Sanaullah Nazir, Brahmananda Sapkota and Tomas Vitvar
Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, IDA Business Park, Galway, Ireland
Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, Ontology, Semantic Web service discovery, e-Government, Personal-
Most of the existing work in web service discovery reflect providers perspective. These discovery techniques
improve service descriptions so that the service clearly describes what it offers. This development has led to the
use of semantic web technology for web service discovery. A lot of work has gone into improving web service
descriptions to support improved web service discovery. In this paper we extend the existing approaches to
semantic web service discovery and introduce personalization to it. We also show how personalization affects
discovery. We provide a model to represent a user profile, and its usage for improving the accuracy of web
service discovery.
Advancement in web service discovery is mostly
centred around the service provider. Use of
UDDI (Clement et al., 2004) has been amongst the
initial efforts for improving web service discovery.
The inability of web service description language
WSDL to describe what the service provides led to
the use of semantic technology, involving DAML-
S (Paolucci et al., 2002), OWL-S (Srinivasan et al.,
2004), WSMO (Keller et al., 2004) etc. Most of the
currently used discovery approaches has been geared
towards identifying services which meet the user’s
requirements. There might be some web services,
which provide the same output, but the user of the
service could be different.
Context based service discovery (Hai et al.,
2005), (Maamar et al., 2006) is a type of service
discovery approaches which concentrate on the user’s
perspective. But the direction of context based dis-
covery has been dependent on environmental param-
eters in which the user is searching for a service.
Another discovery approach is QoS based service
discovery (Vu et al., 2005), (Makripoulias et al.,
2006). In this approach some numeric parameters are
set for some characteristics of a service. These val-
ues should match with the requirements of the service
user, e.g the required shipment time of the product
should match with the shipment time provided by the
Here it is important to understand that the discov-
ery approaches mostly try to consider what the user
requires without considering the profile of the user. In
this paper we present a discovery approach involving
the user profile as a functional requirement of the ser-
vice to be matched as well. Answers to the questions
such as how a goal can evolve in order to make dis-
covery more accurate, and how the underlying storage
architecture supports discovery.
The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2
provides the motivating example, which we use to
present our approach of service discovery. Section 3
outlines modeling of web services and goals and Sec-
tion 4 presents the how the discovery of web services
takes place and how goal evolves during the process.
This section also describe the peer-to-peer architec-
ture on which the discovery component is relying on.
Section 5 describes the tools used to implement the
whole architecture, a run through example for the case
study is elaborated in section 6. Section 7 presents
some of related work done in this direction. Finally,
Section 8 draws some conclusions and presents future
In this section we will present a motivating scenario
for this research work. In this example different va-
riety of driving licences are issued depending on the
Nazir S., Sapkota B. and Vitvar T. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 82-89
DOI: 10.5220/0001526400820089
person’s physical ability and the type of vehicle he
drives. The input required from the user is a type of
vehicle, whether he holds international/EU-State driv-
ing licence, and if he has any disability. The personal
profile input would allow the proper discovery of re-
quired service(s). If in this case user profile isn’t con-
sidered then a large amount of services will be discov-
ered from which the selection would have to be done
by the user.
In this section we present language and technique
used to model the web services and user goals. For
describing web services and user goals WSML-Flight
variant of WSML (Toma, 2007) is used. WSML-
Flight allows writing simple logical expressions and
rules. Web services, goals and ontologies are mod-
eled using WSMO (Roman et al., 2007).
The reason for modeling and using personaliza-
tion is to provide different discovery support from
user to user, depending on his needs, status and
environment, rather than providing crude services.
Some work towards personalization for information
retrieval has been done in digital libraries (Amato and
Straccia, 1999), where users are modeled in terms of
five categories, which are personal data, preferences
and restrictions, time and location of delivery, high re-
sponsiveness of the service to user’s need and privacy
of the user data. Moving towards the web, (Garrigos
et al., 2005), Garrigos has presented reusable mod-
els for personalization. In their approach ve models
are presented. Domain model to defined the struc-
ture of domain data, Navigation model to define struc-
ture and behavior over the domain data. Presentation
model is used to handle the layout of the presenta-
tion. The personalization model holds rules for dif-
ferent personalization policies and User model allows
to store data needed for the personalization.
