Towards a Semantic Web Enhanced with Data Quality
Ismael Caballero, Eugenio Verbo
Indra Software Labs, UCLM - Indra Research and Development Institute
Ronda de Toledo s/n – 13004 Ciudad Real, Spain
Coral Calero, Mario Piattini
ALARCOS Research Group, Information Systems and Technology Departament
UCLM - Indra Research and Development Institute, Paseo de la Universidad 4 s/n – 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Data Quality, Semantic Web, DQRDFS, DQMetadata, ISO 15939, Data Quality Measurement, Quantity of
Data Quality.
Abstract: Nowadays, data is of critical importance as a resource. Using data of poor quality can be the source of
several problems when developing a project. The World Wide Web is currently the main showcase for a
vast amount of data. It would be desirable that machines can process the quality of the data contained on the
Web Documents. This paper introduces a new view of the Semantic Web based on the concept of Quantity
of Data Quality (QDQ), in which Data Quality issues will be used as a basis to enable machines to process
the Semantic Web Documents for different activities like information retrieval or document filtering. This
view can open new challenges in Semantic Webs oriented to improve users’ satisfaction with the Internet.
Advances in software technologies and networks
have lead to the development of new Information
Systems running on the Web, as a means for
organizations to be as close as possible to all their
customers, stakeholders and other organizations.
This kind of system allows companies to publish, via
the web, documents containing data related to the
tasks which must be carried out by specific users. If
data is not of high enough quality, then users cannot
correctly complete their projects. So it is important
to take care with data quality (hereafter DQ) in order
to ensure that users achieve a better standard of
project. Up to now, users have been responsible for
assessing the quality of the data, since they are the
only ones who are able to understand it and its
In their definition of Semantic Web, (Bernes-Lee
et al., 2001) state that “the Semantic Web is an
extension of the current web in which information is
given well-defined meaning, better enabling
computers and people to work in cooperation”. This
definition opens the possibility for machines to
understand data contained in web documents: if they
can understand it, they can also manage the quality
of it. Furthermore, machines could apply this
managerial capability to doing tasks like
discriminating documents attending to their data
quality levels before deploying them to users.
But in order to turn these proposals into reality,
some value must be added to the Semantic Web, and
to the way in which Semantic Web Documents can
be performed.
This paper has a twofold goal: (1) to provide
readers with a brief background of DQ (section 2)
and (2) to show how we have applied DQ
fundamentals in order to enhance the quality of Web
Documents for Semantic Web (section 3).
2.1 Data Quality Dimensions
Data is said to be of quality if it fits the purpose for
which is used (Strong et al., 1997). One of the most
Caballero I., Verbo E., Calero C. and Piattini M. (2008).
DQRDFS - Towards a Semantic Web Enhanced with Data Quality.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 178-183
DOI: 10.5220/0001526701780183
interesting strategies for tackling the study of DQ for
a context, is to break it down into “minor qualities”
known as DQ dimensions (Lee et al., 2006). Each
scenario requires some dimensions which best fit the
use of the data. The sets of DQ Dimensions usable in
a context are known as DQ model. Literature shows
several examples of DQ models for specific
scenarios: medical and healthcare (Al-Hakim, 2007),
decision support system (Gendron and D'Onofrio,
2002), or web (Caro et al., 2007), to name a few.
ISO, at this moment, is working on the draft of the
ISO/IEC 25012 standard (ISO-25012, 2007), a part
of the SQUARE family that will propose a DQ
model for IS. In any case, the generic classification
proposed by (Strong et al., 1997) has been widely
used. These authors group DQ dimensions into four
categories making reference to the point of view
from which DQ can be observed: Intrinsic DQ
(dimensions of accuracy, objectivity, credibility,
reputation) refers to the quality of the data itself;
Accessibility DQ category contains dimensions
(accessibility, Access security) providing meaning
about the extent to which data can be accessed;
Contextual DQ (Relevancy, Value-Added,
Timeliness, Completeness, Amount of data) refers to
those DQ dimensions which deal with the use of
specific data in a context; Representational DQ
category (interpretability, ease of understanding,
concise representation, consistent representation) is
centred on those characteristics of the representation
of data which make it usable. A more complete
definition of the meaning of these dimensions can be
found through DQ literature, the most interesting
works being those proposed by (Batini and
Scannapieco, 2006, Lee et al., 2006, English, 1999).
2.2 Measuring and Assessing DQ
Let us give the name stakeholder to any person or
process involved in the use of the data or of
resources which have data. Any stakeholder will
need to assess how good a piece of data is for the
task to be executed. We would like to highlight the
difference between the concepts of “measuring DQ”
and “assessing the DQ level” of a piece of data for a
task. For each DQ Dimension belonging to the DQ
model used for the assessment, some measurements
must be taken.
Both measurement and assessment are going to
depend on the intended use of the data and on the
nature of the DQ dimension (which determine the
measurement method (ISO/IEC, 2000)). For
measuring, a base or a derived measure must be
drawn. In this case, a measurement method or a
measurement function is required. On the other
hand, it could possibly be said that for the
assessment and indicator might be enunciated.
According to literature, typical derived DQ
measures have a measurement function based on the
percentage of the Number of Data Units which do or
do not satisfy a DQ criterion (Batini and
Scannapieco, 2006, Lee et al., 2006). This fact
confers to the measurement of a ratio scale (see
Figure 1):
Figure 1: Typical DQ Measure.
In the formula of Figure 1, there are two base
measures: NumberOfDataUnitsNotSatisfyingACrite-
rion and TotalNumberOfDataUnits. The measure-
ment method for both consists of counting a number
of data units. For the second one, there is only one
problem, which is counting all data units of the piece
of data. In the first, the counting is limited to those
data units affected by the criterion. A criterion is
usually defined as a business rule to warranty the
soundness of the data (English, 1999, Loshin, 2001,
Wang, 1998). The result of deciding if the data unit
satisfies the criterion can be “True” or “False”. So,
in order to obtain a value for the measure, a count of
data units having obtained a “true” value must be
done. But the intrinsic difficulty is addressed at
defining how the data unit satisfies the criterion.
Sometimes, some metadata is necessary for each
piece of data to complete its meaning in order to be
able to decide whether or not it satisfies the criteria.
To make a decision, a rule based on this metadata is
needed. This rule can consist of objectively or
subjectively determining if the value of metadata
belongs to a given domain. (Naumann and Rolker,
2000) identify the following as possible sources for
values of metadata: a stakeholder, the information
manufacturing process or even the same data store.
Different authors in the DQ field agree that values
for metadata coming from users are probably
subjective, whereas the ones coming from the proper
data stores are objective.
Having to add some metadata to the data, a new
problem arises: how to attach the metadata to the
data and how to store it conveniently. In (Wang et
al., 1995), a possible solution for the relational
model is proposed. It consists of tagging data: attach
the DQ metadata as if it were another common
attribute. It could be seen as a way of semantic
annotation. (Caballero et al., 2007) propose another
solution based on (Wang et al., 1995) for XML.
DQRDFS - Towards a Semantic Web Enhanced with Data Quality
They propose an XML Schema named DQXSD that
allows making such annotations for XML files (see
figure 2): The qualityData is used as the root of the
XML document; Entity is anything containing data
(a relational schema, an XML documented). Each
entity can have attributes, the DQ of which must be
studied, like relational attributes or elements in
XML files. Authors use the name
measurableConcept for DQ Dimensions in order to
align their model to ISO/IEC 15939 (ISO/IEC,
2000). Finally, for each measurableConcept, zero or
more DQMetadata-Attributes are defined, and
given a value which is used to assess the DQ level of
each entity regarding the measurable concept.
+id : String
+name : string
+entityCategory : string
+name : String
+name : string
-value : string
0..* 1
+name : String
Figure 2: DQXSD (Caballero et al., 2007).
Next, we are going to explain how these
fundamentals could be introduced into the Semantic
The main aim of this paper is to enable a new
perspective in which machines can automatically
process the quality of the data contained in the
Semantic Web Documents in order to increase user’s
satisfaction with Semantic Web applications in tasks
like information retrieval or semantic searches. This
implies that machines need to measure and assess
this data by making corresponding DQ semantic
annotations in “such way that can be used for more
effective discovery, automation, integration and
reuse across various applications (Guha et al.,
For this reason, we are going to show how to
integrate DQ issues into Semantic Web processing
by following (Wang et al., 1995)’s ideas through the
proposal of (Caballero et al., 2007), but adapted to
RDF. In the “traditional” view, data on Semantic
Web is modelled like a directed labelled graph,
wherein each node corresponds to a resource
(subjects and objects) and each arc is labelled with a
predicate. As a first approach to integrate DQ issues
in Semantic Web, what we propose in this paper is
to annotate RDF with values (metadata following
DQ nomenclature or DQMetadataAttribute
following (Caballero et al., 2007)) corresponding to
DQ dimensions (measurableConcepts) which are of
interest for the different stakeholders. This metadata
might have an objective value used to compute a
measure. Having measures for all best fitting DQ
Dimensions, machines can process an assessment for
the Semantic Web Document. This assessment
represents the perception of the DQ for a Web
Document of a stakeholder for a given application.
