An Irish Case Study
Vivienne Trulock
Ilikecake Limited, 12 Lealand Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22, Ireland
Richard Hetherington
Centre for Interaction Design, School of Computing, Napier University, 10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH10 5DT, U.K.
Keywords: Web Accessibility, WCAG Guidelines 1.0, automated testing, manual testing, partial accessibility.
Abstract: In this paper we attempt to gauge the implementation of web accessibility guidelines in a range of Irish
websites by undertaking a follow-up study in 2005 to one conducted by McMullin three years earlier
(McMullin, 2002). Automatic testing against version 1.0 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
(WCAG 1.0) using WebXact online revealed that accessibility levels had increased among the 152 sites
sampled over the three-year period. Compliancy levels of A, AA and AAA had risen from the 2002 levels
of 6.3%, 0% and 0% respectively to 36.2%, 8.6% and 3.3% in 2005. However, manual checks on the same
sites indicated that the actual compliance levels for 2005 were 1.3%, 0% and 0% for A, AA and AAA. Of
the sites claiming accessibility, either by displaying a W3C or ‘Bobby’ compliance logo, or in text on their
accessibility statement page, 60% claimed a higher level than the automatic testing results indicated. When
these sites were further manually checked it was found that all of them claimed a higher level of
accessibility compliance than was actually the case. As most sites in the sample were not compliant with the
WCAG 1.0 for the entire set of disabilities, the concept of ‘partial accessibility’ was examined by
identifying those websites that complied with subsets of the guidelines particular to different disabilities.
Some disability types fared worse than others. In particular blindness, mobility impairment and cognitive
impairment each had full support from at most 1% of the websites in the study. Other disabilities were better
supported, including partially-sighted, deaf and hearing impaired, and colour blind, where compliance was
found in 11%, 23% and 32% of the websites, respectively.
The importance of access to the World Wide Web
cannot be underestimated. This is particularly so for
those individuals who are disabled in such a way as
to render access to traditional media difficult to
attain or to use effectively. Within the last decade,
many countries have begun to implement a legal
requirement for websites to be accessible. Often this
has been the result of general disability or equality
legislation, rather than legislation directed
specifically at online access. In Ireland for example,
Part 1 Section 4(1) of the Equal Status Act, Ireland,
2000 states that a failure to do all that is reasonable
to provide a service to a person with a disability is
deemed an act of discrimination (Irish Government,
2000). The Employment Equality Act of Ireland,
1998, Section 16(3) (Irish Government, 1998) has a
similar definition. Whilst The Disability Act,
Ireland, 2005 states in section 27(1) that the head of
the organisation is responsible for ensuring that
services are available to people with disabilities
(Irish Government, 2005). A website then, if
regarded as a service, must be as available to a
disabled person as it is to an able bodied person
otherwise the service is discriminatory. Available
redress includes compensation and an order that the
problem(s) be fixed or removed (Irish Government,
2000). At present, no cases regarding website access
have been pursued under these Acts.
The European Union, of which Ireland is a
member, has been proactive in developing explicit
Trulock V. and Hetherington R. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 105-111
DOI: 10.5220/0001667001050111
web accessibility guidelines. The eEurope 2002
Action Plan states that the content of public sector
web sites in Member States and in European
Institutions must be designed to be accessible to
ensure that citizens with disabilities can access
information and take full advantage of the potential
for e-government (European Commission &
Council, 2000). The timeframe for adoption of the
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines by
public websites was designated to be the end of
2001. A separate communication from the EU,
‘eEurope 2002: Accessibility of Public Web Sites
and their Content’, recognised the WAI WCAG 1.0
guidelines to be the ‘global de facto Web
accessibility standard’ and concluded that both
public and private websites should be encouraged to
achieve accessibility during 2003, the European
Year of Disabled People (European Commission,
Considering the significant introduction of
legislation addressing online accessibility, either
directly or indirectly, over the last 10 years, an
investigation of the impact of legislation and
associated guidelines on the accessibility of web
sites appears timely, in order to assess just how
much, or how little progress is being made.
However, in order to establish where we are in terms
of accessibility, we need to know where we’ve been.
In the Irish context we are fortunate in having access
to a study that determined the accessibility of a
sample of Irish web sites in 2002 (McMullin, 2002).
Using these data as the baseline, a follow-up study
on the same sites was undertaken to re-assess their
accessibility and compliance levels to WCAG 1.0 in
2005. In this paper we report our major findings.
2.1 Guidelines
Websites were assessed for accessibility using
WCAG version 1.0 (W3C, 1999). These guidelines
are an ‘indicator of web accessibility’ (McMullin,
2002) and consist of 14 separate guidelines and 65
specific checkpoints, which are broken into 3 levels
of priority: priority 1, 2 & 3. Priority 1 guidelines
must be met in order to afford basic accessibility.
Priority 2 guidelines should be met to offer
additional access to a broader range of disabled
groups. Priority 3 guidelines may be met to provide
further additional support (Brewer, 2004; McMullin,
2002; Williams & Rattray, 2003; Sullivan &
Matson, 2000; Hackett, Parmanto & Zeng, 2004).
There are 3 levels of compliance with the
WCAG 1.0 guidelines: A, AA and AAA. The
compliance level of A means that all priority 1
guidelines are satisfied. The compliance level of AA
means that all priority 1 and 2 guidelines are
satisfied. AA is considered to be ‘professional
standard’. The compliance level of AAA means that
all priority 1, 2 and 3 guidelines are satisfied. AAA
is considered to be ‘gold standard’ (Brewer, 2004;
McMullin, 2002; Loiacono & McCoy, 2004;
Hackett, et al, 2004). Note that in order for a site to
be truly compliant to any particular level it must
satisfy all the checkpoints to that level, not simply
those which can be verified by accessibility
verification software.
2.2 Accessibility Testing
The 159 site URLs from McMullin’s 2002 study
(McMullin, 2002) were used to retrieve websites for
testing and analysis. Of these, three websites had
placeholder pages and four sites were not available
as the URL had not been renewed. Consequently,
the total number of websites analysed in the current
study was 152. Of these, 101 sites had the original
URL used in the 2002 study, 40 had an automatic
redirect to an updated URL and one had a non-
automatic, linked redirect. A further 10 had URLs
which were replaced by manual searches in Google,
WHOIS and the Enterprise Ireland website. The
sample tested represented a considerable range of
websites including those belonging to the military,
political parties and charities, national and local
governments, and public and private commercial
sites ranging from large multinationals to smaller
local companies.
In the present study, the home or index page was
checked in greatest detail. The home page is
generally the point at which most users access a web
site. Therefore, if a home page is inaccessible, there
may be no way for a disabled user to access the rest
of the site (Sullivan & Matson, 2000). In addition,
the home page of a web site tends to be the page that
is the best planned and coordinated, unlike lower-
level content pages which can be managed by
different departments or individuals. Therefore, it is
likely that if any web pages are accessible, the home
page is. (Lazar, Beere, Greenidge & Nagappa,
2003). Moreover, the entry page can be taken as a
good signifier of a web site’s overall accessibility
level (Williams & Rattray, 2003). However, in order
to ascertain a true measure of compliance, manual
and automatic checks were performed on the other
pages of a website. As some manual checks cannot
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
reasonably be performed without user simulation,
this was included where appropriate in the testing.
Some of the sites in this study used framesets or
iframes as part of their design. As the automatic
validator only analyzes the URL submitted and not
the embedded frame pages, these were analyzed
separately. Therefore a page using frames is deemed
to have an accessibility rating equal to that of the
frameset plus that of each of the pages viewed in the
frameset on page load. Pages using iframes also had
the accessibility results of the iframe page added to
the original page.
The WebXact validator available at was chosen as the
automated testing tool. The 2002 study used Bobby,
however WebXact replaced Bobby on-line just prior
to this study and the Bobby URL
( redirected to
Initial analysis concentrated on the automatically
verifiable checkpoints allowing for a direct
comparison to be made between the 2002 and the
2005 results. Checkpoints not failing the automated
test were recorded as passing the validation. Where
appropriate (e.g. when directed by the automatic
testing tool), manual checks were undertaken and an
additional analysis carried out. In the cases where
checkpoints validated both manually and
automatically, the checkpoint was considered to
have been passed. A checkpoint was deemed to have
been failed if either manual or automatic testing
revealed a failure.
The complete method for performing manual
checks of web pages has been described (Trulock,
2006) and involved the use of additional software
tools to validate specific checkpoints: The JAWS
6.20 screen reader was used to determine if
accessible text versions or alternative text
descriptions where applied to any time-based
multimedia present on web pages (checkpoint 1.4).
Colour contrast between foreground and background
(checkpoint 2.2) was checked using an accessibility
tool called ‘aDesigner’ (Takagi, Asakawa, Fukuda &
Maeda, 2004). The default settings were used, which
simulated a crystalline lens transparency of 40 years
old, in addition to 3 types of colour blindness. Web
pages had to pass all 4 conditions to achieve
Compliance of documents with formal grammar
specifications (checkpoint 3.2) was checked at for html and xhtml.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS ) were validated at
(CSS1, CSS2). Where xhtml files fail the check and
the associated CSS files cannot be assessed, the CSS
file was tested separately at
validator/ using the ‘validate by file upload’ option.
Pages which failed any applicable test were deemed
to have failed the check. Browser settings were
adjusted in order to test whether documents could be
read without style sheets (checkpoint 5.2) and also to
ensure that pages were usable when scripts, applets
or other programmatic objects were turned off
(checkpoints 6.1 and 6.3).
A flickering check tool available at was
used to check for flickering animated gifs, which are
covered by checkpoint 7.1. Flickering elements
outside the critical range (4-59 flashes/second) were
deemed to have passed (W3C, 1999).
In order to assess the readability of text, a testing
tool available from Juicy Studios was used
Pages that obtained a Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of
Grade (5.x) or lower where considered to have
satisfied the related checkpoint (checkpoint 14.1).
Finally, the correct linearisation of tables
(checkpoint 5.3) was checked by viewing with the
Lynx text-only viewer (
Lynx treats the <tr> tag as a <br> tag, and the <tr>
and <td> tags as spaces, effectively linearising a
3.1 Comparison of 2002 and 2005
Accessibility Levels
In 2002, an accessibility study of 159 Irish websites
revealed that around 6 percent of websites checked
were accessible to the minimum level of
accessibility, level A (McMullin, 2002). The study
only checked automatically verifiable checkpoints
and no sites were compliant to Level AA, or Level
AAA. Table 1 shows the level of compliance of 152
of these sites tested in 2005 using both automated
checking and a combination of automated and
manual checking. Comparing sites using automatic
validation only, indicates that there has been an
almost 6-fold increase in sites achieving Level A
compliance over the three year period with around
36% of those sites tested now achieving a basic level
of accessibility. This suggests that there has been an
increase in awareness of accessibility issues and at
least some attempt to implement a degree of
accessibility over this time. In addition, the
proportion of websites achieving higher levels of
accessibility compliance also increased from 0 in
2002 (McMullin, 2002) to 8.6% and 3.3% for levels
AA and AAA respectively.
While the levels of accessibility of sites in 2005
were dramatically increased compared to their 2002
levels as determined by automatic checking a
different picture emerged when accessibility was
determined by automatic checking supplemented by
manual checking (Table 1). In fact, the trends
previously noted over the three-year period were just
the opposite. Only 1.3% of websites achieved
compliance at level A equating to 2 sites out of the
152 checked in 2005. No site reached full
compliance for Levels AA and AAA. This result
may imply that while web designers are aware of
web accessibility they are only ensuring validation
of the automatically checked checkpoints and appear
to be ignoring those checkpoints that can only be
satisfied through additional manual testing.
Table 1: Percentages of a sample of 152 Irish websites
found to be accessible in 2005 according to WCAG 1.0
Compliance Levels. Accessibility was determined using
both automated and manual testing.
3.2 Accessibility Claims
In the current study, 20 websites claimed to be
compliant to the WCAG 1.0 guidelines either by
displaying a W3C or ‘Bobby’ compliance logo, or in
text on their accessibility statement page. By
automatic checking alone, seven sites were
compliant to the level claimed, 12 sites claimed a
higher compliance level than their test results
indicated, and one site claimed a lower compliance
level. A further 35 sites were compliant to the
automatic checks at varying levels but no claim of
that compliance could be found on their sites. When
a combination of automatic and manual checking
was carried out, all 20 sites were found to have
claimed a higher level of accessibility than the test
results indicated. Two sites were identified as being
fully compliant to level A, however, one site did not
claim any compliance level and the other site
claimed compliance of AA.
3.3 “Partial Accessibility” Levels
Most sites in our sample of websites failed to
achieve even basic compliance of WCAG 1.0.
However, it is possible that websites may be fully
accessible to certain disability groups even though
they are not fully compliant. This concept of ‘partial
accessibility’ can be assessed by analysing which
websites comply with particular subsets of guideline
checkpoints. Six disabilities were identified for
analysis: fully blind, partially sighted, colour blind,
deaf & hearing impaired, mobility impaired and
cognitively impaired. What follows is a general
overview of those checkpoints identified as relevant
to a specific disability. The sets of checkpoints for
each category of disability were evaluated by a
combination of both automated and manual
checking as described previously. A complete list of
all checkpoints identified as relevant to each of the
six disabilities can be found in Trulock, 2006.
