Th. Tsiatsos and A. Konstantinidis
Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Multimedia Lab
P.O. BOX. 114, GR-54124, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Collaborative learning, virtual environments, virtual reality, pedagogy, design challenges.
Abstract: In this paper, we aim to aid designers of 3D collaborative virtual environments in their work by presenting
the pedagogical benefits of computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) and discussing how these can
be utilized in the definition of certain design guidelines for CVEs. We also present the challenges faced by
CVE designers due to both the inherent characteristics of CVEs and the purpose these applications are
designed to fulfil. Finally, based on bibliographical studies we suggest how these challenges can be
overcome through thoughtful consideration of certain design principles.
Collaborative or group learning refers to
instructional methods whereby students are
encouraged or required to work together on learning
tasks with or without the help of educators. In this
paper we will focus on Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and specifically on
the use of 3D Collaborative Virtual Environments
(CVEs). Generally, a CVE can be defined as a
computer-based, distributed, virtual space or set of
places. In such places, people can meet and interact
with others, with agents, or with virtual objects
(Churchill et al., 2001). CVEs might vary in their
representational richness from 3D graphical spaces,
2.5D and 2D environments, to text-based
environments. Access to CVEs is by no means
limited to desktop devices, but might well include
mobile or wearable devices, public kiosks, etc.
The effectiveness of collaborative learning
compared to other educational practices (e.g.
competitive or personalized learning) has been
proven by researchers (e.g. Bruckman, et. al 2002;
Ballesteros, 2006) and can be easily deduced
through the study of relevant bibliography.
In contrast though, it should be noted that a small
percentage of researchers did not encounter this
positive pedagogical influence in their research. This
contradiction is probably due to the
multidimensional nature of the design challenges
faced by CVE designers. Challenges concerning the
users themselves and the system that supports the
CVE or issues regarding interaction, communication
and application all have to be addressed. The way to
face these challenging issues is the main topic of this
paper and will be analyzed in the sections that
In the next section the pedagogical benefits of
CVEs will be discussed, as understood through the
study of relevant research. Following that, the main
challenges facing CVE designers are categorized
and presented. Next, these challenges are addressed
through the discussion of proposed CVE design
guidelines. Finally, the paper conclusions are
Although the reason for the effectiveness of
collaborative learning is not perfectly clear we can
hypothesize based on the evaluation of the method
from multiple distinct scientific approaches.
From a motivationalist perspective, collaborative
incentive structures create a situation in which the
only way group members can attain their own
personal goals is if all the members of the group are
successful (Slavin, 1997). In contrast the social
cohesion perspective emphasises teambuilding
Tsiatsos T. and Konstantinidis A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 408-413
DOI: 10.5220/0001528204080413
activities and group self-evaluation, instead of
external incentives and individual accountability.
Research has led to several educational theories,
such as those of constructivism and social learning.
Introduced by Vygotsky, the idea of the zone of
proximal development has been useful for
understanding mechanisms in collaborative learning.
This refers to the fact that, more advanced peers are
likely to be operating within one another's proximal
zones of development, modelling in the
collaborative group, behaviours more advanced than
those they could perform as individuals (Vygotsky,
1978). It should be noted though, that research has
also shown that low achievers progressively become
passive when collaborating with high achievers
(Dillenbourg et al., 1996) and yet groups, which
consist of members with different but partially
overlapping expertise, were more effective and
innovative than groups with homogeneous expertise
(Lehtinen and Hakkarainen, 2001).
This constitutes a challenge for the CVE
designer since a method must be devised to achieve
homogenous and yet functioning student work
groups. Design challenges will be discussed in more
detail in the following sections.
The pedagogical benefits of collaborative
learning are multiple and varied. Through this
technique students can be stimulated to negotiate
information such as abstract, ill-defined and not
easily accessible knowledge and open-ended
problems. Also, collaboration enables the discussion
of complex problems from different perspectives
and supports learners in the elaboration, explanation
and evaluation of information in order to re- and co-
construct new knowledge or to solve problems
(Veerman and Diermanse, 2001).
Probably, the major advantage of collaborative
learning compared to other educational practices
(e.g. personalized learning) is the interaction with
others. This collaboration with other students
provokes activity, makes learning more realistic and
stimulates motivation. Students can ask questions to
each other and discuss problems from different
perspectives. They can propose various answers and
solutions and evaluate them on different criteria
(Petraglia, 1997). From this brief presentation of the
pedagogical benefits of CVEs we can surmise that
the most important factor in designing a CVE is the
catering for communication and interaction between
the participating students and educators. According
to (Bruckman and Hudson, 2001), through CSCL,
teacher-student interactions are more balanced and
evidence suggests a reduction in gender differences.
In addition, learning becomes more student-oriented;
with students exhibiting higher levels of attention
and motivation, lower inhibitions and more honest
and candid attitudes.
This student-centric approach increases the
likelihood that students will absorb and remember
what they learn while making personal connections
with powerful ideas from which classroom
discussions can emerge.
The challenges concerning the design of CVEs can
be categorized into user, communication,
interaction, application and system issues. User
issues concern the influence CVEs excerpt on the
psychology and sociology of collaboration groups
and distinct users. Communication issues relate to
the most effective way of supporting communication
between the CVE participants. As mentioned in the
previous sections catering for communication and
interaction is the most important factor in CVE
design. Furthermore, interaction issues in CVEs are
about enhancing the sense of presence inside the
virtual environment, as well as creating effective and
intuitive 3D interfaces where these are deemed
necessary. Application issues involve the
affordances and representations of objects and user
capabilities within the environment. Finally, system
issues refer to the underlying framework of the
environment (e.g. architectures, specifications and
technical requirements).
These categories will be analyzed in more detail
in the sections that follow.
3.1 User Issues
According to Grudin (1991), groupware (a general
group of collaboration software that accentuates
multiple user environments, coordinating and
orchestrating things so that users can “see” each
other and yet not conflict with each other) is plagued
by innate characteristics which produce negative
effects to collaboration. Effects such as the fact that
these types of applications never provide precisely
the same benefit to every group member and that the
use of groupware is only fruitful if a high percentage
of users participate. Also, that the use of groupware
might be resisted if it interferes with the subtle and
complex social dynamics that are common to
groups. Finally, the design of a CVE should be
adaptable in order to accommodate for the fact that
many organizations are structured in such a way so
as to divide responsibilities and minimize overall
communication requirements and social
The more designers know about the kind of users
that the CVE will be used by the better they can
account for this in their design. Therefore the target
demographics are important. Designers should be
interested in why users are participating. User’s
expectations and desires are more important to
designers than their age, incomes and geographic
locations (Bartle, 2004); For example, as mentioned
by Bruckman et al. (2002), the failure of the CVE
they created was due to the inability to meet user
expectations because of lack of manpower and time.
They argue that to create the popular massively
multiplayer online role-playing game Asheron’s
Call, Turbine Entertainment had a staff of over 30
people working for 4 years. A research prototype
made by a few graduate and undergraduate students
and one faculty member clearly could not compete.
Finally, research is needed in order to assess the
social discomfort levels generated in a CVE, caused
by participants working concurrently with real
people and their avatars. In addition, empirical
testing confirms that virtual reality systems induce
physical symptoms and effects in CVEs. These are
both issues which must be studied in the future.
3.2 Communication Issues
In most virtual learning environments there are
sophisticated surveillance tools available for
tracking and for keeping records of student activity.
It thereby becomes possible to collect detailed
patterns of information and to obtain an insight into
the individual student’s habits (Land and Bayne,
2005). This might gradually push the role of
teaching towards one of learning management
instead of one of facilitating communication.
Although this may be the case, methods still
need to be found in order to improve interpersonal
(visual/body language) communications for
collaboration groups working in a CVE. Some
researchers (Costigan, 1997) assert that the richest
communication occurs when people are physically
face-to-face, which the most sophisticated
technology for connecting people with audio and
video cannot surpass. Therefore the CVE should
have the ability to adapt to system and network
capabilities and still be capable of providing a higher
sense of telepresence.
3.3 Interaction Issues
The main issue concerning interaction in CVEs is
that some tasks are less “shareable” than others. For
instance, solving anagrams can hardly be done
collaboratively because it involves perceptual
processes which are not easy to verbalise (Durfee et
al. 1989). It is the designer’s job to find a way of
incorporating these less collaborative tasks into the
CVE effectively.
Another important issue is the levels of
allowable change (who creates content) and
persistence (what survives a reboot) employed in the
CVE. Generally, an increased number of content
creators imply an increased persistence (Bartle,
2004). In proprietary socially-oriented virtual worlds
building is considered entertainment. The original
designers only create the core of the world and the
means by which it can be extended. Thereafter they
hand it to the users to do with as they wish.
The use of 3D environments compared to 2D or
2.5D perspectives also introduces unnecessary
confusion and complexity to the content material
covered. For example many users have trouble
controlling their avatar’s movement in a 3D setting
(Bruckman et al., 2002). This is probably due to the
lack of experience from the users in navigating 3D
virtual environments. In contrast though, as
mentioned in Monahan et al. (2007), continuous
enhancements in computer technology and the
developing widespread computer literacy among the
public will result in a new generation of users that
expect increasingly more from their e-learning
Success is often due to design features that make
the interface even better than reality. In other words,
not implementing ill-considered 3D features for
situations in which simple 2D representations would
do a better job.
The overall metaphor generally used in CVEs is
of realistic environments reminiscent of places that
one might actually visit to perform real-world tasks.
However this is confounded by certain functionality
being presented with metaphors that although
consistent within themselves, are not consistent with
the overall world metaphor (Steed and Tromp,
1998). Understanding the differences in human
interactions is necessary to ensure the appropriate
technologies are employed to design and develop
groupware systems that could support e-
collaboration effectively. According to Bouras et al.
(2007), there are three primary ways in which
humans interact: conversational interaction,
transactional interaction, and collaborative
interaction. Conversational interaction is an
exchange of information between one or many
participants where the primary purpose of the
interaction is discovery or relationship building.
Transactional interaction involves the exchange of
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
transaction entities where a major function of the
transaction entity is to alter the relationship between
participants. In collaborative interactions, the main
function of the participants’ relationship is to alter a
collaboration entity. Examples include the
development of an idea, the creation of a design, and
the achievement of a shared goal. Finally, among the
challenging problems today is the achievement of a
sense of presence in the virtual environment which
might duplicate, replace, or improve the human
sense of “being there”.
3.4 Application Issues
The application issues are generally concerned with
the affordances of objects and the lack of help with
the CVE itself. They are broad in nature, from
problems with objects whose operation is not
obvious, to wider topics such as how best to
represent group services to group members (Steed
and Tromp, 1998). Generally, some of the major
challenges are: the distribution of objects and
information as well as the delegation of rights and
the representation of group structures.
Although the commercial success of CVE’s has
proven their effectiveness in entertainment, for real
world organisational users there is the matter of
fitness for purpose and consequently confidence in
such novel technology. The CVE must show that it
can deliver safety-critical training in simulated real
life working environments to senior professionals
and lead to its validation by a recognised training
and standards body as being of a suitable standard.
Finally, the CVE must be accepted by the trainers,
trainees and employers who will use it in the end
(Turner and Turner, 2002).
3.5 System Issues
System issues include lack of functionality,
performance and display quality. A typical issue is
that of the CVE slowing or stopping when new
scene components are loaded when the user moves
around. Given the user’s expectation of free
movement at all times, this suggests to him/her that
an error has occurred, or that the operation has
failed. This is also potentially serious for immersed
users since the visual and proprioceptive cues will
conflict. According to Goebbels et al. (2003), high
system responsiveness is perceived as having very
positive impact on collaboration. Even downsizing
the application in order to decrease the CPU load is
recommendable. Findings indicate that good system
responsiveness is guaranteed if all inputs and outputs
are processed and rendered within less than 50ms.
The architectures that support these types of
systems usually fall into one of the following cases
(Bouras et al., 2007): (a) client-server architectures,
where the clients communicate their changes to one
or more servers and these servers, in turn, are
responsible for the redistribution of the received
information to all connected clients and (b) peer-to-
peer architectures, where the clients communicate
directly their modifications and updates of the world
to all connected clients. The challenge here is that
while the client-server model is the most simple it
cannot support high scalability and the server
presents a possible point of failure. On the other
hand, the peer-to-peer model’s scalability is
restricted by the network. A better design would
probably utilise a hybrid architecture which
incorporates the best characteristics of both models.
Design guidelines such as this will be discussed in
the next section.
CSCL is one of the most promising innovations to
improve teaching and learning with the help of
modern information and communication technology.
Eighteen studies presented by Lehtinen and
Hakkarainen, (2001) support the theoretically
derived hypotheses that collaboration facilitated with
information and communication technology would
improve student learning. A technologically
sophisticated three dimensional CVE, designed
around the pedagogical benefits of collaborative
learning can augment their effects and provide
advanced support for a distributed process of
inquiry; facilitate advancement of a learning
community’s knowledge as well as transformation
of the participants’ epistemic states through a
socially distributed process of inquiry.
The pedagogical benefits and challenging issues
mentioned in the previous sections can be translated
into CVE features such as desktop conferencing,
videoconferencing, co-authoring features and
applications, electronic mail and forums, meeting
support systems, voice applications, workflow
systems, and group calendars (Grudin, 1991). These
features and tools can exploit the benefits of
communication and collaborating in groups as
mention in section 2.
More features based on the communication
principles of collaborative learning include flexible
methods available for the students, to help them
externalise their preliminary ideas and make their
thinking processes transparent to other people and
interfaces which by inducing a specific distribution
of roles between learning partners help to foster
social interaction.
Finally, due to the importance of communication
in collaborative learning multiple communication
channels should be available. Channels such as
asynchronous text-based communication should be
utilized to provide time for reflection on messages
and allow students lacking in confidence to learn
nevertheless by “eavesdropping” on conversations.
On the other hand, features such as immediate
feedback should be used cautiously (Dillenbourg et
al., 1996) because they may prevent fruitful
exchanges between human co-learners; relying on
the system to test their hypotheses instead of
developing arguments to convince one another.
Concerning interaction, the designers should
model how the different user types interact, and
design their virtual world such that these interactions
are both stable and intrinsically interesting for
participants and observers (Bartle, 2004).
Several design guidelines discussed in Veerman
and Veldhuis (2001), include tasks that should be
open-ended so students can share and learn from
each other’s differences in perspective, prior
knowledge, experiences, beliefs and values.
Although open-ended, tasks should still be
structured and by this way regulate organisational
and planning issues.
Regarding communication, Veerman and
Veldhuis (2001) suggest the utilization of a
transparent and user-friendly system, with clear and
distinct discussion threads and with a preference to
asynchronous communication when large groups are
Concerning the interaction issues mention in
section 3 and specifically effective 3D interfaces,
designers should use occlusion, shadows,
perspective, and other 3D techniques carefully
thereby avoiding unnecessary visual clutter,
distractions, contrast-shifts, reflections and keeping
text readable. User and object movement should be
simple and realistic with the required navigation
steps for the completion of a task minimized. To
avoid tedious and sluggish movement a teleportation
or flying mechanism should also be employed. Other
desirable features include: x-ray vision, zooming,
global map, history keeping through text and video
recordings, rich user to user and user to object
interactions, explanatory text such as speech
bubbles, tips and labels; marking, measuring and
searching tools, overviews through different camera
perspectives and increased depth of field. Slater, et
al (2000) in studying participants working in virtual
and real-world environments, discovered a positive
relationship between presence (being in a place), and
copresence (the sense of being with other people). In
addition, accord in the group increased with: (a)
presence, (b) the performance of the group, and (c)
the presence of women in the group. In other words,
apart from communication, most central to
collaboration is the support for: mutual awareness;
awareness of the presence of other participants, but
also recognition of the identity, role and current
activity of the other participants (Steed and Tromp,
Usability findings indicated that users prefer to
get a quick overview of the situation before handling
a task; therefore work tools and mechanisms should
be designed in order to disburden the users’ senses
(Goebbels et al., 2003). High cognitive load,
uncomfortable, non-intuitive usability and user
fatigue also have negative impact on the perception
of co-presence and co-knowledge and thus
(Bruckman et al. 2002), summarise two general
design principles: personal and epistemological
connections. Personal connections refer to
construction kits and activities that connect to users'
interests, passions, and experiences, while
epistemological connections are about construction
kits and activities that connect to important domains
of knowledge and also encourage new ways of
Finally, several human-computer interaction
rules for display design are mentioned by Salaheddin
and Omar (2007), such as consistency of data
display (labelling and graphic conventions) for
efficient information assimilation by the user and
minimization of memory load, compatibility of data
display with data entry, flexibility for user control of
data display, presentation of information graphically
where appropriate, standardized abbreviations, and
presentation of digital values only where knowledge
of numerical value is necessary and useful.
There is a need to establish new conceptual
approaches to the design of virtual environments in
order to enhance the richness and complexity of our
experience in emerging virtual worlds. By delivering
“quality of experience”, supporting effectively the
presence of other users, enhancing communication
and designing simple but intuitive interactions
developers can hope to attract the positive reception
of their target group of users and minimize
drawbacks and inadequacies.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In this paper, we aimed at aiding designers of
3D collaborative virtual environments in their work
by presenting the pedagogical benefits of computer
supported collaborative learning (CSCL) and
discussing how these can be utilized in the definition
of certain design guidelines for CVEs. We also
presented the challenges faced by CVE designers
and suggested how these can be overcome through
certain design principles.
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