Pedro Pico and Alberto Rodrigues da Silva
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Workflow, Automation, Content Management System (CMS), Workflow Management System (WMS).
Abstract: Workflow is a popular concept in nowadays. Organizations try to implement Workflows that are flexible
and optimized, but the simple realization of Workflows inside an organization is not always a simple task.
Thereby the perception of its definition and endeavours can bring several benefits. One tool that helps to
structure and optimize organization’s business processes are Content Management Systems, CMS. These
applications provide a separation between content and services. When these two concepts meet in a CMS
which supports Workflow, organizations may take advantage, becoming more agile, flexible and dynamic,
while their tasks are automated. Ultimately these tools will help to increase the organization’s productivity
and establish the desired business processes.
Workflow is an abstract concept that is currently
relevant within Software Engineering as well as
Organizational Engineering. Prove is the significant
number of companies that is increasingly embracing
it. Due to the richness and abstraction of the concept,
Workflow is mentioned by Software Industry
endeavors, meaning that it can be applied successful
to Software application design and development.
Bearing that in mind, the Workflow Management
Coalition, WFMC is the
reference organization responsible for the standard
specification of Workflow engines and related
specifications. The WFMC defines Workflow as
“the computerized facilitation or automation of a
business process, in whole or part”( David
Hollingsworth, 1995). On the other hand, Marshak
defines Workflow as “The automation of the
processes we use every day to make our business
through. A Workflow Application does
automatically the sequence of actions, activities and
tasks to run a process, including all the routing
within the stages of each instance of a process, as
well as the tools to manage the process itself” , (R
onni T. Marshak, 1995).
Automation and business processes are concepts
that are mentioned on both definitions, leading to a
first definition of Workflow as a “business process
WFMC still introduces the concept of a
Workflow Management System, as being a “system
that completely defines, manages and executes the
workflow through the execution of software whose
order of execution is driven by a computer
representation of the workflow logic”, (David
Hollingsworth, 1995).
These definitions indicate the Workflow logic
has to be represented in a formal language, so that
running software may be able to build, manage and
execute that workflow logic.
On the other hand, Content Management
Systems, CMS (are also known as ECMS
(Enterprise Content Management Systems)), (James
Robertson, 2002), are an emergent class of software
systems that promotes the management of structured
and unstructured business data (aka “content”) of
organizations, such as records of customers or links,
as well as documents, pieces of text, images or
videos. CMS provides the following benefits:
extensibility, modularization and platform reuse;
content and presentation independence; easy
management and publication of contents; integrated
support of multi-language contents; integrated
support of users and access control management.
We identify in this paper some application
scenarios where workflow technology can be
applied with advantages. In particular, we discuss
several issues concerning the use and adoption of
workflows features into the domain of CMS
platforms and respective CMS-based applications.
Pico P. and Rodrigues da Silva A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 232-235
DOI: 10.5220/0001519802320235
Workflow concepts and technologies can be applied
into different application scenarios, such as (1)
system integration support, (2) user interface and (3)
content workflow in CMS (Content Management
Workflow Support in System’s Integration.
Information System’s high-level abstractions and
business service’s interactions may be seen as a
Workflow system, (Michael Rowell, 2001).
Currently, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA),
Dirk Krafzig, 2005, is an example of this approach,
in which technology is only a tool for orchestration
of business processes and services. According to the
SOA approach there should be a Service repository
which agglomerates services – which according to
the OASIS organisation is defined as "a mechanism
to enable access to one or more capabilities, where
the access is provided using a prescribed interface
and is exercised consistent with constraints and
policies as specified by the service description.".
These services, in their turn, communicate among
them and with front and back-end applications,
through a communication channel. To accomplish
this, each service application must expose a
programming or computing interface. Workflow
plays the role of orchestrating the interactions
amongst all these services. Microsoft Biztalk and
BEA WebLogic are the leading application servers
that support SOA in the industry.
Workflow Support in User Interface Software
Applications. The Workflow concept can also be
applied to the end-user interface definitions for
software applications. The links between interaction
spaces (e.g. web page, window screen) are events
that may be triggered by human or third-party
applications. For example, the submission of a web
form is a human interaction, while the presentation
of a RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed is a third-
party application interaction.
To make the most out of this vision of software
design and implementation, some companies have
been publishing Interface Workflow Managers. This
functionality is usually associated with the software
developing process since the tools that support these
features are usually within the Integrated
Developing Environments, IDE, of the existing
platforms. With Microsoft Visual Studio, (Dino
Esposito, 2002), the users have the ability to
visually edit and see their application’s interfaces as
a tree of nodes, in which each node is an interaction
space and the connection among nodes define the
hierarchy of the nodes in the tree. On the other hand,
Sun released in 2006 JAVA Web Studio Creator,
(Gail Anderson, Paul Anderson, 2006), supporting
the same functionality for J2EE applications.
Workflow Support in CMS. Content Management
Environments are also a relevant application for
Workflows. These Systems evolved from meta-
applications and frameworks which were used to
produce other applications. The urge for Documental
Management Applications left only one step further
what would later be known as Content Management
Applications. The difference between these two is
the object that is managed, while the former manage
documents, the latter manage contents, which is an
abstraction in which documents can be included.
In these environments a Workflow can be seen as
the set of stages that content may assume since its
creation until it is made available. Consider the
following example: (1) a document is created and
submitted to an application; (2) then it is approved in
chain by a set of users; (3) until it becomes visible
for all convenient users.
In this example the stage transitions are mainly
triggered by human interaction. Users trigger stage
transitions so that contents may evolve through the
hierarchical structure of the organization, being
progressively approved by users with more and more
responsibilities. This type of Workflow systems has
to make sure that if content is not approved by a
user, it must return to its previous stage. Stage
transitions also have to be able to trigger automatic
actions. For instance, sending e-mails so users may
be notified of pending decisions they have to make.
Stage transitions may not only be triggered by
human interaction, but also by third-party
Content Management Systems promote the clear
separation between contents and services. The latter
are responsible for content’s presentation,
manipulation and access, while the former are the
artefacts that are passed throughout services.
Pictures, texts, links, news, videos, and documents
are all examples of contents.
The main goal of Workflows in CMS is to
provide a path for contents since their creation, until
they are made available for other users to see – often
defined as publication. The path can be described by
a set of consecutive evaluations, usually referred as
stages, in which users, defined by a specific business
role may, or may not, approve contents.
For example, in a newspaper, each article, after
written by a journalist, must be reviewed by the
journalist’s supervisor. If the article is approved, it
will go on to the next evaluation, and an upper
supervisor will have to evaluate the article;
otherwise it will return to the previous stage, and the
journalist will have to rewrite the article. The
evaluations will go on in chain until eventually some
supervisor will approve the article’s publication.
A Workflow in a CMS is exactly the chain of
evaluations that content undergoes since its creation
until its publication. It is now assumed a Workflow
has several stages. While each stage is associated
with one role – set of users – who are responsible for
evaluating the content – either approving it, or
declining it.
In the newspaper example, when a supervisor
declines content, the content will return to the
previous stage so it can be reviewed or rewritten
again. If, on the other hand, the content is approved
it will move on to the next stage. If it achieves the
last stage, the content will be published. While in the
physical world articles are printed in paper, in the
digital world contents may either be created or
replace existing versions of the content. As an
example it can be considered any page available in
the wikipedia web site, In this
web site each page may be replaced by a new
version, as well as new pages may be created. Pages
are the contents in this example.
The multiplicity of instances of the same content
that have to co-exist lead to the need of content
versioning. This happens since at least two versions
of the same content will be needed. One that is
published, and thereby the one all users can see, and
another one which is evaluated by supervisors, and
thereby available for supervisors to see. The former
will be referred as the published version, while the
latter will be referred as the draft version. This can
lead us to the conclusion that content is
characterized by its version.
Finally, there is also another aspect to be added,
the possible existence of predefined actions that may
occur every time a stage is achieved or departed
from. A simple notification to the author every time
the content he submitted is approved by a supervisor
is an example of what a predefined action can be.
Figure 1 illustrates how the mentioned concepts are
connected in a CMS Workflow Domain model.
The adoption of Workflow management systems is
urging in the Software industry, allowing the
automation of content’s production and integration,
This will lead to an optimization of the
organisation’s business processes.
CMS platforms with Workflow features show
how organizations can better support their business
processes, regarding agility and flexibility, since
they provide a beneficial separation between
contents and services, allowing the business users to
manage both in an easy and independent way.
In the CMS domain a Workflow has several
stages. While each stage has one responsible role
and a set of predefined actions that may be triggered
either when the content arrives or leaves the stage.
Finally the content, which is the artefact that goes
through the stages of the Workflow, has to be
identified by a version, since in the most simplistic
scenario at least two instances of the same content
will have to co-exist. Figure 1 ilustrates the domain
model of Workflow in CMS.
Workflows can be used in CMS is such
scenarios as documental management, e-commerce
and submission of articles. Documental management
concentrates on documents as its contents. The life
cycle of a document includes its creation, edition,
configuration of its visibility, deletion, etc. All such
operations can have associated Workflows that
provide automatism and flexibility to these
processes. E-commerce functionality can also take
advantage of Workflow support. For instance in a
purchase tracking mechanism, actions as the locking
of an item, the payment checking mechanism, the
client notification, and the notification of the
warehouse which is supposed to send the item to the
customer, can all be included in a Workflow which
is responsible for the coordination of each of these
steps. The last example of Workflow functionality in
a CMS is the publishing of articles. In this Use Case
scenario a user can create an article and submit it to
a CMS. The CMS can then, by means of a
Workflow, deliver the article to a supervisor, who
will revise it and either accept it, publishing it, or
declining it, sending feed-back for the user to
improve his article. The described scenarios show
the relevance and applicability of Workflows not
only to business processes, but in CMS.
CMS that support Workflow provide their users
a relevant advantage, since steps that that are
repeated very often may be automated, saving time
and allowing the users to concentrate on the most
important part of their jobs: to focus on their
business tasks creating business value for their
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Main concepts of CMS’s Workflow Support.
David Hollingsworth, 1995. The Workflow Management
Coalition Specification reference model.
Ronni T. Marshak, 1995. Workflow: applying automation
to group processes, Groupware: technology and
applications, Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd.,
Hertfordshire, UK.
Michael Rowell, 2001. Understanding EAI: Enterprise
Application Integration, Sams, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Dirk Krafzig, 2005. Karl Banke, Dirk Slama,. Enterprise
SOA, Prentice Hall.
Dino Esposito, 2002. Building Web Solutions with
ASP.NET and ADO.NET, Microsoft Press.
Gail Anderson, Paul Anderson, 2006. Java Studio Creator
Field Guide, Sun Microsystems Press.
James Robertson, 2002. How to evaluate a content
management system, KM Column.