Minhong Wang
, Kuldeep Kumar
and Weijia Ran
Division of Information & Technology Studies, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
College of Business Administartion, Florida International University, USA
Keywords: Agent-Oriented Computing, Business Process Management, Complex Systems.
Abstract: Agent-oriented computing has been addressed for seeking significant advances on complex process
management systems. However, recent research on this problem is experience-driven, ad-hoc, and without a
cohesive theoretical base. This study aims to examine the key problems and solutions for complex process
management as well as the mechanism of why and how agent-oriented computing can be applied in
developing complex process management solutions.
Business process management (BPM) is regarded as
a systematic approach to improving an
organization's business processes. Most approaches
to BPM use information technologies to automate
business processes in whole or in part, through
building business information systems that offer the
right tasks at the right time to the right participant
along with resources needed to perform these tasks.
They help coordinate and streamline business
transactions, reduce operational costs, and promote
real-time visibility in business performance.
Traditional approaches to BPM systems use
workflow technology to design and control the
process through workflow engine (van der Aalst, et
al., 2002). They follow a highly structured and
predefined workflow model, and therefore are well
suited to applications with standard inputs, processes,
and outputs. However, business processes may
change over time as a result of complex interactions,
resource competition, abnormal events, and other
sources of uncertainty. Against this background, a
number of studies are seeking significant advances
on process management approaches by applying
various technologies.
Although there has been a proliferation of studies
on agent-oriented computing technologies in BPM
(Jennings et al., 2000, Wang et al., 2002), the key
mechanisms have remained unrevealed, i.e. why we
need them for BPM, and how to apply them in
developing BPM solutions. Most prior research on
this problem is experience-driven, ad-hoc, and
without a cohesive theoretical base. There is only
minimal work that examines the root of complexity
of business processes, the need of effective
approaches to complex process management, and
how this need affects the requirements and solutions
for business process management (Kumar et al.,
2006). Unless we have appropriate understanding on
these important issues, further advances on BPM
solutions will be problematic.
A business process is a collection of activities that
consist of a series of steps performed by actors
(machines or humans) to produce a product or
service for the customer. Real-world processes are
messier than the input-transformation-output view
might suggest. They are best viewed as networks, in
which a number of roles collaborate and interact to
achieve a business goal. Based on this
understanding, we examine the complexity of BPM
problem, and address the key solutions to BPM in
this section.
Decomposition of Complex Processes. Business
processes are complex systems, made up of a
number of interacting objects with dynamic behavior.
Wang M., Kumar K. and Ran W. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 203-206
DOI: 10.5220/0001679802030206
The way we manage complexity is to decompose a
complex system or process into smaller modules that
can be designed independently, i.e. modularity.
Modularity ensures easy maintenance and updates of
complex systems by separating the high-frequency
intra-module linkages from the low-frequency inter-
module linkages, and limiting the scope of
interactions between modules by hiding the intra-
module relations inside a module box (Simon,
1981). In this conception, a business process can be
defined as set of subsystems, which can in turn be
hierarchically decomposed into further levels of
detail corresponding to the organizational context.
How to decompose complex processes? “Task”
has been selected as the basic module for building
process management systems. A process can be
decomposed into tasks, task into sub-tasks, and so
on, through many layers in a hierarchy. With the
increased extension of business processes from
intra-organizational to inter-organizational scope, we
need to deal with interactions within an organization
as well as interactions across organizations in
partnership. To reduce the complexity, we need to
distinguish between inter- and intra-organizational
interactions and deal with them by isolating one
from another. We may propose “service” as a high
level view of the building block of a process, where
a process is composed of a set of services; each
service is provided by an organization and can be
further decomposed into tasks.
Flexible Coordination among Tasks. To manage
complex interactions in business organizations,
multiple actors, activities, resources and goals need
to be coordinated. After decomposing a complex
process into a number of task components, we need
to coordinate various interactions between the
components at different levels in a network
How to coordinate the interactions between the
task components? The more stable and predictable
the situation, the greater the reliance on coordination
based on structured and specifiable schedules, such
as coordination by plan and coordination by
standardization; the more variable and unpredictable
the situation, the greater the reliance on informal and
flexible communication, such as coordination by
feedback and coordination by mutual adjustment
(Minzberg, 1979). Faced with increased
uncertainties in dynamic environments,
organizations must use more flexible coordination
mechanisms to coordinate their processes. Flexible
coordination is portrayed by less centralization in
top management to facilitate bottom-up initiatives.
The required mechanisms include flatter hierarchies,
decentralized autonomy-based units and decision-
based coordination, which are used for narrowing
direct control and encouraging more mutual
adjustment and coordination.
Awareness of Dynamic Environments. As a result
of complex interactions, resource competition,
abnormal events, and other sources of uncertainty,
business processes are usually semi-structured or
unstructured to the extent that there is an absence of
routine procedures for dealing with them. Problem
solving is then regarded as an interaction between
the behaving organism and the environment under
the guidance of a control system. A basic idea
underlying this viewpoint is control of complex
dynamic systems or situations based on situation
In a dynamic business process environment,
there is a need for spontaneous decision and
coordination of processes based on situation
awareness. An exact execution order of activities is
impractical, while the interaction or relationship
between the environment and activities is more
reliable in determining how to manage and
coordinate tasks (Wang et al., 2006). In other words,
we need to be able to coordinate the processes by
sensing and comprehending the situations,
determining responses to the situations, as well as
taking initiatives to achieve business goals. The
question of which task to execute and when to
execute it is dependent on the current environment
and underlying business rules rather than a static
process schema.
Flexible Resources Coordination. The rise of
Internet mediated e-Business brings the era of quick
connected global business relationships into
existence. Business networks that are temporarily
integrated and driven by demands have emerged and
operated for the lifespan of the market opportunity.
Along with this change, a business process can be
dynamically established by connecting or composing
services together from different organizations
through alliances, partnerships, or joint ventures.
Attentions on business processes should be extended
from task and procedure to resources discovery,
selection and coordination (Wang et al., 2008). What
is new in this flexible form is reliance on the idea of
separating requirements from satisfiers
(Mowshowitz, 1997). This separation allows for
crafting process structures that enable management
to switch between different resource options for
implementing a process. The success of the model is
highly dependent on the match between the
requirements and satisfiers that deliver the services.
One way to ensure this balance is to model the
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
integration or composition of business processes as a
management problem which involves: 1) the
separation of requirements from the means for
realization, and 2) the dynamic selection and
allocation of resources to requirements.
What is AOC? Agent is some actor (performer)
who on the behalf of a principal provides a service.
The agent provides the service by receiving request
of service from the principal. In performing or
providing a service on behalf of a principal, the
agent can ask other agents to provide it with the
service, i.e. be the principal that asks other agents to
perform the service. In this situation, the agent is a
broker. In computer science, the termagent” is
used to describe a piece of software that acts for a
user or other program in a relationship of agency. It
denotes a software-based entity that enjoys the
properties of autonomy, social ability, reactivity and
pro-activity (Wooldridge, 2002). The key idea of
Agent-Oriented Computing (AOC) suggests the
delegation of tasks and responsibility of a complex
problem and emphasizes autonomy and co-operation
of agents to perform tasks in open and complex
Why AOC for BPM? AOC represents an emerging
computing paradigm that helps understand and
model complex real-world problems and systems, by
concentrating on high-level abstractions of
autonomous entities. AOC is used to model and
implement intelligent solutions to semi- or ill-
structured problems, which are too complex to be
completely characterized and precisely described.
By using AOC, a complex system can be viewed as
network of agents acting concurrently, each finding
itself in an environment produced by its interactions
with the other agents in the system.
AOC is applicable to a number of complex
(dynamic, open, and interactive) domains like
electronic commerce, manufacturing resource
planning (ERP), supply chain management, project
management, etc. It is particularly well suited for
complex process situations that are not all known a
priori, cannot all be assumed to be fully controllable
in their behaviors, and must interact on a
sophisticated level of communication and
coordination (Wang et al., 2006).
For example, a typical supply chain faces
uncertainty in terms of supply, demand, and process,
etc. Moreover, business entities in a supply chain are
highly interdependent in order to achieve coherence
among them. A large number of interacting
decisions may take place between different entities,
most of which are impossible to foresee at design
time. With mixed and often conflicting objectives,
processes are sophisticated and difficult to manage
using closed-form analytical solutions. Business
managers have no way to deal with the situation, but
fall back on whatever general capacity they have for
intelligent, adaptive, goal-oriented action. The
agent-based approach is directly applicable to this
type of application domain.
We investigate how AOC can be used to develop
solutions of complex process management.
AOC for Decomposition of Complex Processes.
Business processes display complexity because of
interactions of their internal components and
interaction of the process with its environment. The
highly dynamic and unpredictable nature of business
processes makes AOC appealing. A process can be
decomposed into a set of tasks, task into sub-tasks,
and so on, through several layers in a hierarchy. The
tasks are then assigned to autonomous agents, each
having specific goals to achieve and interact with
one another to manage their autonomy and
interdependencies. To deal with business processes
across different organizations, “service” can be used
as a high level view of the building block of a
process. A process is composed of a set of services,
each of which can be further decomposed into tasks.
AOC for Flexible Task Coordination. To
coordinate the interactions in dynamic situations,
flatter hierarchies, decentralized autonomy-based
units and decision-based coordination are required,
where AOC is directly applicable. AOC supports
decentralized control and asynchronous operations
by a group of autonomous software entities, which
are able to perform decision-based coordination of
their activities. In complex process management, it
is impossible to predefine all activities and
interactions at design time. Instead, we define the
goal or role of each agent, based on which a set of
rules can be specified for governing the behavior of
the agent in dynamic situations.
AOC for Awareness of Dynamic Environment.
The complexity of business processes comes not
only from interactions of their internal components,
but also from interactions of the process with its
environment. To manage business processes in a
dynamic environment, we need to be able to
continuously perceive the environment, and make
real-time decisions on the process. Agent-based
software entity is able to sense and interpret the
situations and determine appropriate actions upon
the situations based on predefined rules or
knowledge. Moreover, AOC supports prediction of
future state of the environment for purpose of
proactive actions. Different from passive response to
current events, proactive behavior has an orientation
to the future, anticipating problems and taking
affirmative steps to deal positively with them rather
than reacting after a situation has already occurred.
It refers to the exhibition of goal-oriented behaviors
by taking initiatives (Wang et al., 2006, 2002).
AOC for Resource Coordination. A business
process can be dynamically established by
connecting or composing Web services provided by
different organizations over the Internet. However, it
is a complex problem to search appropriated services
from a large number of resources as well as schedule
and coordinate them under various constraints. The
complexity arises from the unpredictability of
solutions from service providers (e.g. availability,
capacity, and price), and constraints on services in a
process (e.g. temporal relationship, time and cost
constraint). To deal with the problem, AOC can be
used for coordination based on distributed decision
making. In process integration, decision and
coordination among services can be modelled as a
distributed constraint satisfaction problem, in which
solutions and constraints are distributed into a set of
services and to be solved by a group of agents
(brokers) on behalf of service requesters and
providers. Finding a global solution to the integrated
process requires that all agents find the solutions that
satisfy not only their own constraints but also inter-
agent constraints (Wang et al., 2008). In this
situation, the special type of agent works as an
intermediary between service requester and service
provider, coordinating on behalf of two parties
regarding service requirements, qualities, costs, and
other constraints.
This work has investigated the rationale for
developing solutions to complex process
management by using agent-oriented technologies.
The main problems and key solutions for complex
process management are examined. Meanwhile, the
mechanisms of Agent-Oriented Computing, together
with its relationship with BPM systems development
are clarified. Based on this, we present a clear
picture on why and how Agent-Oriented Computing
technology can be applied to developing process
management systems, especially in complex
situations. This work will benefit professionals,
researchers, and practitioners by guidelines and
methods for designing and developing technical
solutions to complex business process management.
This research is supported by a UGC CERG
research grant (No. RGC/HKU7169/07E) from the
Hong Kong SAR Government, and a Seed Funding
for Basic Research (200611159216) from The
University of Hong Kong.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems