Alain Derycke, Thomas Vantroys, Benjamin Barby and Philippe Laporte
Laboratory LIFL, University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Keywords: Pervasive-commerce, Context-Aware environments, Ubiquitous Computing, augmented reality, personal
Abstract: With the availability of nomadic computing, and its new interaction user devices connected through wireless
networks, it is obvious that the traditional way of delivering commerce will evolve towards “pervasive-
commerce”. This paper presents our approach based on Intelligent Selling Space to augment interaction in
store department, and with the seller equipped with a personal assistant. For that purpose, we defined
interaction patterns and a generic infrastructure based on OSGi and UPnP. Our approach is currently
evaluated in a hypermarket.
With the rapid dissemination and uses of mobile
wireless devices, there is an opportunity to enlarge,
or to modify, the scope and the nature of the
traditional retail industries, whatever the format of
the selling places. This means that mobile personal
devices can be useful in both situations: physical
place in the retail locations, and virtual place for the
e-commerce. We focus our attention on the possible
augmentation of the interactivity and intelligence --
for example by recognizing the client and
personalizing the contents and elements of the user
interface -- of the traditional apparatus used for the
retail place: shelves, carts, store windows, apparels,
It appears, both in the research field, and in the
practical uses in the retail industries, that new
systems (setting of different electronics components
embedded in furniture) have been designed and
experimented, using the potential of interaction with
different format of displays, and different modes of
interaction such as tactile one or user movement
detection by video camera… This will be
summarized into the section 2 with some views of
the future of the commerce as emergence of the
“pervasive-commerce” in the same way of evolution
of the Information and Communication
Technologies toward pervasive computing or
communication (Satyanaryanan, 2001).
Our attempt is to develop a more generic
approach of these systems that will be called
“Intelligent Selling Spaces”, or ISS, defined and
illustrated in the section 3.
We put attention of the extensibility of these
systems and their openness to interactions with
mobile devices carried by both the client and the
seller. Persons who are situated into the immediate
vicinity of the ISS are considered. The user’s mobile
devices, PDA or Smartphone, are loaded with some
software applications or widgets that specialize them
as Personal Selling (or Shopping) Assistant, a PSA,
and will be presented into the section 4.
We have selected two mains uses of the potential
interaction of these PSA with the proximate ISS:
First the PSA is used by the seller, who is in her/his
retail department, as a remote control device to
manage, update, and configure the ISS; Second the
ISS is derived to augment the capacity of the PSA in
order to provided, to the sellers and customers, more
interaction capacities such as large displaying of the
information… For that purpose we have identified
several patterns of interactions, developed several
typical scenarios of used in conjunction with some
partners of the retail-industries. This has led us to
design and prototype the PSA as a dynamic
extensible personal user device (see section 5). This
is the main focus of our paper.
Derycke A., Vantroys T., Barby B. and Laporte P. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 189-194
DOI: 10.5220/0001687801890194
2.1 Evolution of the Information and
Communication Technologies for
the Commerce
At the first look it seems that the traditional retail
industries are not heavily impacted by the ICTs in
their relationships with the customers. But in fact the
attentive observation of the different retail places
shown us that it is not the whole picture, and there is
more and more presence of the ICTs in direct
interaction with the customer, with a large diffusion
of electronics displays of different formats. In fact
the diffusion of the ICTs into the future retail places
is going more and more pervasive…
Our analysis is that, first the development of all
these systems is done mostly in ad hoc approaches,
and second that this evolution must be coordinated
with the e-commerce mode, which the same large
companies often rapidly develop at the same time.
The figure 1 gives an overview of the potential
intersection between three major trends: e-retail,
mobile communications and e-commerce. Our focus
is on the part we have called Intelligent Selling
Spaces, ISS, which will be located into a shop or a
hypermarket and provided a dedicated functions in
closed relation with the type of goods or products it
helps to commercialise.
Delimitation of the scope of an ISS
Ubiquitous Computing
Ubiquitous Computing
Personal, Portable, Pedestrian
Personal, Portable, Pedestrian
Heterogeneous, Identity,
Heterogeneous, Identity,
At the cross of
At the cross of
three worlds:
three worlds:
The Pervasive
The Pervasive
commerce ???
commerce ???
