In the Age of Service Oriented Architecture
Jackson He, Enrique Castro-Leon
Digital Enterprise Group, Intel Corporation, 2111 NE 25
Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124, U.S.A.
Simón Viñals Larruga
Intel Corporation, Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso No. 1, Madrid 28020, Spain
Keywords: Data centers, SOA, service oriented architecture.
Abstract: The adoption of SOA in business computing environments is growing due to the promise of significant cost
reduction in the planning, deployment and operation of IT projects. However, the organic transformation
from legacy enterprise applications to SOA applications only has been seen mostly in large enterprises data
center where services are centralized. Patterns of adoption of SOA, in combination with emerging
technologies lead us to believe that the traditional data center owned by a large organization, i.e., the
traditional monolithic data center, will evolve into a more federated form. This new dynamic will affect
large and small business alike.
Service-orientation and adoption of SOA (service-
oriented architecture) in business applications have
been discussed in depth in the literature as well as
documenting the SOA transition from conceptual
vision to engineering reality.
However, our research indicates that most IT
managers and end users view SOA as a way for
large enterprises to improve IT efficiency and reduce
costs. A prior paper postulated the evolution of
service orientation around an industry-wide portfolio
of standardized services available to organizations
and businesses large and small. In fact, this
anticipated evolution would ensure that the benefits
of service orientation would be available to a broad
range of organizations, large, small, private and
governmental, and regardless of location or the
maturity of the economy in which they are offered.
The concept of outside-in SOA previously
discussed in a previous paper by the authors
followed by an analysis of patterns of evolution in
the physical infrastructure where these services
reside, namely in data centers. We believe that
patterns in the adoption of SOA will also affect the
way data centers are deployed and sourced.
The decentralization brought by compound service
oriented applications will logically lead to a similar
pattern of decentralization in data centers. This
evolution mirrors the trend toward outsourcing for
development and operations that has occurred in the
past 10 years.
The increasing adoption of SOA in the industry
brings the promise of significant cost reduction in
the planning, deployment and operation of
Information Technology (IT) projects. Added
regulatory compliance characteristic of this period
has brought additional incentives to explore means
to bring in regulatory relief.
Traditionally, corporate applications have been
deployed in stovepipes, as illustrated in Figure 1,
one application per server or server tier hosting a
complete solution stack. Ironically, this trend was
facilitated by the availability of low-cost commodity
servers fifteen years ago. Under this system
physical servers are procured, a process that takes
anywhere from two weeks to six months. When the
servers become available, they are provisioned with
He J., Castro-Leon E. and Viñals Larruga S. (2008).
THE DECENTRALIZED DATA CENTER - In the Age of Service Oriented Architecture.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 226-229
DOI: 10.5220/0001682802260229
an operating system, database software, middleware
and the application. Multiple pipes are actually
needed to support a running business.
Figure 1: Traditional application stovepipes vs. SOA.
With SOA, monolithic applications are broken into
standards-based services.
To cope with the long development and
transition cycle of “internal-only” SOA approach
described above, many enterprise IT departments
pursue a path outlined in Figure 2. While the overall
SOA solution architecture is defined and controlled
by the IT department, some of these services may be
outsourced to external service providers to build and
support (host). This progression starts with small
with non-mission critical services while the IT
internal development teams focus on core,
complicated, mission critical services.
Some companies may be under no such
restrictions, and the core may become so small that
it becomes indistinguishable from the outsourced
services as shown in Figure 3. This evolution for
SOA adoption can be construed as inside-out where
an SOA environment is built out from reusable in
house services out of which a few eventually
become outsourced.
Figure 2: Transition from inside-out to outside-in SOA.
Small business can actually completely sidestep the
inside-out process described above and build their
solutions entirely out of outsourced services. We
call these services servicelets or microservices they
are self-contained hardware and software
components that can be “snapped” together using
Web services technology into full fledged business
Figure 3 illustrates these ideas. A well defined
business process (e.g. purchase order creation and
processing, bank transactions, etc.) could be
represented by a set of SOA services integrated by
different users depending on their specific business
needs, the process of picking and choosing the right
pieces for their businesses. Mash-ups in the Web 2.0
world today constitute an example.
The model is highly compatible with services
provided by a few large internet portal datacenters
(such as Google, Yahoo, Baidu,,
etc.) therefore reduce the needs to have large,
company owned, complex centralized data centers
This adoption of SOA will take place under a
different dynamic: instead of reuse from within, or
across organizations in a large enterprise, considered
a necessary condition for critical mass, we will see
the same critical mass, but with reuse now be
happening across whole economic ecosystems. We
call this dynamic an outside-in dynamic for SOA
In other words, the outside-in model for SOA
depends on decentralized ecosystem players
providing composite applications that are used to
build more complex SOA-style composite
Figure 3: For decentralized business computing environment
the core becomes arbitrarily small to the extent that it's no
longer distinguishable.
With such an inside-out SOA model, specialized
SOA services that could be shared by many
businesses could emerge.
The dynamic of this process is that as service
technology matures, services will become and will
be traded as commodities. This will lead to varying
degrees of specialized providers. It simply will be
cheaper to build specific functionality by contracting
out constituent components in the marketplace rather
than build the same functionality wholly in house.
THE DECENTRALIZED DATA CENTER - In the Age of Service Oriented Architecture
The fungible, interoperable services mentioned thus
far will have an effect in the way data centers are
deployed and operated. The services mentioned in
the SOA “application” layer are eventually hosted in
a data center. Running these services in a rigid,
monolithic physical infrastructure would to some
extent, negate the benefits of agility.
What is the physical data center infrastructure
necessary to support such outside-in environment?
The adoption of commodity servers for hosting
enterprise applications started in the early 90s, away
from mainframe and RISC based hosts. At that time
the cost of the hardware was much higher than it is
Commodity servers brought in an attractive
value proposition with the option of additional
capacity in increments of tens of thousands of
dollars, often less than that. Fledgling companies
and rising upstarts found these servers could be
deployed very quickly without long procurement
For commodity servers, conventional wisdom
indicates that the norm was a one-application-per-
server provisioning approach. Actually it was worse
than that. Deployments with many servers per
application were not uncommon at all, starting with
the classic 3-tier distributed architecture that splits
storage, application logic and presentation logic
(Web server) in different machines.
Furthermore, an often used mechanism for
improving Web server performance was to split the
front end into several servers, with each server
taking on requests on a round-robin basis.
This approach made sound economic sense at the
time because they brought business agility that was
unattainable with more traditional technologies. It
also provided logical isolation.
Unfortunately, these trends led to companies
deploying thousands of servers. This condition is
affectionately called “server sprawl”. This
development became unsustainable due to space and
energy consumption.
The new vision for the enterprise architecture is a
multi-layered architecture in which applications
draw on shared services and computing resources.
The utility computing infrastructure is the
foundation for that architecture.
The business engine that is driving the new
vision for the data center is strategic cost reduction
and agility, the same goal as SOA in application
In particular, for SOA to become reality, the data
center infrastructure needs to reflect this new
approach to the point that the infrastructure itself
will become service oriented.
Furthermore, if we take as a given that in the
advanced maturity stages data centers become
policy-oriented and business drives IT, it will be
hard to ignore business considerations both at the
strategic and tactical level.
Under SOA, cross-company barriers may not be
barriers at all. In other words, the trend toward
outsourcing can be expected to accelerate.
Outsourcing will not only encompass applications
under the concept of software-as-a-service (SaaS),
but will also likely include physical plant.
Data centers may become very large, with one
provider taking on one function for several
enterprises, or very small in the case of a specialty
service provider.
A prerequisite under this new environment is that
the architecture, processes and analysis methods
applied will need to be scalable over a much broader
range than what is common today.
In this example we describe an enterprise IT
environment with several key enterprise applications
such as customer relationship management (CRM),
business-to-business (B2B) portals, enterprise re-
source planning (ERP), and others. In a typical IT
environment, these applications are hosted internally
at a centralized data center. However, in the
“outside-in” model, this IT department is
horizontally specialized and does not directly own
any large data centers, just a few servers to integrate
services provided from other service providers. In
fact some of the applications may be renting in a
pay-as-you go SaaS (Software as a Service) model.
This IT department operates by integrating
applications services needed to meet its customers’
needs. Due to the nature of SOA, it is not locked to a
particular services provider. It can easily switch to a
better cost-effective service provider or when the
business needs change.
The trend toward distributed, multi-tier data
center designs has been taking place for the past
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
fifteen years. A parallel trend in software has been
the gradual separation of computing engines from
the applications and from the data being operated
upon. Until very recently, an enterprise application
was tightly bound to a physical server and used
direct-attach storage, i.e., data was kept in hard
drives inside the same server boxes. This
arrangement was reasonable from the standpoint that
the data in a hard drive was tightly bound to the
application that created it.
The first boundary to be breached was the one
between compute engines and applications:
advances in software engineering made it possible to
run an application in a multiplicity of platforms.
The emergence of storage area networks (SANs) and
network attached storage (NAS) took the data out of
the boxes. In the past five years the adoption of
XML web services interfaces accelerated this trend
through increasing interoperability and by making
data usable by most any application.
What has not changed in this process is the
prevalence of vertically integrated solution stacks.
Compute engines, applications and data can be
mixed and matched. However, except for very
specific exceptions involving outsourcing, the
common notion is that these three elements do not
cross corporate boundaries. These boundaries will
be breached as well under an outside-in SOA
environment and as part of the technology
maturation process. The reasons will be simple
economics: outsourcing services will lower cost and
yield higher operational efficiencies than an
equivalent in-house solution.
Enterprise application services will be procured
through a hierarchical, multi-layered ecosystem.
Technology maturation makes specialization
possible with opportunities to add value at each
Figure 4: Creating and sharing typical outside-in services
using a decentralized model.
As illustrated in Figure 4, an independent service
provider goes through the typical service development
process from “model”, “design”, to “implement”.
Once a service is developed, it will drive rigorous
test process to ensure service integrity and quality.
The service then will be transferred to a data center
to publish and deploy. Since services are
independently developed, they could be deployed at
a smaller data center at decentralized locations.
During the service development process, a service
could also invoke services from other service
providers. These offerings can run the whole gamut
of outsourced applications available today, from e-
mail sold by the mailbox (in quantities from one to
several hundred thousand), to services like payroll,
healthcare settlement services, CRM and ERP.
“Outside-in” SOA is still at its early stage of
definition. However, it promises to extend the
benefits of SOA to small and large enterprises alike
through ecosystem supported interoperable services.
SOA in turn will impose requirements of agility on
the physical data center infrastructure with will
change radically the way data centers are deployed
and operated today.
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THE DECENTRALIZED DATA CENTER - In the Age of Service Oriented Architecture