Capturing and using the User’s Context to Direct Semantic Search
Caio Stein D’Agostini, Renato Fileto, Mário Antônio Ribeiro Dantas and
Fernando Alvaro Ostuni Gauthier
Depto. de Informática e Estatística, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Caixa Postal 476
88.040-900, Florianópolis - SC, Brazil
Semantic web, context, personalization, user profile, semantic search.
One orthodox perspective of the semantic Web depends on establishing a unified representation of ontology
for an universe of discourse. However this expectation is unrealistic, because different people have different
views of the world, making it impossible to devise a unified knowledge view that satisfies everyone in certain
cases. One solution for this problem is to allow different users’ views of consensual knowledge formalized
in an ontology, and keep track of the mappings between these views and the underlying ontology. This work
proposes to collect context information from the users interactions with a semantic search system, in order to
gradually build individual users’ views mapped to an ontology. This approach allows the user to pose queries
based on keywords or his personal knowledge view. In addition, each personalized knowledge view captures
the preferences of a single, specific user, enabling the system to provide better search results, based on its
previous experience with that user.
Semantic search approaches (Mangold, 2007) try to
augment and improve searches on a set of resources
that are initially unknownto the user, by using ontolo-
gies and semantic annotations of the resources. Even
though there are several problems to be addressed
when dealing with semantic technologies, such as the
ontology creation and the semantic annotation pro-
cess, we chose to center the scope of this paper on
only one issue. The focus of our work is on how
to capture user’s contextual information and how to
employ it, along with a given ontology and resources
annotated according to its terms, to improve the pre-
cision, the coverage and the ranking of search results
for individual users.
The ontologies used to describe resources in the
semantic Web are potentially conflicting with partic-
ular users’ views of an universe of discourse. These
conflicts create a tension between individual users and
formal ontologies. The former wants to see and in-
teract with semantic Web systems according to their
particular views, while the latter tries to describe a do-
main in a standardized way. In order to alleviate this
tension, the systems’ appearance and behavior can
be customized according to particular users’ views
or, at least, the system must avoid forcing the user
to strictly comply to cumbersome ontologies, some-
times built by forcing consensus even when they are
developed for small groups of people. Nevertheless,
allowing different users’ views characterizes just the
stage of Semantic Coexistence in the Web (Naeve,
2005). In order to reach the stage of Semantic Col-
laboration (Naeve, 2005) it is also necessary to estab-
lish bridges between individual users’ views and stan-
dardized ontological descriptions (Park and Cheyer,
This paper reports the progress of an ongoing
study to create a personalized knowledge view for
each user mapped to a consensual ontology. The goal
is to provide individual tailored views of the knowl-
edge base, so that he can benefit from the systems’
use of ontologies and semantic annotations, without
the need to cope with their full extent and details.
These knowledge views are automatically created and
updated by capturing contextual information during
user interactions with the system, without additional
user’s effort. It alleviates the tension between individ-
ual users’ views and the consensual ontology. In addi-
tion, as the individual views capture the user’s context
and preferences, they enable the estimation of user in-
tentions in order to drive the disambiguation and se-
mantic extension of keyword-based searches for re-
sources annotated to a domain ontology.
Stein D’Agostini C., Fileto R., Antônio Ribeiro Dantas M. and Alvaro Ostuni Gauthier F. (2008).
CONTEXTUAL SEMANTIC SEARCH - Capturing and using the User’s Context to Direct Semantic Search.
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 154-159
DOI: 10.5220/0001706801540159
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents a definition of context relevant for the current
work and some proposals on how to represent and use
contexts. Section 3 presents our proposal to capture
the context corresponding to the users’ views and use
it to improve the search process. Section 4 describes
our representation of particular users’ views and their
mappings to an underlying ontology. Section 5 pro-
vides algorithms capture the users’ views and to use
it to drive the search process and potentially improve
the search results by infering the probable user inten-
tions. Finally, section 6 presents closing comments
and work left to be done or currently under develop-
Context has a broad set of definitions according to
how it is used. An appropriate definition for this work
is the one from (Mani and Sundaram, 2007), which
says that context is a dynamic subset of knowledge
that affects the communication between entities. For
information retrieval, context is a representation of a
user’s view of a domain. The context describes his
preferences according to this particular view of a do-
main. It affects how the user’s queries are interpreted
and processed.
(Challam et al., 2007) and (Sieg et al., 2007) use
ontological profiles to represent individual user con-
texts. In these profiles, the degree of interest of a user
for a subject is represented by a weight in the on-
tology term referring to that subject. These weights
are used to direct the searching algorithm (Sieg et al.,
2007) and to rank the retrieved results (Challam et al.,
2007). On both solutions the user’s behavior is mon-
itored. Information such as the websites visited by
the user can be used to update his profile. However,
this type of ontological profile only captures the in-
terest for terms, failing to capture relevant relations
between them.
(Michlmayr et al., 2007) uses publicly available
bookmarks, from sites such as
, to analyze
how users correlate words. Since bookmarks are cre-
ated at an specific time and stored for years, it is pos-
sible to create contextual profiles that reflects the user
context at different time periods. A weighted graph
is created by parsing all tags employed by the user to
describe his bookmarks. Each tag is represented by a
node in the graph, and every co-occurrence between
two tags in the annotation of the same bookmark con-
tributes to increase the weight of the edge between the
corresponding nodes. The edges with higher weights
are selected an user profile. This profile can be used to
expand search expressions with other words that are
probably also relevant to the user.
A similar graph structure is suggest by (Park and
Cheyer, 2006). However, this work separates the
users’ views, represented as topic maps, from the on-
tological description of a domain. The topic maps
are graphs where the nodes - called topics - repre-
sent subjects relevant to the users and the edges rep-
resent correlations between topics. The topics are
named according to the users’ views and are mapped
to the terms with corresponding names in the on-
tology. However, (Park and Cheyer, 2006) fails do
provide a detailed description of how to use these
topic maps. Several questions are left unanswered,
such as details of the topic maps structure (e.g., how
homonym topics are stored and differentiated), their
mapping to the ontology (e.g., how to know that dif-
ferent topics are synonyms), the criteria used to define
browsing options in a topic map (i.e, which correlated
topic is more important when there are several edges
leaving a topic) and the creation and maintenence of
topic maps.
The analysis of these works shows that there
are several alternatives to represent contextual in-
formation. The solution proposed in (Michlmayr
et al., 2007) individually represents the context from
different users, but with no relation with a com-
monly accepted ontology. However, the ideias from
(Michlmayr et al., 2007) might help to solve the is-
sues left in (Park and Cheyer, 2006), by providinge
suitable mappings between users’ views and ontolo-
This paper proposes to explicitly represent particular
users’ views of an universe of discourse and establish
mappings between each view and a consensual ontol-
ogy. It helps to alleviate the tension between partic-
ular users’ views and formal ontologies. In addition,
it enables the alignment of the search results with the
user’s context.
Example 1 (Keyword-search for São Paulo).
Consider a user who is travelling to Brazil by air-
plane. Suppose that he wants to learn about the
airport he is going to arrive. He is going to São
Paulo, which is a city, but this composite word
is also the name of a state and a soccer team,
among other entities. However, this foreign user does
CONTEXTUAL SEMANTIC SEARCH - Capturing and using the User’s Context to Direct Semantic Search
not have all this knowledge. Assume that the user sub-
mits a search for the keyword São Paulo and waits
for the results.
The first time the user poses a search, his con-
text is empty. Since the system cannot infer his in-
tentions, it checks the occurrences of São Paulo
in the ontology. The system returns pointers to re-
sources annotated with the keyword São Paulo,
grouped according to different concepts associated to
São Paulo, such as city, state and soccer
team, as shown in Figure 1.
Resources related to city(São Paulo)
Possible meanings for the keyword São Paulo
city(São Paulo)
state(São Paulo)
soccer team(São Paulo)
city(São Paulo), city
city(São Paulo), Guarulhos
city(São Paulo), airport, Guarulhos
Annotated to:
Figure 1: Results for a search for the keyword
São Paulo
The user selects only the results that, besides
city of São Paulo city(São Paulo), are
also related to airport or city(Guarulhos).
The system then updates the weighted topic map
representing the user’s context. In the next time
the user searches for São Paulo, the system em-
ploys the contextual information to elevate the rank
of resources annotated to city(São Paulo),
city(Guarulhos) and airport.
Note that the association of a keyword with a
specific concept and the respective instance from the
ontology (e.g.,
city(São Paulo)
provides a more
specific connotation for the keyword. The relevance
of a connotation in the user context enables the
disambiguation of future queries, and the relevance
of the associations of the keyword with the annotation
of the resources selected by the user enables means to
drive semantic expansion of future queries. To make
this context-driven search possible, there are some
problems that need to be addressed: How to formally
represent the user’s context aligned to the ontological
description of a universe of discourse; how to develop
algorithms to keep the context information up-to-date
with the continuously changing user’s view; how to
employ this information to improve search results.
The proposed solutions for these problems are
presented next.
Our contextual semantic search system follows the
three-layer architecture proposed by (D’Agostini
et al., 2007). Figure 2 illustrates this architecture.
Its layers are organized as follows:
Figure 2: Mapping between the user’s context and domain
Users’ Contextual Views (Weighted Topic
Maps): It maintains the users’ knowledge views.
These views are updated with information col-
lected from previous user’s interactions with the
system. Each user has his individual view. The
subjects of the views are indexed by their names
in order to speed up the retrieval algorithms.
Definitions (Ontology): It mantains the ontol-
ogy used to formally describe the universe of dis-
course and the non-intrusive annotations of re-
sources based on that ontology. The terms of the
ontology and the semantic annotation are also in-
dexed to speed up their retrieval. The resources
are considered to be already annotated
Content (Annotated Resources): This layer
refers to the stored content. It includes a repos-
itory of resources associated with ordered seman-
tic annotations to support their retrieval. A re-
source can be a data set, a corpus (e.g., a doc-
ument in a digital library) or a service (e.g., a re-
source in a computational grid), etc, depending on
the type of application.
We represent each user’s context by a weighted
topic map. A topic can refer to any subject and
has a name, properties and relations with other top-
ics (Garshol, 2004). Topic maps have been chosen to
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
describe the users’ contexts because they are human
readable and organize knowledge in a similar way as
people do (Novak and Gowin, 1984), while they can
still provide a formal and machine processable knowl-
edge representation. For the purpose of this work, a
topic map is represented as a graph TM(T, A), where
T is the set of topics representing subjects of interest
to the user and A is the set of associations which rep-
resent how the topics are correlated according to the
user’s view.
Each topic t T is tagged with the word employed
by the user to name the respective subject. Each topic
corresponds to only one term (concept or instance of
concept) formally described in the ontology. It is pos-
sible for two topics to have the same name, but they
must refer to different terms with the same name.
In Example 1, the keyword
São Paulo
an ambiguous search, since
São Paulo
is the name
of different subjects. To disambiguate searches, each
topic t T has a weight w [0, 1]. The sum of the
weights from all topics with the same name equals
1. The topic weights are assigned based on how
frequently the user referred to each topic (i.e., each
connotation of the same word) in the past. Associa-
tions also have weights. Each association a A has a
weight w [0, 1]. The sum of the weights from all as-
sociations departing from the same topic also equals
1. The weights of the associations express the like-
lihood that a user searching for one subject is (also
or instead) interested in another subject, as in Exam-
ple 1, where the user searches for
São Paulo
, when
he is in the airport located in the neighboring city of
The process of creating new topics and associa-
tions in the topic map, as well as keeping them aligned
to the underlying ontology is described next.