In this paper we model the user in terms of his
needs and profile. QoS parameters i.e price, delivery
time etc are not handled in our model, but are con-
sidered to be a non-functional property of the service
which the user can negotiate later.
We have modeled the need and profile of the user
as a functional property of the service and the goal.
Using WSMO for modeling service and user goal,
both the profile and the need will be in the funca-
tional description. The profile of the user is defined
as a concept in a domain ontology. The reason for
having this concept in domain ontology is the vary-
ing requirement of profile for the domains. User of
the service can be an individual or an organization. A
service may be a user of another service, but the pro-
file used will be of the external entity. Some profile
inputs may be required for one domain, while those
might not be of interest in the other. The service is
also dependent on the location of the user, e.g the
driving licence service is provided by many countries,
but the location input provided by the user will allow
providing a more accurate discovery.
A web service W can be modeled in WSMO as
W = {F, B}
F = {Wρ,W ρ
B = {σ,σ
F represents functional description of the web ser-
vice and B represents the behavioral description of the
web service. A functional description of web service
contains precondition Wρ and postcondition Wρ
a web service. WSMO provides two more functional
descriptions attributes which are assumption and ef-
fect. But we are only using precondition and postcon-
The behavioral description of the service B con-
tains choreography σ and orchestration σ
. The chore-
ography of a web service describes the communica-
tion pattern and how the service can be used. Orches-
tration represents how the overall functionality can be
achieved by cooperation of different web service.
The precondition of web service contains rules
which allow to verify the user’s profile. The profile
concept created in the domain ontology is used in the
precondition to evaluate the state of the information
before service execution. The precondition can be de-
fined as follows:
W ρ = α
α = {ν1, ν2,ν3,··· ,νn}
Here α is the set of conditions. This set contains
individual conditions νi which needs to be fulfilled
before the execution of the service. A service can
have multiple preconditions; all of them are need to be
fulfilled by the user goal. Starting from very generic
precondition and moving towards specific precondi-
tion for the services. The generic precondition is held
by all the services that provide same output. Moving
from generic preconditions towards specialized pre-
conditions allows differentiating the profile input re-
quired by the various service of the same type.
Service type is basically what a service provides.
Web services are said to belong to the same service
type if they have a common postcondition, but a vary-
ing precondition.
This will allow to repeatedly evolving a goal
which can accurately match with a web services or
a set of web services.
The postcondition of the web service description
defines the state of the information that is reached af-
ter the service is executed. The need of the user is
modeled in the postcondition of the service. There
can be web service which have common postcondi-
tion but the precondition they require to be verified
are different. Postcondition can be defined as follows:
W ρ
= {β}
Here β represents the state of the information after
execution of the service.
Benefit of using WSMO for modeling is that it
provides support for modeling the user’s request. The
user’s request is divided into two parts, as need of the
user and profile of the user.
We follow a similar approach for modeling goal
as presented in (Stollberg et al., 2007). We use goal
template and goal instance. Goal template can be de-
fined as follows:
= {Gρ,Gρ
A goal template G’ contains precondition Gρ and
postcondition Gρ
. Precondition of a goal template is
the generic precondition which all the services in one
service types define.
Following is how goal is defined, Let G represent
the WSMO goal:
G = {Gρ
Here Gρ
is the postcondition of the goal. User’s
need is captured by the postcondition of the goal. We
are not using precondition in the functional part of
the goal. The reason of not using precondition is dif-
ficulty for the user to write logical expressions. The
user is not interested defining the conditions on the
information but rather would like to provide his input
as simple data. Thus for supporting the user to define
his profile, we use the user’s profile concept described
in the domain ontology.
The user request then finally comprises of WSMO
goal containing postcondition and user data as user’s
profile concept.
Goal templates are provided by service provider
and are created at design time. Transition from goal
template to goal takes will be explained in the goal
creation section presented later. But for now, goal
template is used as a starting point for creating a goal
4.1 Goal Creation and Service
This section elaborates the user’s perspective of the
overall architecture and how a user’s request is for-
malized which is later used for discovery. WSMO
provides support for modeling a goal, but it does not
provide the technique for creating such a goal. An
effort made towards this technique is presented in
(Stollberg and Norton, 2007) . In this paper Stollberg
has presented two forms of goals namely Goal tem-
plates and Goal Instance. He makes further classifica-
tion in Goal templates, which are basic type and com-
posed type. Our work is some what along the same
lines. Here we currently only consider goals of basic
type. Goal will be modeled using the goal modeling
technique presented in the previous section. The goal
evolves for an accurate discovery of service. As de-
fined in the previous section a goal template contains
precondition from the generic type which belong to
all the web service of the same type. A user requests
for a web service goal template using key words. The
matching process retrieves the goal templates which
match his request. User input is required for all the
precondition variables. The precondition is used to
create a user profile which is sent with the goal in a
form of instance of the concept. Evolution of goal
takes place during the web service discovery process.
Each partial input is matched with a complete descrip-
tion of web service. Incomplete inputs become a part
of precondition and are requested in the next step. The
process can be represented as follows: Let initial par-
tial goal created from goal template be
GoalTemplate = G
Gρ = α{ν1/t1}
Here νs are free variables. These variables are
replaced by the t input given by the user.
User Data {δ} α{ν1/t1}
This precondition results into creation of user data
as the concept of a profile in an ontology. This con-
cept satisfies the precondition of the goal template.
From a goal template a goal is created having only
the postcondition of the goal template. Input for dis-
covery is ρ
,O(δ) goal with postcondition and ontol-
ogy containing user data profile concept. Through the
discovery process user profile is refined. The pre-
condition not matching is returned from the discov-
ery component. Just as the case with goal template
this precondition is used to take input from user to ex-
tend the user profile. Next the precondition with this
extended data is sent again to discovery component.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
This process continuous until all the precondition of
the service is satisfied. The following relation must
Gρ W ρ
Gρ α{ν1/t1,...,νn/tn}
δ α
δ W ρ
This relation explains that the user data should
hold for the precondition of the web service. The
postcondition of the goal must also hold for the web
service postcondition. Following is the relation for
W ρ
The process of discovery first matches postcondi-
tions. Web services which have matching postcon-
ditions are then taken for matching the preconditions
of the service. The output from the discovery com-
ponent is list of web service along with precondition
which need to be satisfied. If the web service has no
more preconditions to be matched then the second at-
tribute is null. From the list the user selects which web
service fulfils his need. On selecting a service with
un-fulfilled precondition, then the user has to provide
Here the deviation from the traditional approach
is taken, where the following relation must hold:
Gρ W ρ
W ρ
Creating an instance of a concept from the input
provided by the user is simpler. This would save the
user from writing complex logical expressions and
for component to manipulate with these expressions,
without complete knowledge of the domain. This in-
stance data will allow creating simple queries from
the web service description to verify if the instance
4.2 Storage Requirement
In this section we present the storage architecture of
our discovery approach. The underlying storage ar-
chitecture is based on peer to peer architecture as pre-
sented in (Sapkota et al., 2007). Service providers
/ agency providing the web service description acts
as a peer and becomes a part of the semSet which
is of the same domain. There are few changes made
in the overlay network, to cope with the requirement
of the e-gov domain. The domains of the service
are clearly defined. The peer can belong to multiple
domains. Another e-gov domain specific restriction
is the privacy of the member state i.e to keep data
Figure 1: Peer-to-Peer Architecture for discovery.
of one member state unaccessible to the other mem-
ber state. There is a communal gateway which pro-
vides mediation between ontology. Semantic query
(WSMO goal) requiring interaction with other mem-
ber state passes through the communal gateway. More
detail regarding the communal gateway can be found
in (Vitvar et al., 2006). The mediation approach
used can be found in (Mocan, 2005), which is a part
of WSMX architecture (Zaremba and Moran, 2005).
WSMX (web service execution environment) is run-
ning on all nodes. The discovery and storage compo-
nents are part of WSMX architecture. Each member
state has its own coSet. From the member state coSet
one of them becomes the member of inter-member
state level coSet. Inter-state querying takes place
through these peers. For details about the construc-
tion and membership algorithm of the network refer
to (Sapkota et al., 2007). In figure. the doted line
ring represent the semSet. Where there is only one
peer in the semSet, that peer is a member of the mem-
ber state coSet. The dashed black line represents the
member state coSet.
The discovery component provides the functionality
of discovery of semantic web services which are most
suitable for the user. Figure 2, shows structure of each
peer. Discovery component performs matchmaking
between WSMO goal and profile provided as an in-
stance of citizen concept with the semantic service
descriptions. Personalization component handles the
ordering of personalization rules in the preconditions
needed to be verified by the discovery component,
and returns the formatted output to the external com-
ponent. The Repository holds the semantic data and
communication engine handles the peer-to-peer com-
Figure 2: Peer Structure.
The implementation has been done in Java 1.5.
We have used the WSML2Reasoner framework
(Motik et al., 2005), and KOAN2 reasoner for eval-
uation of logical expressions defined in the seman-
tic descriptions of the services. The underlying
communication between the peers is handled by
JXTA (Li, 2003). The semantic repository used is
ORDI (Ognyanov and Kiryakov, 2005).
In this section we present a running example for the
case study. The requirement is that the user needs a
Irish driving licence. In this example we will consider
that the ontology being used is same for goal and web
service. Non-Functional property(nfp) includes the
domain and member state the entity belongs to. These
nfps are used for routing purpose between the peers.
Table 1 and Table 2 shows how the web service, goal
template and goal are described.
Figure 3, shows how the goal evolves and discov-
ery takes place. Initially the user is provided with a set
of keyword, which allows him to select what his need
is. Using these keywords goal templates are matched.
From the list of goal templates the user selects one.
Figure 3: Discovery Process.
The goal template as defined in the modeling section
has precondition with free variables. Input is taken
from the user for these free variables. These input
result in the creation of instance of the person con-
cept defined in the ontology. This instance along with
the goal having the postcondition only is sent to the
discovery component. The discovery component per-
forms matchmaking and as a result returns a web ser-
vice / set of web services, along with free variable
which require more user input. If the service has no
corresponding free variable it is considered to be dis-
covered. As the user selects a goal template from the
list of goal template, here again the user has to select
a web service from the list of web services, which
serves in the same way as goal template. This activity
continuous until no more free variable are available
along with the service, or the user is satisfied with the
discovered service.
In this case study, there are services which provide
different type of driving licences. Here just for sim-
plicity and to present our point we consider only one
type of licence. The concentration in this example is
to present how the goal evolves and how precondition
of the web service plays its part in the discovery pro-
cesses. The keyword based approach to select the goal
template is used. This goal template asks for user to
fill the nationality, age and if the user has any physical
disability. This resulting in the creation of a goal with-
out precondition and instance data. Next this goal is
sent for discovery. The discovery component returns
”Web service A” that matches the goal and instance
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Web Services.
webService ”webServiceA.wsml”
W ρ = α{ν1, ν2}, W ρ
= {β} ν1 = ?req{Nationality =”IrishCitizenship”
age 18 disable = ”false”} memberOf request.
ν2 = ?req{IrishId = ”true”} memberOf request.
β = ?res{VehicleType = ”car” } memberOf drivingLicence.
This web service provides a driving li-
cence of Ireland for a car. The generic
precondition for this service is that the
person is an Irish citizen and has no dis-
ability. For specialized precondition the
citizen holds an Irish id as well.
webService ”webServiceB.wsml”
W ρ = α{ν1,ν2}, W ρ
= {β}
ν1 = ?req{Nationality =”IrishCitizenship” age 18 disable =
”true”} memberOf request.
ν2 = ?req{IrishId = ”true”} memberOf request.
β = ?res{VehicleType = ”car” } memberOf drivingLicence.
This web service provides a driving li-
cence of Ireland for a car. The generic
precondition for this service is that the
person is an Irish citizen and has some
disability. For specialized precondition
the citizen holds an Irish id as well.
webService ”webServiceC.wsml”
W ρ = α{ν1,ν2}, W ρ
= {β}
ν1 = ?req{Nationality =”EU” age 18 disable = ”false”} mem-
berOf request.
ν2 = ?req{EUId = ”true”} memberOf request.
β = ?res{VehicleType = ”car” } memberOf drivingLicence.
This web service provides a driving li-
cence of Ireland for a car. The generic
precondition for this service is that the
person is an EU citizen and has no dis-
ability. For specialized precondition the
citizen holds and EU member state id as
Table 2: Goal evolution.
goal ” goalTemplate.wsml”
Gρ = α{ν1}, Gρ
= {β}
ν1 = ?req { Nationality = ?nat age = ?age disable = ?dis} mem-
berOf request.
β = ?res{VehicleType = ”car” } memberOf drivingLicence.
This goal template provides a starting
point to discover a service which pro-
vides a deriving licence of Ireland for a
car. The precondition provide what in-
formation is required from the user. The
free variables are used to taking input.
The postcondition defines that the user
is looking for a web service which pro-
vides car driving licence. This goal tem-
plate is created at design time by the ser-
vice provider.
goal ” goalInit.wsml”
={β}, O = {δ}, β = ?res{VehicleType = ”car”} memberOf driv-
ingLicence. δ = ?data{Nationality =”IrishCitizenship” disable =
”false” age = 20 } memberOf Citizen.
This goal is created after the user’s input
for the free variables.
The instance created has all the data
which is needed for discovery
goal ” goalFinal.wsml”
={β}, O = {δ}, β = ?res{VehicleType = ”car”} memberOf driv-
ingLicence. δ = ?data{Nationality =”IrishCitizenship” age = 20
disable = ”false” IrishId = ”true”} memberOf Citizen.
This is the second level of the goal,
where after the first iteration web ser-
vice discovered, i.e. ”web service A”
requires further input for precondition.
To check if the person holds an Irish Id
data, which is if the user has the Irish Id. This pre-
condition like the goal template is used to take input
from the user and to update the instance data. This fi-
nal goal and instance data is sent for discovery which
finally only returns ”Web service A” with null for fur-
ther input requirement. The routing of the goal takes
place using the nfps. Once the peer receives a request
for discovery, it uses the nfps to check to which peers
to route the query to. Peer receiving the request has
in its routing table peers who belong to that domain
and member state, it forwards the goal to those peers.
In case the peer holds no information for that domain
or member state, it forwards the request to the coordi-
nator peer. This forwarding of request continues until
the inter-member state coordinator is reached. The
coordinator forwards the request to the member state
to which the query belongs to. The result is returned
along the same path taken to reach the node.
There has been a lot of work done for web service dis-
covery. Most of the work concentrates on the simple
web service discovery without considering the con-
text or the personalized view of the user.
The two phase discovery presented in (Stollberg
et al., 2007), which we extend to create goal for dis-
covery, provides a way to model the goal for discov-
ery and discover web service, but does not take into
consideration about the possible use of precondition
for providing accurate web services.
Wolf-Tilo presents a personalized selection of web
services approach in (Balke and Wagner, 2003). The
methodology presented there handles the task of per-
sonalization at selection time. The discovery ap-
proach used in keyword based. Ther discovery pro-
posal lacks expressiveness of the query and the ser-
vice. They use simple SQL query to select the ser-
vices that meet the user’s requirement.
(Maamar et al., 2006), gives a very compre-
hensive view for modeling the personalization aspect
for web service discovery. They present a discov-
ery methodology which requires interaction with the
web services and the resource where the web service
has to be executed. They consider three aspects when
considering about the personalization, which are User
context, web service context and resource context.
User context considers user’s preferences, including
where and when the service is needed to be executed.
The web service context considers the constraints on
the web service to execute in a specific environment
and lastly the resource context is the time and load
constraint on the resource. Their approach is quite
similar to our in terms user’s view, but not much de-
tail is presented regarding the modeling language of
the service and query from the user.
In this paper an approach for discovering web services
has been presented. This papers considers discovery
from users perspective. Creation of refined goal from
a generic one is provided to make an accurate service
discovery. Modelling of web services and goal has
been provided using WSMO. WSMO allows to model
a profile of the user as ontology concept. We have pre-
sented how the use of precondition of the WSMO web
service description can be done, which earlier has not
been used. A distributed architecture has been pre-
sented, which handles distributed querying. This has
resulted in efficient discovery of services as the load
on the discovery component has been distributed. The
inferencing time required for discovery is reduced.
This architecture has been implemented in the EU
funded SemanticGov, and has result in very accurate
service discovery during its testing. More work needs
to be done for handling composed goals. Creating
sub-goals and handle discovery and aggregating re-
sults. This has been left for the future work.
This material is based upon works supported by the
EU funding under the projects TripCom (FP6-IST-4-
027324-STP), SemanticGov (FP6-IST-4-027517) and
by the Science Foundation Ireland under Grant No.
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