Dionisis X. Adamopoulos
Department of Technology Education & Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece
Keywords: Web services, Web service engineering, Internet middleware.
Abstract: Web services are emerging technologies that can be considered as the result of the continuous improvement
of Internet services due to the tremendous increase in demand that is being placed on them. They are rapidly
evolving and are expected to change the paradigms of both software development and use, by promoting
software reusability over the Internet, by facilitating the wrapping of underlying computing models with
XML, and by providing diverse and sophisticated functionality fast and flexibly in the form of composite
service offerings. In this paper, the different facets of Web services are identified and a flexible approach to
engineering complex Web services is adopted in the form of a proposed framework for the development of
Web services. After the examination of its main constituent parts, it is argued that its full potential and that
of Web service engineering in general, is realized through the gradual formation of a rich service grid
offering value-added supporting functionality and therefore the main desirable properties of such a service
grid are highlighted. Finally, the paper outlines a validation approach for the proposed framework and
assembles important pointers for future work and concluding remarks.
Web services can be considered as a special
category of telematic services, that although they
have several unique characteristics, they remain geo-
graphically distributed entities providing a number
of people a predefined, carefully selected, set of
capabilities / facilities, utilising the resources of
telecommunication networks (Adamopoulos, 2003).
This paper attempts to determine the boundaries of
Web service engineering and, considering the needs
of companies that deploy Web services to support
increasingly sophisticated business processes,
proposes a framework for the development of Web
services and examines its main constituent parts, ad-
dressing important issues for the creation and provi-
sion of a new generation of functionally rich, adapt-
able, web-centric, composite applications.
A Web service is programmable application logic
accessible using standard Internet protocols, fulfill-
ing a specific task or a set of tasks and representing a
discrete unit of business or system functionality, that
can be combined with other Web services to main-
tain business transactions or workflows (Curbera,
2004)(WSAWG, 2005). By exploiting Web services
an organization is able to provide ("expose") any
business function to any other entity, such as another
business function, an organization, a particular
community, as well as end users.
As a new domain or scientific discipline at the
boundaries of software engineering and telecommu-
nications, Web service engineering addresses the
technologies and engineering processes required to
define, design, implement, test, verify, validate, de-
ploy, combine, maintain, and manage Web services
that meet user needs in the current or future net-
works. Its main objective is to ensure the introduc-
tion of new and enhanced Web services and their
management, in a fast and efficient manner. It relies
heavily on open distributed object-oriented process-
ing and Internet technology, and ambitiously prom-
ises to significantly facilitate the offering of a wide
variety of highly sophisticated and personalised ser-
vices over the widest possible coverage area.
Finally, it has to be stressed that Web services
represent the convergence between Service-Oriented
Architectures (SOAs) and the Web. SOAs (as the
X. Adamopoulos D. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 256-259
DOI: 10.5220/0001522302560259
one proposed by the Telecommunications Informa-
tion Networking Architecture-Consortium, TINA-C)
have evolved over the last 10 years to support high
performance, scalability, reliability and availability
(Adamopoulos, 2003). To achieve these properties,
applications are designed as services, that can be
accessed through a programmable interface and run
on a cluster of centralized application servers. In the
past, clients accessed these services using a tightly
coupled, distributed object protocol, such as Micro-
soft’s DCOM, OMG’s CORBA or Sun’s Java RMI.
While these protocols are very effective for building
a specific application, they limit the flexibility of the
system. Furthermore, each of the protocols is
constrained by dependencies on vendor
implementations, platforms, languages or data en-
coding schemes that severely limit interoperability
and none of them operates effectively over the Web
(Chung, 2003). Web services inherit all the best
features of the SOAs and all the best aspects of
component-based development in general and com-
bine them with the Web. Like components, Web ser-
vices represent functionality that can be easily
reused without knowing how the service is imple-
mented. However, the Web supports universal com-
munication using loosely coupled connections and
Web protocols are completely vendor-, platform-,
and language- independent.
Because of the inherent complexity of Web
technologies and the recent diversification of the
telecommunications environment, Web service engi-
neering activities should satisfy a number of re-
quirements, in order to maximise their usefulness,
fulfil the emerging increased expectations regarding
their value and impact, and lead eventually to a Web
populated by a variety of service objects. Current
Web service technology scores rather low compared
to these requirements. Therefore, in an attempt to
revitalize Web service engineering and enable it for
the crucial role that is anticipated to have in the new
emerging telecommunications environment, a Web
service engineering framework is proposed with the
objective to provide a rich conceptual model for the
development and the description of Web services
bringing this technology to its full potential.
The proposed framework is placed inside a
composite organisational context (a “business
ecology”), in order to signify that Web service
engineering activities are normally performed by a
variety of entities / business formations. Although in
practice many of the companies operating in this
sector / area blend various functions into a
composite offering and adopt many different roles,
the major players in this new always-on Web
services landscape are Application Service Providers
(ASPs), Managed Hosting Providers (MHPs), Inter-
net Service Providers (ISPs), network operators, In-
dependent Software Vendors (ISVs) and Business
Service Providers (BSPs) (Wainewright, 2006).
Therefore, the proposed framework is influenced by
their business objectives, their general
telecommunications and IT strategic orientation,
their knowledge, their problem solving attitude and
their experience.
The main constituent parts of the proposed Web
service engineering framework are:
A Web service development methodology: It is a
methodology that guides service developers
during the entire process of Web service creation.
A Web service support environment: It is an envi-
ronment aiming to facilitate, both the development
of Web services (in cooperation with the Web ser-
vice development methodology) and their execu-
tion under real conditions. It consists mainly of:
Web service engineering principles: These
are concepts, guidelines, design patterns,
practices and (in general) mental constructs
that are applicable to Web service
engineering activities.
A Web service architecture: It contains in a
structured manner all necessary details for the
information and computational modelling of
Web services.
A Web service execution environment: It
encompasses the necessary computing and
network infrastructure and the appropriate an-
cillary software (e.g. operating systems, data-
base management systems, etc.), which is
needed for and during the execution of a Web
service. Its most important part is the Web
platform, which abstracts over all the other
parts and reduces greatly the effort needed for
the implementation of a Web service.
Furthermore, the Web platform is
accompanied by a collection of software tools
(together with a reuse infrastructure) that are
used according to the Web service
development methodology with the aim to
assist the service developer(s) when applying
the methodology.
A Web services environment conforms to the
conceptual roles and operations that characterize
every SOA. The three basic roles are the service
provider, the service consumer and the service
broker. A service provider offers the service and
publishes the contract that describes its interface. It
then registers the service with a service broker. A
service consumer queries the service broker
according to its specific needs and finds a
compatible service. Then, the service broker informs
the service consumer on where to find the service
and its service contract. Finally, the service
consumer uses the contract to bind the client to the
service. In order for the three conceptual roles to
accomplish the related conceptual operations, a SOA
system must supply / specify three core functional
architecture components; namely transport, de-
scription, and discovery (WSAWG, 2005).
As most Web service configurations suggest, the
three core functional architecture components
(transport, description, and discovery) are imple-
mented using SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, respec-
tively, forming the Web Services Architecture
(WSA). A UDDI registry has the role of a service
broker. The register and find operations are
implemented using the UDDI Inquiry and UDDI
Publish APIs. A WSDL document describes the
service contract and is used to bind the client to the
service. All transport functions are performed using
The Web Services Architecture (WSA) provides
the necessary means to create Web services for the
coverage of an infinite variety of needs and to dy-
namically combine them to satisfy more specialized
business requirements at any point in time, by knit-
ting together micro-services (individual process
components) into a broader application entity offer-
ing enriched functionality. However, such Web ser-
vice creation activities can be extremely risky and
difficult as Web services can be relatively simple,
like the delivery of a currency converter or stock
quotes to a cell phone, but also very complex, like a
payment processing service where millions of euros
are being transferred in individual transactions from
one account to another.
Furthermore, all Web services are currently com-
posed in a rather ad hoc and opportunistic manner by
simply combining their operations and input and
output messages. If the requirements change or need
to be adjusted, then the composition will have to be
respecified and recreated by possible interlinking
additional or modified service interfaces. This ap-
proach leads to a proliferation of badly specified ser-
vice operations and results in unmanageable and
cluttered solutions. In this case, the needs of service
developers that want to reuse the design and imple-
mentation of existing Web services only by exten-
sion or restriction, without developing them from
scratch, cannot be satisfied.
An equally important problematic situation arises
also from the fact that unlike a traditional telecom-
munications enterprise network, many different pro-
viders share the multi-layered network and software
infrastructure of Web services. Therefore, creating
an integrated, end-to-end application delivery infra-
structure incorporated into a Web service requires
close cooperation between all the interconnected,
autonomous participants (providers and enterprises).
It is evident that as Web services become more
sophisticated and more global in reach and capacity,
it becomes increasingly important to provide
additional assistance to service developers in order
to ensure the effective encounter of the above
mentioned problems and the efficient support of
commercial-grade application functionality by Web
services in an incremental manner, with little risk
and at low cost. Recognising these needs, a Web
service development methodology is proposed. This
methodology “covers” in a systematic and structured
manner the entire Web service creation process
through a requirements capture and analysis phase, a
Web service analysis phase, a Web service design
phase, a Web service implementation phase, and a
Web service validation and testing phase. It recog-
nises the inefficiency of current general-purpose
software engineering methodologies to address suc-
cessfully Web service engineering matters and pro-
poses a novel Web service creation process based on
fundamental object-oriented analysis and design
concepts and on important results of service creation
research regarding the development of telematic ser-
vices upon distributed object platforms utilising
SOAs. The novel character of the proposed method-
ology is reinforced by the adoption of an
incremental and iterative use case driven approach,
by the consideration of the special needs imposed by
the Web Services Architecture, by the careful
incorporation of the Unified Modelling Language
(UML) notation and the XML technology
throughout the service creation process, by the
exploitation of specially constructed design patterns,
and by the promotion of reusability and dynamic
Web service compositions.
Unlike other SOA systems, Internet middleware
does not define a specific invocation mechanism. It
simply defines the communication protocols (XML,
SOAP, etc). The specifics of how Web services in-
teract with SOAP and WSDL have been left as an
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
exercise to the service developer’s community.
Since the WSA is based on standard XML, Web
services can be implemented by using the pervasive
XML processing techniques that are supported by a
variety of software tools, together with ad hoc
invocation implementation patterns. However,
efficiency can be greatly improved by using spe-
cialized Web services platforms, which provide a
ready-made foundation for building and deploying
Web services, based on a set of carefully selected
invocation mechanisms. The advantage of using a
Web services platform is that developers don’t need
to be concerned with constructing or interpreting
SOAP messages.
The two most prominent Web services platforms
currently are Microsoft’s .NET and Sun’s J2EE.
More specifically, Microsoft has defined a set of
standard programming interfaces and class libraries
for the Visual Studio .NET languages within the
.NET framework. On the other hand, the Java Com-
munity Process’ (JCP) has recently defined a set of
standard programming interfaces for Java Web ser-
vices, as part of the J2EE specification. It is evident
that due to the increased capabilities of these plat-
forms and their continual improvement the selection
process is a challenging task (Williams, 2003).
Web service engineering provide a sound basis for
developing and deploying interoperable Web ser-
vices, allowing the gradual transformation of the
Internet to a global common information networking
platform where organizations and individuals com-
municate with each other to carry out various com-
mercial activities and to provide value-added func-
tionality. With the emergence of Web services the
Internet has become a computing execution network,
processing commercial transactions and business
However, many of the standards required for
Web services are not yet fully defined. The SOAP,
WSDL and UDDI specifications that underpin cur-
rent Web services technology form a de facto stan-
dard infrastructure with little endorsement by offi-
cial standards organizations. For this reason, the ex-
isting specifications contain a number of ambiguities
and inconsistencies, and address only basic Web
services communications. Two standards groups are
currently working on the definition of official Web
services standards: The World Wide Web Consor-
tium (W3C) and the Organisation for the Advance-
ment of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).
W3C focuses on core infrastructure specifications
and OASIS focuses on higher-level functionality.
In general, Web services computing poses
significant theoretical and engineering challenges as
developers determine how to leverage emerging
technologies to automate semantically rich
application domains and to create software entities
with an open interoperable character, based on
cross-organisational, heterogeneous software
components. The proposed framework for the
development of Web services aims to address this
movement towards Web-enabled service-oriented
computing, where application logic is offered as a
set of services both within and across enterprises.
Web services constitute undoubtfully a
promising technology that will increasingly assist
the integration of heterogeneous islands of
application logic (objects on the Web) to
homogeneous component-based solutions (a web of
objects), especially when supported by robust
service grids. However, developers should keep in
mind that Web services are still a fast moving target
and an immature technology. Existing object-
oriented middleware such as COM+/.NET, CORBA,
and EJB/RMI may be still necessary to implement
sophisticated back-end services, but Web services
claim a prominent role when these functionality
islands must be connected to fully operational
networked systems.
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