Parveen K. Samra, Richard Gatward, Anne James
Coventry University, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Priory Street, Coventry, West Midlands, U.K.
Virginia King
Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE), Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry, West Midlands, U.K.
Keywords: Training Framework, Online Learning, E-learning, SMES, Andragogy, Pedagogy, Constructivism.
Abstract: A yearlong pilot project undertaken in the UK set about delivering online training to 100 Small to Medium
sized Enterprises (SMES), which equated to 500 employees, all within Manufacturing. The ‘Cawskills
Project’ delivered online IT training directly to employees. The findings from the project have informed the
development of a generic but adaptive model for SMES to facilitate the need for training by considering the
operational demands, resources constraints and infrastructure. This paper presents a model, which brings
together principles of teaching and learning practices evident in classroom based education along with the
learning requirements of SMES and employees. The incorporation of online learning aims to deliver
training content, which is Just in Time (JIT) and proposes training events informed by SME’S strategic
The need for training in every industry sector is
imperative to equip companies for a sustained
competitive advantage (Pedler, Boydell and
Burgoyne, 1998). In the light of globalisation, the
Manufacturing industry now acknowledges the need
for training (Khan, Bali & Wickramasinghe, 2007).
However, with a ‘myopic’ view of strategy,
operational demands and resource constraints, the
ability to take on board the level of training evident
in larger organisations puts Small to Medium sized
Enterprises (SMES) at a tremendous disadvantage
(Mazzarol, 2004:1). The UK Department of
Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR)
define SMES as “a business with fewer than 250
employees” (Berr, n.d). A SME needs to fulfil two
of the three conditions below to be defined as an
1. A turnover of not more than £22.8 million net;
2. A balance sheet total of not more than £11.4
3. Not more than 250 employees.
The Manufacturing industry as a whole, accounts
for about 23.5% of employment in the UK. (Berr,
2005) The reduction in the workforce within
Manufacturing (Leitch, 2006; Flegel, 2006) has led
to the changing nature of work organisation in
particular influences of assembly line production.
Jones (2001) argues with JIT production, non-value
added activities are eliminated to allow the business
to address demands for “shorter cycle times, quicker
decision points and more rapid deployment of
services and solution” (2001:481). We can apply a
similar technique to delivering training in the light
of advances in ICT and the exploitation of the
Internet. JIT training should be available on
demand, be a more comprehensive training approach
associating training with work performance
requirements. Jones states that though JIT training
is delivered on an expedited basis, it does not mean
that the design process should be circumvented. To
help in the design process, Jacobs (2003) proposes a
model for job related training. On the Job Training
(OJT) has many advantages primarily the training is
tied with work practices and so has a positive impact
on individual’s motivation. OJT the process in
which, usually the, supervisor “…passes job
knowledge and skills to another person. (Jacobs,
2003:14). This form of unstructured and most often
K. Samra P., Gatward R., James A. and King V. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 204-209
DOI: 10.5220/0001691702040209
informal training gave rise to Structured OJT (S-
S-OJT is the planned process of “…developing
competence on units of work by having an
experienced employee train a novice employee”
(Jacobs, 2003:28). However, there is a need to link
training provisions to both training objectives and
business goals, thus we have relevance of training.
The training relates to the ability to perform specific
units of work with emphasis is on one-to-one
training (trainer and trainee relationship). It makes
use of a planned process rather than ad-hoc
explanations of work activities as with OJT and so
are regarded as a broad platform for enabling
workplace training. One consideration S-OJT fails
to make is the way in which the training should be
delivered. Despite the fact training should be work
situated it does not go further to explain how to
deliver the module content nor does it not consider
individual’s learning style. Despite the training
takes place in the organisational context, the content
is not associated with the organisation’s mission and
objectives. S-OJT does not go far enough to be
reactive to changing needs on a timely fashion.
Though, the need for training is recognised, it is not
supported by SMES current working practices,
culture, resources and training provision. They do
not have the time nor investment to generate
bespoke training programmes as mirrored in larger
organisation. As such, SMES look to initiatives
within the local area, which may cater for their
needs. SMES require a delivery mechanism, which
will not only be adaptive but also be responsive to
their needs.
To address these issues we present a generic
adaptive model for SMES to deliver training within
the working day by utilising online learning
technology and underpin the training content with
Instructional design principles and learning theory.
The model encapsulates the specific learning needs
of employees and correlates them with the business
strategy. The proposed model will enable the
delivery of in house just in time training right to the
desktop. This design has been utilised to deliver
online training to manufacturing SMES in the
Coventry and Warwickshire region in the UK. The
informed design came about after the completion of
a yearlong training programme ‘Cawskills Project’,
with 100 SMES totalling 500 employees. The
training encapsulated European Computer Driving
Licence (ECDL) as the training content. The
development of the portal brought together four
main components: Learning content; Support forum;
Instructional Support and Technical Support.
Different people handled the management of these
four components but the goal was to bring them
together seamlessly. From the outset, we were
delivering a complete package, but from a design
point of view, we had a number of components from
different sources brought together until the portal.
Figure 1 shows a Web Based Training
Environment (WebTiE) model used to deliver
training to SMES.
Figure 1: Training Development Model WebTiE.
The model has three distinct layers they are:
Learning Foundation; Adult Learning Process and
Technology and Development. Each layer is
concerned with the development process and
ultimately the incorporation of these layers will
bring about the development of WebTiE, a training
portal for SMES to undertake online training in-
house at the desk, perhaps at home or at other office
branches. The training will be specific to the
individual’s and SME’S learning needs. Over time
with changing needs the portal will adapt to new
arising requirements and challenges.
The Learning Foundation is an understanding of
the business, its mission, aim and objectives; its
focuses on change management and adapting culture
to allow for training. Above all, it is important to
understand the training requirements and their fit
with organisational requirements.
Adult Learning Process brings together
Andragogy, Behaviourism, Cognitive Theories,
Constructivism and Social learning to underpin
instructional design principles of the online training.
As previously stated, SMES operate at an
operational level and so have very limited time for
training, by optimising the instructional design we
are maximising the efficacy of the training event.
Technology and Development is both
constrained and enabled by the SMES’ ICT
infrastructure. The delivery mechanism must be in
place before any training is embarked. The
development relates to the employer planning for the
training events. Each individual who is to take
training must be permitted time away from their job.
The employer and employee jointly need to plan
how this will happen.
Figure 2 shows the main components to training
development, the design of which has been informed
by software engineering principles of information
systems design and development.
To illustrate how each phase above relates to Figure
1, Table 1 maps the stages of the above model
against the three main components defined in
Section 2.
Table 1: Mapping of WebTiE phases
Feasibility Learning Foundation
Technology & Development
Analysis Learning Foundation
Design Adult Learning Process
Development Adult Learning Process
Technology & Development
Implementation Technology & Development
Also, it is part of the core of
the model
Evaluation &
This stage can bring about
iteration of the entire
developmental process.
3.1 Feasibility
Phase 1 of the training programme model seeks to
establish a platform upon which training programmes
will be developed. It is a process, which seeks to
implement change in the organisation’s culture to
bring about a ‘Learning organisation’. This stage
requires commitment from the employer and
employees alike who without which the success of
the programme will not work (Hutchinson & Purcell,
2007) nor will there be the ownership of the system
(Pressman, 1982; Mullins 1999).
There are three key components to this phase:
¾ Culture change and commitment
¾ SME mission and external business impact
¾ Technology
We are seeking to build an infrastructure or
environment within which training can take place, by
addressing the changing culture in readiness for
training and determining the strategy of the business,
you are modelling the infrastructure.
Figure 2: Phases of WebTiE.
A number of issues need to be addressed prior to
the development of the training programme to
ensure employee's readiness:
1. Do I have the time and financial investment for
training? (Investment and time to enable
employees train)
2. Are my employees willing to undertake
training? (Change management and culture)
3. Would I (the employer) like my employees to
undertake training? (Employer led training)
4. Do I have the IT infrastructure to enable the
training? (IT Infrastructure)
It is important to acknowledge these issues as
they enable the employer to demonstrate the
business readiness for training.
3.2 Analysis
Once the SME has the appropriate infrastructure as
defined in section 3.1.2 the assessment of training
requirements can commence. The assessment
process seeks to determine the skills requirements of
employees within the context of their job. A
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) (Reid & Barrington,
1997) process would shed light on whether or not a
skills gap exists. Attention needs to be given to tools
used within the job and the extent of its use by the
employee. SMES need to ensure that technological
understanding of employees is proficient enough. All
training the employee undertakes needs to link with
the SMES’ aim and objectives. Therefore, a two-fold
assessment process needs to take place. Many
initiatives such as those by Business Link are able to
undertake TNAs, free. This is particularly beneficial
to the UK SME where time and resources are already
clear constraints.
3.2.1 Individual and Organisational
Learning Needs
Training Needs Analysis will help to determine the
training requirements of the organisation and
individual employees in relation to the job
requirements and business requirements. The
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
analysis of this will identify one of two things.
Firstly, individual training requirements and
secondly commonality training requirements
throughout the business. These requirements will
then need to be prioritised. To help in prioritisation
a useful technique to use is MOSCoW (Howard,
1997; Ash 2007). Its’ development is attributed to
Dynamic Systems Development Methodology
(DSDM), a management and control framework for
rapid application development. The most important
training requirements, the ‘Must have’ would be the
requirements for which training must be sought
immediately as these are fundamental to business
success. This process is carried out on a timely basis
and informed by previous training evaluation
activities. However, it is important to note that the
training requirements identified need to be linked to
the SME’s strategic direction. The second process
during this phase is to ensure that those people
selected for training have the appropriate access to
the training portal. This process will involve both
the employer and employee. By involving the
employee in such decision making you are
motivating the employee and giving them ownership
of the training process.
3.3 Design
As shown in Table 1, the design phase is part of the
Adult Learning Process. SMES are unlikely to have
the time and resources internally to develop tailored
content for employees, as may larger organisations.
The training content remains relatively static and so
the SME needs to consider Instructional Design
issues may vary. This phase brings together three
main components: Instructional Design;
Instructional Support and Event Learning Plan.
Once the training has been identified and the
infrastructure is in place can the employer seek the
training vendor. To determine a potential vendor we
need to ensure the training content fulfils the
individual learner’s requirements and organisational
mission. As previously mentioned there are
numerous online training programmes already
available but none, which can cater for the
individual SME. The aim is to build a suite of
training programmes, the portal will become a
portfolio of training requirements, which caters for
SMES’ learning requirements. Up until now, the
model has addressed internal factors of the business,
which hinders training, we now look externally for
learning content that fulfils our learning needs.
Previously SMES gave little focus to what training
was required and how this will benefit the business.
We now have a clear understand of both and
therefore a clear focus on what we need from the
training vendor.
Once the potential training vendor has been
identified, the SME will need to work closely to
bespoke the training to their requirements. This is
not simply a process of tailoring the interface but
moreover tailoring the delivery process.
3.3.1 Instructional Design
The principle aim is to deliver a training experience,
which has been optimised by adult learning theories.
Pedagogic principles evident in classroom-based
teaching tend not to consider previous knowledge
and experience of trainees. Andragogy (Knowles,
1990) relating to how adults learn can be embedded
in training programmes. Andragogic principles take
the matter of previous experience and knowledge as
one of its core considerations. This will help to
ensure the delivery of training is of a high quality
through optimal learning but within the parameters
Below is a list that provides generic instructional
design principles to be used in the development of
the training content. The list incorporates theories
relating to Constructivism and Usability. It also
considers the development of a learning organisation
and a Community of Practice (CoP) (Wenger, 1998).
Use of S-OJT to allow for JIT training.
Customisation and Modularisation of learning
content (Dabbagh, 2007; Miller, 1956;).
Clear links between modules and objectives and
linking of modular objectives to business mission.
Consideration of previous knowledge and
experience in defining training programmes for
Promotion of deep learning through linking of
training with work practices.
Option for restarting the training programme at
varied user defined points.
Consistency within the portal. Eliminating of
unnecessary icons, features or graphics keeping the
interface simple and easy to follow by removing
unnecessary functionality.
Content a combination of textual and graphical
with sound controlled by the trainee.
Minimisation of scrolling enables the mimicking
of reading of a book.
Hyperlinking to make connections between
sources, thus supporting understanding of key
concepts and the cross fertilisation of ideas.
A mechanism of feedback is required, which is
individualistic and constructive hence promoting
A process of assessment needs to be embedded to
allow the trainee and trainer to ascertain the
degree of knowledge acquisition balanced by the
learning content and time constraints of trainees.
Need for certification or qualifications marking
the end of training events (Young, 2002).
These suggestive guidelines are not designed to
change the learning content but to tailor it to the
needs of the SMES learning style and optimisation
of learning.
3.3.2 Instructional Support
A learning support system in the form of emails,
discussion forum and face-to-face support with the
trainer is required. Just as in the classroom
environment, trainees seek support from one another
to problem solve; the same opportunity needs to be
present online. The use of CoPs encourages the
exchange of ideas and problem solving to help in the
application of training to work based practices
(Wenger 1998).
The application of Hybrid delivery will help
learners with limited experience in such training
Phased classes scheduled for the trainees provide the
opportunity to meet with the trainer and other
trainees at the SME location to receive some
remedial help. One vital face-to-face class that must
take place would be the first initial contact with the
trainer. As we found in our fieldwork the
introductory training class was both well received
with trainees and helped to motivate them. It also
gave the opportunity to alleviate early teething
problems with logins and general use of the training
The training vendor is required to provide
technical support, a surety to the employer who may
not be technically proficient themselves that help is
at hand.
3.3.3 Event Learning Plan
A training plan needs to be produced to define when
an individual can take time to train. This helps both
the employer focus on releasing an employee for
training and for the employee to understand that the
employer has invested in them to take time away for
training and that this is their time for that. The
Learning Event plan can be as formal as the SME
needs it to be to manage training and evaluation
Clearly, there are benefits to recoup if the document
is formalised, as it will clearly set out who is doing
training, when and their progress.
3.4 Development
Phase four, the development of the training
environment needs to be informed by the SME. As
the trainer vendor develops this, they need to
collaborate with the SME. Unlike off the shelf
training SMES should seek to having bespoke
training. For this reason, they are stakeholders in a
programme development. The software should be
tested in collaboration with end users. The testing
and involvement process will give ownership to the
trainees and preparedness of the impending training.
3.5 Implementation
Phase five, requires the collaboration of all
stakeholders. As with any software development and
implementation, this process requires delicate
handling. Both the training vendor and the SME
should agree the implementation technique.
However, whichever method is used to implement
the programme appropriate technical support must
be to hand to eliminate both bugs and to address
finalised tailoring requirements.
3.6 Evaluation & Feedback
The employer and employee alike who undertake
training need to evaluate the progress of training and
whether further training is required. The process
need not be a formal method of assessment. We
propose a phased process paralleled with the
completion of new modules. This process can be
employee instigated who will undoubtedly identify
areas of improvement in their working practices and
bringing this to the attention of the employer will aid
on the way to job enrichment. The evaluation
process will adapt the Kirkpatrick’s model (1996)
aiming to measure reaction, learning, behaviour and
finally the results ascertaining the effects on the
business resulting from the trainee's performance.
To take the benefits of the training into the business
you must look to changing processes. This process
can be repeated to see whether the change has been
effective and beneficial or not.
Subsequently, we can return to the second layer
of WebTiE, where we once again focus on learning
needs (TNAs) if additional requirements identified
then we can repeat the process of training until a
level of satisfaction has been reached.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The proposed generic framework aims to fulfil the
learning and organisational learning requirements of
SMES. Competitiveness and economical factors
which stand in their path must be overcome by
driving flexible JIT training for better productivity
and operational effectiveness in the face of
globalisation. It is not simply a question of
acquiring a set of technical skills, but rather a
process of reflection and review of current practices
that are informed by better ways of working. The
creation of knowledge need to be a collective
activity, where employers and employees alike
exchange ideas, share problems and solutions
(Wyer, Mason, Theodorakopoulas, 2000).
The importance of training is acknowledged by
SMES, however, the provision available is much
criticised as lacking quality and relevance. A
training program with a sound underpinning will
optimise the training experience. Swanson argues
that on the job training and learning is vital to
businesses and therefore “t
raining is about creating
expertise, not simply pouring knowledge into people”
(Zemke, 2002: 87). Businesses who report
difficulties in recruitment and skills gap need to start
to look inward in up-skilling rather than outward to
recruitment. Investment in training employees does
have a return on investment in the shape of better
productivity, staff retention, and motivation (Leitch
2006). The continuing down turn in manufacturing
will remain will remain until UK SMES are in a
position to rival the international manufacturing
industry once more.
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