A Model for Supporting Service Oriented Architecture Design
Matthew Dow
, Pascal Ravesteijn
Accenture, Amsterdam, Gustav Mahlerplein 90, 1082 MA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
University of Applied Science, Utrecht, Nijenoord 1, 3552 AS Utrecht, The Netherlands
Johan Versendaal
Department of Computing Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 14, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands
Keywords: Service Oriented Architecture, SOA, web services, enterprise services, business services, design and
development methodologies.
Abstract: Enterprise Services have been proposed as a more business-friendly form of web services which can help
organizations bridge the gap between the IT capabilities and business benefits of Service Oriented
Architecture. However up until now there are almost no methodologies for creating enterprise services, and
no lists of definite criteria which constitute a “good” enterprise service. In this paper we present a model
which can aid Service Oriented Architecture designers with this by giving them a set of researched criteria
that can be used to measure the quality of enterprise service definitions. The model and criteria have been
constructed by interviewing experts from one of the big five consultancy firms and by conducting a
literature study of software development lifecycle methods and Service Oriented Architecture
implementation strategies. The results have been evaluated using a quantitative survey and qualitative
expert interviews, which have produced empirical support for the importance of the model criteria to
enterprise service design. The importance of business ownership and focusing on business value of
enterprise services is stressed, leading to suggestions of future research that links this area more closely with
Service Oriented Architecture governance, Service Oriented Architecture change management, and
Business Process Management.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) development
and deployment generally builds on a service view
of the world in which a set of services are assembled
and often reused in different ways, allowing
organizations to quickly adapt to changing business
needs (Cox and Kreger, 2005). This type of
architecture ideally allows IT systems to be
integrated and re-used in a standardized way
bringing benefits to businesses such as faster time to
market and lower development costs. SOA is not
just yet another change in your IT systems
architecture: it also requires that organizations
evaluate their business models, come up with
service-oriented analysis and design techniques,
deployment and support plans, and carefully
evaluate partner, customer, and supplier
relationships (Papazoglou and van den Heuvel,
2006). However despite the perceived importance
of business involvement in SOA design,
organizations are easily tempted to approach SOA
from an IT perspective, and ignoring the business
models and needs.
For the most part the problem is not that web
service technology can’t support more granular
business functionality. As early as 2003, IBM
researchers noted that web services were moving
from their initial “describe, publish, interact”
capability to a new phase in which robust business
interactions are supported (Curbera et al., 2003).
The last few years this has led to the start of a new
trend in the SOA market to create more granular
services called “enterprise services” (SAP, 2004;
Freemantle et al., 2002), “meta-services”
Dow M., Ravesteijn P. and Versendaal J. (2008).
ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES - A Model for Supporting Service Oriented Architecture Design.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 50-57
DOI: 10.5220/0001685100500057
(Cherbakov et al., 2005; Crawford et al., 2005) or
even “business services” (Wang et al., 2005). In this
paper we promote the use of the term “enterprise
services”, because this term has the most value to
business users, where as “meta” is not as clear to
most people and the term “business service” can be
confused with more traditional types of services not
related to SOA.
For clarity within this paper, we have defined an
enterprise service as:
A special type of web service where the
operations form a functional piece (steps or tasks) of
a business process. Enterprise service operations
may be composed of more fine-grained web services
which provide business-agnostic functionality, such
as basic data access.”
It has been stated that business services execute
the functionality of the steps, tasks and activities of
one or more business processes and that fine-grained
components and services provide a small amount of
business-process usefulness, where as larger
granularities can be compositions of smaller grained
components or other artifacts (Papazoglou and van
den Heuvel, 2006). It has also been said that coarse
granularity can be defined as such that services are
related to the individual steps of a business process
(Kimbell et al., 2005).
One of the problems though for enterprise
architects is that an enterprise service has many
characteristics that must be considered, and it is a
fallacy to believe that all services require the same
level of definition (Jones, 2005). It is therefore not a
trivial exercise to determine what the necessary
criteria are for a “good” enterprise service, to ensure
the expected value is achieved for organizations.
This paper focuses on this problem by addressing
the following research question:
What are the (quality) criteria and method by
which an organization is able to accurately
create and assess high quality Enterprise service
In this paper a model is presented containing
criteria that can be used by organizations to evaluate
the quality of their enterprise service definitions and
align them with their Business Process Management
(BPM) initiatives in order to increase business
understanding and value of SOA implementations.
The research of identifying the right phases and
criteria for the model was done in consultation with
a focus group of SOA experts at one of the big five
consultancy firms.
We assess the research question by constructing
a model which provides SOA designers with a set of
criteria they can use to measure the quality of
enterprise service definitions. The model is framed
through interviewing experts at one of the big five
consultancy firms and by conducting a literature
study of software development lifecycle methods
and Service Oriented Architecture implementation
strategies. The results are evaluated using a
quantitative survey and qualitative expert interviews.
In section 2 we present a generic approach for
enterprise service application design, resulting in the
Enterprise Value Delivery Lifecycle. Section 3
provides the model (Enterprise Service Definition
Model), which includes the criteria for “good
quality” enterprise service determination. In section
4 we present the validation of the model, followed
by a discussion in section 5. Section 6 contains
conclusions and further research.
In essence there are three main strategies for
developing SOA-based enterprise applications: top-
down, bottom-up, and meet-in-the-middle
(Perepletchikov, 2005; Arsanjani, 2004). It is a key
decision whether service creation should begin from
the bottom-up or top-down. Since this research
focuses on enterprise services, which are defined to
be in line with “steps or tasks” of business
processes, a more top-down approach is taken. In
practice it will always be a balancing game as to
how extensive the top-down modeling should be. A
wide scale business modeling exercise could be too
expensive and make the SOA implementation have a
low ROI. This can be minimized if certain business
domains/processes are selected as a focus in order to
narrow the scope of the top-down approach. It is still
important though that organizations are aware of
their existing legacy systems and plan “agile”
activities accordingly. The real goal is to try at all
cost to avoid a pure bottom-up approach, which will
certainly miss out on achieving valuable benefits for
the business.
In order to utilize a top-down approach to
enterprise service creation, research was done on
lifecycle methodologies. The lifecycle phases for the
Enterprise Service Definition Model (ESDM) we
developed during this research are based on the
successful Enterprise Value Delivery (EVD)
lifecycle model, which is a implementation method
satisfactorily used by one of the big five consultancy
firms. This lifecycle model uses the following
ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES - A Model for Supporting Service Oriented Architecture
The choice of using this approach to enterprise
service design was confirmed by a group of 7 SOA
experts at this firm who participated early on in this
research. Table 1 describes their roles in the
organization and experience with SOA.
Table 1: SOA experts participating in Research.
in the Firm
Division Main
Expertise related
to SOA
Partner BusinessIT
Business Value of
Financial Services
Senior Manager BusinessIT
Strategic SOA
decision making
Senior Manager Enterprise
Lead for
Europe region
Senior Manager Enterprise
Oracle Lead for
Consultant Enterprise
Manager Development
Various SOA
Various SOA
The use of the lifecycle phases for a top-down
approach to enterprise service development has been
justified by other similar models used for service
and component based design, including the top-
down process steps of (Erl, 2005), the Rational
Unified Process (RUP, 2001), and the web service
development lifecycle of (Papazoglou and van den
Heuvel, 2006).
After discussions with the 7 SOA experts it was
further decided to combine the phases of the EVD
lifecycle into the following: Vision & Plan, Design,
Build, and Deliver & Operate. This would create 4
primary stages for developing successful enterprise
services starting with a vision based on the
established business process models of the
The combined phase of Vision & Plan includes
the planning and goal setting for the enterprise
services being created, and will include a top-down
business process analysis that should result in a set
of enterprise service candidates.
The Design phase refers to the stage where
enterprise service candidates from the Vision & Plan
phase are taken and further refined and detailed.
This includes the creation of functional and non-
functional requirements, inputs, outputs, and formal
descriptions of how to use the service. This is a
distinct activity that is separate from the business
process analysis, and for this reason it was decided
to separate it into a different phase than the “Vision
& Plan” phase. This also emphasizes the importance
of business involvement in the top-down approach,
which is strongest in the first two phases.
The Build phase is the most technical phase, as it
involves the coding of enterprise services based on
the business designed service candidates. This
phase focuses on the fact that enterprise services are
built technically the same as web services, and as a
result they should comply with industry standards,
and whether the proposed business design of the
enterprise service is technically feasible to be
implemented. Enterprise service candidates will not
always be in line with the existing applications, and
some negotiation will have to take place between
business and IT in order to make sure the services
are in line with business needs but also can be
feasibly delivered.
The final phase of the ESDM combines the
Deliver and Operate phases of the EVD. It was
recognized that the “Deployment” phases of other
service design methods are important, but
nevertheless rather trivial to the importance of
creating high quality enterprise service definitions.
It was therefore decided that this could be combined
together with the Operate phase. During Operation
is when performance and business value of the
services must be monitored.
Initially several literature sources were examined as
a way of collecting lists of the most commonly
referenced service criteria (Papazoglou and van den
Heuvel, 2006; Erl, 2005; Bloomburg, 2005; Deloitte,
2004; Freemantle, 2002). The originating separate
lists were merged into one.
This list was further refined and challenged by
the group of 7 SOA experts. After several interviews
and brainstorming sessions with these experts, the
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
enterprise service design criteria were refined and
enhanced from the initial literature search. Figure 1
shows the model created including which criteria
belonged in which of the service design lifecycle
phases, as agreed upon by the experts. It should be
noted that several of the criteria repeat in various
phases of the model. During discussions with the
experts, it was concluded that many of the important
criteria, i.e. “reusable”, should be re-visited several
times at different points of the design process. This
list of criteria was combined with a list of key
questions and tasks for each phase to form the
Enterprise Service Definition Model (ESDM),
shown in figure 1.
The model consists of 20 criteria for the
enterprise service creation phases (vision & plan,
design, build). These include criteria for example
that say services should be designed to be Reusable,
and they should Business Owners who are heavily
involved in the visioning of their design. Along with
this, 5 key aspects to monitor services were created
(e.g. Services should follow Service Level
Agreements (SLA)). The monitoring aspects apply
once the enterprise services are delivered and in
operation. Each phase also contains key questions
that should be addressed by service designers during
the creation of new services. It should be noted that
some of the criteria identified were deemed to be
important in multiple phases of the design process,
and hence are revisited multiple times (e.g.
Reusable). Also, the validation process produced
evidence showing that some criteria are more
important than others in each phase (this is described
in more detail in section 4.3).
It may be noticed that some commonly identified
service criteria were left out of the model. In
particular, we discuss the ideas of “loose-coupling”
and “coarse granularity” more closely, because these
are often cited criteria which were not included. In
fact in (Erl, 2005) loose coupling is cited as one of
the four most important principles of service
orientation. After extensive research though, it turns
out there are several good reasons for leaving these
criteria off the list. One of the problems with both of
these terms is that nobody can define them in an
objective manner easily. Both of these terms are
subjective trade-offs without useful metrics, and
furthermore they are very application context
dependent (OASIS, 2006; Papazoglou and van den
Heuvel, 2006). Coarse Granularity of services is
relative to the level of problem being addressed and
defining the optimal level is not as simple as
counting the number of interfaces that a service has.
Loose Coupling can be difficult to determine.
“This is because loose coupling is a methodology or
style, rather than a set of established rules and
specifications” (Kaye, 2003). In this research we
consider the more tangible criteria that we defined as
this established set of specifications. So, although
Loose Coupling and Coarse Granularity are
necessary for a well-defined enterprise service, the
proper level will be obtained when the other (easier
measured) criteria are adhered to.
in each
Criteria to
follow in
Vision & PlanVision & Plan
•What services
need to be built in
which layers, and
what value can
they provide?
What logic should
be encapsulated
by each service?
•What services
need to be built in
which layers, and
what value can
they provide?
What logic should
be encapsulated
by each service?
•What services
need to be built in
which layers, and
what value can
they provide?
What logic should
be encapsulated
by each service?
•What services
need to be built in
which layers, and
what value can
they provide?
What logic should
be encapsulated
by each service?
•How can service
interface definitions
be derived from
service candidates?
•What SOA
Characteristics do
we want to support?
•How can service
interface definitions
be derived from
service candidates?
•What SOA
Characteristics do
we want to support?
•How can service
interface definitions
be derived from
service candidates?
•What SOA
Characteristics do
we want to support?
•How can service
interface definitions
be derived from
service candidates?
•What security and
usage requirements
should be
What technical
industry standards
will be required?
Can the functional
designs be
implemented as the
business proposes?
What technical
industry standards
will be required?
Can the functional
designs be
implemented as the
business proposes?
What technical
industry standards
will be required?
Can the functional
designs be
implemented as the
business proposes?
What technical
industry standards
will be required?
Can the functional
designs be
implemented as the
business proposes?
Deliver & Operate
Deliver & Operate
Deliver & Operate
Deliver & Operate
Continuous evaluation of
service level objectives
and performance
Monitoring Metrics for
Business Value, and
planning for future
changes or updates
Continuous evaluation of
service level objectives
and performance
Monitoring Metrics for
Business Value, and
planning for future
changes or updates
Continuous evaluation of
service level objectives
and performance
Monitoring Metrics for
Business Value, and
planning for future
changes or updates
Continuous evaluation of
service level objectives
and performance
Monitoring Metrics for
Business Value, and
planning for future
changes or updates
Represent Steps in
Ownership Roles
Existing Services
Taken into account
Security Policies
•Formal Usage
•Security Policies
Formal Usage
Security Policies
Existing Services
•Security Policies
Existing Services
Taken into account
Risk Traceability
Business Value
Figure 1: Enterprise Service Definition Model (ESDM).
ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES - A Model for Supporting Service Oriented Architecture
Two methods of empirical research were done to
validate the phases for enterprise service design and
their criteria. The first method was a quantitative
analysis, which consisted of a survey that was
distributed to SOA experts from consultancy firms
worldwide. The results will be discussed below,
including reliability test and factor analyses that
were done to examine the data. In order to avoid
bias, the respondents for this survey did not include
the initial group of 7 experts who offered input into
the model creation. The second method was a more
qualitative analysis, which consisted of expert
interviews that were conducted with SOA industry
experts. The interviews were used to gain insight on
the state of SOA in these organizations, and at the
same time to present the ESDM and get feedback on
how useful they felt this type of design model would
be for their organizations. Subsequently we will
discuss the approaches of both validations.
4.1 Survey Design & Population
In total 306 invitations to conduct in the survey were
sent to big-five consultancy firm employees. The
respondents were received from the community of
practice “eRooms” on SOA, as well as from direct
contact of several consultancy firm partners around
the world.
The survey created consisted of 27 questions.
The first 5 were intended to gather background
information, and the remaining 22 questions made
up a measurement questionnaire for the criteria of
the Vision & Plan, Design, and Build phases of the
ESDM (not including the Delivery&Operate phase;
this phase was not tested as we focus on creating
and assessing enterprise services during
development). These three phases of the ESDM
have 20 criteria and every one had one (in two cases
two) questions designed to measure it on the survey.
The questionnaire was reviewed over a period of
two months by the 7 SOA experts, as the criteria for
the model were developed and changed. Each
question used a 1-7 Likert scale to ask the
participant how important they felt the measurement
question (and hence the criteria it was measuring)
was to each phase of enterprise service development.
The average scores would be used to determine
whether certain criteria are more important than
others to enterprise service design, and also whether
some were of a very low importance and should be
removed completely from the model.
The survey data was collected over a 3 week
time period, and the total number of respondents was
99 (a response rate of 32%). The survey contained a
very good distribution of respondents, with
knowledge of SOA being almost evenly split
between minimal, average, and advanced. There
was a good balance between very technical SOA
experts (those who have programmed and built
services) and more functionally oriented experts
who have spent more time designing service
4.2 Reliability Test
One of the popular methods to determine reliability
of survey results is through “internal consistency”,
which is reflected in the high correlation among
items or subsets of items, signifying that the items
on a scale behave equivalently as though they were a
single measure (Tinsley and Brown, 2000). In order
to test internal consistency, it was decided to first
test the Cronbach’s alpha for all variables together,
and then for each dimension of the model separately.
Overall the results were very high, with α = .851
when all 22 questions in the model were taken
together. This indicates that the survey taken as a
whole is reliable in measuring enterprise service
definitions. This doesn’t in any way indicate if it is
valid, but it does show a high level of consistency
amongst the survey respondents (N=99).
The second step was to measure the reliability of
each of the 3 tested dimensions of the model
separately: vision & plan, design, and build. It is
desirable to show reliable results within each
dimension as well, because the big challenge is to
try to show that these identified criteria are valid to
measure the creation of enterprise services during
each phase of service creation. Table 2 shows the
alpha statistics for all dimensions of the model.
Table 2: Overall Reliability statistics for ESDM.
Model Phase Cronbach's
N of Items
Overall .851 22
Vision & Plan .665 9
Design .706 6
Build .747 7
As can be seen in the table, the alpha for the
Design and Build dimensions is slightly higher than
0.7, whereas the vision & plan dimension is slightly
under. This implies that each dimension of the
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
model consistently was scored similarly, and the
data can be taken as reliable.
4.3 Criteria Weighting
The survey was also used as a means to weight the
various criterions to determine which ones were
more important than the others in each of the phases.
It was decided that a simple classification of “low”,
“medium”, or “high” importance would be sufficient
to differentiate between the criteria. In order to
make the model practical and easy to use, it was
determined that categorizing the criteria into easy to
remember importance groups was much better than
numerically ordering them using the weighted
average scores. Also since this is a new area of
research and the difference in weight between
criteria is relatively small, this made the most sense.
Any criteria that had an average score of “low”
would be re-evaluated to determine whether it really
belonged in that phase. The weightings were
defined, based on the 1-7 Likert scale. Any criteria
that had an average score of less than 2.5, would be
categorized as “low” importance. 2.5-5.5 would be
“medium” importance, and over 5.5 “high”
4.4 Industry Expert Interviews
The following table (Table 3) shows where the
industry experts came from and what their position
Table 3: Industry experts interviewed.
Organization Size
Expert position
98,000 Chief Enterprise
115,000 Manager Information
& Application
Manufact. 24,000 Chief Information
Officer (CIO)
100 Principal consultant
Acc /
135,000 Manager Technology
Integration Consulting
10,000 Senior Advisor
Corporate IT
Note that the experts were mostly employed in
large organizations. The interviews focused on the
practical aspects and ‘face-validity’ of the model.
The interviews lasted about 1 hour, and were held in
a two-weeks period time-frame at the location of the
experts. Leading questions for each of the interviews
were: 1) is the phasing of the model recognizable; 2)
do you expect the model to address all important
criteria per phase; 3) would you expect the model to
be useful.
Based on the weighted scores as determined from
the survey responses, the full ESDM was
constructed to include weighted criteria, as shown in
Figure 1. From the calculated average scores of all
the criteria on the survey there were 2 “high
importance criteria in each of the creation phases,
with the rest being of “medium” importance. There
are a few major conclusions that can be made based
on the results.
Based on the results of the survey, the first major
finding is that none of the criteria should be dropped
from the model. If any of the scores were
significantly lower than medium importance (less
than 4.0), than it was going to be debated whether
that criterion should be included. However the
lowest average score for any of the criteria was 4.60
(4.0 = medium importance, 7.0 = very high
importance). Even after removing any statistical
outliers, the scores did not change very much. It
was therefore concluded that none of the criteria
were “bad” and should be removed, based on these
scores. Although the results of the validity analysis
were mixed and produced some factors not
identified by the ESDM, this does not affect the
question of whether to delete any one specific
There were two criteria in particular which
generated discussion both in the survey comments
and during a few of the expert interviews. These
were “vendor independence” and “statelessness”.
Most people felt that these were important to their
respective phases, however difficult to realize in
many practical situations. Here is a brief description
of the problems seen with these criteria:
Vendor Independence. According to some of the
more technical SOA experts, one of the problems
with “vendor independence” is that many of the
large software vendors claim to allow their products
to work with others, but in reality it is against their
interests as a software company to make their
ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES - A Model for Supporting Service Oriented Architecture
products too friendly with competitors. So as a
result the enterprise services they provide follow de-
facto web service standards for “interoperable”
communication, but they are not truly “vendor
independent” because there are still some
implementation specifics which make them very
difficult and expensive to use with other competitors
products. Along with this, many organizations are
very committed to one major vendor for the
enterprise applications, and building enterprise
services that are “vendor independent” is a much
lower priority for them. Practical experience will
tell how important this criterion is to enterprise
service development. For now it is too soon to tell
of its impact, and it should be left in the model.
Case studies might likely determine what its
practical value is for different organizations.
Statelessness. Most of the technical SOA experts
agree that it is desirable to have stateless services
that are independent from one another and do not
maintain information about process orchestration.
However again in reality this can be quite difficult,
and there may be some situations where it is
desirable to maintain state at the individual service
level. According to one expert, this can be true in
transaction heavy systems where thousands or even
millions of messages have to be sent across a
network of services. In situations like this, if state
management is centralized, it can mean a huge
performance bottleneck on the services that must
keep track of this information for the whole system.
In these complex situations individual state
management may be desirable. It is because of this
reason that “statelessness” should be evaluated
closely on a situational basis. Since it did receive a
“medium-high” importance score on the survey
(5.28 out of 7), it will definitely be left in the model,
but future users of the ESDM should be aware of the
situational impact of this criterion.
Another important comment is the necessary
focus on Business Process Management (BPM),
which was acknowledged with the criterion “Service
Operations Represent Steps in a Business Process”.
Most of those interviewed for this research like the
idea of the top-down strategy and they see the value
of it. But all of those involved in this project
acknowledge that it doesn’t work well if the
organization has not spent sufficient time developing
a sound BPM strategy with properly modeled
business processes. Otherwise it is impossible to
create high quality enterprise services using this
approach. We recognize the inherent link between
these two, particularly at the enterprise service
vision & plan level.
Common enterprise services must have defined
owners with established ownership and governance
responsibilities. These owners are responsible for
gathering requirements, development, deployment,
the boarding process, and operations management
for a service. The survey confirmed this importance
of “business ownership roles” to enterprise services.
This criteria was rated as highly important to the
Vision & Plan phase of service design (a score of
5.71 out of 7). Many comments were made that the
value of a SOA to the business really depends on
who has responsibility for promoting its use. Also if
ownership is in the hands of business users, they
have a greater incentive to bring the value of the
SOA design beyond the project level. This might
also explain the significance of the factor
“ownership & scope” which was discovered in the
validity analysis. The owner of a service goes a long
way in determining the breadth of its use and scope
in the organization, as well as how well it is “taken
into account” in future SOA designs.
This being said there is a learning curve that
must take place, and according to one expert
interviewed there are recognized challenges where
the business might be comfortable owning the
design of a service but the implementation done by
IT should be owned separately. These are issues
that must be worked out as part of SOA Governance
procedures. Also the improvement of business value
metrics for enterprise services will go a long way in
convincing business users the importance of them
taking ownership responsibilities in order to promote
the widespread use of SOA and enterprise services.
Separate conclusions from the industry expert
interviews were: 1) reusability is probably the most
important criterion; 2) build/buy decisions for
enterprise services will increase in importance; 3)
the Vision & Plan phase is probably the most
important phase in constructing enterprise services;
4) SOA is considered important also in the long run
and future. Finally, all interviewees liked the model,
but some stated their worries for its technical
emphasis. The conclusions from the expert
interviews indicate no specific remarks on particular
criteria, yet, additional emphasis on finding more
business-value metrics is a valid point.
Companies more and more see the advantages of
SOA; it is increasingly accepted and adopted as an
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
enterprise architecture paradigm, and is expected to
be continuously applied in the long term. The
challange is in finding a ‘best’ set of enterprise
services. We have constructed the ESDM model that
is interpreted applicable and useful by way of
quantititive survey and qualitative analysis; the
model is believed to support and be able to monitor
the definition, identification and assessment of
enterprise services. Utilizing a top-down approach of
SOA-based enterprise application development
using the EVD lifecycle, the identified criteria in the
ESDM can be leveraged.
The following points summarize the areas, which
can be researched further to follow up on the results
Business Value Metrics for Enterprise Services
should be developed
Link the ESDM to SOA Governance, Change
Management, and BPM modeling techniques
Conduct Case Studies with the ESDM
One of the biggest conclusions to come out of
the expert interviews was the fact that the ESDM
provides organizations with a solid structure for
creating enterprise services, however in order for it
to have maximum usefulness there must be clear
business value metrics associated with it in order to
allow organizations to see the incentives for them to
take this approach to SOA design. Along with this,
there could be more SOA governance and change
management procedures linking to the ESDM. A
second area of consideration is the
operationalization of the linkage to Business Process
Management (BPM), as the top-down approach to
enterprise service development requires companies
to really have a handle on their business process
modeling. Also detailed case studies are vital to
understanding how practical it is to use this model in
actual enterprise service development.
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ASSESSING THE QUALITY OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES - A Model for Supporting Service Oriented Architecture