Our object of
Our object of
: located place,
: located place,
setting, immobile,
setting, immobile,
The distinction is done in relation with
The distinction is done in relation with
where the purchase
where the purchase
are done, and on the
are done, and on the
de direct environment
de direct environment
Figure 1: intersection of three domains and our object of
2.2 Examples of Intelligent Selling
In the research field there are already several
projects which have explored the design and uses of
new computerised systems for e-retail. Very
frequently they investigated also the potential of
Radio Frequency IDentification tags attached to
individual product (Konomi, Roussos, 2007) in
order to read information rapidly and to identify
exactly the product, in a more easy interaction that
with the traditional barcode. From the scientific
literature we can see proposals about intelligent
shelves (Wasinger, Wahlster, 2006) smart carts
(Kouroithanassis, Roussos, 2006), intelligent
advertising displays, etc.
In some case a retail enterprise want to provide a
more integrated show-case of these new
technologies, both to learn how it is used on a larger
basis, and also to give a good image of them. From
our personal investigations in some of these new
places, it seems that it is mostly technology push,
and that, at this stage, there is no real or rich
interaction with the mobile devices carried by the
From the previous exploratory prototypes and study
of the similar systems, we have derived a generic
software architecture organized around a dedicated
middleware to support Human-Computer Interaction
in different modalities, including speech recognition
and speech synthesis. It reuses our previous work
about multi-channel and multimodal intermediations
between a mobile personal user device and a
collection of e-services (Chevrin et al, 2006).
However the case of an ISS is simpler here because
the number of services provided is small (specialized
local functionalities), and the numbers of specific
devices used in the interaction with the customer is,
for a particular ISS, relatively small. We can
consider that the ISS is relatively autonomous,
required few connections with the information
system of the shop, and can be easily described in a
small ontology as a micro-world. So dynamic
discovering of its services will be easier than in most
of the Ubiquitous Computing projects, e.g. Smart
Our generic software architecture must take into
account the modularity of the ISS (adjunction or
suppression of some interactive elements, needs for
adaptation to a particular retail company) and its
openness to the PSA described into the next section.
The figure 2 gives an overview of the software
An ISS is built by assembling of services UPnP
(Universal Plug and Play) into an OSGi (Open
Services Gateway initiatives) (OSGi, 2007)
UPnP is a wired IP protocol allowing the
creation of spontaneous networks of devices (TV
sets, HVAC, light control …) and control points
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(PDA, Smartphone, touch panels …). UPnP enables
the live detection of devices and the use of their
services by the control points.
OSGi framework allows to deploy and redeploy
Java-based plug-in applications (bundles) offering
services (Donsez, 2007).
Figure 2: an overview of an ISS software architecture.
4.1 The Functions of a PSA
Our focus is mainly on the support of the sellers in
the context of an e-retail environment during all the
phase of a buying activity by the customer: before-
sale (research and selection of products or services
by the customer), helps during the experience of the
selected products (for example fitting a trouser), and
helps during the customer decision, payment phase,
It means that there are good parallels between
the Personal Selling Assistant owned by the sellers,
and a Personal Shopping Assistant which is carried
by the customer inside the e-retail places. The
software for the second one can reuse several
functions provided to the first one. But there are also
differences between the two kinds of PSA because:
- The customer PSA needs more context-aware
adaptation of the interaction;
- The seller PSA hardware and basic OS
platform are well known at the design time,
stable and standardized for a known network of
- The customer PSA is more heterogeneous and
known only at run-time. This joins all the work
and proposals about context-aware computing
and dynamic adaptation of the user interface to
the specificity of the particular mobile devices:
plasticity of the interface (Chevrin et al, 2006).
The Personal Selling Assistant is often extended
with some hardware and software elements in order
to read optically barcode, or RFID Tags. Several
dedicated functions are added for the management of
the store (or of the seller department or section) as
example requiring stocks for a particular product,
prices and margins…
4.2 Advanced Personal Selling
Assistant as a Coach or Instructor
In order to improve the efficiency of the sellers and
to help them in their jobs, the PSA can provide more
advanced functions. There are specific needs for
knowledge accesses and exchanges, about the
products or services sold or about the better selling
process, and also needs for contribution to the
knowledge base enrichment in the framework of
community of practices. The use of a synthetic vocal
output for the PSA, through a headphone, could
even give the possibility to provide personalised
coaching to the seller, in real time in front of the
customer. It is also the same for the potential of a
multimodal interface using voice in input, for
example with the VoiceXML standard, which we
have developed in the framework of e-commerce or
design of digital coaching.
