Andreas Wiesner, Jan Morbach and Wolfgang Marquardt
AVT-Process Systems Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Templergraben 55, 52062-Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Data integration, data consolidation, ontology, XML technologies, engineering design data.
Abstract: During the design phase of a chemical plant, information is typically created by various software tools and
stored in different documents and databases. Unfortunately, the further processing of the data is often
hindered by the structural, syntactic and semantic heterogeneities of the data sources. In fact the merging
and consolidation of the data becomes virtually prohibitive when exclusively conventional database
technologies are employed. Therefore, XML technologies as well as specific domain ontologies are
increasingly applied in the context of data integration. Hence, this contribution gives an outline on an
ongoing research project at the authors’ institute, which aims at the development of a prototypical software
tool, which exploits the benefits of semantic as well as XML technologies, for the integration and
consolidation of design data. Both, ontology and software development is performed in close cooperation
with partners from the chemical and software industries to ensure their compliance with the requirements of
industrial practice.
In the course of a chemical plant design project,
information is typically created by disparate tools
and stored in different locations and formats (e.g.
technical documents, CAE systems and simulation
files). However, before further processing, the
scattered information has to be merged and
consolidated. Unfortunately, in practice, data
integration projects are hindered by the inherent
heterogeneities of the underlying sources. (Embury
et al., 2001). As a result the lack of interoperability
between the tools and data stores causes a significant
overhead for the designers as they have to spend
considerable time on the re-entering of data, the
manual consolidation of overlapping data sets, and
the search for information (Galaher et al., 2004). In
order to overcome the aforementioned
heterogeneities, XML is increasingly applied for
data exchange purposes, ultimately becoming a
standard for data interchange between software tools
(Klein, 2002). Hence, various XML-based
applications for data exchange in the field of
chemical engineering already exist or are currently
under development such as CAEX (Fedai and Draht,
2004), XMpLant (Noumonon, 2006) or PlantXML
(Anhäuser et al., 2004).
Thus, at least syntactic and schematic
heterogeneities can be resolved conveniently
between distributed data sources by means of the
XML format. However, XML and its schemas do
not express semantics (Cruz et al., 2004), such that
semantic incompatibility between different XML
sources is inevitable.
For the integration of data from several different
sources, particularly for engineering data, correct
assumptions about the meaning of certain elements
are crucial for the successful information retrieval
and consolidation. In other words, where XML
sources are presented without an explicit agreement
on the semantics of certain tags and document
structures, the task of the correct interpretation of the
data is still an issue (Erdmann and Studer, 2001).
To remedy this problem, a semantic annotation,
also referred to as “semantic lifting” of XML
documents is necessary. Unfortunately, the
semantics assumed by a particular source are rarely
documented, and there is no explicit representation
of a data source’s semantics, in the way that a
schema provides a representation of the data
structure. Hence, the important link missing at this
point is the connection between the structured
information stored in the XML document and the
particular domain knowledge, which relates meaning
to the stored information within the context. To that
Wiesner A., Morbach J. and Marquardt W. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 190-195
DOI: 10.5220/0001692901900195
end, ontologies have gained popularity as a
convenient means for the representation of domain
An ontology is an explicit specification of a
conceptualization, typically involving classes, their
relations and axioms for clarifying the intended
semantics (Uschold and Grüninger, 1996). It
basically constitutes a structured framework for the
storage of information and knowledge. Often the
ontologies are linked with the term semantic
technology. By semantic technologies, software
systems are meant that use ontologies as internal
data models. The ontology OntoCAPE (Morbach et
al. 2007, Morbach and Marquardt, 2008) was
explicitly defined for the domain of Computer-
Aided Process Engineering and thus particularly
applicable to the integration of design data in
chemical engineering.
This contribution reports on the ongoing
research project “Ontology-based integration and
management of distributed design data” at the
authors’ institute, that address the aforementioned
semantic heterogeneities between documents
containing process engineering design data due to
the lack of interoperability between software tools.
The project’s aim is to develop an ontology-based
software prototype, incorporating OntoCAPE, for
the integration and reconciliation of design data
which are available in the XML data format, from
distributed information sources. The project is run in
cooperation with partners from the chemical and
software industries. This paper, however, will
particularly emphasis the conceptual design and
implementation of the novel software tool.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 introduces the concept of
“semantic lifting” and gives a brief overview on the
OntoCAPE ontology. In Section 3 the conceptual
design and the implementation of the current
research project are introduced. Finally, Section 4
concludes the contribution by summarizing the
achievements so far.
The main purpose of XML is to provide a
mechanism that can be used to mark-up and
structure documents. This allows machines to
identify pieces of data in a document by their label.
However, these labels themselves do not bear any
meaning with them. Also, it is a common
misconception that XML schema documents can be
used to add meaning to XML documents (Klein,
2002). The goal of XML schema mainly is to
provide structuring prescriptions, e.g. the feature to
build hierarchies of element types, which, however,
do not contain conceptual knowledge, but only
functions as a syntactical shortcut to allow reuse of
complex definitions.
2.1 Semantic Lifting
To associate some meaning with XML documents, it
is necessary to relate the labels with something that
carries meaning. Classes and properties in ontologies
are suitable for that purpose, because ontologies
formally specify the understanding of certain topics
in a particular application domain. A naive way of
establishing the relation between an ontology and
the XML document would be a simple matching of
associated labels from a XML document
syntactically with the names of classes and
properties in the ontology. But meaning can rarely
be assigned by a simple mapping from symbols to
objects since the role of the data implicitly indicated
by the context, e.g. the nested structure of a
document, is not clearly captured this way.
Accordingly, for a reliable data consolidation it is
crucial to unambiguously interpret the data including
its context. To that end, a substantial description of
the XML document’s contents (“semantic lifting”)
by means of an ontology has to be provided in order
to undertake a proper semantic data integration.
The proposed “semantic lifting” follows a two
step approach: step (1) is to lift the XML schema to
the level of an ontology, i.e. a skeleton “schema
ontology” is created which incorporates only the
hierarchical information from the schema expressed
in an ontology language. Step (2) establishes further
relations between concepts and attributes in order to
clarify context information which goes beyond
simple hierarchical interrelations essentially leading
to a “document ontology”. So far, however, most of
the modeling in step (2) has to be done manually.
2.2 Prototype Architecture
This software prototype basically represents a
mediation layer, which is placed between the user
and the data sources. The tool follows the local-as-
view approach (Levy, 2001), i.e. the architecture
consists of a global schema (the domain ontology), a
source schema (document ontology) and mappings
as proposed by Lenzerini (2002). A schematic
representation is given in Fig.1. The user interacts
with the tool by querying the global schema, which
constitutes a virtual representation of the data
existing in the data sources. The tool then carries out
the task of dealing with the sources to retrieve the
information satisfying the user’s request. Moreover,
the source schema provides an internal
representation of the data at the sources. Finally, the
relationships existing between the entities of the
global and source schema are represented by
mappings. By means of these mappings the
aforementioned missing link is established such that
the particular domain knowledge relates meaning to
the source schema. The interaction between the
software prototype and the XML sources is realized
by a specific, bidirectional converter. Therefore, the
new approach basically considers the tool to be
layered on top of an existing XML-data-exchange
architecture, in the sense of “publish and subscribe”,
for serialization.
Local SchemaLocal Schema
Global SchemaGlobal Schema
Local SchemaLocal Schema
Figure 1: Schematic representation of the integration tool.
2.3 Domain Ontology OntoCAPE
To enable an adequate description of the contents of
the XML files a comprehensive information model
of the design process of a chemical plant has to be
provided. Such particular domain knowledge is
captured by the OntoCAPE ontology. The formal
ontology OntoCAPE captures consensual knowledge
of the application domain in such a way that it can
be reused and shared across software systems. It
specifies the meaning of the vocabulary terms and
constrains its interrelations (and its possible uses) by
means of axiomatic definitions. Then, specialized
software components (so-called inference engines or
reasoners) can be applied to interpret and reason
about the data.
OntoCAPE has been designed for use with
different types of CAPE tools that support such
diverse tasks as mathematical modeling
(Braunschweig et al. 2002, Yang and Marquardt,
2004), knowledge management (Brandt et al. 2008),
and data integration (Morbach and Marquardt,
2008). An extensive documentation of OntoCAPE
publicity is available at (OntoCAPE, 2007).
OntoCAPE is organized through three types of
structural elements: layers, modules, and partial
models (cf. Fig. 2).
partial model
partial model
partial model
partial model
partial model
partial model
Meta Model
Figure 2: A detail of OntoCAPE demonstrating the overall
structure of the ontology.
The layers subdivide OntoCAPE into different
levels of abstraction, thus separating general
knowledge from knowledge about particular
domains and applications. The topmost Meta Layer
is the most abstract one. It holds a Meta Model
which introduces fundamental modeling concepts
and states the design guidelines for the construction
of the actual ontology. Next, the Upper Layer of
OntoCAPE defines the principles of general systems
theory according to which the ontology is organized.
On the subjacent Conceptual Layer, a conceptual
model of the CAPE domain is established, which
covers such different areas as unit operations,
equipment and machinery, materials and their
thermophysical properties, chemical process
behavior, modeling and simulation, and others. The
two bottommost layers refine the conceptual model
by adding classes and relations required for the
practical application of the ontology: The
Application-Oriented Layer generically extends the
ontology towards certain application areas, whereas
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the Application-Specific Layer provides specialized
classes and relations for concrete applications.
A module assembles a number of interrelated
classes, relations, and axioms, which jointly
conceptualize a particular topic (e.g., the module
‘plant’ provides a conceptualization of chemical
plants). The boundaries of a module are chosen such
that the module can be designed, adapted, and
reused to some extent independently from other
parts of an ontology (Stuckenschmidt and Klein,
2003). Modules addressing closely related topics are
grouped into a common partial model (e.g., the
partial model ‘plant_equipment’ clusters the
thematically related modules ‘fixture’, ‘apparatus’,
and ‘machine’).
The modules presented in Fig. 1, e.g. ‘system’,
‘plant’ etc., comprise the basic principles for the
particular domain knowledge required in the project.
For a comprehensive description of the modules, we
refer to (OntoCAPE, 2007)
The project aims at developing a data integration
prototype to address the problem of semantic
interoperability between different engineering
documents generated in a chemical plant design
process. To that end, the tool incorporates ontology-
based information reconciliation of data expressed in
the XML format. Ultimately, the tool is intended to
support the designers by providing an integrated
view on the relevant project data and by enabling
efficient data retrieval. A further functionality of the
tool is the automatic detection of design errors: For
example, a typical design error would be the
interconnection of flanges with inconsistent internal
diameters. As the main objectives, the integration
tool must assemble, integrate and consolidate the
relevant information required in the design process.
3.1 Method
The software prototype follows a two-step approach
for data integration: In step (1), the current and
relevant information is identified, extracted, and
prepared for further processing; in step (2), the
information is integrated, and their inconsistencies
are reconciled. As prerequisite, both steps require a
“semantic lifting” of the information stored in the
XML files. The integration steps are carried out in
the comprehensive information base (CIB). Fig.3
gives a schematic representation.
Schema ontologySchema ontology
describes describes
Comprehensive Information Base (CIB)
2. Step: Data integration
and consolidation
1. Step: Current data selection
Local Schema
Global Schema
Figure 3: Schematic representation of the CIB.
For testing purposes, the integration tool
currently employs PlantXML files, which is a data
exchange format realized via XML files that comply
with a company-internal standard schema.
PlantXML is the existing in-house solution for the
information exchange between application tools
which has been implemented by the engineering
department of our project partner Evonik Degussa
(Anhäuser et al., 2004): PlantXML defines specific
XML schemata for the different phases and crafts of
a design project: XML-EQP for the design of
machines and apparatuses, XML-EMR for the
design of instruments and control systems, XML-
RLT for piping engineering, and XML-SiAr for the
design of fittings and safety valves. However, the
novel integration tool is designed in such a way, that
it can process any data in the XML format as long as
it complies with an available XML schema.
In step (1), the relevant information items from
each of the scattered sources in terms of PlantXML
files must be identified, extracted, and assembled in
the CIB. PlantXML’s organization and structure is
accommodated to the project designers’ workflow
and supports parallel and distributed workmanship
according to the complex workflow of a design
project, e.g. split of work, concurrent engineering,
and distributed engineering. Correspondingly, in the
course of a project several instances of the different
PlantXML schema are generated. In other words,
different versions of identical real world items exist.
Hence, no stringent versioning of the data items is
possible according to the complex workflow of
identical real world objects in different crafts. Thus,
a versioning of the data items is required, i.e., the
current information of each source has to be
determined. Furthermore, redundant information has
to be detected and rejected. At the end of step (1) the
designer may choose one of the two options: the pre-
processed data can either be reconverted to the
PlantXML format and thus be integrated in the
existing workflow, or one obtains a pre-processed
data set for further processing in step (2). Note that
step (1) is optional. Considering an alternative XML
data set with an existing versioning procedure, the
actual and relevant information may be extracted to
the CIB for a direct processing at step (2).
Step (2) performs the actual integration, which
essentially requires the merging of the current
information from each source and the check for
inconsistent information from the different sources.
For the latter, the global schema (domain ontology
based on OntoCAPE) established within the CIB
provides the necessary vocabulary in terms of
classes and relations, and defines the feasible
interrelations between the vocabulary terms. This
way, it can be checked if the semantic representation
of the merged information complies with the feasible
interrelations defined in the domain ontology. As a
result, potential design errors and inconsistencies
can be detected and reported to the designer. A
typical example for step (2) is given in Fig. 4, where
the connection of a vessel extracted from the XML-
EQP schema to a pipe taken from the XML-EMR
schema is validated against the domain ontology.
Equipment Pipe
has 0..n 0..2
<Nozzle id=„1">
<Nozzle id=„1">
Vessel_11 Pipe_23Nozzle_EQP_1
EQP_File_22 RLT_File_12
instantiation association
instantiation association
0..n 0..n
Vessel_EQP Nozzle_EQP
0..n 0..n
Figure 4: Application example of the CIB.
3.2 Implementation
The core of the implementation is the CIB as
mentioned before. Essentially, we intend to use
semantic technologies for the realization of the
prototypical software tool as far as possible.
An advantage of ontology-based systems over
conventional database technology is the possibility
to partially automate the information integration
process. The inference mechanism of deduction (i.e.
execution of production rules) is especially
applicable for this aim. Deduction is particularly
useful for merging and consolidating of distributed
information (Maier et al., 2003) and thus decided to
employ a deductive language (and a compatible
inference engine) for the integration tool.
However, some of the requirements on the CIB
might still be achieved more conveniently by
conventional database technologies. As an example
consider mass data which do not require a semantic
enrichment for consolidation purposes.
Thus, an implementation basis has to be chosen
which fulfils the requirements for both technologies
equally well. Accordingly, the development system
OntoStudio (OntoStudio, 2007), which has been
developed by the project partner ontoprise, serves as
the implementation basis. Unlike most other
ontology-based systems available today, OntoStudio
is scalable and thus suitable for processing of large
data as it is presumed in this project.
It relies on the deductive ontology language F-
Logic (Kifer et al., 1995), which allows the
definition of rules for integration and mapping
purposes, and the formulation of queries. These rules
represent declarative knowledge in the form “if A
then B”, where A and B are statements about the
extracted information expressed by means of
ontological terms. This approach is more intuitive
and less error-prone than conventional database
integration, especially in complex contexts with
many relations between the data objects (Maier et
al., 2003).
So far, the CIB has been tested against small to
medium size data quantities and has been able to
fulfill all requirements. However, in future tests the
complexity and amounts of real plant data will prove
the applicability for real world data in the chemical
industry. Therefore, the aforementioned ability to
combine conventional database and semantic
technologies in the CIB will be exploited.
This contribution reports on a current research
project at the authors’ institute that deals with the
development of a prototypical software tool for the
integration and reconciliation of distributed design
data like they are arising in a typical design project
in chemical engineering. Based on the existing
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
integration solution PlantXML, which provides
syntactic and structural homogeneous data sets
accomplished by means of XML, the tool
particularly aims at resolving semantic
heterogeneities between the distributed information
by defining an explicit representation of a data
source’s semantics by means of ontologies. To that
end, the prototype incorporates the formal ontology
OntoCAPE for the representation of the particular
domain knowledge. Ultimately, the tool will extract,
merge, and consolidate data from files in the
PlantXML format in order to create a comprehensive
information base (CIB). As a result, the further
processing in the CIB will provide a detection and
visualization of design errors.
The CIB, executing the information integration
and reconciliation, is implemented in the design
environment OntoStudio. The OntoCAPE ontology,
is represented in the deductive ontology language F-
Logic within OntoStudio.
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