Emil Şt. Chifu and Viorica R. Chifu
Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Bariţiu 28, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Taxonomy enrichment, unsupervised neural network, extended growing hierarchical self-organizing maps.
Abstract: The paper describes an unsupervised framework for domain taxonomy enrichment with new domain-
specific concepts extracted from domain text corpora. The framework is based on an extended model of
hierarchical self-organizing maps. Terms extracted by mining a text corpus encode contextual content
information, in a distributional vector space. The enrichment behaves like a classification of the extracted
terms into the existing taxonomy by attaching them as hyponyms for the intermediate and leaf nodes of the
taxonomy. We propose an evaluation setting in which we assess the power of attraction of the population of
terms towards the branches of the taxonomy (recall) and the precision of attaching correct hyponyms
Our framework for taxonomy enrichment is based
on an extended model of hierarchical self-organizing
maps, which represent an unsupervised neural
network architecture. The candidates for labels of
newly inserted concepts are terms collected by
mining a text corpus. Each term encodes contextual
content information, in a distributional vector space.
Unsupervised hierarchical neural models in
general start the growing of a dynamic tree-like
topology from a single initial node. Our neural
network model, called Enrich-GHSOM, is an
extension of one of these existent systems, GHSOM
(Dittenbach et al., 2002), and it allows the growing
to start from an initial tree.
1.1 Related Approaches and
Evaluation Strategies
There are two main categories of approaches for
taxonomy enrichment (Buitelaar et al., 2005):
methods based on distributional similarity and
clustering of terms, and approaches using lexico-
syntactic patterns. Our enrichment approach belongs
to the former category, and we will insist in what
follows on that category.
In the term clustering approach, the terms
extracted from a domain specific corpus of text are
classified into an existent taxonomy (Maedche et al.,
2003; Cimiano and Völker, 2005; Alfonseca and
Manandhar, 2002a; Witschel, 2005). In a top-down
variant of this classification (Maedche et al., 2003;
Alfonseca and Manandhar, 2002a; Witschel, 2005),
there is a top-down search on the existent taxonomy
in order to find a node under which a new term is to
be inserted as a successor (hyponym). The
classification of the terms is made according to a
similarity measure in a distributional vector space.
Each term is represented as a vector with
information about different contexts of its
occurrences in the corpus.
The top-down classification behaviour in our
framework is modelled by a growing hierarchical
self-organizing map (GHSOM) architecture
(Dittenbach et al., 2002) extended with the
possibility to set an initial state for the tree-like
neural network. In our new extended neural model,
called Enrich-GHSOM, the existing taxonomy is
given as the initial state of the neural network. The
model allows to classify the extracted terms into the
existing taxonomy by attaching them as hyponyms
for the intermediate and leaf nodes of the taxonomy.
Details of this process are given in section 3.
(Widdows, 2003) is searching for a node to
attach a new concept as a hyponym, by finding a
place in the existent taxonomy where the corpus
derived semantic neighbours of the candidate
concept are most concentrated. He supposes that at
¸St. Chifu E. and R. Chifu V. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 247-252
DOI: 10.5220/0001529302470252
least some of the semantic neighbours are already in
the taxonomy.
(Alfonseca and Manandhar, 2002a) evaluate their
framework by measuring the strict and lenient
accuracy of attaching new concepts as hyponyms.
The lenient accuracy assesses more indulgently as
correct a classification of a new concept as a
hyponym of an existent concept. They also assess
the learning accuracy, by taking into account the
distance in the taxonomy between the chosen
hypernym (mother) node of the candidate and the
correct one. In the learning accuracy, incorrectly
classified new concepts are given a weight inverse
proportional to this taxonomic distance, instead of
counting as zero, like in the strict accuracy
evaluation. In this sense, learning accuracy can be
considered as a kind of lenient accuracy. All of these
evaluations can be assessed by a human expert in the
domain which is able to say whether a pair of
concepts is in the hyponym-hypernym (is-a) relation.
(Witschel, 2005) also assesses his framework by
using accuracy and learning accuracy. To be
independent from a human expert, he evaluates the
correct hyponym attachments by actually using
subtrees from GermaNet (German WordNet) and
only proposing “new” concepts which are in
GermaNet (but provisionally removed before their
experimental reinsertion). (Witschel, 2005) also
proposes a qualitative analysis experiment which
classifies terms into two main taxonomies. The
terms to classify are known (from GermaNet) to
belong semantically either to one tree or to the other
tree. The discrimination power of his decision tree
based classification approach is assessed by
computing a recall and precision of classifying the
terms of the two categories into the two main trees.
Out of the total number of terms in a given category,
he defines a recall as the percentage of terms of that
category which will get classified into either one of
the trees, no matter which of them (the rest being not
attracted by any of the two proposed trees), out of
which the precision represents the percentage of
terms classified into the correct tree. We will
evaluate in section 4.1 this kind of recall (Witschel,
2005), even if it is not the standard recall measure,
which rather counts only the correctly classified
terms out of the total number of terms in a category.
Like (Witschel, 2005), (Widdows, 2003) tries to
reconstruct WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998) and thus he
is independent from a human expert. He measures
the accuracy and a lenient/learning accuracy, the
latter being accounted for as starting from the
number taxonomic levels (as measured in WordNet)
between the chosen existent hypernym and the new
correct hyponym. He thus considers correct
classifications of new concepts with different levels
of detail. For instance, the new concept cat can be
attached as hyponym under the concept feline,
carnivore, mammal or animal with different levels
of detail as a consequence of different hypernym-
hyponym taxonomic distances.
Our model of hierarchical self-organizing maps –
Enrich-GHSOM – represents the unsupervised
neural network based learning solution adopted by
our taxonomy enrichment framework. This choice
fits well with the knowledge structure to be enriched
– a taxonomy, i.e. an is-a hierarchy of concepts. The
neural model is an adaptation of GHSOM, an
existent unsupervised neural system (Dittenbach et
al., 2002).
GHSOM is an extension of the Self-Organizing
Map (SOM) learning architecture (Kohonen et al.,
2000). A thesaurus is a data space consisting of
terms in a language, represented as a lexical data
base. The main relation between the terms in a
thesaurus is the taxonomic relation. However,
because of their essentially flat topology, SOM maps
have a limited capability to discover and illustrate
hierarchical clusters in data sets. The growing
hierarchical self-organizing map model consists of a
set of SOM maps arranged as nodes in a hierarchy
and it is able to discover hierarchical clusters
(Dittenbach et al., 2002).
2.1 Enrich-GHSOM
The growth of a GHSOM is a completely
unsupervised process, being only driven by the
unlabeled input data items themselves together with
the two thresholds and some additional learning
parameters. There is no way to suggest from outside
any initial paths for the final learnt hierarchy. We
have extended the GHSOM model with the
possibility to force the growth of the hierarchy along
with some predefined paths of a given initial
hierarchy. Our new extended model, Enrich-
GHSOM, is doing a classification of the data items
into an existing taxonomic structure. This initial tree
plays the role of an initial state for the tree-like
neural network model. The classical GHSOM model
can only grow as starting from a single node. The
top-down growth in our extended model starts from
a given initial tree and inserts new nodes attached as
successors to any of its intermediate and leaf nodes.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
More details of this process are given in section 3, in
the specific context of taxonomy enrichment, when
we classify terms extracted from a corpus into a
given taxonomy.
The whole processing in our framework can be
divided into two main steps: the term extraction step
and the taxonomy enrichment step. The candidates
for labels of new concepts inserted during the
taxonomy enrichment are terms identified by mining
the domain text corpus. Three different linguistic
entities can be recognized as terms in the current
framework: simply words, nouns, and noun phrases.
In order to identify such term categories by a
linguistic analysis of the corpus documents, our
framework relies on several processing resources
offered by the GATE framework (Cunningham et
al., 2002).
By reference to the classification in (Buitelaar et
al., 2005), our approach to taxonomy enrichment is
one based on distributional similarity and term
clustering. The terms extracted from the text corpus
are mapped into the existing taxonomy, which plays
the role of an initial skeleton class system to suggest
term classification. The taxonomy enrichment
algorithm proceeds by classifying the terms
collected from the corpus into the given taxonomy.
The Enrich-GHSOM neural network drives a top-
down hierarchical clustering of the terms along with
the given taxonomy branches and inserts new nodes
(concepts) corresponding to these classified terms.
Every new concept is attached as successor to either
an intermediate or a leaf node of the given taxonomy
and becomes a hyponym of that node.
In order to use our Enrich-GHSOM neural
network to induce such a taxonomy enrichment
behaviour, a symbolic-neural translation is first done
by parsing a textual representation of the initial
taxonomy (is_a(concept, superconcept) assertions or
OWL format). The result of this parsing is the initial
internal tree-like state of the neural network. In order
for the initialized network to be able to classify
terms into this initial taxonomic structure, a
representation as a numerical vector is needed for
each node in the initial taxonomy. This will be the
vector representation for the concept label associated
to the node, computed as described in section 3.1.
We assume that the concept labels of the initial
taxonomy are terms extractable from the domain text
corpus used in the taxonomy enrichment. Their
vectors are then computed in the same way as the
vectors of all the corpus extracted terms which will
be classified during the enrichment. Using the same
corpus from a specialized domain to acquire the
feature vectors of the concepts in the initial
taxonomy and the terms to be classified is a
reasonable choice, since it will reduce the problems
with the ambiguous term senses.
3.1 Term Vector Representation
In our framework, the context features of the vector
representation of a term are the frequencies of the
term occurrence in different documents of the
corpus. The Euclidean distance is used to compute
similarity among term vectors.
The framework allows multiple ways to encode
the frequencies of term occurrence, starting from
simple flat counts of occurrences. Another variant is
DF-ITF (document frequency times inverse term
frequency) (Chifu and Leţia, 2006). A third way to
encode the term vector representation is one in
which we propose the vector to be a document
category histogram (Chifu and Leţia, 2006). The
dimensionality reduction achieved by this
representation is important since it removes the
semantic noise caused by minor differences in the
semantic content of different documents in the
corpus. This intuition is confirmed by the
experiments described in section 4. Moreover, the
term/document occurrence matrix is sparse and a
more natural behaviour of the neural model is
expected by using reduced and less sparse vectors.
3.2 Data Sparseness and Average
We just ended the last subsection with a conclusion
that sparse vectors should be avoided in our
framework by reducing their dimensionality with the
help of the document category histograms. A source
of data sparseness is represented by terms with very
few occurrences in the text corpus. This is the case
of the most generic terms which label the roots of
the main trees in a given initial taxonomy. When the
Enrich-GHSOM neural network is given a very
sparse vector of such an overly generic concept as
one of the roots, then the main tree rooted by that
concept is unable to attract and classify a relevant
quantity of terms.
(Alfonseca and Manandhar, 2002b) and
(Witschel, 2005) acknowledged the same problem
and proposed to associate to every concept in the
initial taxonomy either the sum of the vector
representation of the concept itself and its immediate
successors (Alfonseca and Manandhar, 2002b), or
the sum of the vector representation of all the
concepts of the tree rooted by the given concept,
including the root itself (Witschel, 2005). We tried
the second approach (Witschel, 2005) without any
improvement noticed. However, taking the average
vector, i.e. the centroid, instead of the sum (like in
(Pekar and Staab, 2002; Maedche et al., 2003;
Cimiano and Völker, 2005)) has led us to a
significant improvement of the experimental results.
A similar improvement obtained by using the
centroid vector representation for concepts is
reported in (Cimiano and Völker, 2005).
The experiments carried out in what follows are in
the “4 universities” domain (Craven et al., 2000).
The corpus contains 8185 Web pages from
Computer Science departments. We propose an
evaluation setting in which we assess the power of
attraction of the population of terms towards the
branches of the existent taxonomy (recall) and the
precision of attaching correct hyponyms (accuracy).
4.1 Evaluating the Recall (Attraction of
In this first set of experiments we evaluate the
attraction of terms towards the main trees of an
initial rather shallow taxonomy, taken exactly from
(Craven et al., 2000):
We are only interested in assessing the quantity of
terms attracted towards the three main trees rooted
activity, person, and department. This is in lines
with the qualitative experiment in (Witschel, 2005),
which measured the discrimination power of his
decision tree approach (see section 1.1). Like in
(Witschel, 2005), only the choice of one of the main
trees was assessed, disregarding any further top-
down decisions within any of the main trees. That is
why a shallow initial taxonomy is enough for the
We evaluate the quantity of terms classified into
the three main trees of our initial taxonomy by using
a recall measure as defined in (Witschel, 2005). In
contrast to (Witschel, 2005), who computes one
recall for each semantic category of terms, we only
compute a single overall recall, as we don’t have
any a priori (WordNet based like (Witschel, 2005))
semantic categorization of the terms extracted by
mining the corpus. Also many of our extracted terms
maybe don’t belong semantically to any of our three
main taxonomies. Out of the total number of terms
extracted, the overall recall computes the percentage
of terms which get classified into our three main
taxonomies rooted activity, person, and department,
no matter which of them (the rest being not attracted
by any of the three proposed trees, being rather
organized in self-defined new trees). Table 1 shows
the results of four experiments which differ in the
chosen settings for the term linguistic category and
term vector representation.
Table 1: Attraction of terms towards the main trees
activity, person and department.
Experiment 1 2 3 4
noun noun
histogram Df-Itf Df-Itf flat
activity 83 6 15 28
person 78 20 9 39
department 39 --- --- 7
Total # of
2004 2004
22.6% 1.3% 1.2% 2.7%
The initial taxonomy contains the noun phrase
research project, which is represented simply as
project in experiments 1, 3 and 4. We decided to use
project instead of research project, as we were
constrained to use a noun and a word respectively as
concept identifiers in the initial taxonomy in
experiments 1 and 4 (see section 3). The difference
between experiments 2 and 3, both having noun
phrases as terms, is that in 2 we actually set the
concept in the initial taxonomy as the noun phrase
research project as opposed to the noun phrase
project in 3. Also in cases 2 and 3, the only
occurrences of the noun department in the corpus
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
were as aggregated in compound noun phrases
which are more specific than the singleton noun
phrase department. That is why in experiments 2 and
3 we don’t have any tree rooted department.
Finally, it turns out that the best results are with
the histogram representation of terms. This confirms
the expectations in sections 3.1 and 3.2 about
dimensionality reduction and data sparseness. In
Table 1 and formula (1), activity, person and
department represent the number of terms classified
into the main trees rooted activity, person, and
department of the given initial taxonomy, and
formula (1) computes the overall recall.
activity + person + department
Overall Recall = (1)
Total # of terms extracted
4.2 Evaluating the Accuracy of
Attaching Correct Hyponyms
Now we turn to the question of measuring the
classification accuracy of the enrichment, i.e. how
many of the terms classified into the different main
trees of an existing taxonomy are inserted as correct
hyponyms. We actually use a lenient accuracy
measure similar in spirit to the one evaluated in
(Alfonseca and Manandhar, 2002a) and (Hearst and
Schütze, 1993).
Since we now assess the accuracy of the attached
new concepts as hyponyms to existing nodes, we
need a deeper initial taxonomy (with an increased
number of existing nodes). The new taxonomy,
shown in Figure 1, originates from the above “4
universities” taxonomy, combined with some
knowledge from the corresponding domain specific
WordNet branches.
Figure 1: Initial taxonomy used for evaluating the
accuracy of inserting new hyponyms.
Table 2: Accuracy of attaching new hyponyms.
1 2
Linguistic Category noun word
Vector Representation histograms flat counts
Total # of attachments 166 87
Total # of correct
hyponym attachments
92 69
Lenient Accuracy 55.4% 79.3%
Table 2 shows the lenient accuracy results of two
experiments having the same settings like
experiments 1 and 4 in section 4.1, for which better
recall has been obtained. Total # of attachments is
the number of new nodes inserted as successors to
intermediate and leaf nodes of the existent
taxonomy. Out of this quantity, Total # of correct
hyponym attachments is the number of inserted
nodes which can be considered as valid hyponyms
of the nodes to which they are attached as
successors. Formula (2) computes the lenient
Total # of correct hyponym attach.
Lenient Accuracy = (2)
Total # of attachments
Table 3: Correctly inserted new nodes as successors of
three nodes of the initial taxonomy in Figure 1.
Extant Node Correct Hyponym Attachments
faculty technology, engineer, control, center,
person graduate, study, learn, government
course class, hour, syllabus, assignment,
fall, oct, tuesday
Table 3 gives a couple of example new nodes
inserted by our framework, which we considered as
correct hyponym attachments for evaluating the
lenient accuracy of enriching the initial taxonomy in
Figure 1. The new nodes are assigned to the correct
topic (faculty, person, course respectively) even if
not all of them are strict hyponyms of one of the
three concepts. Two of the existent concepts are
intermediate nodes, and one is a leaf of the initial
taxonomy. For an intermediate node, the newly
inserted concepts are brothers of their extant
hyponyms. For instance, [faculty of] technology,
[faculty of] engineering, center etc. become brothers
with professor and phd, even if the latter rather
correspond to the North American meaning of the
concept of faculty, as faculty member.
Finally, it can be noticed from Table 2 that the
histogram vector representation for terms gives
lower lenient accuracy as compared to the flat
counts. But remember from the previous subsection
that the recall is much better for the histogram
representation. A better recall is indeed expected to
come together with a reduced precision (accuracy).
In general in ontology learning the recall is more
important than precision. For a domain expert it is
better to delete many spurious (wrong) hyponym
attachments than to miss other correct attachments
because of a reduced recall.
We have presented an unsupervised top-down neural
network based approach and framework for
taxonomy enrichment. The experimental results
obtained in the “4 universities” domain are
encouraging, especially when the terms extracted
from the corpus are represented with a reduced
dimensionality, as document category histograms.
Moreover, the best enrichment results have been
achieved when we chose the average vector to
represent every concept in the given initial
Our framework can also be used as a tool to
assist a domain expert in building an ontology. From
this point of view, the recall is more important than
the accuracy. The domain expert has to manually
prune out the wrong hyponym attachments. As
further work to better evaluate our taxonomy
enrichment framework we will rely more on existing
thesauri like WordNet for evaluating the quality of
the hyponym attachments.
This work was supported by the grant TD-416
(520/2007) from the National Research Council of
the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research.
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies