Process-Related Documentation for Process and Application Knowledge
Management in Microsystems Technology
Markus Dickerhof
, Oliver Kusche
, Daniel Kimmig
and Andreas Schmidt
1, 2
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute for Applied Computer Science Hermann-v.-Helmholtz-Platz 1, D-76344, Germany
University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Dept. of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Moltkestraße 30, D 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Process knowledge management, Ontologies for technological process description.
Abstract: Knowledge about relations among process steps or dependencies of materials, technologies, designs, tools,
and machines is mostly stored in the product developer’s mind. This also happens when it is talked about
product-related knowledge and the respective technological requirements. This knowledge is lost, if the per-
son leaves the company. The present paper describes a knowledge management approach for a product-
independent description of microsystems processes and outlines a data modelling concept for process-
related information.
Planning development and production today means
to proceed along economic and technical parameters
derived from product requirements and customer-
oriented business processes. During the last few
years, many efforts were taken to push “knowledge
management” in industry. The result often
represented not more than a new type of document
management with additional “meta” information on
top to meet the requirements of a company’s quality
management. Documentation of technological
capabilities in microsystems technology (MST)
often leads to a non-reusable, product-specific
documentation of a production design according to
the quality management guidelines. Hence, a lot of
information about the subjacent fabrication know-
how or relations among application requirements,
physical effects, technological constraints, and costs
is not documented or documented in an insufficient
manner. Insufficient in this context means
irretrievable or only customer project-related so that
it cannot be reused for new projects in terms of
Nonaka and Takeuchi’s Seci model (Nonaka and
Takeuchi, 1995). Knowledge of the relations among
process steps or dependencies of materials,
technologies, designs, tools, and machines is mostly
stored in the product developer’s mind. The same
also applies to product requirements and
technological capabilities. The knowledge is lost, if
the employee leaves the company. A fortiori
especially know-how in a key technology like MST
transfer is extremely expensive and time-consuming
for a company..
The present paper describes an approach to over-
ming some of the limitations in present MST
product development by providing a specific,
holistic modeling approach for microsystems
The terms “knowledge” and “knowledge
management” are frequently used in information
technology in many respects. Their scope of use
ranges from the mapping of simple structural
knowledge to the representation of knowledge by
Dickerhof M., Kusche O., Kimmig D. and Schmidt A. (2008).
tion for Process and Application Knowledge Management in Microsystems Technology.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 512-516
means of semantic networks or methods of artificial
Application of these approaches certainly is
feasible in an enterprise and useful in various fields,
where enterprise knowledge is generated. The pre
development or fabrication knowledge and in
particular on the necessary process know-how in the
Microsystems Technology context. As MST is an
interdisciplinary field of technology, special
attention in the early product development phase has
to be paid to influencing factors resulting from
application requirements, which have to be related to
the constraints of the already existing manufacturing
2.1 Knowledge and Knowledge
Management in the MST
Development and Production Phase
The basic idea of the process modeling concept to be
presented in this paper is to support product
developers in the early production phase, through a
decision support while the identification of an
appropriate the technological approach that fits best
to a given product requirement.
Industrial activities in this field are discussed in
white papers and other documents (Bouwstra et al.,
2003). Scientific activities like the pretzel model
comprise models for the subset of silicon-MST field
(Wagener et al., 2002) which unfortunately cannot
be transferred easily (Brueck et al., 2007). Other
scientific approaches for the sub-group of precision
technologies mainly concentrate on a feature-based
approach, which primarily focuses on the relations
between geometrical primitives and technical
capabilities/constraints. They do not consider the
relation between technologies and the corresponding
application properties that are of relevance in the
product development context.
2.2 Technical Aspects and
Competences for the Description of
MST Knowledge
As microsystems typically are parts, components or
subsystems integrated in macrosystems, it is useful
to distinguish between parameters that are of
relevance to the “macro world” product and
production oriented parameters of a technology
itself. The former mostly include economic
constraints or describe capabilities of a technology,
e.g. related to the physical effects to fulfil the task
given (e.g. surface roughness as a factor influencing
optical properties). The latter allow the user to
investigate the technology itself (material,
technology, design, equipment, tools, etc.).
Process parameters describe technical factors
that can be achieved in a reliable manner
(material parameters, milling tool size, feed,
milling velocity, etc…)
Product properties represent the resulting
capabilities, e.g. resulting minimum grooves,
surface roughness, which again correlate with
application-specific requirements resulting
from physical effects often utilized in sensor
or actuator applications.
So far there exists no direct description of the
relation between process capabilities and application
requirement. Information on a descriptive level often
is stored in “Design rules” allowing for a basic
assessment of relations almost for a very narrow
range of tasks.
2.2.1 The ProWiDa Modeling Approach
At Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, a new modeling
approach has been developed to allow for a full
description of the key influencing factors in MST.
The basic concepts were defined in the ProWiDa
approach (Dickerhof et al., 2004). In the ProWiDa
terminology, these elements are designated as
technological aspects for the characterization of
process related parameters. An analysis of the most
influencing production factors led to the definition
of five (six) factors of influence for microsystems
• Materials (two: substrates plus layers)
• Procedure
• Geometry
• Machines
• Tools
Material, procedure, and geometry are almost
sufficient for a definition of parameter sets that may
be compared approximately with the design rules
already known from silicon MST. These parameter
sets are of relevance to the design engineer or
marketing department to identify the feasibility of a
customer’s request.
Each technological aspect can be refined by a
taxonomy. For instance, the procedures on the next
lower hierarchy level can be divided into coating
methods, subtractive methods, etc. In this case, an
is-a relation is used as a basis. This also applies to
all the other technological aspects.
A schematic overview of the relations between
the technology-oriented aspects and the subsequent
technological properties is given in Figure 1.
MICROSYSTEMS - Process-Related Documentation for Process and Application Knowledge Management in
Microsystems Technology
Hence, the ”technological aspects“ form a
number of taxonomy trees or hierarchies. In this
context, each parameter in such a tree will be
assigned to a node in the hierarchical tree. A
technical parameter consists of a designator, an
optional (mostly numerical) default value or (partial)
interval, and the respective unit.
Figure 1: Technology-oriented “aspects” of a process step.
As a rule, a technical parameter refers to either
the product to be manufactured (what exactly is
manufactured - product-related) or to the production
itself (how is it produced - production-related). In
the individual hierarchy trees, the technical parame-
ters are inherited along the is-a relations. This means
that a technical parameter does not only apply to the
concrete node in the hierarchy tree, but also to all of
its subnodes. This is in agreement with the classical
structural inheritance known from object-oriented
programming languages.
In the inheritance hierarchy, the given value (or
interval) of a technical parameter and, hence, the
underlying unit may change from node to node.
To fulfill the requirement of linking
technological aspects with the product requirements
not only a single specific aspect becomes of
relevance. Furthermore, the combination of all
aspects leads to a “real world” view, comparable to
what one could define as a companies “know how”.
As the combinations of the major influencing
aspects finally describe the company’s technological
know how of producing a specific micropart,
component or subsystem, the resulting n-tupel is
referred to in the ProWiDa methodology as
“competence“. Such a competence consists of
additional, more product-related parameters for the
description of the resulting product properties.
A competence can be also seen as a product
independent generalization of the above mentioned
product specific “design rules” in MST production
today. For instance, the combination of a process,
the material to be processed, and the processing
machine describes a competence by the product
property parameter “surface roughness”.
In analogy to the technological aspects, a
competence may be enriched by additional
parameters that cannot be derived from the
individual hierarchy trees of the technical aspects.
2.2.2 Corresponding Data Model
Due to the high dynamics of the processes,
machines, and materials used in MST, static
modeling of the technical aspects and parameters in
the form of a class hierarchy (technical aspects) with
the corresponding attributes (technical parameters)
cannot be applied.
Instead, these artefacts have to be modeled on a
Meta level. This allows for the dynamic
adaptation/extension of these aspects at runtime.
Figure 2 shows an excerpt from the underlying
metamodel of the application, which models the
relationships presented in Figure 1.
Figure 2: ER model of the ProWiDa metamodel.
Together with the “is-parent” relation, the entity
“technical aspects” forms the generalization
hierarchies for the technical aspects (procedure,
material, …). Consequently, each entity that does
not refer to a corresponding parent node is
considered to be the root of a taxonomy. Hence, the
requirement of flexible taxonomies is fulfilled.
The technical parameters that are related to the
technical aspects via the relation “has” allow for an
allocation of the production- and product-specific
parameters to the technical aspects. According to the
semantics of the application, the technical
parameters of the technical aspects are inherited to
all specializations (child nodes in the taxonomy
Separation between the technical parameter and
parameter value allows for the variation of the given
default value (or interval) for a technical parameter
in the individual taxonomies.
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The “competence” entity is related to the
technical aspects via an n:m relationship. This
means that a “competence” consists of n technical
aspects. Vice versa, a technical aspect may occur in
n “competences”. However, this n:m relationship is
subject to a semantic constraint that cannot be
expressed by the ER model: Since the technical
aspects on level 1 of the tree form independent
taxonomies, a competence may only be related to
such technical aspects that do not have a node as a
common parent (i.e., that originate from different
taxonomies). Thus, it is ensured Together with the
“is-parent” relation, the entity “technical aspects”
forms the generalization hierarchies for the technical
aspects (procedure, material, …). Consequently,
each entity that does not refer to a corresponding
parent node is considered to be the root of a
taxonomy. Hence, the requirement of flexible
taxonomies is fulfilled.
The technical parameters that are related to the
technical aspects via the relation “has” allow for an
allocation of the production- and product-specific
parameters to the technical aspects. According to the
semantics of the application, the technical
parameters of the technical aspects are inherited to
all specializations (child nodes in the taxonomy
Separation between the technical parameter and
parameter value allows for the variation of the given
default value (or interval) for a technical parameter
in the individual taxonomies.
The “competence” entity is related to the
technical aspects via an n:m relationship. This
means that a “competence” consists of n technical
aspects. Vice versa, a technical aspect may occur in
n “competences”. However, this n:m relationship is
subject to a semantic constraint that cannot be
expressed by the ER model: Since the technical
aspects on level 1 of the tree form independent
taxonomies, a competence may only be related to
such technical aspects that do not have a node as a
common parent (i.e., that originate from different
taxonomies). Thus, it is ensured that each
competence from each taxonomy tree contains a
single value of a technical aspect only.
2.3 Knowledge about Relations among
and Constraints of Process Steps
State-of-the-art process documentation typically is
performed in line with the requirements of a quality
management system which usually describes product
specific processes on an organizational level. The
ProWiDa methodology aims at showing the relations
among the process steps in a more transparent and
with that transferable manner, which also allows for
an improved reusability of the product specific
production information. These meta parameters are
additional or different properties resulting from the
combination of single process steps in a process
sequence or process chain.
2.3.1 Modeling of Technological Parameters
along the MST Process Chains
The modeling component allows for a simplified
modeling of MST processes (sequential and
parallel). Three major elements serve to describe a
complete production process:
The process chain element represents an
order/product-specific set of process sequences. It is
equivalent to the model of a product or customer-
related production process.
The process sequence represents a characteristic
of a basic technology.
A technology is represented by a set of process
steps. The process step itself is the smallest
modeling element (represented by a competence)
which represents a subtask that has to be executed
when processing a technology.
The complexity of such a process chain directly
depends on the complexity of the MST system to be
produced. MST parts may consist of a small amount
of process sequences, while complex MST
subsystems, e.g. a sensor, comprise larger numbers
of process sequences, completed by additional
sequences for assembly and manufacturing.
2.3.2 Corresponding Data Model
To model the workflow functionality, a simple, but
flexible model is selected (figure 3), as described in
the section above. The key component is the
“activity” that is given by the above specializations
of “process chain”, “process sequence”, and
“process step”. Any complex hierarchical workflow
can be modeled by the two types of relations of
“hierarchy_relation” and “flow_relation”. The basic
element to generate the workflow, however, must be
an activity entity of the type “process step” that is
related to a “competence”. Consequently, the
“competences” defined above are the basic elements
of the workflow. In analogy to the “technological
aspects”, adding of additional “technological
parameters” is possible.
MICROSYSTEMS - Process-Related Documentation for Process and Application Knowledge Management in
Microsystems Technology
Figure 3: Workflow model.
Remark: The focus of this first stage modeling
approach has been set on the ability to identifiy
process-step overlapping relations. This primary
goal was achieved through a reduction of modeling
options. For an enhanced modeling of process
chains, modeling methods with a strong focus on
economic aspects like Petri nets, workflow modeling
or event-driven process chains may be more
adequate and will be considered in future versions of
The paper basically describes a knowledge
management approach for MST production
technologies. It allows for a product-independent
definition, storage, and retrieval of design rules,
business rules, and process parameters for the
development of microsystems products according to
the customers’ needs. The approach is based on a
generic database concept for the flexible
combination of parameter sets attached to product-
and fabrication-relevant aspects. First prototype
interfaces to enterprise information systems and
components for the analysis of data collected in this
specific manner have been implemented or are under
development. They will allow for the import of
measuring data from production and, hence, for a
continuous optimization of business rules/design
rules based on “real-world” process data. A first
prototype of a process chain analyzer for identifying
the most appropriate solution path related to a
specific task given has been developed and shall be
improved in the next years.
Nonaka, I.; Takeuchi, H.: The Knowledge-Creating
Company: How Japanese companies create the
dynamics of innovation. Oxford University Press,
New York; 1995.
Bouwstra, S., Da Silva, M.; Schroepfer, G.; White paper:
Towards Standardization of MEMS Materials
Characterization; Conventor Inc.; 2003
Wagener, A., Popp, J. ; Hahn, K. ; Brück, R.; PDML A
XML Based Process Description Language. In:
Proceedings of the 9th European Concurrent
Engineering Conference, Modena, 2002. – ECEC
Brueck, R.; Dickerhof, M.; Hahn, K.; Langbein, I.;
Towards an integrated design approach in Si+non Si
MEMS Methodology; Presentation at the Patent-
Dfmm Workshop in Berlin, Germany, 2007
Dickerhof, M., Binnig, C., Gengenbach, U.; Doing the
next step- From a process related documentation to
process knowledge management in non silicon
Microsystems Technology; Proceedings of the 9th
Conference on the Commercialisation of Micro and
Nano Systems, Edmonton, Canada, 2004. -
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies