Greg Timbrell
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP), Knowledge Management, Issues Study.
Abstract: A study of 27 ERP systems in the Queensland Government revealed 41 issues clustered into seven major
issue categories. Two of these categories described intra- and inter-organisational knowledge-related issues.
This paper describes and discusses the intra-organisational knowledge issues arising from this research.
These intra-organisational issues include insufficient knowledge in the user base, ineffective staff and
knowledge retention strategies, inadequate training method and management, inadequate helpdesk
knowledge resources, and finally, under-resourced helpdesk. When barriers arise in knowledge flows from
sources such as implementation partner staff, training materials, trainers, and help desk staff, issues such as
those reported in this paper arise in the ERP lifecycle.
This paper reports results from a Delphi Study of
major issues that arose during the deployment and
ongoing management of 27 Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) systems within the Queensland
Government, a state government of Australia.
In 1994, the Queensland Government selected
SAP R/3 to replace the existing, centrally managed,
mainframe-based, Dun & Bradstreet systems. Each
SAP implementation was managed separately,
employing different implementation partners (IPs),
the majority drawn from large consulting firms e.g.
Accenture. During the course of these
implementations, numerous issues arose, several of
them knowledge-related.
Although increasingly widespread, and despite
warnings in the literature (Boston Consulting Group,
2000), many organisations appear to underestimate
the issues and problems often encountered
throughout the ERP lifecycle. ERP lifecycle-wide
implementation, management, and support are
ongoing concerns. As the number of organisations
implementing ERP increases and ERP applications
within organisations proliferate (Bancroft et al.,
1998; Davenport, 1996; Hiquet et al., 1998; Shtub,
1999), improved understanding of ERP lifecycle
management issues is required so that
implementation, development, management, and
training resources can be allocated effectively
(Gable, 1998).
This paper concentrates on five intra-
organisational, knowledge-related, ERP lifecycle
issues. These five issues were initially identified
during the first round of a Three-round Delphi
process. A factor analysis of weights ascribed to
issues in the third Delphi round resulted in five
issues clustering within a single factor: Knowledge
required to support and run SAP was not managed
This study is unique because it built the list of
issues using inductive, data driven and holistic /
interpretive approaches. To date, there has been a
paucity of literature addressing knowledge-related
ERP lifecycle issues.
This paper will firstly describe the Delphi
method by which the issues were uncovered and the
factor analysis that grouped these five issues
Each of the five knowledge-related issues will
then be discussed individually. Finally, this paper
will summarise the knowledge-related findings from
this research programme.
The Delphi method, developed by the Rand
Corporation in the 1950s, is a data collection
Timbrell G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 226-231
DOI: 10.5220/0001694602260231
approach designed to structure group opinion and
discussion (Snyder-Halpern et al., 2000).
Mohapatra et al. (1984, p. 159) suggest that a
Delphi study is usually directed to four broad
categories of issues. These are: normative issues
such as goal setting; narrative issues such as
problem statements; predictive issues such as
forecasting occurrence of new events or point values
and trends of key parameters; and, suggestive issues
such as developing causal models and formulating
new policies. The category that this study falls into
is the ‘narrative issues such as problem statements’.
This Delphi-study consisted of three rounds.
Round-One sought to inventory issues. The central
question posed to the target respondents was “What
do you consider have been the major issues in
implementing, managing and/or supporting the
Enterprise System in [agency name]?” 432 surveys
were sent out and 130 were returned of which 112
from 15 clients and five implementation partner (IP)
organisations were usable. Respondents were also
classified as being either Strategic or Operational
staff. 708 raw issues were harvested from this
process. We next synthesised their responses into a
manageable, summary set of issues (initially 41)
using an open-coding approach.
In Round-Two, we validated our summary set of
issues. Each response from Round-One was mapped
to the summary set of issues and returned to each
respondent for confirmation of that mapping.
Following this confirmation round, the research
team held a workshop of senior ERP experts from
Queensland Government. Using Nominal Group
Technique, these experts refined the final set of (37)
summary issues. In Round-Three, respondents were
asked to score or weight the relative importance of
the summary issues using a Likert scale. We elicited
207 usable responses from the population for
Round-Three. Factor analysis was conducted to
identify the major issue categories.
The Delphi Method was deemed the appropriate
method to use because this was an empirical,
exploratory study to systematically identify,
rationalise and determine the relative importance of
ERP lifecycle issues.
The next section reports the list of major issues
categories resulting from the factor analysis. The
(equal) second issue, which describe the internally
focused knowledge issues, is discussed in this paper.
Table 1 lists the major issues arising from a factor
analysis of weights attributed to the 37 issues found
in the Delphi study.
Table 1: Resultant factors.
Major issue Category Rank Mean Std
Lack of organisation-wide
knowledge strategy reduces
1 4.92 1.87
Knowledge required to support
and run SAP was not managed
=2 4.30 2.02
Costs are too high or benefits
relative to costs are too low
=2 4.30 2.16
Customisation and systems
4 4.18 2.03
The SAP system is inadequate or
difficult to use
5 4.17 2.05
Poor management of the
implementation project and
6 4.17 2.11
Organisational restructuring
affected implementation effort
7 3.57 2.14
There are seven factors listed in Table 1 of which
the first two are knowledge-related. The first factor
“Lack of organisation-wide knowledge strategy
reduces benefits” refers to inter-organisational
knowledge issues. These issues are not discussed in
this paper. The second major issue category,
“Knowledge required to support and run SAP was
not managed effectively”, encompassing intra-
organisation knowledge issues, is further explored.
The five issues that clustered into this second
major issue category are: (1) Users do not have
sufficient SAP knowledge; (2) Staff/knowledge
retention strategies were ineffective; (3) The training
method or management was inadequate; (4) Help
desk SAP knowledge was inadequate; and, (5) The
help desk was under-resourced.
This major issue category predominantly
concerns knowledge management issues that are
internal to an organisation. The overall research
argues that ERP knowledge management
decisions/strategies taken early during the systems
lifecycle affect knowledge related decisions at later
points in the lifecycle e.g. if you outsource
implementation management to consultants without
properly constructed knowledge transfer
mechanisms in place, problems can occur in support
and upgrade phases (Timbrell et al., 2003).
Poorly targeted or inadequate training will lead
to a diminished staff knowledge base putting further
pressure on support and help desk staff.
The help desk is a central source of ERP
knowledge in an organisation. Because it is often the
last internal knowledge resource before seeking
(often expensive) outside assistance, insufficient
help desk knowledge can result in diminished ERP
performance and (possibly) reduced organisational
Even if an organisation has developed sufficient
ERP expertise within its staff and help desk during
an implementation, part of an enterprise knowledge
strategy must address retaining that expertise. Under
certain market conditions specific knowledge can
become scarce, thereby forcing up its price. This
major issue category includes issues that result from
a paucity of internal knowledge resources.
The following sections will discuss each of the
five issues in detail. The format of the discussion
will be as follows: firstly, a description of the issue
from the Round-Three survey is provided; secondly,
there is an example of a (Round-One) response from
which the issue category is derived; thirdly, there is
an example comment from a respondent from the
Round; this is followed by general discussion on the
issue; finally, some comments are made about the
different perspectives of responding cohorts –
Operational vs. Strategic Staff and Client vs. IP.
3.1 Users do not have Sufficient SAP
The respondents who rated this issue perceived that
For a variety of reasons users do not have
sufficient knowledge about the SAP system to run,
maintain or configure it properly”.
An example of a Round-One issue reported by a
[Client-Strategic] respondent in this category is:
System Knowledge - Not full knowledge of system
and its requirements and some were critical for
A comment made in Round-Three by a [Client-
Operational] respondent in the same department
noted: “General users – as with any system, some
users excel and some have ongoing difficulties,
while the majority learn enough to perform their
duties. User knowledge limited by the amount of
initiative or desire to understand the system.”
3.1.1 Discussion
This issue addresses users’ lack of knowledge of the
SAP system. The identification by respondents of a
lack of knowledge about the SAP applications
within the user community implies that greater
knowledge would enable the system to function
better and, subsequently, there would be greater
resultant benefits to the organisation. A Round-One
respondent noted that users were unaware of some
necessary critical functions in SAP that required
ongoing oversight. This is an example of
‘unconscious incompetence’ where a novice does
not realise they are making errors through lack of
knowledge (Howell, 1982).
This issue is the third highest ranked issue in the
study. Comments from Round-Three vary in their
reasons for the lack of SAP user knowledge. One
respondent blames the users themselves for not
exploring the software of their own accord. Another
suggests that the training was inadequate and yet
another blames this outcome on the reliance and role
of the IPs. This is an example of ‘finger pointing’:
one group blaming another for weaknesses, issues or
the non-realisation of benefits.
Operational vs. Strategic: Operational staff
ranked this issue as the second most important issue
overall with Strategic staff ranking it seventh. The
two cohorts generally agree on the importance of
this issue.
Client vs. IP: While Client staff ranked this issue
second, IP staff ranked it nineteenth. The mean of
Accenture’s and PWC’s rating was the same at 4.0,
below that of all the major agencies. The difference
in perception of this issue’s importance between
Client and IP could be illustrated by the IP’s
comment in the Round-Three survey (above) where
they note that the users’ knowledge is increasing
over time. In other words they could be suggesting
that this lack of knowledge will correct itself and
therefore is not an ongoing concern.
3.2 Staff/Knowledge Retention
Strategies were Ineffective
The respondents who rated this issue perceived that
“Staff (and their knowledge of SAP) were lost to
other organisations. The incentives and strategies to
retain them were inadequate” (Round-Three Survey
An example of a Round-One issue pertaining to
“Staff (and their knowledge of SAP) were lost to
other organisations” reported by a [Client-
Operational] respondent in this category is:
Knowledge drain - Implementation partners overly
responsible for configuration. Departure of
implementation partner meant departure of
specialist knowledge insufficient skill sharing. In
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
relation to: “The incentives and strategies to retain
them were inadequate”, a [Client-Strategic]
respondent reported: Retaining skilled staff
whenever in house staff are trained to a high level of
proficiency, the market place beckons as the salaries
paid in the commercial are higher than those on
offer in the public sector.
3.2.1 Discussion
The world-wide market for SAP R/3 was booming
in the mid to late 1990s and demand for staff was
very high. Vayo, a Queensland Government senior
ERP manager, reported that once they went ‘live’,
most Queensland Government departments
immediately lost their skilled staff.
Skilled and experienced SAP staff working in the
government could sometimes double their salaries
by moving into implementation partners or just
contracting to implementing organisations.
By 2000, most departmental implementations
had finished. The end of the implementations led to
a subsequent drop off in demand for SAP expertise.
Scores of consultants were made redundant and the
salary levels collapsed. SAP support staff were
now in plentiful supply but this development did not
necessarily solve the knowledge retention issue.
Following the Year 2000 ‘event’, agencies began
implementing the first round of SAP upgrades. In
come cases (e.g. Premiers), the extent and cost of
these major upgrades matched or exceeded the initial
implementation and management began to
appreciate the need to recall their lessons and
practices from these initial projects.
3.3 The Training Method or
Management was Inadequate
The respondents who rated this issue perceived that
“The quality and/or quantity of training was
unsatisfactory and did not prepare users and/or help
desk personnel adequately. Trainers did not have
sufficient experience in the software. The training
strategy was poorly executed. Training has not been
ongoing” (Round-Three Survey Instrument).
An example of a Round-One issue reported by a
[Client-Strategic] respondent in this category is:
Inadequate training of Implementation Team:
Agency resources should be given adequate pre-
implementation training and background knowledge
in the capability of SAP.
A comment made in Round-Three by a [IP-
Operational] respondent observed: Often to cut
costs, training is provided on a train the trainer
basis. The newly trained trainer may not follow
through properly.
3.3.1 Discussion
Training and updating employees in ERP knowledge
is a major challenge. ERP are complex and
employees not only have to absorb the technical
knowledge but also their new process
responsibilities (Bingi et al., 1999). Sumner (2000)
identified ‘insufficient training and re-skilling of the
IT workforce in new technology’ as a risk factor in
the systems implementation and maintenance phases
of an ERP system project. Markus et al. (2000)
noted common ERP training related problems such
as poor quality of training materials and cutting
training when the schedule gets tight. Both Bancroft
(1996) and Esteves and Pastor (2001) suggested
training users and the project team were critical
success factors for ERP success.
The training strategy for ERP implementations
commonly used in the Queensland Government is
‘train the trainer’. Outside experts and IPs provide
Client staff with training materials and guidance on
the training process. The client staff would then be
‘seeded’ back into the user environment to run
training courses and provide support. Ideally these
would be personnel who were familiar with the
business environment and had a sound grasp of the
system’s technical aspects. Unfortunately, market
forces attracted such people away to join consulting
firms, diluting the expertise in the training pool.
Under the old QGFMS regime (Dun &
Bradstreet) training was run centrally by FISB senior
consultants who had a strong grasp of the software
and practical experience in its application. In the
new SAP environ, FISB training staff were
relatively inexperienced in all aspects of the
application: support, implementation and operation.
Client vs. IP: Client staff ranked this issue at 9th
position in the top quartile while IP staff ranked this
issue at 23rd in the 3rd quartile. The difference in
rankings could be explained by the fact that IP staff
were responsible for the development of training
strategy, training materials and in some cases
delivery of training. Client staff, for the most part,
were the recipients of the training. They were
affected by the consequences of the training methods
and management and therefore more sensitive to this
Operational vs. Strategic: Operational staff
ranked this issue at 14th in the second quartile while
Strategic staff ranked this issue at 25th in the 3rd
quartile. Operational staff were more affected by the
consequences of the training, they being the
personnel who had to bear the frustration of
operating a system without the benefit of satisfactory
training. Strategic staff were more likely to be
‘information clients’ of the operational staff ie. the
recipients of reports generated by operational staff.
Chang (2002) reported similar outcomes in his
study as did Dhaheri (2002) in his study of Oracle
Financials in the Abu Dhabi government.
3.4 Help Desk SAP Knowledge was
The respondents who rated this issue perceived that
“Users AND/OR help desk personnel regard the
SAP knowledge of the help desk personnel to be
insufficient to meet the needs of help desk
customers. This issue relates to the quality of the
SAP knowledge of help desk personnel” (Round-
Three Survey Instrument).
An example of a Round-One issue reported by a
[Client-Operational] respondent in this category is:
Help Desk - At times it appears that the people who
are there to answer the questions are not able to as
they do not have a practical application of the
system ... A comment made in Round-Three by a
[Client-Operational] respondent observed: This was
due to the knowledge transfer from the subject
matter experts (SME) and the consultants to the
helpdesk staff being very inadequate.
3.4.1 Discussion
Help desks play a critical role in the support and
maintenance of ERP. The breaking up of ERP
support in the Queensland Government from a
largely centralised model to a predominantly
decentralised model had a large effect on the
structure and management of help desks.
Users were used to the three-tiered centralised
model of a local help desk, a central help desk in the
Treasury Department provided by senior personnel
with implementation and ongoing management
experience, and through Treasury, tertiary assistance
provided by the vendor. In the new de-centralised
environment, a two-tiered support system
eventuated. Staff in individual departments
provided tier-one support. Initially Treasury
provided tier-two support but this proved
unsatisfactory as they had not developed sufficient
capability to do so and this service was closed down.
Tier-three support came from SAP or IPs. Survey
respondents believed that the help desk staff were
under-trained or that continuous turnover of
contracted help desk staff diminished their capability
to support SAP.
Eventually, all the decentralised help desk
support for SAP was combined into one
organisation, CorpTech, in 2003. By 2007, this was
outsourced to IBM.
Strategic vs. Operational: Strategic staff ranked
this issue 28th in the 4th quartile of the rankings.
Operational staff ranked it higher at 20th place
probably because they were more affected by the
lack of knowledge in help desk staff. Unresolved
help desk queries usually result in ERP tasks not
being fulfilled often creating frustration amongst
operational staff.
3.5 The Help Desk was
The respondents who rated this issue perceived that
“This issue relates to the quantity of help desk
resources: particularly understaffing, lack of
responsiveness, lack of staff looking after systems or
knowledgeable help desk staff assigned to other
duties” (Round-Three Survey Instrument).
An example of a Round-One issue reported by a
[Client-Operational] respondent in this category is:
Resource allocation - Support unit under-resourced
– staffing insufficient to both maintain and enhance.
3.5.1 Discussion
It is difficult to predict the workload of help-desk
particularly with a new application. If the service
from help-desk personnel is slow, a user may
perceive the help-desk knowledge to be inadequate,
whereas the real problem is that there isn’t enough
staff to process help-desk inquiries. This issue
reflects a quantitative lack of resources rather than a
qualitative lack of knowledge resources.
Respondents ranked this issue quite low: 29th,
and so in the bottom quartile.
Client vs. IP: Client staff ranked this issue at
26th, slightly higher than IP staff who ranked it at
34th. Client staff would have been more affected by
the lack of resources in the help-desk explaining
their slightly higher ranking.
Strategic vs. Operational: Operational staff
ranked this issue at 25th, higher than Strategic staff
who ranked it at 35th.
The difference in both Client vs. IP rankings and
Strategic vs. Operational rankings is consistent with
the differences in the issue “Help Desk SAP
knowledge was inadequate”.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Like the previous major issue category, this category
illustrates the importance of knowledge management
to enterprise systems in organisations. Here, had
sufficient attention been paid by organisations to the
better management of knowledge, particularly in the
training and help desk functions, the above issues
may not have attracted the level of importance
recorded by respondents during Round-Three of the
modified Delphi study.
There are several knowledge sources addressed
in this major issue category. These knowledge
sources include: IP staff, training materials and
trainers, and other users and the help desk staff (both
internal and external). Knowledge flows from these
sources to the system users so they can effectively
operate the ERP for the benefit of the organisation.
When barriers arise between the sources and
recipients of ERP knowledge, issues such as those
described in this section arise.
The issues in this category also make a
distinction between the insufficient knowledge and
insufficient resources to distribute this knowledge.
Even when, for example, there is sufficient
knowledge in the help desk function to address
ongoing problems, there must also be sufficient
numbers of staff to handle the support load. This
distinction has not been made in prior studies.
ERP lifecycle knowledge-related issues account
for the top categories in this major issues study,
outranking other, sometimes more prevalent and
commonly found issues, listed in the lower ranked
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