A Tool for Evaluating ITO Projects based on Critical Success Factors
Edumilis Méndez, María Pérez, Luis E. Mendoza and Maryoly Ortega
Processes and Systems Department – LISI, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela
Keywords: Information Technology Outsourcing, Project Evaluation, Critical Success Factors, Metrics, SMEs.
Abstract: Nowadays, the Latin American software industry, as it is mostly represented by Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs), should focus on improving its service capacity towards high quality, low costs, and
timely delivery. Within this context, SMEs providing Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) services
require information that allows to assess and monitor their contractual relationships and the agreements
contained therein, considering a set of critical success factors that may vary depending on the type of project
addressed. This article is aimed at describing the development of a tool named ITO-Tracker designed for the
evaluation of ITO projects oriented to software, hardware, network and databases, based on Critical Success
Factors (CSFs). ITO-Tracker offers guidance to the parties involved in the service through regular control
and follow-up activities. The methodology used for developing this tool was the iterative and incremental
process known as Rational Unified Process (RUP). For this purpose, we documented the development
process and results from ITO-Tracker conceptualization, analysis, design and construction. Besides it is
presented the evaluation of an ITO project in the software development area using the tool.
The Latin American software industry is mainly
comprised of Small and Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) and it is still conceived as incipient and
immature (Mayer & Bunge, 2004). This has led to a
lack of competitiveness, which has impeded its
growth. However, the rise of Information
Technology (IT) and the abundance of software
development tools have made available valuable
tools to SMEs, not only to improve software
production, but also to evaluate the development
process or the product obtained (Rivas et al., 2007).
In addition, Information Technology Outsourcing
(ITO) is an increasingly widespread practice among
enterprises (Lee et al., 2003) and one of the most
prevailing businesses among SMEs, since these
enterprises are involved in the development,
maintenance and marketing of software products for
third parties (Rivero et al., 2007), mostly acting as
suppliers and sometimes as clients, and sometimes
they subcontract other SMEs to perform specific
tasks. Therefore, it is essential counting on tools that
allow evaluating those aspects that influence
successful relationships between the client and the
ITO provider; both wish to know their level of
success to control and monitor the status of their
projects, so that this information is used for their
This article describes the development of the
ITO-Tracker tool designed for assessing CSFs
proposed in a previous research (Méndez et al.,
2007a) and it is intended to provide SMEs with a
supporting tool for ITO projects’ evaluation. Also, it
provides guidance as to this service to the parties
involved, so that they can consolidate their strengths
and overcome their weaknesses for ITO projects’
According to Fairchild (2004) and Sheehy et al.
(2003), ITO is defined as the organization’s practice,
which consists in contracting an external provider
with expertise in performing one or more IT
functions, so the enterprise does not have to do it
itself. In order to achieve a successful ITO, certain
practices known as CSFs should be considered.
Austin (2002) defines CSFs as critical areas where
satisfactory performance is required for the
organization in order to achieve its goals. For this
Méndez E., Pérez M., E. Mendoza L. and Ortega M. (2008).
ITO-TRACKER - A Tool for Evaluating ITO Projects based on Critical Success Factors.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 170-175
DOI: 10.5220/0001686701700175
purpose, efforts in this research are directed towards
developing a tool supporting the CSFs model
associated to IT: data center, network, software
development and hardware support (O'Brien, 2005).
This model consists of 22 CSFs and 400 metrics
(Méndez et al., 2007a). Table 1 shows the model’s
CSFs used as a basis for defining the ITO-Tracker
Table 1: Technological Critical Success Factors for ITO.
Critical Success Factors
1. Define services from a modular perspective
2. Agree on the transfer of initial resources
3. Agree on the ownership of new resources
4. Define a service evaluation structure
5. Define a predictable cost structure
6. Coordinate and standardize tasks integration
7. Invest in technology innovations and planning
8. Maintain ownership and internal capabilities
9. Consider licenses restrictions
10. Invest in value-added ecosystems, which integrate
services from different providers
11. Establish multilateral agreements with the right
12. Consider corporate regulations
13. Consider governmental regulations
14. Consider personnel resources planning
15. Establish exclusivity agreements for key areas
16. Manage risks and assign responsibilities
17. Consider potential service changes
18. Define contract termination strategies
19. Accelerate services life cycles
20. Take into account cultural compatibility
21. Study client-provider relations
22. Learn from the experience of allies organizations
It should be noted that there is another tool used
for ITO project evaluation (Méndez et al., 2007b),
which is based on a CSFs model that focuses only
on Management aspects of the client-provider
relationship (27 out of 29 CSFs correspond to this
area), thus leaving aside technological aspects (only
2 out of 29 CSFs correspond to this area).
The tool developed for this work provides
support to researchers and SMEs in ITO projects
evaluation, since it considers technological aspects
and allows overcoming the former tool’s
For developing this tool, the Rational Unified
Process -RUP- (Kruchten, 2003) methodology was
used. Due to space limitations, we will cover only
the most relevant aspects of the artifacts designed
for ITO-Tracker development.
3.1 Inception Phase
In this phase, it was collected information to
establish the needs, characteristics, requirements and
scope of the tool. This process was documented in
the Vision artifact.
The software requirements were identified and
documented in the Software Requirements
Specification (SRS) artifact. The functional
requirements are listed in Table 2.
Table 2: Functional Requirements of ITO-Tracker.
As to non-functional requirements, the system
a) be user-friendly and include an easy-to-use
interface with menus and help options.
b) be available for a minimum of 40 hours
weekly (i.e. 8 business hours a day).
c) be fault-tolerant.
d) be able to provide a maximum 3-second
response and processing time
Functional Requirements
Log system users, Authenticate users
Create, Edit, Delete, View project types
Create, Edit, Delete, View, Assign/Remove CSFs
Create, Edit, Delete, View, Assign/Remove questions
Create, Edit, Delete, View, Assign/Remove question
Create, Edit, Delete, View points
Create, Edit, Delete, View enterprises
View enterprise’s projects
View enterprise’s users
View user profile
View user’s projects
View user’s enterprises
Create, edit, delete, view projects
View project’s users
Assign/remove user
View project’s enterprises
Evaluate projects
Generate Corporate Report on project Evaluations
Generate Research project on performance of CSFs
for similar projects between one enterprise and others
View projects (Project Leader)
View operations log for a project
ITO-TRACKER - A Tool for Evaluating ITO Projects based on Critical Success Factors
e) support approximately 50 concurrent users
f) be documented and allow for easy
g) consider access restrictions and encryption
devices for users’ logins.
Then, 67 use cases were identified for system
development. Figure 1 shows the general use cases
diagram, grouped by packages.
Figure 1: Use Case Model.
3.2 Elaboration Phase
The milestone of this phase is establishing the
system architecture that guarantees efforts invested
in the next phase’s design and implementation, the
main artifact being the Document of Architecture
Work. For system development, the Model-View-
Controller (Veit and Herrmann, 2003) architectonic
pattern was used which consists of three layers.
The architectonic views suggested are as follows
Use-Case View (Figure 1), Logical View (Figure 2),
Deployment View, Implementation View and Data
View. Due to space limitations, we will show only
the most relevant views.
Evaluation Question
Data Center
Enterprise CSFProject
User MetricView Point
Researcher Specialist
indicates score
records score
has ^
determines successmanages
belongs to ^
is assigned
corresponds to
Figure 2: Domain model associated to the ITO-Tracker
For Deployment View, it was decided that the
tool worked under a client-server architecture. The
application and database server is a Linux server
where the application is installed. Clients can use
any device with a web browser and can connect to
the server through local area network (LAN).
The Implementation View (Figure 3) shows the
components diagram with the main physical devices
included in the software deployment unit.
Figure 3: Hierarchy of ITO-Tracker System Components.
3.3 Construction Phase
The milestone of this phase consists in refining some
of the requirement specifications and
complementing the system development on its basic
architecture. Accordingly, the necessary
development environment was installed and all
product functionalities were constructed. All
architectural layers, the group of use cases proposed,
and the system database were implemented. In
addition, unit tests were applied to each use case.
This phases’ main deliverable was an ITO-Tracker
version, including the source code of all
implemented classes.
ITO-Tracker has been basically divided into four
sub-systems, as follows:
Model Management: It includes management
of GQM-related objects (Basili et al., 1994)
used for operationalization of the model
(Figure 4).
Evaluation Management: It includes object
management related with project evaluation.
ITO Analysis: It corresponds to graphic
reports’ generation and view of results of the
ITO projects’ evaluations (Figure 5).
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Model Management
Evaluation Management
ITO Analysis
ITO Types Management
CSFs Management
CSFs Management
View Points Management
Question Management
Metrics Management
Enterprises Management
Users Management
Projects Management
Operations Log
0001 Define services from a modular perspective Project leader
0002 Agree on the transfer of initial resources Project leader
0003 Agree on the ownership of new resources Project leader
0004 Define a service evaluation structure Responsible for Financial
0005 Define a predictable cost structure Project leader
0006 Coordinate and standardize tasks integration Project leader
ID View Point
Description Options
Be Located
View point
Figure 4: ITO-Tracker Management Model Screen.
Model Management
Evaluation Management
ITO Analysis
ITO Types Management
CSFs Management
CSFs Management
View Points Management
Question Ma nagement
Enterprises Management
Users Management
Projects Ma nagement
Operations Log
0001 Define services from a modular perspec tive Project leader
0002 Agree on the transfer of initi al resources Project leader
0003 Agree on the ownership of new resources Project leader
0004 Define a service evaluation structure Responsible for Financial
0005 Define a predictable cost structure Project leader
ID View Point
Description Options
Be Located
View point
Enterp rise
SIGMSUAF project´s evaluation
Date (Begining) Date (completion) Score Options
1 Generatedby engine 27/08/2007 03/09/2007 37.45%
Match with
lowercase l etters
SI GM SUAF evaluat ion
33,33 33,33
Figure 5: ITO-Tracker Analysis Screen.
System Administration: It contains the
operations log that records all users’ activities.
3.4 Transition Phase
This phase is focused on the description of tasks
performed to guarantee availability of the
implemented ITO-Tracker to its final users.
Two separate installations were performed, first
at the enterprise owner of the project subject to be
evaluated; this installation allowed to establish a
project evaluation case study with automated
support; and at same time allowed experts involved
in the project pilot to make their observations, and
detect potential failures or improvements. The
second installation represented the tool’s transition
to the server of the Information Systems Research
Lab (LISI, by its abbreviations in Spanish) at Simón
Bolívar University (USB by its abbreviations in
Spanish), i.e. its final certification/pre-production
ITO-Tracker was used to evaluate a software
development project at the banking sector, named
SIGMSUAF. It provides a solution for prevention
and reduction of bank frauds, capable of monitoring
bank transactions in real time and detecting irregular
consumption patterns. Hope you find the
information in this template useful in the preparation
of your submission.
The software provider is in charge of configuring
the project evaluation with the tool, and preparing
the necessary environment to be used by evaluators;
these will receive an e-mail with their respective
login and password, which will allow web access to
the tool.
The project selected was incorporated as a
software development ITO. Roles considered for the
project evaluation included the following: Project
leader, Responsible for Financial Evaluation &
Purchases, Responsible for Technology Planning,
Responsible for Negotiations with Suppliers,
Responsible for Strategic Planning. Individuals
responsible for playing such roles were the
ITO-Tracker users.
ITO-Tracker displays for users/evaluators those
questions corresponding to each type of project. By
means of this tool, answers were provided to the
questions of the CSFs corresponding to each role
assigned during project development. Once the
evaluation was completed, the project leader queried
the results through different views provided by the
Figure 6 generated by ITO-Tracker tool shows
the detail of the SIGMSUAF evaluation per each
CSF. The evaluation results are as follows:
SIGM SUAF evaluation
33,33 33,33
Figure 6: Results of the pilot project evaluation.
Only 3 CSFs were 100% satisfied for the pilot
project. It can be observed from these results, that
the client is concerned about specification activities,
rights on new applications, and visualization of the
support of the personnel involved. Even though the
evaluation shows an efficient communication in the
project, we may infer it is only for specific stages or
activities, instead of for the entire project.
ITO-TRACKER - A Tool for Evaluating ITO Projects based on Critical Success Factors
The pilot project shows 2 CSFs that almost
reached a 75% satisfaction (CSFs 14 and 17) i.e. the
minimum percentage for CSF satisfaction; 2 CSFs
with a 50% satisfaction (CSFs 13 and 19), and 10
CSFs between 0% and 49% (CSFs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,
11, 18 and 22). Following are presented some CSFs
that require further improvements:
Since standardized SOW (Statement of Work)
is not provided, defining a service evaluation
structure is somewhat useless; and a 16.67%
satisfaction is observed (CSF 4). We may
infer that the enterprise has not provided the
necessary policies for defining and
categorizing its services.
The enterprise does neither coordinate nor
standardize methods for integrating tasks to its
services (CSF 6, with a 10% satisfaction).
This may originate failures at planning levels
and influence the efficiency and use of the
project’s resources.
No integrated knowledge basis has been
defined for storing management and
performance reports from different suppliers
(CSF 22, with 25 % satisfaction). This may
lead to failures at knowledge management and
to misuse of experience that could be reverted
into other projects.
The pilot project shows failures for 5 CSFs (8,
10, 12, 16 and 21), which reached a 0% satisfaction.
Comments are as follows:
CSF 8: No mechanisms and/or policies have
been defined for change management and
change support.
CSF 10: The client does not encourage
understanding and integration among
providers, No development standards are
followed and no system integration
perspective is adopted;
CSF 12: There are no signed corporate
CSF 16: The lack of a penalty policy and
requirements’ efficient management
summarizing the interest of both, the client
and provider, puts the project management
and quality product delivery at risk.
CSF 21: The provider has no ability to
negotiate new services or improvements once
the project is initiated, thus affecting the
contractual relationship and leaving aside
quality aspects that might have an impact on
the development process and product/service
Upon the usage of ITO-Tracker at evaluating
SIGMSUAF project, we noted that the tool provides
effective support to SMEs in the follow-up and
control of their ITO projects, by assisting project
managers and leaders in the decision-making
processes aimed at consolidating their strengths and
overcoming their weaknesses based on the results
obtained from this tool, which shows clarity,
efficiency and accuracy.
Outsourcing project participants who used
ITO-Tracker listed the following tool strengths:
It allows identifying areas to be addressed in
accordance with CSFs. When a CSF does not
reach a 75% satisfaction, certain measures
should be adopted to improve its performance.
It allows regular automated project evaluation
through follow up, correction and/or
maintenance in order to analyze their behavior
and evolution.
ITO-Tracker complies with non-functional
It displays the project strengths and
weaknesses and allocates respective
responsibilities to both, client and provider.
It is based on the premise that project success
does not depend on one single party, and it
highlights the importance of a higher
commitment, communication and
management between SMEs and their clients.
ITO-Tracker represents an interesting
alternative for benchmarking, and may be
used for ITO projects’ development and
The results of the pilot project evaluation did not
surprise evaluators, since they acknowledged that
the provider did not make its best effort, and that its
weaknesses as a client are susceptible of being
improved. Furthermore, they suggested that
ITO-Tracker included the following functionalities
in a new version:
Ability to weight each CSF and all related
questions upon determination of those CSFs
with the highest impact according to the
project type.
Improvement and inclusion of new reports
aimed at enhancing the results analysis and
guidance, by making them more
understandable to users.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ITO-Tracker main characteristics include: user-
friendly, fault-tolerant, high performance,
documentation, and restricted access. Being a CSF-
based tool that uses a GQM approach, some of its
components might be reused for designing other
tools under this approach and needing to automate a
CSF-based model.
SMEs taking part in this pilot project stated that
the use of ITO-Tracker in these organizations is
highly feasible, since it provides an alternative for
project management and diagnosis.
ITO-Tracker is also expected to provide support
to researchers, specifically to LISI Lab at USB,
which will be able to offer this tool to SMEs, while
maintaining an updated database on the status of the
ITO projects developed by these organizations. The
tool allows LISI Lab to monitor their evolution,
generate evaluation reports, study project
success/failure statistics and suggest effective
solutions for improvement of the tool and/or CSFs
model supported. This way, SMEs shall be able to
identify those aspects with superior performance,
thus representing an added-value when it comes to
determine which strengths sustain their
consolidation and future development.
ITO-Tracker has been used for the evaluation of
software development ITO projects. We recommend
to validate its efficiency in all four ITO project types
identified: data center, network, software
development and hardware support.
This research was supported by National Fund of
Science, Technology and Innovation, Venezuela,
under contract S1-2005000165.
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ITO-TRACKER - A Tool for Evaluating ITO Projects based on Critical Success Factors