Modeling Environments with Ubiquitous Computing
Caio Stein D’Agostini and Patricia Vilain
Departamento de Informtica e Estatstica, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Caixa Postal 476 – 88.040-900, Florianpolis, SC, Brazil
Ubiquitous, pervasive, modeling, context.
When different devices and applications start to work with one another, physical and behavioral aspects from
the environment have to be taken into account when designing a system. It is impractical, if not impossible, to
list all possible devices, applications and new characteristics and behaviors that might emerge as result from
the autonomy of each part from the parts of the system, different data interpretation and self-organization
capability. In order to cope with this difficulty, this paper combines the contributions from different works as
a way to improve the modeling process of this type of computational environment.
The concept of ubiquitous computing was first devel-
oped by Mark Weiser in the year of 1988 (Weiser,
1994). The ideia is making tools invisible to user,
keeping the user’s focus on the task been done and
not on the tool. To make ubiquitous computing pos-
sible, the computers should be integrated into the real
world since the first stages of applications develop-
ment. Ubiquitous appllications should be capable to
use information about the current context to adapt
themselves. Those contexts are defined by informa-
tion that, if available, can alter the result of an action.
(Satyanarayanan, 2001) defines context information
as attributes that, when available, can be used to make
decisions without the need to interrupt the user fre-
The analysis and design methods and the model-
ing tools currently available are usually insufficient
to construct ubiquitous systems (Ingstrup, 2003).
This results on time consuming ad-hoc developments
(Sheng and Benatallah, 2005). To provide better de-
sign conditions, some aspects that need attention dur-
ing the modeling process are listed: physical and digi-
tal representantion of objects in the environment; rep-
resentation of spatial aspects (size, area, etc); identi-
fication of the information needed by each service;
capability to model how the system affects the en-
vironment and how the environment affects the sys-
tem; and the identification of emergent behavioue and
how to treat it. These items are explained in details in
(D’Agostini, 2007).
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 shows the proposed model, composed
of several other models. In Section 3, a case study is
presented. Finally, Section 4 highlights our conclu-
This section presents a short description of model pro-
posed. This model is named MARVIn (Portuguese for
’Model for Integrated Real/Virtual Environments’).
The model is not indended to be used by itself, as it
only provides some solutions to cover some specific
modeling aspects referring to ubiquitous computing
2.1 ContextUML: The Starting Point
Aiming to solve the problems presented in the previ-
ous section, works from different specific research ar-
eas were studied. The work that provided the greatest
contribution and a was used as the base for this work
was ContextUML (Sheng and Benatallah, 2005),
which provides a meta-model class diagram capable
of representing the dependency of an application to-
wards an specific context.
ContextUML explicitly separates the operations
of a service from the service, explicitly identi-
fies different relevant context information by con-
Stein D’Agostini C. and Vilain P. (2008).
MARVIN - Modeling Environments with Ubiquitous Computing.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 262-265
DOI: 10.5220/0001698502620265
text objects and binds objects (including services)
to these contexts, throught ContextAwarenessMech-
anisms (Sheng and Benatallah, 2005). This makes
possible, for example, to easily identify two services
that might interfere with the other’s functioning.
However, ContextUML does not covers aspects
such as physical aspects of the system, and some of
its contributions can be further extended with contri-
butions from other research projetc.
2.2 Extending ContextUML: Other
Complementary Works
From (May, 2003), we complemented ContextUML
(Sheng and Benatallah, 2005) with the notion of Tan-
gible Objects. These are objects that have a represen-
tation both on the physical world (its physical object)
and on the virtual/digital world (the application). The
interaction of the Tangible Objects in the system and
with the physical world is done throught the use of
Spatial Diagrams (Ingstrup, 2003). These diagrams
are maps featuring the location of relevant physical
and tangible objects in the environments, areas of cov-
erage (sensors coverage for example), etc.
While (Sheng and Benatallah, 2005) and (May,
2003) deal with the static views of the environment,
the aspects related to the dynamic views of the sys-
tems are left uncovered. These includes time re-
strictions, context evolution and changes on services’
availability, etc. Some contributions to cover the
dynamic aspects of the applications in the environ-
ment come from (Ingstrup, 2003) (Castro et al., 2006)
(Derntl and Hummel, 2005) (Chung and Nixon, 1995)
and (Damasceno et al., 2006). The goal when deal-
ing with the dynamics of the system, is not to model
all the different actions and situations that can be con-
templated for the system. Instead, the designer should
worry about the situations he or she considers that
should not happen. We take this approach because
we do not want to model all the different applications
in the environment, but how they can work togheter
and the results of those interactions.
These solutions are presented in seven steps, but
this does not imply the need to follow the same order-
ing. These steps are to be applied using the contribu-
tions from ContextUML, but considering some mod-
ifications on its metamodel in order to better model
the relation between services and operations. Figure
1 shows this new metamodel. The extensions made to
(Sheng and Benatallah, 2005) are in different color.
Each step presents one or some contribution from
related workd and how they contribute to solve the
limitations from their own solutions. To illustrate
each step, a case study was chosen.
CAObject CAMechanism
ContextBinding ContextTrigger
AtomicContext CompositeContext
1..* 0..*
0..* 1..*
0..* 1..*
Figure 1: MARVIn’s metamodel.
This application is supposed to locate the addressee’s
location for a message so it can be forwarded to the
instant messenger client application closer to the user
at the time. By keeping track of the user’s location,
there is no need for the user to log-in and logout of a
client application everytime it moves around the envi-
The example application is constructed coordinat-
ing the following type of services available in the en-
vironment: a Client application that acts as an inter-
face to the user; a Message Router capable os storing
a message and forwarding to the addressee once its
location is known; a Locator service capable of pro-
viding a target’s location; and Authenticator service
so user’s can gain access to the other services; an En-
trance service which keeps track of users entering and
leaving the environment.
All this services can are independent (their imple-
mentation) from the others, but they need to share in-
formation among them to work properly. On this sec-
tion the MARVIn’s steps are applied to model how
services and devices inside a research laboratory are
coordinated to provide an instant messenger applica-
tion. Note that the resources originally provided by
ContextUML (Sheng and Benatallah, 2005) are not
illustrated here.
1. Creation of a graph of goals for identifica-
tion of conflicting requirements and emergent
behaviours. The instant messenger application
modeled here is supposed to be precise, meaning
that messages sent to a user are supposed to be re-
ceived by the closest computer executing a client
MARVIN - Modeling Environments with Ubiquitous Computing
service at the time. But it is also supposed to be
cheap and easy to implement, meaning no expen-
sive or sophisticated sensors and devices are to be
used. Figure 2 shows how these goals relate.
Figure 2: Decomposed objectives to predict the system
behaviour in the presence of other services (D’Agostini,
2. Identification of all the objects (physical or vir-
tual) relevant to the application(s). Besides the
already cited services (client, router, locator, au-
thenticator and entrance), the instant messenger
application needs to know about the devices avail-
able to execute the client application. Those are
the desktop and personal computers. It also need
to know about the users (as real people).
3. Mapping the localization of all relevant ob-
jects. The router service needs information about
the computers’ placement in the room, as well
about the users’ location. These objects are tan-
gible objects, since they are relevant both in the
physical as in the digital world. Figure 3 shows
the mapping of the environment and identifies the
tangible objects.
Figure 3: Map of the environment with the instant messen-
ger application (D’Agostini, 2007).
4. Identification of the different contextual infor-
mation The messenger needs to know about lo-
cation, both of the users and the computers. It
also needs to know about the users’ current sta-
tus (logged-in or out), which informs if they are
present at the environment and authorized to use
the available services. Another information is re-
lated to the messages that are exchanged between
5. Grouping of the services and devices based on
their functionalities For this case study there is
only one type of each service (all computers have
the same client application, there is only one au-
thenticator service, etc), but to illustrate this step
it will be considered as if several types of location
and authentication related services where avail-
able, resulting in these scopes:
Authentication: Authentication service execut-
ing on the computers that uses logs-in and a
biometric device that identifies the users by
their fingerprints.
Location: Image tracking service, which tracks
the user through a camera and a bluetooth ser-
vice that detects the users’ cell-phones location.
6. Identification of possible system’s breakdowns
and strategies to deal with it. The breakdown
and propagation strategy identified for this ex-
ample are related to the provision of information
about location. Next, Figureetapa6 presentes a
brief description of a use case describing the mes-
sage routing, which depends on the location of the
addressee user.
>>Message Routing
1.Message is sent to a user in the room
2.Router requests the addresse’s location
3.The image tracking service receives the request
3A. The service locates the user (go to 4)
3B. The service can not locate because of poor
lighting conditions - BREAKDOWN - AlternativeLo-
cationProvider Strategy
4. ...
>>AlternativeLocationProvider Strategy
1.The location request is sent again, but for the
user’s cell-phone(bluetooth)
2.Awaits for answer
Figure 4: Decomposed objectives to predict the system
behaviour in the presence of other services (D’Agostini,
Figure 5 shows the breakdown and the propaga-
tion strategy relating to the service request.
7. Identify the time restrictions needed to ensure
the quality of the treated information and con-
sequently of the provided services. Finally, Fig-
ure 6 shows the dynamics of how one service co-
ordinates with the others and how this process af-
fects or is affected by the contextual information.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Service request, breakdown and propagation strat-
egy (D’Agostini, 2007).
User tries to enter
User moves
Sending messages
Receiving messages
User leaves
User can change
computer or logout
[usr.move==true && usr.wantsToToLeave==false]
Entrance exibts
Entrance gets id
and requests
Entrance warns
of exit
[answer==true && user.wantToEnter==true]
Figure 6: The relation between the actions and the contex-
tual information (D’Agostini, 2007).
From the works studied in order to write this pro-
posal it is easy to see that, while it is clear that tra-
ditional development techniques do not apply to com-
plex systems built based on distributed applications
and portable devices, there is a lack of development
Even if not presented here, comparisons between
different related works where done in (D’Agostini,
2007). Our proposal contributes by incorporating
contributions from the several of those related works,
covering both static and dinamic aspects of the appli-
cations, without the need for tools other than those
already available for a software designer or program-
mer. The work also focus on modeling the failures
and how to treat them, instead of trying to avoid them,
which is not always pratical.
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Organizational aspects of system analysis and designs.
Master’s thesis, University of Southern Denmark.
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MARVIN - Modeling Environments with Ubiquitous Computing