Of the 65 possible checkpoints, 55 were
identified as being relevant to blind individuals.
These included text equivalents, appropriate mark
up, valid documents, table formatting, device
independence and skip links. When these
checkpoints were examined, no site passed all of
these checkpoints (Table 2).
Six checkpoints were identified for partially
sighted users which included text equivalents, good
contrast, use of style sheets, use of relative units, and
lack of movement on pages. Seventeen sites (11%)
complied with these 6 checkpoints (Table 2).
Four checkpoints were examined which were
considered to be relevant to colour blind individuals.
These include non-colour formatting, colour contrast
and use of style sheets. 48 sites (32%) were found to
be compliant with these 4 checkpoints (Table 2).
Table 2: Number of websites found accessible to specific
disabilities for a sample of 152 Irish Websites.
Disability No. of websites
Blind 0
Partially-sighted 17
Colour blind 48
Deaf 35
Mobility impaired 2
Cognitively impaired 0
Deaf and hearing impairment were combined as they
both require similar treatments in terms of accessible
design. Four checkpoints were identified as being
relevant to deaf and hearing-impaired individuals,
including use of captions, dynamic content
equivalents, and clear and simple language. 35 sites
Level A
Level AA
Level AAA
Check Only
36.2% 8.6% 3.3%
and Manual
1.3% 0% 0%
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(23%) complied with these 4 checkpoints (Table 2).
It should also be noted that most sites checked did
not have any specific audio or video content. Clear
and simple language is regarded as an important
checkpoint because deaf individuals are likely to
have lower reading levels due to unfamiliarity with
the language (Gallaudet Research Institue, 2003).
Checkpoints relating to the mobility impaired
numbered 12 and these related to issues including
use of relative units, device independence,
avoidance of movement, skip links, labels, and
sitemaps. Only 2 sites (1%) of the sample were
compliant with all of these checks (Table 2).
Twenty-two checkpoints relating to cognitive
impairment were identified, including text
equivalents and supplements, document and
navigation structure, no flickering, blinking or
moving content, language levels, link targets and
alternative search functions. No sites in the sample
complied with all of these checkpoints (Table 2).
3.4 Checkpoint Compliance
As WCAG 1.0 checkpoint failure rates for
automatically verifiable checkpoints were published
in the 2002 study ((McMullin, 2002)), a direct
comparison of these specific checkpoints can be
made with the data obtained in this study. Overall,
14 checkpoints were complied with more often and
6 checkpoints less often in 2005 (Table 3).
Of the 14 checkpoints that were complied with
more often, there was a striking improvement of
around 20-30% of more sites complying for five.
These checkpoints related to: providing a text
equivalent for every non-text element (1.1),
identifying the primary natural language of the
document (4.3), ensuring that equivalents for
dynamic content are updated when the dynamic
content changes (6.2), titling each frame to facilitate
frame identification and navigation where framesets
are used (12.1) and associating labels explicitly with
their controls (12.4). Of the six checkpoints showing
a relative reduction in compliance over the three-
year period, five were considered relatively minor
having a reduction of around 4% of sites surveyed or
less over the three-year study period. However, for
checkpoint 1.5 a reduction in compliance of around
11% was observed (Table 3). This checkpoint relates
to client-side image maps requiring alternative text
links on them.
Table 3: Percentages of a sample of Irish websites failing
to comply with automatically verifiable WCAG 1.0
checkpoints in 2002 and 2005. The 2002 data were
obtained from McMullin, 2002.
WCAG 1.0
1.1 91.6 62 +29.6
12.1 34.0 10 +24.0
6.2 33.3 2 +31.3
3.4 98.7 81 +17.7
3.2 89.9 94 -4.1
13.1 76.7 80 -3.3
12.4 69.8 47 +22.8
9.3 69.2 55 +14.2
13.2 12.6 4 +8.6
3.5 6.3 16 -9.7
7.4 3.8 1 +2.8
6.5 3.8 1 +2.8
7.5 2.5 0 +2.5
7.3 1.9 2 -0.1
7.2 1.3 3 -1.7
5.5 97.5 84 +13.5
4.3 96.2 72 +24.2
10.5 89.9 77 +12.9
10.4 61.6 43 +18.6
1.5 1.9 13 -11.1
Achieving accessibility to any level is not an easy
task. It requires, on the part of the developer:
awareness, education, training, organisation,
diligence, perseverance, communication and
persistence. For the organisations involved it
requires time, money, interest, understanding and
compromise. For the countries involved it requires
public awareness funding, legal consequences for
inaction and the belief that disabled individuals have
rights to information equal to that of other citizens.
While there has been an increase in accessibility
levels and awareness of the issue much still needs to
be done. The results from this study suggest some
effort has been made to achieve a basic level of
accessibility compliance as determined by
automated checking. Indeed it can be argued that the
availability of automated testing tools has made the
greatest contribution to the improvement in
accessibility levels of the websites sampled.
However, such tools have their limitations (Trulock,
2006), and a combination of automated and manual
checking, and conducting an evaluation of partial
accessibility for specific disabilities revealed that
sadly, the majority of sites examined in this study
are still excluding many users.
There are several iterative steps involved in
implementing online accessibility under the current
guidelines. First of all, there needs to be an
awareness of the accessibility issue, in that there is
an issue. Education of web developers and
promotion of accessibility issues will raise the
profile of the accessibility movement. This should
include the updating of all web modules currently
taught in colleges and universities to include
accessibility issues. In addition, public awareness of
accessibility and equality mandates and laws should
also increase the likelihood that a client will request
an accessible website during the initial consultation
phase. This can be accomplished through general
advertising in the media, or delivered during
seminars to public interest groups.
Web developers need to understand how to
actually implement a site that conforms to their
relevant guidelines whether they are Section 508
(USA), WCAG 1.0 (EU and Australia) or the
Common Look and Feel Guidelines (Canada). In
many countries WCAG 1.0 has been widely
regarded as the standard for web accessibility. The
release of WCAG 2.0 is imminent, and promises a
series of guidelines and principles, which will be
more precisely testable and more relevant to the
advanced technologies now found on the web (W3C,
2008). It will be interesting to monitor the effect of
WCAG 2.0 on levels of web accessibility.
Considering the wide range of expertise
possessed by individuals tasked with authoring web
pages, implementing an accessible web site is far
from trivial. Additional training on the part of the
developer may be required, which could be self-
directed or formalised in seminars, and should
include both understanding of web accessibility
issues and specific practical skills development on
how these guidelines should be implemented. One
third of the sites surveyed here were at least partially
compliant, but more should be done regarding
raising education levels of designers.
Websites should be created with accessibility
standards in mind. An accessibility statement should
be created as part of the design guidelines to ensure
that standards are adhered to both during the initial
design phase and during subsequent site updates.
This statement should include the level of
accessibility to which the site is being designed. The
site should then be tested for conformity to the
guidelines. Several automatic checking systems are
available. These are a good place to start, however,
all the manual checks should also be checked and
passed by the designer. This can be difficult as some
guidelines can easily be misinterpreted. In response
to this situation, a resource website, hosted at has been created by
the first author in an attempt to clarify and elaborate
upon some of these issues. Also, it may help
developers to join a mailing list or network of like
minded individuals. In Europe/Ireland organizations
include: IRL-DeAN (Irish Design-for-all
eAccessibility Network), E-DeAN (European
Design for All e-Accessibility Network), IDD
(Institute for Design & Disability), EIDD (European
Institute for Design & Disability) and GAWDS
(Guild of Accessible Web Designers).
Websites should also be retested regularly for
compliance. In some cases, changes made to the site
can themselves be non-compliant making it
necessary to retest the site after changes are made.
Ideally, the site should be evaluated by actual users,
both disabled and otherwise, on a variety of
platforms, systems, resolutions, text sizes and colour
availability. This is necessary to ensure that the site
is actually usable. A study by the Disability Rights
Commission claimed that up to 45% of the problems
experienced by disabled users were not a violation
of any WGAC 1.0 Checkpoint, and would not have
been detected without user testing (Disability Rights
Commission, 2004). Again, changes made may
cause further confusion to other groups of users, so
all changes must be retested and re-evaluated by
appropriate users to ensure that changes are effective
and acceptable. Subsequent to user testing it is also
necessary to retest the web site for conformance to
the guidelines, as changes made during the user
testing updates may themselves be non-compliant.
This testing should also be done on normal site
updates before they are posted live. Finally, a
feedback form should be included with the web site
in the event that unforeseen problems arise for some
users. The feedback should be checked regularly and
any required changes made as soon as possible.
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