5.1 Patterns of Interactions and
Scenarios of Use
From our previous case-studies and from the state of
the art in the e-retail domain, we have identified
several patterns of interaction between an ISS and
several PSA, which correspond to a large variety of
use-scenarios. These patterns are enumerated here
from the ISS view:
- Direct interaction with a customer without a
personal mobile device;
- Collaborative interaction with the customer
equipped with the personal mobile device able
to support Bluetooth of Wifi local connections;
- Direct interaction with the seller without
mobile device (setting request for information);
- Collaborative interaction of the seller,
equipped with his/her PSA, potentially the ISS
is seen as an extension of the PSA or is
supervised by PSA, used as a remote control
- Collaboration of the seller and customer
collocated near an ISS. The different
presentation devices of the ISS can support a
shared focus, giving more than 5 different
patterns depending of who owns a PSA and of
the situation about data sharing and
The problem about the nature and security of the
wireless networks must be also addressed seriously,
especially if the ISS are located into a large
hypermarket. The main idea is to keep at the
minimum the needs of connection and bandwidth
with the global information system, used just for
accessing some back-office information, and that
ISS are relatively autonomous. This is
straightforward with the core principles of pervasive
computing. For the links with the global information
systems, secured Wifi networks are used. Same, the
seller’s PSA can access directly the global
information system, in any places of the store, by
Wifi, and his/her PSA is protected, for example, by a
biometric access control.
The PSA is personal and carried some
information about the identity of the seller and
profiles information. This means that we can
consider that, for the seller, his/her PSA can
simultaneously communicate with the global
information system and the ISS. The PSA is then
seen as a potential gateway between the two
systems, supervised by the seller.
5.2 PSA as an Extensible User Device
5.2.1 The Extensions for Improved
Interaction with the PSA
The figure 3 gives an overview of the software and
networks architecture for the use of some ISS
capabilities in order to augment the potential of a
PSA for interaction. It must be noted that we include
in this schema the extensions which are provided by
the Personal Area Network such as the support of a
Bluetooth auricle or others devices.
The figure 3 gives the flow of information and
controls only for output extension of the PSA, both
visual and sound. One criterion to select a
destination of particular information, for example
elements of an XML document, depends of its
privacy or not. If it is only for the seller the
information (e.g. product margins) is displayed only
on seller PSA, or render by voice on his/her auricle.
At the opposite if the information is public (e.g.
characteristics of some products) and must be shared
by the seller and the customer(s), it is displayed on
the large display captured from the ISS, or render on
its the acoustical channel, and possibly duplicated on
the PSA depending of the nature of the information
(for example size an resolution of an image). The
next section will give more precision on this aspect
in the framework of a particular prototype.
Schema of
augmented PSA
(output only)
streams HTTP,
streams HTTP,
XML on Wifi
XML on Wifi
Ag Fi s si on
Pr oxy
Personal Mobile Device =
regular PSA
Ag Pr ep
standard Web
Di s pl ay
pr iv ate
Chan. sound
pri vate
Local Environnement =
Output resources
Display HR
TV + OS + Bluetooth
auri cal headphone
Bluet ooth
Client Smartphone
Bluet ooth
Other device
in output
Bluetooth Connections
Bluetooth Connections
Web services
IS of Hypermarket
Figure 3: an overview of the flows of information for the
collaboration of the PSA with the ISS and other personal
mobile devices.
5.2.2 The PSA as a Context-Aware Mediator
Two principal mechanisms are used for the routing
or mediation, done mostly inside the PSA, of
information elements coded into XML messages: the
fission mechanism directed toward the different
outputs, and the fusion mechanism which combine
elements of information going from different input
devices. This later is required in order to support
true multimodal interactions with the users. Of
course the idea, in the context of multi-devices
interactions, to use fission (Han et al, 2000) and
fusion (Flippo et al, 2003), is not new. However we
improve the propositions in four ways:
These two transformations can be context-aware,
taking into account profiles and choices of the PSA
owners. This will be possible through use of a
dedicated scripting language for small mobile device
such as proposed by (Korpikää et al, 2006), and at
the run-time some decisions can be still under the
control of the PSA user, for example about
adjunction of a new extension;
These routing functions and their supervision are
distributed between the mobile device (PDA or
Smartphone) which plays the major role, and the ISS
which offers a well known service interface. This
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
schema leaves more flexibility in the design of the
global information system accesses, because the
relationship is at a more abstract level, for example
with the tagging of XML elements as public or
private, and it is more scalable.
The discovering of new capabilities is done
dynamically; either in input or in output enables
extension of the PSA. This means that it allows the
change of the forms or even the mode
(multimodality) of the user interface and interaction,
during a transaction with the global information
system. It is done if it has sense for the present
interaction, and if the user accepts this extension.
For Fission is not too difficult if the “agent” in
charge of preparing the information document in the
global information is sufficiently intelligent to react
to this new composition, i.e to change at a fly the
document transformation policies done with XSL-T.
For the fusion, it is more difficult because the shift
from a mono-modal interaction to a multimodal one,
in the context of a continuing transaction, must keep
the coherence of the user dialogue. To do that, we
are working on the design of the interface of the
PSA and the underlying software layers in a Model-
Driven Engineering approach, where the models of
the human contextual tasks are used as run time for
verifying the opportunity of changes for extensions
at right moment.
In some cases it is possible to use, by the global
information system, the geolocalisation of the PSA
(of sellers or customers) because they interact
locally with a precise ISS, where its location, inside
the hypermarket or the commercial mall is well
known and stable. This allows the global
information system to push information to the
sellers, or even customers, that are in accordance
with this place.
5.2.3 Distribution of the Document
In the figure 3, there are three tiers which are
involved into the processing of information
documents: the global information system, the PSA
and the ISS. Our architecture is based on a clear
separation about the role of each tier:
- The global information system is composed
first of all the services which can be of interest
for the support of the sellers and shop
managers or for the operation of the ISSs. For
the mediation with the inner e-services which
provide abstract forms of documents in XML,
we reuse and adapt a specific middleware
developed for multichannel and multimodal e-
commerce (Chevrin, 2006) based on a Multi-
Agent System.
- The PSA act as a mediator between the global
information system and the ISS. It doesn’t
exclude some direct links from this one to the
global system. The choice of using the mobile
computer embedded in the PSA is justified first
from security reasons, because the PSA is
controlled by an employee of the shop, in
presence of the ISS.
- The ISS is the third tier. It is well known since
the design time: kind of ISS, its services
interfaces, and its composition. The dynamic
discovering of possible functions for the
extension of the PSA is less difficult than the
cases of a lot of projects about ubiquitous
computing because it a relatively small world
and stable during the commercial transactions.
5.3 A Case-study: used of an ISS as a
Single Display Groupware
5.3.1 Scenario for First Deployment
The scenario is as follow: At anytime, from
anywhere in the hypermarket, the seller is able to
reach with his/her PSA, the different learning
resources to enhance his/her technical and business
tools available in the personal management system.
The seller access the corporate information system
to manage the different products of his store
department (e.g. stock). During the selling activity,
the seller has a direct access to all the products
information. By this way, she/he can quickly and
accurately answer to the customer.
To enhance the understanding of the customer,
the pattern of collaboration can be used. The seller
will augment his/her PSA with the ISS. He/She will
gain access to a large LCD screen to expose some of
the information, like technical features. By this way
is it possible for the customer to compare more
easily different products or to understand more
deeply some technical aspects of the product.
5.3.2 Implementation
For our first prototype, the PSA is based on an Ultra
Mobile PC (UMPC). In our gateway OSGi, we plug
an UPnP proxy to control the LCD screen. In this
proxy are implemented services supervising the PSA
augmentation. A control point allows the seller to
access these services in the PSA. Figure 4 illustrates
that with the augmentation of the PSA.
Another OSGi service has the responsibility to
control the data fission between the PSA and the
LCD screen. This service is based on a XML
description file which defines rights for each type of
Figure 4: A PSA extended with a LCD screen.
5.3.3 Evaluation
The prototype is currently under test for five months
into a real hypermarket (digital photography
department). From a technical point of view, we
want to test the communication infrastructure and
among others the latency and the information flow.
The prototype is also evaluated for its usability
and social acceptance with respect to the work
situations.But the main point of the evaluation is to
study the collaboration patterns in order to improve
their efficiency. How the seller and the customer
interact through the system? Is the ISS really good to
enhance the service offered to the customer? Is the
selling activity more efficient?
To quantify the evaluation, we are looking at
non-technical aspect, like the number of information
or knowledge resources used (is the use of mobile
device directly in the working place allows to pass
more time on knowledge acquisition?) and the
different characteristics of the selling (more selling?
more or less time with the customer?)
In this article we present the concept of Intelligent
Selling Space to enhance collaboration between
seller and customer. For that, we repose on mobile
devices and more especially on a Personal Selling
Assistant which is used as a remote control of the
micro-world constituted by the ISS.
In order to validate our approach, we are conducting
an evaluation in a real hypermarket. In the
meantime, we are designing and developing new
services to enhance the ISS and to test more deeply
the different patterns of interactions.
This project is supported partially by the p-LearNet
project funded by the Agence Nationale de la
Recherche in France. It receives the support of the
PICOM “Pôle de Compétitivité des Industries du
Commerce” and from AUCHAN, an important
worldwide retail enterprise. A special thank to V.
Chevrin, J. Rouillard and J.C. Tarby, members of
our group for their valuable contributions in the field
of HCI.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems