principles and
policies imposed by formal educational institutions
is required. In the modern media and knowledge-
intensive era of collaboration culture, the one-size-
fits-all, centralized, static, top-down, and
knowledge-push models of traditional learning
initiatives need to be replaced with a more social,
personalized, open, dynamic, emergent, and
knowledge-pull model for learning. The authors
discuss seven critical factors needed for the success
of learning initiatives:
Knowledge networking and community
building: TEL models need to recognize the
social aspect of learning and, as a consequence,
place strong emphasis on knowledge
networking and community building to
leverage, sustain, and share knowledge in a
collaborative way.
Content-centric vs. user-centric: Recognizing
that learning and knowledge are personal,
approaches requires a move away from one-
size-fits-all content-centric models, and towards
a user-centric model that puts the learner at the
centre and gives her the control over the
learning experience.
Centralized vs. distributed: TEL solutions need
to operate with a more decentralized and
socially open approach, based on small pieces
of learning content, loosely joined and
distributed control.
Top-down vs. bottom-up: TEL solutions need to
follow an emergent bottom-up approach, driven
by the learner and based on sharing rather than
Knowledge-push vs. knowledge-pull:
Recognizing that learning and knowledge are
dynamic and flexible in nature, TEL approaches
require a shift in emphasis from a knowledge-
push to a knowledge-pull model.
Adoption: For TEL approaches to be adopted,
their systems need to be both simple and useful.
Knowledge sharing culture and trust: A bottom-
up approach and distributed control build a base
for successful knowledge sharing and trust.
Encouraging people to build their personal
social networks and join communities based on
their needs helps to ensure trust and motivates
them to share.
Recognizing the social aspect of learning, several
TEL initiatives, such as Elgg, Moodle, CLIX, Plone,
and Drupal are starting to integrate social modules
into their solutions (Bryant, 2006). However, these
initiatives still employ centrally managed systems
that are driven by the needs of the institution and
consequently often not adopted by the learners.
Dalsgaard (2006) points out that a common idea
behind current systems is that different tools, e.g.,
discussion forums, chat, file sharing, video
conferences, shared whiteboards, and e-portfolios
are integrated in a single system which offers all
necessary tools to run and manage a learning course.
All learning activities and materials in a course are
organized and managed by and within the system.
To meet the requirements discussed above, we
would, however, need new learning models that take
a small-pieces, loosely joined approach
characterized by the freeform use of a set of learner-
controlled tools and the bottom-up creation of
learning communities.
We are entering a new generation of user-centric,
open, dynamic Web, with peer production, sharing,
collaboration, distributed content, and decentralized
authority in the foreground. This new Web
generation is often termed “Web 2.0.” The people-
driven approach to learning can be implemented
around Web 2.0 concepts. The rise of Web 2.0
technologies with more support for collaboration
and networking provides new opportunities to
overcome many of the failings of traditional TEL
solutions. Recently, researchers have been focusing
on how to incorporate the new Web trends into the
learning process and how to harness and apply Web
2.0 concepts to create new learning experiences and
learn across communities. E-Learning via Web 2.0
technologies has been referred to as E-Learning 2.0
(Downes, 2005). Harnessing collective intelligence
has become the driving force behind Web 2.0 and
social software, also called social media, has
emerged as a key component of the new Web. In a
learning context, social software have become a
means to connect people not only to digital
knowledge repositories but also to other people, in
order to share ideas, collaboratively create new
forms of dynamic learning content, get effective
support, and learn with and from peers. Rapidly
evolving examples of social software include wikis,
blogs, RSS, pod/vodcasting, and social
tagging/folksonomies. Social software is, however,
not restricted to these technologies.
Social software has the potential to change the
way we learn. For example, instead of generating
lexical entries in Wikipedia, learners could
collaboratively create learning content (learner-
generated content) in an open environment.
Networking as it can be found in OpenBC/Xing with
a business background also makes sense in the
context of learning (open learning networks).
Similar to tagging photos in Flickr or videos in
Youtube, learning content in form of slideshows or
exercises could be annotated in a similar way. The
concept of blogging could abandon mailing lists
which are explicitly created by teachers; instead,
teachers as well as learners simply blog their topics
of interest, and anybody who is interested subscribes
to the corresponding RSS feed to keep herself or
himself up-to-date.
Moreover, social software supports a bottom-up
building of communities and networks. Wikis,
Blogs, social tagging and folksonomies are good
examples of bottom-up social software in action.
Wikis provide an opportunity for social interaction.
Around blogs, a social knowledge network from
people with similar practices or interests can be
created and even enlarged by comments, trackbacks,
and blogrolls. Social tagging and folksonomies also
provide a powerful way to foster community
building as users share, organize, discover, and look
for what others have tagged and find people with the
same – or similar – interests (Chatti et al., 2006;
Dahl and Vossen, 2007). Especially the latter
concept builds a base of the TEL platform presented
in the following section.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
At present, teachers as well as learners are supported
by a number of electronic platforms enabling a
combination of traditional on-site and distance
learning. For example, teachers at the University of
Münster use Web applications for distributing
slideshows of lectures or additional literature and
online systems to offer exercises with a high degree
of automatic reviewing. Even computer-based
exams are held in computer pools. In contrast, the
actual process of learning, which is characterized by
a summarization and recapitulation of information in
the phase of intensive learning (e.g., prior to exams),
is not supported to a higher degree yet; therefore, the
pen-and-paper way, working with prints of digital
learning content, is still the first and only choice.
Personal comments are added on post-its, relevant
paragraphs are highlighted with text-markers and
additional artefacts like file-cards or summaries are
created. This is where Learnr comes in.
4.1 Central Features of Learnr
The primary goal of the Web platform Learnr is an
adoption of the traditional concepts for intensive
learning to the digital world. On the one hand, based
on the electronic representation of information an
effective search (e.g., keyword search in slides or
summaries) can be offered. Virtual artefacts like
file-cards for recapitulation and notes can be
exchanged easily and revised collaboratively.
Offering a 24/7 (24 hours, 7 days a week) Web
application, the learning content along with the
personal additions can be accessed anytime and
anywhere: from the computer pool of the university,
the home office, the Internet café or even the hotel
lobby on vacation. On the other hand, the process of
learning achieves a social focus as learners publish
personal information to a learning community,
which is characterized by discussion, exchange and
evaluation of the learners´ knowledge.
Figure 1 gives an impression of the main Learnr
work panel. Centred, learners can browse instantly
through learning content in the form of slides,
secondary literature or exercises. Virtual text
markers help to highlight the personally relevant
parts (1). Additionally, notes can be added just like
post-its (2). Applying the concept of tagging, single
slides can be marked and classified (3) which results
in a structure, respectively a tag cloud, reflecting the
Figure 1: Annotating Learning Content.
The process of learning described so far is individual
and isolated from other learners. With the adoption
of networking as known from social software
applications like MySpace or Facebook learners can
affiliate in so called learning communities. Being
part of these communities, summaries and file-cards
are exchanged, notes are discussed, comments are
rated and last but not least tagging becomes a social
4.2 Evaluation of the Seven Success
Factors for Future TEL Initiatives
Analyzing Learnr with respect to the critical success
factors listed in Section 2 we can claim that a
promising new TEL generation has already started.
In the following section the criterions are brought
into relation with their realization in Learnr, as the
seven factors are broken down into a 2-dimensional
view: a user- and a content-perspective.
4.2.1 User-Perspective
In Learnr users actively build learning communities.
This means, learners decide whom to learn and to
share knowledge with (Knowledge Networking and
Community Building). In contrast to classical top-
down approaches, where learning groups are defined
by teachers within organisational boundaries (like
universities or even single university lectures),
learners from different universities, schools or
companies can affiliate (see Figure 2). Private
education in sense of lifelong learning participates as
well. The different opinions are expressed with
annotations, tags and within discussions.
Learnr facilitates the concept of self-guided learning
(User-centralization). With the learner being the
centre of the system, he or she decides which
content to consume, which person to learn with and
at which time to do so. Basically, every learner can
provide learning content, as long as the respective
property rights are respected. The process of
learning, making knowledge in the form of
annotations or tags explicit, firstly is executed in a
private workspace; the learner decides when to
publish certain information like summaries or file-
cards for the learning community (knowledge
export) respectively when to access knowledge
residing within the community (knowledge import).
Learning content is no longer imposed by the
corresponding teachers upon the learners at a given
time. Rather learners search for new or further
information navigating through a tag cloud, using
the fulltext search or communicating with their
community (knowledge pull).
Figure 2: User-Perspective in Learnr.
According to Chatti et al. (2007), future learning
platforms need to offer a perceived usefulness and
an ease of use (Adoption, Acceptance). Utilizing the
social focus in Learnr, learners find additional,
valuable information: Explicit annotations of the
community, the learning focus of other learners (for
example, so called “hot slides” hold a high number
of tags, notes and discussions) or the exchange of
knowledge (summaries, file-cards). Furthermore, the
single learners’ own contribution achieves some
quality assurance as the community reads and rates
the published notes and summaries. The ease of use
is offered as the RIA-concept (Rich Internet
Applications) is followed: On the one hand, Learnr
can be accessed via ordinary Web browsers (no
installation required), on the other hand the
extensive use of AJAX enables a desktop-like
usability (rare page reloads, instant search results).
In comparison to classical TEL platforms, a general
shift from top-down to bottom-up learning can be
identified (Bottom-Up Learning). As the previously
explained aspects already showed, in the first line
learners gain a new degree of liberty instead of
formerly experienced force: learning groups
naturally evolve “from below” instead of being
defined “from above” and distributed content is
pulled from a wide range on demand instead of
being pushed by a single teacher. In general, the role
of teachers shifts to a learning process
advisor/facilitator. Offering the networking concepts
described above a learning community characterized
by trust and liberty can evolve (Knowledge Sharing
Culture). As learners follow the same objective, e.g.,
to pass an exam, further content is studied and
evaluated and explicit knowledge is shared.
4.2.2 Content-Perspective
Learnr brings together learning content from varying
organisations like universities, companies, or
secondary schools. The concept of user-generated
content (e.g., learners creating slides using their own
vocabulary) is supported as well. In the end learners
decide which content to work with. Indeed,
slideshows presented by the teacher who performs
the final exam might achieve the highest priority, but
related, more detailed distributed information is
available via a tag cloud, for example.
Figure 3: Content-Perspective in Learnr.
Utilizing the concept of deep tagging (Arrington,
2006), not only entire slideshows are labelled with
notes and tags, but also small sub units like single
slides are annotated. In this way small learning units
provided by different authors are brought into
relation and can be accessed by learners easily (see
Figure 3, Decentralisation of Content).
In this paper at first deficiencies in present and
success factors for future TEL models were
illustrated. The potential of social concepts known
from Web 2.0 applications was pointed out for the
context of TEL. The platform Learnr, developed and
prototypical in use at the University of Münster, is
based on concepts like social tagging and
networking and therefore offers its users a new
perspective of Web 2.0 driven learning.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Learnr already implements the key elements of the
crucial factors introduced by Chatti et al. (2007), but
a consequent continuation of their approaches might
enable additional potentials. For example, the
system still focuses on courses and learning content,
via which new learners can be found. In the sense of
user centralization it is desirable to look for new
learning partners directly based on a not yet defined
search interface: according to already known social
software applications like OpenBC/Xing learners
and their knowledge domains should be the key
factors. In result, the individually best fitting
learning partner could be found more easily.
Regarding learning content existing TEL
repositories could be coupled loosely, for example
based on Web Services so that on-demand access to
a broad range of resources could be offered. Finally,
we could speak of a real decentralization of content,
as currently different content and sources are
supported, but the single artefacts still need to be
uploaded into Learnr. Moreover, already existing
social networks should be importable to the system;
unfortunately, this currently lacks due to missing
interfaces to popular social software applications.
Even a new generation of external, content-
independent tagging service would make sense:
learners could not only tag learning content, but also
learning partners, relationships, discussions, emails,
and so on. These approaches already tend into the
research field of personal learning environments
(Wilson et al., 2007).
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