The topic map represents a user’s knowledge view.
It is created and updated based on the user’s feedback
over the returned results for each search he poses. The
system considers that the more frequently used topics
are more relevant to the user than the less frequently
used topics with the same name. This assumption al-
lows the system to disambiguate the searched key-
word. Since the searches are directed by the user’s
topic map, the topic map evolution and the search pro-
cess are dependent on each other. The same context-
search-context dependency happens at (Sieg et al.,
2007), where it is called the cold-start problem. This
dependency is broken by allowing searches to be per-
formed directly on the ontology.
That type of search happens when there is no in-
formation available in the topic map to infer the user’s
particular intentions for a keyword, the search for that
keyword is performed directly in the ontology. If
the system finds different connotations for that key-
word in the ontology, it presents them to the user,
and asks him to choose results related to particular
connotations. On the other hand, when the keyword
is already in the topic map, the system can use the
weights of topics referring to different connotations
of the keyword to make a ranked list of results. The
user’s choices over the returned results are used, in
both cases, to update his context. This process can be
repeated for each search or until enough contextual
information has been gathered.
5.1 Context Maintenance
The topic map evolves continuously at each search,
by adjusting the topic and association weights accord-
ing to the user choices over the search results. A
topic weight is increased when the term it refers to
is used to annotate a resource considered relevant by
the user. The weights of the associations are updated
according to the correlation between relevant topics.
The associations correlating the topics corresponding
to the terms used to annotate the selected results and
the topic corresponding to the relevant meaning of the
search keyword have their weights increased. The
higher the number of times a term is used to anno-
tate the chosen resources, the higher the weight of its
corresponding association with the keyword topic. If
the association does not exists, a new one is created.
This process is described in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 (Context Maintenance Algorithm).
1. The user checks the resources he considers relevant
2. For each topic checked by the user{
3. Increment the weight from the topic matching;}
4. For each resource checked by the user{
5. Increment the weights from the associations
between the topic corresponding to the keyword
and the topics corresponding to the terms used to
annotate the checked resources;}
6. Normalize the weights from topics and associations
to the interval [0,1];
The weights of topics and associations which are
not considered relevant in a search can be decayed, so
that feedbacks from recent searches have more influ-
ence in the weights than older ones. This procedure
can be used to reflect the temporal aspects of the con-
Consider the results from the search in Exam-
ple 1, in Figure 1. The user selected the resources
, which are annotated to
city(São Paulo)
. But
so is resource
, which was not checked by the
user. Also, both resources
are annotated
CONTEXTUAL SEMANTIC SEARCH - Capturing and using the User’s Context to Direct Semantic Search
Figure 3: Possible relevant result based on the user’s topic
is also annotated to the term
, to which none of the rejected resources are.
With this information the system can infer that, when
the user searched for
São Paulo
, he was interested
in the
, not in the
soccer team
. And
since the
annotation are the
ones which differs resources
from the re-
jected ones, it can be inferred that, by searching for
city(São Paulo)
, the user was actually searching
. Figure 3 shows the corre-
sponding created topic map and its mapping to the on-
tology. The correlation between
São Paulo
(the key-
word searched for) and
is stored by apply-
ing a weight 1.0 to a topic corresponding to
and creating an association between that topic
and the topic
. This association has as-
signed a weight of 0.66, since it correspond to 2 of
the 3 annotations characteristic to the selected re-
sources (2 x
and 1 x
). The topic
receives a lower weight, since
used less times than
to annotate the re-
sults checked by the user.
5.2 Contextual Semantic Search
During the search process, summarized in Algorithm
2, the weighted topic maps are used to direct the
search in the ontology. This directioning is done by
disambiguating keywords and expanding the search
to include other subjects the user relates to the subject
he is searching for, allowing the search to consider
the users particular view of how different elements
from a domain relate. Depending on the keywords
searched, three different situations might occur: the
searched keyword has a correspondence in the topic
map, meaning that there is context information avail-
able in the topic map to direct the search process; the
keyword has no correspondence in the topic map, but
there are terms in the ontology which are referred by
the keyword (the cold-start’ problem); the keyword
has no correspondence either on the topic map or at
the ontology and no results are returned. For all these
situations the search process described here considers
that the keyword received as parameter does not need
any type of processing. This means that steps such as
identifying if a search expression is either a compos-
ite word or two independent words have already been
Algorithm 2 (Search Algorithm).
1. The user inserts a search keyword;
2. For each keywork{
3. Look in the topic map for matching the keyword;
4. If system finds topic(s){
5. Disambiguate the topics using their weights;
6. Expand the search using the disambiguated
topic’s associations;
7. Identify the terms in the ontology corresponding
to the topics;
8. }else{
9. Look in the ontology for terms marching the
10. If system does not find term(s){
11. Ends search;
12. }else{
13. Identify those terms;} } }
14. Recover and list to the user the resources annotated
by the terms identified terms;
For the searches driven by the context informa-
tion, the first step is, if necessary, to disambiguate the
keyword. The disambiguation is done by selecting
the topics with the higher weight in the topic map,
since they are likely the ones the user is interested
at. After selecting a topic, it is necessary to verify
how the user correlates that topic with the others. For
this verification, the associations departing from the
selected topic are ordered according to their weights,
from higher to lower weights. The search is then ex-
panded, considering also the terms in the ontology re-
lated to the topics on the other end of those associa-
tions. This process is exemplified in Example 2 and
illustrated in Figure 3.
Example 2. Take the results from Example 1. Con-
sider that the user performed a new search for
São Paulo. Through the weight of the topics
named São Paulo the system can infer that the
user means city(São Paulo). By also consid-
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ering the weights from the associations originating
at the topic city(São Paulo), it can also be
inferred that he is most likely trying to find infor-
mation about Guarulhos and airport and not
about the city of São Paulo. This last inference is
only possible because of the association established
between city(São Paulo) and Guarulhos or
airport, which is not represented in the ontology,
only in the user’s topic map.
city(São Paulo), airport, Guarulhos
Other results for the keyword São Paulo
city(São Paulo), Guarulhos
city(São Paulo), city
Resources related to city(São Paulo)
Annotated to:
Annotated to:
Figure 4: Results from the search from Example 2.
The use of personalized knowledge views mapped
to an ontology reduce the tension between usability
and consensual knowledge and reach the
stage of the Web. This paper
presents a proposal to (i) gradually build the user’s
view and keep it updated, by gathering contextual
information from his interactions with a semantic
search system; (ii) represent the user’s context as a
weighted topic map, whose topics are connected to
specific connotations described in an ontology; (ii)
use these weighted topic maps to infer probable user
intentions, based on his previous choices, in order to
make a ranked list of search results tailored for the
specific user.
At the current stage, experiments are being
planned and the data necessary for them are being
collected. Thus, there are no experimental results
available yet. Nevertheless, many of the assumptions
made so far can be verified by experiments realized
in related works, such as (Challam et al., 2007), (Sieg
et al., 2007) and (Michlmayr et al., 2007).
Currently, the topic map representing a particular
user’s view only allows concepts and instances de-
scribed in the underlying ontology as topics. One
challenge is to find a trade-off between the level of in-
dependence given to the users to express their knowl-
edge views and the limitations and cost of the fa-
cilities to establish semantic bridges between these
views. Thus, allowing topics with no corresponding
term in the ontology and using these topics to evolve
the ontology is a theme for future work. The visual
presentation, browsing and edition of the users topic
map are also considered for future developments.
This work is supported by CNPq (grant
48139212007-6), CAPES and FEESC.
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CONTEXTUAL SEMANTIC SEARCH - Capturing and using the User’s Context to Direct Semantic Search