Claudio Cubillos, Silvana Roncagliolo and Leonardo Espinoza
Escuela de Ingeniería Informática, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Av. Brasil 2241, Valparaíso, Chile
Keywords: AOSE, Planning & Scheduling, Agent System.
Abstract: The present work details the experience on designing a multiagent system devoted to a dynamic Job Shop
setting using the PASSI methodology. The agent system is in charge of the planning and scheduling of jobs
and their operations on a set of available machines, while considering the materials assigned to each
operation. Dynamicity concerns job orders scheduling on-the-fly and the re-schedule caused by changes to
the original plan due to clients, machines or material stocks. The system has been modeled with the PASSI
Toolkit (PTK) and implemented over the Jade agent platform.
Agent paradigm has leveraged as an important
modeling abstraction, in areas such as web and grid
services, peer to peer and ambient intelligence
architectures just to mention some cases. In a
multiagent system (MAS) diverse agents
communicate and coordinate generating synergy to
pursue a common goal.
Hence as modeling artifact, agent-based systems
borrow their key characteristics from us, humans,
and our societies. This higher level of abstraction
has allowed agents to tackle the increasing
complexity of nowadays open software systems
where integration, transparency and interoperation
among heterogeneous components are a must.
For this technology to get more mature and
widespread, the use of agent-oriented software
engineering (AOSE) methodologies and tools are a
key factor of success. The present work describes
the design of a multiagent system using a particular
AOSE methodology called PASSI.
The chosen domain for the system corresponds
to the job-shop scheduling problem under a dynamic
scenario in which job requests coming from clients
must be processed on-the-fly and where changes can
occur due to changes in the environment (e.g.
materials stock-out), problems with the service (e.g.
machine delays or break down) or client
eventualities (e.g. due-date change, job
Diverse proposals of agent-based systems can be
found in literature tackling the job-shop or
production scheduling problem.
In (Fischer, 1994) Fischer proposed a hierarchical
planning structure consisting of six layers: the layer
of the production planning and control system, the
layer of the shop floor control system, the task
coordination layer, the task planning layer, the task
execution layer and the machine control layer.
In (Saad et al., 1995) a Production Reservation
approach was proposed by using a bidding
mechanism based on the Contract Net Protocol -
CNP (Smith, 1978) to generate the production plan.
Other recent CNP-based solutions can be found in
(Váncza, 2000) (Maturana et al., 1999) (Lim, 2002)
and (Usher, 2002).
In AARIA (Parunak et al, 1997), the
manufacturing capabilities (e.g. people, machines,
and parts) are encapsulated as autonomous agents
and use a mixture of heuristic scheduling techniques:
forward/backward scheduling simulation scheduling,
and intelligent scheduling.
In (Maturana et al., 1999) the adaptive multi-
agent manufacturing system architecture called
MetaMorph combined the CNP with mediator-
centric federation architecture was presented.
Although the above works mention the agent
approach for designing the overall system, neither
formal models nor AOSE methodologies are used
for their design mainly due to a lack of maturity
AOSE methodologies at that time.
Cubillos C., Roncagliolo S. and Espinoza L. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 288-291
DOI: 10.5220/0001528502880291
Therefore, one of the contributions of the present
work is to provide a more formal design of
multiagent system devoted to passenger
transportation using the PASSI methodology, one of
the most relevant agent-oriented software
engineering methodologies nowadays.
The traditional Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
(JSSP), can be described by a set of n jobs {J
which is to be processed on a set of m machines
. Each job has a technological sequence of
machines to be processed. The processing of job J
on machine M
is called the operation O
. Operation
requires the exclusive use of M
for an
uninterrupted duration p
, its deterministic
processing time, and each operation O
has pre-
assigned materials {W
. In addition, each job has
a due-date {D
. A schedule is a set of
completion times for each operation {c
that satisfies those constraints. The considered JSSP
involves the scheduling of n jobs J on the m
machines M and consuming k materials W while
minimizing the total tardiness regarding the due-
On the other hand, the dynamic variant of the
problem adds the fact that the jobs to be processed
are not known in advance and that they must be
scheduled as they arrive. In addition, environmental
changes can cause some events to happen, such as a
machine delay or breakdown, a client
canceling/modifying a job order, among others.
Therefore, the objective is to obtain a schedule that
also minimizes the number of non-placed jobs. It is
one of the most hard NP-complete combinatorial
optimization problems.
The multiagent job-shop scheduling system stands
over the Jade Agent Platform (Bellifemine et al.,
1999), and was modelled with PASSI, an agent-
oriented software development methodology,
supported by the PASSI ToolKit (PTK, 2005) to be
used as an add-in for Rational Rose.
4.1 Agent Identification (A.Id.)
The diagram in Figure 1 shows the identified use
cases for this job-shop system and the leveraged
Firstly, the Client agent is a GUI agent in charge
of the communication between an actual client and
the rest of the system, providing the possibility of
generating a job order, and to communicate
inbound/outbound eventualities regarding such order
due to changes in the environment (e.g. order
modification/cancellation from client, order
delay/reject from the system).
Order agents are devoted to the job order
management, its breakdown into operations, the
request of necessary materials for each operation
execution to Stock agents, and the request to
Machine agents for the scheduling of each operation.
Machine agents encapsulate each real machine,
being primarily in charge of its schedule
management. This involves processing requests
coming from Order agents and performing the
scheduling process. It also manages eventualities
that can cause schedule changes due to the machine
itself (e.g. delay or breakdown), due to material
supply problems (e.g. delay on delivery), or even
due to client changes (e.g. order cancellation or
modification). For all the above, it carries out a
search in the solutions state space by implementing
an optimization heuristic. In the actual system, a
search algorithm presented by (Yoo et al., 2002),
inspired in simulated annealing was implemented.
Finally, Stock agents main goal are to maintain
adequate levels of materials by generating supply
orders (to the Stock Administrator), and to provide
the necessary materials for the execution of each
4.2 Roles Identification (R.Id.)
Roles Identification consists in exploring all the
possible paths of the preceding Agents'
Identification Diagram in Figure 2. In fact, each
“<<communicate>>” relationship among two agents
can be in one or more scenarios showing interacting
agents working together to achieve certain desired
system behavior.
As example, the following Figure 3 shows the
scenario in which the Client actor requests the
system to process its job. Each object in the diagram
is described following the <role>:<agent>
This scenario involves all actors and agents in the
system. It starts with the Client requesting its order
processing through the GUI (Client agent), the
interface generates a JobOrder with all the details
and forwards the request to the manager role of the
Order agent. This agent breaks down the job
obtaining an Operation List containing the sequence
of required operations and related materials. The
manager role requests the Stock agent for the
availability of the materials needed for each Opera-
Order Agent
Client Agent
<<GUI Agent>>
Stock Agent
Machine Agent
Stock Administrato
(from 01-Domain Des...
Material check-out
(from Stock Agent)
Stock Lev el Determining
(f rom St ock Agent )
Material Request
(f rom St ock Agent )
Stock Management
(f rom St oc k Agent )
Inform Assignment
(f rom Client Agent )
Generate Material
(f rom St oc k Agent )
<<ext end>>
Orden Deletion
(f rom Client Agent )
(from 01-Dom
Div ide Job Order
(f rom O rder Agent )
Request Materials
(f rom O r der Agent )
<<communic ate>>
Generate Order
(f rom Client Agent )
<<communic ate>>
Inf orm Operations Plan
(f rom Mac hine Ag. . .
Machine's Operations Plan
(f rom Machine Ag. ..
Order Modif ication
(f rom Client Agent )
Send Processing Request
(f rom O rder Agent )
Perf orm Modif ication
(f rom Machine A g. ..
Operation Assignment
(f rom Machine A g. ..
Prov ide Order Inf ormat ion
(f rom O rder Agent )
Manage Order Ev ents
(f rom O r der Agent )
<<communic ate>>
Requests Processing
(f rom Machine Ag. ..
<<communic ate>>
Schedule Changes
(from Machine Ag...
Operator GUI
(from 01-Dom
Mac hine Ev ent s
(f rom Machine Ag. . .
Schedule Changes
(f rom Mac hine Ag. . .
Scheduled Operations'
(f rom O rder Agent )
Manage Job Order
(f rom O r der Agent )
<<communic ate>>
Figure 1: Agent Identification Diagram for the Job-shop scheduling system.
Scheduler :
Machine Agent
Scheduler :
Machine Agent
: Client: Client
Interf ace :
Client Agent
Interf ace :
Client Agent
Manager :
Order Agent
Manager :
Order Agent
Manager : Or...
Manager : Or...
Prov ider :
Stock Agent
Prov ider :
Stock Agent
: Stock
: Stock
Reques t Manager
: Machine Agent
Reques t Manager
: Machine Agent
: Operator GUI : Operator GUI
1: Request Order Processing
2: Send Order (JobOrder)
3: Get Operations (JobOrder)
4: Send Operations (Operations List)
5: Request Materials (Operation)
8: Conf irm Stock Lev el (St ock Lev el)
6: Check Stock (Material)
7: Actual Stock (Stock level)
9: Send Schedule Request (Operation)
10: Check Order Status
for each
operation within
the job order
11: Send Order Status (Order Status)
13: Assign Operation (Operation)
14: Update Operation Plan
12: Sequence Operation (Actual Start Time)
15: Inf orm Operation Plan (Machine Sc hedule)
16: Inf orm Operation Sc hedule (Actual Start Time)
f or each operation
within the job order
17: Conf irm Job Order Schedule (Finish Date)
18: Job Order Processing Inf ormed
Figure 2: Roles Identification Diagram for the “Client Requests Job Processing” scenario.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
tion. On its turn, the Stock agent checks the Stock
Level of each item in the operation’s Material List
and reserves the required amount.
With the materials availability confirmation the
Order agent starts sequentially requesting Machine
agents to schedule their operations. The scheduler
role of the Machine calls the optimization heuristic
to search for feasible alternatives selecting the best
one according to the active UtilityFunction. Once
found, the operation is programmed into the actual
MachineSchedule, then new operation schedule is
informed to the operator (through the Operator GUI
actor) and the corresponding Order agent is
informed about the scheduled operation indicating
its Actual Start Time.
Finally, once all operations successfully
scheduled, the Order agent informs the Client about
the FinishDate for the entire job.
The design of an agent-based software architecture
for dynamic job shop scheduling was described.
The agent formalization with PASSI promotes
the system maintainability, its ability to cope with
newer requirements and the possibility to scale and
integrate other actors and systems.
Next steps consider the implementation of diverse
scheduling algorithms (e.g. genetic algorithm, tabú
search, SA) for job-shop in order to refine and
demonstrate the extensibility of our solution.
This work is part of Project No. 209.746/2007
entitled “Coordinación en una sociedad
multiagentededicada a la programación y control
bajo ambiente dinámico”, funded by the Pontifical
Catholic University of Valparaíso (
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