We have named it as Quantity of DQ (QDQ).
The QDQ could be interpreted as a weight. It
enables viewing the Semantic Web as a weighted
directed graph for a specific task and stakeholder.
This view will open new fields in machine-
processing data having as basis DQ: for instance,
Semantic Searchers can delimit the quantity of found
results, showing to the users only those whose QDQ
is within an acceptance threshold range (not only the
“relevance”); or ordering the results according to a
ranking model (Ding et al., 2005) based on DQ
requirements. Another kind of application that can
be improved is that oriented to automate a task, like
the one described for (Bernes-Lee et al., 2001).
In order to achieve this goal, several challenges
must be tackled: (1) identify which attributes must
be studied from DQ point of view, (2) how to
identify which are the proper measurableConcepts
for those resources and how to identify the necessary
metadata (when required) to make the
measurements, (3) how to get values for that
metadata and how to annotate them, and finally (4)
how to compute the QDQ according to the
perception of DQ of different groups of stakeholders
through their selected dimensions.
3.1 Identify Attributes to be Annotated
The first step in order to enable DQ in Semantic
Web consists of identifying from the Data Quality
User Requirement Specification (DQ-URS) which
elements need to be studied. The elements are
related to the level of granularity at which the study
is necessary. (Ding et al., 2005) identify the
following levels of granularity according to the
levels in which Semantic Web can be queried: RDF
Database, Semantic Web Document (SWD), RDF
subgraph or Semantic Web. According to DQXSD
by (Caballero et al., 2007), our entities are going to
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
be the RDF. Their attributes are Subject, Predicates,
Object and Sentences. In this approach we are going
to focus only on sentences, our aim being to write
DQ Sentences about sentences. This process is
known as reification (Daconta et al., 2003).
For instance, let us consider the sentences
Buddy owns business” and “business has-Website
http://www.buddy.com”-borrowed directly from
(Daconta et al., 2003) and showed in figure 3-. Let’s
imagine that somebody could be interested in
knowing, for instance, how reliable, reputable or
timely the sentences are.
Reliability Timeliness
PersonWhoProvidesData DateOfSaying
DateLastAccess FisrtApparitionInGoogle
Figure 3: DQ Dimensions for different sentences.
3.2 Identify DQ Dimensions and
Related Metadata
Once the attributes susceptible to study have been
identified, the next step is to identify the DQ
dimensions or measurable concepts that best fit the
problem of assessing DQ for these elements. The
easiest way to tackle this problem is to choose as a
guide a suitable specific DQ Model (see section 2.1)
As previously mentioned, and according to the
nature of each DQ Dimension, some metadata would
be required. Sometimes, metadata can already be
part of the RDF file or it may be necessary to add it.
For instance, in Figure 2, a stakeholder could need
two DQ dimensions (Timeliness and Reliability) to
compute the QDQ of the sentence “Buddy owns a
Business”. Some metadata complementing the
meaning of the Reliability dimension is required. Let
us suppose that it has been decided that knowing the
PersonWhoProvidesData can help to interpret and
determine if the sentence is worthy or not. Please,
note that on one hand we have the values
corresponding to metadata for measuring a DQ
Dimension by using a measurement method, and on
the other hand we have the measures of the DQ
Dimension used to calculate the QDQ for the
predicate by aggregating those values through an
3.3 Getting and Annotating Values for
This is the great challenge since it implies three key
aspects in measuring DQ:
(1) Who must provide these values?
(2) How and where to store these values? and
(3) How to get a representative value for
different values of the same
DQMetadataAttribute for all stakeholders
in order to calculate the QDQ?
The main response to question (1) might be
found in social annotations like those in Web 2.0
(e.g. del.icio.us or flickr) (Bao et al., 2007). This
situation enables on one hand, the possibility of
easily getting values for the same metadata, with all
the connotations and backgrounds of each user. And
on the other hand, it is possible to determine through
users’ experiences the relationships amongst the
most important DQ Dimensions when assessing the
DQ from their corresponding backgrounds in order
to create specific DQ Models for each context.
Figure 4: Conceptual Representation of DQ metadata.
To answer question (2), in Figure 4, a cube is
shown with the following information: On the X
axis, we have the DQ dimensions; the Y axis shows
all users having annotated a value; the Z axis gathers
all possible sentences of an RDF. Each individual
block stores the value V
for a metadata given for a
DQ dimension D
by a user U
for the sentence S
So, column i contains values of metadata for the DQ
dimension D
, whereas the row j gathers the values
given for a user u
for all DQ dimensions involved in
the evaluation of a sentence S
. Since not all
dimensions are implied at the same time in the
calculus of QDQ for each sentence, not all values
are required. Each block of figure 4 has been
particularized with values for the example proposed
in Figure 3. All these values must be stored together
with the RDF in a RDF Server or in a XML
DQRDFS - Towards a Semantic Web Enhanced with Data Quality
Database. The DQXSD proposed by (Caballero et
al., 2007) is used for describing how to attach and
store the value for metadata to their corresponding
sentence (an attribute for DQXSD).
In order to make this DQXSD operative in this
context, we have developed a counterpart RDF
Schema, which is shown in Figure 5. This Schema is
what we have named DQRDFS. As an example of
its use, figure 6 shows how the sentence “Buddy
owns a Business” and its corresponding
measurableConcepts (see figure 3) can be
represented by using the proposed DQRDFS.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-
xmlns:rdfs="'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema ">
<rdfs:Class rdf:about="&dq;DQMetadataAttribute"
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&rdfs;Resource"/>
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&dq;DQMetadataAttributes"
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&dq;measurableConcept"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Class"/>
<rdfs:Class rdf:about="&dq;attribute"
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&rdfs;Resource"/>
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&dq;attributes"
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&dq;entity"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Class"/>
<rdfs:Class rdf:about="&dq;entity"
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&rdfs;Resource"/>
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&dq;id"
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&dq;entity"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal"/>
<rdfs:Class rdf:about="&dq;measurableConcept"
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&rdfs;Resource"/>
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&dq;measurableConcepts"
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&dq;attribute"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Class"/>
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&dq;name"
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&dq;DQMetadataAttribute"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&dq;attribute"/>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&dq;measurableConcept"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal"/>
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&dq;nestedEntity"
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&dq;DQMetadataAttribute"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Class"/>
<rdf:Property rdf:about="&dq;value"
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&dq;DQMetadataAttribute"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal"/>
Figure 5: DQRDFS: a RDF Schema supporting DQ.
For the last question, it is important to realise
that having several values for each metadata, it is
necessary to give a global representative value for
all provided values. If given values are numbers, an
example of this representing global value could be
an arithmetic mean; should these values for metadata
be subjective linguistic labels, then an aggregation
method is required, like the one proposed by
(Herrera-Viedma et al., 2006).
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdf:RDF [...]
xmlns:dq=“http://alarcos.inf-cr.uclm.es/ontologies/dqmo#“ >
<earl:asserts rdf:parteType=’Resource’>
<rdf:Description rdf:about=“#Buddy”></rdf:subject>
<dq:entity rdf:about="&dq;entity_Instance"
<dq:attributes rdf:resource="&dq;sentence_Instance"/>
<dq:attribute rdf:about="&dq;sentence_Instance"
<dq:name="sentence1" rdfs:label="sentence_Instance">
<dq:value> “Uge</dq:value>
<dq:value> “Coral”</dq:value>
<dq:value> “01/09/07”</dq:value>
<dq:value> “08-08-2007”</dq:value>
Figure 6: An example of DQRDF.
3.4 Calculating QDQ
Once representative values for each measurable
concept have been obtained, the next step is to
calculate the QDQ for each sentence. As can be seen
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
in figures 3 and 4, for each QDQ a set of DQ
Dimensions is involved. The value of QDQ, as
previously said, must be calculated by aggregating
the corresponding measures for the required
measurable Concepts as an Indicator (ISO/IEC,
2000), taking into account the relationships between
the different DQ Dimensions. An interesting
proposal for calculating the QDQ, which takes into
account the possible relationship between DQ
Dimensions, is the one by (Caro et al., 2007), in
which a Bayesian Network (BN) is implemented for
their own DQ model for calculating the level of
Representational DQ of Educational Web Portals.
This paper has introduced some fundamentals of DQ
and has highlighted the importance of annotating
DQ issues of Semantic Web in order to have an
improved web through QDQ Concept. This QDQ
enables a view of the Web as a weighted directed
graph which would open new challenges in
machine-processing Semantic Web Documents in
order to optimize users’ satisfaction. In the future we
will deal with refining and validating the DQRDFS.
A study of how to extend the proposal to the
remainder of the elements of RDF is also planned.
This research is part of the projects ESFINGE
(TIN2006-15175-C05-05) supported by the Spanish
Ministerio of Educación y Ciencia and MECENAS
(PBI06-0024) supported by the Consejería de
Educación y Ciencia of Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla – La Mancha.
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DQRDFS - Towards a Semantic Web Enhanced with Data Quality