On other words, one can obtain AWV2 from AWV,
which satisfies the following properties.
1. For every general workflow diagram W, AWV2
can determine whether W is phenomena indepen-
dent or not.
2. If W is phenomena independent, then AWV2 re-
turns at least one counter-example of consistency
for life cycles of evidences of W if W is not con-
sistent for life cycles of evidences, and vise versa.
Especially, W is consistent for life cycles of evi-
dences if and only if AWV2 returns the empty list.
5.2 Related Work
The research of passback flows in this paper started
with an observation of workflow designers’ excep-
tional treatments of a special kind of flows, that we
call passback flows. So far as we know, there seems
to have been few researches of special kinds of flows
such as passback flows from the point of view of ver-
ification for workflow diagrams. For example, there
have been a lot of researches of verification of consis-
tency of structure of workflow diagrams (cf. (van der
Aalst, 1997), (Sadiq and Orlowska, 1997), (van der
Aalst, 1998), (Sadiq and Orlowska, 2000), (Verbeek
et al., 2001), (Lin et al., 2002), (van der Aalst et al.,
2002), (Kiepuszewski et al., 2003), (Liu and Kumar,
2005) or (Takaki et al., 2007a)). Moreover, there
also have been several researches of document-centric
workflow diagrams such as (Dourish et al., 2000)
(Botha and Eloff, 2001), (Krishnan et al., 2002) and
(Wang and Kumar, 2005). However, these researches
above do not consider exceptional flows such as pass-
back flows.
Over the last decade, there have been developed a
lot of workflow languages such as BPEL4WS (BPEL)
(Andrews et al., 2003), XPDL (Workflow Manage-
ment Coalition (WfMC), 2002), EPC (Keller et al.,
1992) and YAWL (van der Aalst and ter Hofstede,
2005). Our syntax is developed in order to describe
human workflows and it has a similar structure to
XPDL. The main difference between our syntax and
XPDL is that a workflow diagram in our syntax may
have multiple start nodes and end nodes.
Phenomena independence defined in Section 4.1
is a consistency property of structure of workflow dia-
grams, that is weaker than “correctness” of workflow
diagrams defined in (Sadiq and Orlowska, 2000) or
(van der Aalst et al., 2002). We use RAPF to trans-
late a general workflow diagram into acyclic work-
flow diagrams and to verify phenomena independence
of them by using algorithms in (Takaki et al., 2007a).
In order to clarify the properties of a cyclic workflow
diagram, in this paper, we give a definition of pass-
back flows in a workflow diagram and an algorithm
RAPF of removing all passback flows in a workflow
diagram. Furthermore, by using RAPF, we extend
definitions of trace graphs, phenomena independence
and consistency for life cycles of evidences over an
acyclic workflow diagram into those over a general
workflow diagram.
By virtue of RAPF and new definitions above, one
can obtain algorithms of abstracting trace graphs and
verifying phenomena independence and consistency
for life cycles of evidences over general workflow di-
agrams in the similar ways to those in (Takaki et al.,
2007b) and (Takaki et al., 2007b), and improve AWV
in the policy explained in Section 5.
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IEEE Computer Society Press.
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems